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Next Step PT: Is Back Pain Slowing You Down?

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Next Level Sports PT: Is Back Pain Slowing You Down?

performance & pediatric physical therapy. He is a certified Crossfit and Endurance Coach. Other cert

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Optimum: Is Back Pain Slowing You Down?

Low-Back-Pain-Fact-Sheet COUPON CORNER Lieonyourbackwithkneesbentand feethipdistanceapart.Place your

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Is Back Pain Slowing You Down?

PeakMotionPT FIND OUT IF YOU ARE MOVING LIKE YOU SHOULD Are You As Flexible As You Should Be? Perfor

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ProfessionalCare: Is Back Pain Slowing You Down?

NPTM . Also visit WE APPREC I ATE OUR PAT I ENTS! In honor of National Physica

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Rebound: Is Back Pain Slowing You Down?

EVANSTON Women's Basketball "I came to Rebound Fitness after tearing my ACL. I was very nervous abou

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RockyMountainPT: Is Back Pain Slowing You Down? PATIENT SUCCESS SPOTLIGHT Central Fort Collins Loveland – Orchards (970) 305-5070

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AgeWell Is Back Pain Slowing You Down

Low-Back-Pain- Fact-Sheet E X E R C I S E E S S E N T I A L S T

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ARI: Is Back Pain Slowing You Down?

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Physioworks. Is Back Pain Slowing You Down?

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PriorityPT Is Back Pain Slowing You Down?

3 cup brown sugar DIRECTIONS In a slow cooker, combine apple cider and cinnamon sticks. Wrap allspic

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Next Step PT: Is Back Pain Slowing You Down?

NEWSLETTER The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body


I wanted to share with everyone an amazing experience I had recently - to not only do something I love (exercise) but to also honor a Long Island hero. Every year around Memorial Day most CrossFit gyms have their members perform a special workout to honor a fallen Navy SEAL. For those of you who are

The hero that we were honoring was Michael Murphy, who was from Long Island. He was a Navy Seal killed in action. Many of you may have heard of him as he was one of the Seals in the book and now movie “Lone Survivor”. The story is about 4 SEALs who were ambushed in Afghanistan while looking for a Taliban leader. Only one of the four SEALS survived and unfortunately Michael Murphy was killed. As a SEAL, Michael trained very vigorously, keeping his fitness in top shape. One thing that he would do every week was a particularly difficult workout. He would run a mile, then do 100 pull-ups, 200 pushups, 300 squats, and then run another mile. (continued inside)

By Chris Ostling PT, DPT

unfamiliar with CrossFit, it is a type of gym that has group classes throughout the day. Everyone does the workout of the day for that specific day. The workouts are constantly varied each day and are done at a high intensity. It’s a great workout!

INSIDE : • My “Murph” Moment

• Patient Success Spotlight • What’s New?

• The 4-Minute Roadmap to Relief for Stenosis

NEWSLETTER The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body MY “MURPH” MOMENT. KEEPING A PROMISE


• Wrist / Hand Pain • Wellness / Balance Problems • Ankle / Foot Pain

• Knee Pain • Sports Injuries • Shoulder Pain

• Physical Therapy • Low Back Pain • Neck Pain

I tried to make up some time during the squats but my gas tank was just about on empty. It was during my squats when I realized I probably wasn’t going to reach my goal. After 300 squats I could barely bend my legs as I went outside to run my final mile. I had a little over 8 minutes left to reaching my goal and I knew that there was no way I could run that last mile in that time - I did mention that I couldn’t bend my knees right?. That last mile was the worst...and the best part of the whole experience. I was feeling a little deflated with the realization that I would not finish under 60 minutes. My legs and lungs were so exhausted that I had to basically walk the first few hundred feet and then once I started a slight jog I had to stop and walk 2-3 times after a minute or so of jogging. I was about halfway done with the mile when I started thinking about the kind of physically demanding things that Michael Murphy must have done both in his training and during his final confrontation. Surely my own exhaustion must have paled in comparison to what he’d been through. I decided that even though I would not finish in the time I wanted I could still honor “Murph” by making a small promise right now...and keep it. I promised that I would run the rest of the mile without stopping again. And that’s what I did. I finished in 63 minutes...and I felt really good keeping that promise to Michael Murphy.

