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Strategic Plan Implementation Update

expand existing systems or solutions that aid investigations, improves operations, or increases >Pag

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Momentum Strategic Plan Draft


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Strategic Plan Progress Report

Detectives (Team Lead- ers) and a Sergeant. The primary purpose of the team is to reduce the hazards

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Spring ISD Strategic Plan


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APEGA Strategic Plan


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Strategic Plan Implementation Update

expand existing systems or solutions that aid investigations, improves operations, or increases >Pag

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NMHC Strategic Plan with Action Plan

Billing Rose Muhammad, RN- Nursing Supervisor Tyeisha Moton- Case Manager Octavius Ivy, Chairperson

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Strategic Plan Implementation Update - FWPD

expand existing systems or solutions that aid investigations, improves operations, or increases >Pag

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Strategic Technology Plan - 2019-2024

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St. Gerard House Strategic Plan 2023 [PUBLIC]

St. Gerard House Strategic Plan 2023 [PUBLIC] Strategic Plan 2021-2023 Leadership Message We are hon

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strat plan: advertising & marketing

Fort Myers Beach: Advertising & Marketing Plan. The typical strategic plan as developed by NOISE in partnership with our clients is typically a 60 to 90 day process that results in a multi-media, integrated communications program where all touchpoints are synchronized, harmonized and cumulative in their impact. Per your request, we present our outline for Strategic Plan: Advertising & Marketing here. PHASE ONE: BRAND CAMP | RESEARCH | PLANNING | DELIVERY OF PLAN As defined earlier in the NOISE Brand Realization 5.0 Process, our first efforts would involve Fort Myers Beach’s Brand Camp, at which time we would be meeting with a variety of internal ambassadors and external audiences, toward the understanding, identification and creation of a wholly-integrated annual multi-media plan. Elements of this and other strategic planning would involve:

« Brand Strengths and Weakness « Brand Opportunities « Target Audiences: Geographic, Demographic, Psychographic

« Target Audiences: Identification and Articulation of Various “Personas” (i.e. Active Millenials, etc.) « Baseline Brand Awareness, Across Each Audience Persona or in General: Quantitative, Qualitative or Both « Revenue Goals « Employment Goals « Economic Impact Goals « Fort Myers Beach Tourism: Opportunities for Improvement (Among Stakeholders, Members, etc.) « Media Plan Review « Analysis of Effectiveness of Co-op Advertising Program (If Existing)

« Analysis of Previous Media Plan Effectiveness « Comprehensive Review of Creative Assets « Comprehensive Review of Past Efforts: Successes, Failures, Marginals « Goals Identification for:

« Advertising Effectiveness (Print) « Advertising Effectiveness (Digital) « Advertising Effectiveness (Web)

« Advertising Effectiveness (E-Marketing) « Advertising Effectiveness (Video Marketing) « Advertising Effectiveness (Social) « Advertising Effectiveness (Public Relations) « Advertising Effectiveness (Events, Innovations, Others) « Render of Strategic Plan « Render of Strategic Plan Tactics, Timelines and Responsibilities « Render of Budget « Approved Methods of Reporting, Analytics, Metrics.

strat plan: advertising & marketing

Fort Myers Beach: Advertising & Marketing Plan.

PHASE TWO: ADVERTISING & MARKETING STRATEGIES & TACTICS Again, this effort is a partnership between NOISE and client. Per your request, our thoughts:

« Development of Creative Elements Based on Approved Plan, Which Could Include But Are Not Limited To: « Print Advertising « Digital Advertising (Banner, Rich Media, Other)

« E-Marketing Campaign - Past Performance Review of Lists, Opens, Clicks « E-Marketing Campaign – Internal List Marketing (Frequency TBD)

« E-Marketing Campaign – External List Marketing for New Prospects (Frequency TBD) « E-Marketing Campaign – High Value Promotions to Motivate Above New Prospects to Opt In « Outdoor or Out of Home Advertising (As Needed) « Literature Review, Recommendations and Recreation if Needed « Video Marketing Review, Recommendations and New or Updated Creative as Needed « Guestimonials Video Campaign (User Generated Content with Contest)

« Broadcast Advertising – Television (Dependent on Plan) « Broadcast Advertising – Radio (Dependent on Plan) « Niche Marketing Plans, Strategies and Tactics for (examples): « Young Adults « Families « Carefree Couples (Adults Without Children)

« Outdoor Enthusiasts « Adventure Enthusiasts « Athletic Organizations (Sports Marketing) « Meetings & Events « Weddings « Creatiion of Quarterly or Bi-Annual Print & Digital Magazine (See Attached Sample COASTE magazine) « VISIT FLORIDA Advertising Opportunities « VISIT FLORIDA Co-op Opportunities « Weekly Progress Reports Meetings (Telephone) « Monthly Metrics, Analytics and Reports

strat plan: pr and communications

Fort Myers Beach: PR and Communications Plan. The typical strategic plan as developed by NOISE in partnership with our clients is typically a 60 to 90 day process that results in a multi-media, integrated communications program where all touchpoints are synchronized, harmonized and cumulative in their impact. Per your request, we present our outline for Strategic Plan: Advertising & Marketing here. PHASE ONE: RESEARCH | PLANNING | DELIVERY OF PLAN As defined earlier in the NOISE Brand Realization 5.0 Process, our first efforts would involve Fort Myers Beach’s Brand Camp, at which time we would be meeting with a variety of internal ambassadors and external audiences, toward the understanding, identification and creation of a wholly-integrated annual multi-media plan. Elements of this and other strategic planning to affect public relations and communications are:

« Review of Past Performance (12 to 24 Months) « Review of Success Measurements « Review of Local, Regional, National and International Media Lists « Review of Media High Value Targets « Review of Annual Calendar of High Value Events, Promotions and Other Buzzworthy Items « Creation of Annual Strategic Plan With Tactics, Timelines, Assignments and Budget « Identification of Success Measurements With Plan

strat plan: pr and communications

Fort Myers Beach: PR & Communications Plan.