(continued from outside) If that’s not enough to make you sweat just reading this, I forgot to mention that he did this with full body armor on. He finished these workouts in under 45 minutes. Most CrossFit gyms now do a workout called “Murph”- which is the same workout named after the SEAL. Twenty pound vest included to mimic body armor. I had never done the workout - truthfully I was always a little scared of trying. I decided this year to give it a try - without the vest. What an experience! I had done a little bit of training specifically to get ready for “Murph” and I had tried to guess about how long it would take me to finish it. My goal was to try to finish in under 60 minutes. It was the first Saturday in June and it was one of the first hot days we’d had yet. I remember pacing myself during the first mile so I wouldn’t be too tired. I did really well on the pullups - and was ahead of my time to beat, but in hindsight I think I did them too fast. It was the push-ups that killed me! I remember getting to 100 and being wiped out. Then thinking to myself that I was only half way done.


If you do, then you may have Stenosis. Follow this simple, easy to use 4-Minute Roadmap to heal your stenosis quickly and naturally. What Is Stenosis? With age and injuries, the space between the bones in our back decreases. This is one of the reasons we shrink or may lose an inch or so as we become older. With the decreased space, nerves in the lower back may become pinched causing pain in the lower back and possibly down the legs.Stenosis may also be called “Arthritis” or your doctor may call it “Degenerative Disc Disease”. What Can I Do About My Stenosis? There are many available treatments for stenosis – and to select the right treatment for the cause of your stenosis can be confusing and frustrating. After helping thousands of people here in Central PA with stenosis, this is the proven guide we use: 1.Exercise 2.Hands-on Physical Therapy 3.Medications 4.Injections 5.Surgery. How Does This Work? The Rule with this system is “only move on to the next step after the previous treatment has failed.”So don’t take medication (Step #3) until first you have done the right exercises for stenosis (#1) and hands-on therapy (#2) with an expert Physical Therapist who specializes in stenosis. This model is used by the healthiest group of people in the world.A similar system was mentioned in The #1 New York Times Best Seller “The 4 Hour Body.”This may not be for everyone…only people who are focused on being as healthy as they possibly can be. • Do you have back pain or leg pain with standing or walking? • Do you have 50 or more candles on your birthday cake? • Do you need to sit down for a minute for the pain to go away? • Do You Suffer With Pain, Numbness, Tingling or Heaviness in One or Both of Your Legs?”

It Seems Like There Are A Ton of Back Exercises, So Which Exercise Should I Do? The #1 Easiest Exercise to do for Stenosis is: Double Knees To Chest. How to Do It: Lay on your back and pull both knees up into your chest (see picture). When Do I Call a Physical Therapist? Do this exercise for the next 7 days, every morning before you get out of bed AND any time you have pain in your back. Call us at (516) 681-8070 if: 1.Your pain and symptoms do not change. 2.Your pain gets worse with this exercise. 3.You feel a little better with the exercise, but it’s still there. Some people will heal quickly with this simple exercise.Others will need to take it to the next step. If you have more pain or your pain is unchanged, call us at (516) 681-8070 to schedule an appointment. Your Therapist will complete a thorough examination to determine the cause of your back and leg pain and guide you on the Road to Relief. Committed to You feeling better and moving better. - Chris Ostling PT, DPT

I’ve attached a FREE Screening coupon to this newsletter…

PS – If at any time, you need an appointment, call us at (516) 681-8070 to schedule an appointment.

PPS – Not sure if you have “Stenosis”? And want to find out what’s causing your lower back or leg pain? You can call in and schedule a Free Screening to see What’s Causing Your Pain and What Successful Treatment Looks Like For You. Offer expires 8/30/18. Limited to first 15 callers.

CALL TODAY! (516) 681-8070

Patient Success Spotlight

What’s New?

Junesaw the launchofour revampednewsletter.Wanted to thankeveryone for all of your wonderful comments. It’s great to know that you guys read it and actually liked it. I was told the Sciatica article was very helpful and judging by the number of people who came in for the free screen I would say we were able to help straighten out a lot of issues with Sciatica last month. Our pleasure to help so don’t be shy about taking advantage of any of our offers to help. If you’re having a problem please let us know. Congratulations to Jane - who won our June miss-spelled word contest. July looks to be an exciting moth for us as we anxiously await our first physical therapy doctoral student of theyear - Katie. I know Katiepersonally and we are both really excited to get started. We are also seeing a lot of people coming in for Wellness visits recently, mostly for advice on starting up fitness or walking programs. It must be the nice weather that finally arrived - and that’s great to see people getting motivated to go out and use exercise to become healthier and more fit. Awesome job!

I want to thank Dr. Chris for all his work in helping me. “After retiring in January I started developing back pain that ran down and across my hip. I am happy to say that after physical therapy I am back on my feet and doing well. I can now golf without pain... even shot my lowest golf score ever - shooting an 80 last week. I want to thank Dr. Chris for all his work in helping me.”

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M.D. D.R. W.M. T.R. S.G.

S.R. E.L. D.G.



131 W Old Country Rd Hicksville, NY 11801


Call to schedule. Expires 08-30-18

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