« Creation of 12-Month Calendar of News Releases, Minimum Five Per Month « Target Highest Profile Media Outlets for Unique, Creative, Attention-Getting Story Solicitations « Create or Assist Fort Myers Beach Staff with Weekly Blog Installment (Noticed Almost 8-Month Absence of Installments Until April 2017) « Creation of Minimum Four Fort Myers Beach Correspondents to Serve as Alternating Weekly Niche Target Bloggers for (example): « Young Adults « Families « Adventure Enthusiasts « Carefree Couples « Integrate Blogs Into Video Marketing, E-Marketing, Digital Magazine and Social Media « Identify, Solicit and Partner With Key Social Media Influencers that Reach Our Target Audiences « Create and Attempt to Place Fort Myers Beach Content on High Value Target Websites and Blogs « Review, Update or Create Crisis Communications Plan « Solicit and Assist with Media Fam Tours and Visiting Travel Writers, Sports Groups and Group Tour Operators « Solicit and Pitch North American Travel Writers Association (NOISE is a Member) « Assist with VISIT FLORIDA Media Fam Tours « Concept, Create and Stage PR Events Wherever Possible in Partnership with Fort Myers Beach Staff « Attend Meetings and Provide Reports as Outlined PHASE THREE: ANTICIPATED RESULTS The goal of the NOISE Strategic Plan is to at minimummeet all of your specific goals for each area, based on the measurables that you define, but more likely exceed each goal —resulting in outstanding inquiries, web traffic, brand awareness, brand engagement, brand affinity, bed tax collections and revenues.

Specific to the Public Relations and Communications Plan, NOISE will achieve a minimum of 502 articles or video placements clipped in fiscal year 2017-2018, along with any other goals as determined by strategic planning.


strat plan: web plan

Fort Myers Beach:Web Plan. The typical strategic plan as developed by NOISE in partnership with our clients is typically a 60 to 90 day process that results in a multi-media, integrated communications program where all touchpoints are synchronized, harmonized and cumulative in their impact. Per your request, we present our outline for Strategic Plan: Advertising & Marketing here. PHASE ONE: RESEARCH | PLANNING | DELIVERY OF PLAN As defined earlier in the NOISE Brand Realization 5.0 Process, our first efforts would involve Fort Myers Beach’s Brand Camp, at which time we would be meeting with a variety of internal ambassadors and external audiences, toward the understanding, identification and creation of a wholly-integrated annual multi-media plan. Elements of this and other strategic planning relative to the Strategic Web Plan are:

« Review of Past Performance (12-24 Months) Google Analytics Including « Unique Visitor Trends « Returning Visitor Trends « Time on Site Trends « Pageview Trends « Bounce Rate Trends « Entry and Exit Page Trends

« Referral Site Trends « Keyword Analysis « Search Engine Optimization Analysis « Site Speed Analysis « Content Analysis (What to Keep, What to Lose, What to Add) « Video Views Analysis « Organic Ranking Analysis « Review of Past Performance (12-24 Months) Adjunct Marketing and Advertising Including « Paid Search Performance « Retargeting Performance « TripAdvisor Performance « Digital Advertising Performance « Review of E-Marketing Campaigns Performance « Opens, Clicks, Landing Pages « List Optimization « Based on Plan, Identify New Site Needs, Overall Strategy, Niche Strategies « Identify Strategic Plan for Creation, Build, Test, Implementation, Launch and Budget « Identification of Success Measurements With Plan

strat plan: web plan

Fort Myers Beach:Web Plan.


« Home Page Includes Full Page Autoplay Video Clips of Various Fort Myers Beach Experiences and Adventures « Theme Can Address a Variety of Markets, Audiences, Passions, Events, Fun and More « Content Will Include

« Adventures (Parks, Recreation, Outdoor Activities) « Entertainment (Dining, Nightlife, Concerts, Events) « Attractions (Area and Regional Attractions) « Sports (Sports Marketing Information) « Meetings (Meetings, Events, Weddings Information) « Trip Planner « Detailed Map of Fort Myers Beach « Itineraries « Deals « Highlighted Events « Bloggers With Experiential Video

« Digital Visitor’s Guide « Visitor’s Guide Request « Video Gallery « Media Center « Social Links « Contact « Search Engine Optimization « SSL Certificate

« Additional Strategies Include

« Paid Search Marketing Campaign « Retargeting Campaign « TripAdvisor Marketing « User Experience Testing « Monthly Analytics and Trends Reporting « Adjustments When Necessary Within 24 Hours « Twice-Annual “Scrub” of Site

strat plan: social media plan

Fort Myers Beach: Social Media Plan. The typical strategic plan as developed by NOISE in partnership with our clients is typically a 60 to 90 day process that results in a multi-media, integrated communications program where all touchpoints are synchronized, harmonized and cumulative in their impact. Per your request, we present our outline for Strategic Plan: Advertising & Marketing here. PHASE ONE: RESEARCH | PLANNING | DELIVERY OF PLAN As defined earlier in the NOISE Brand Realization 5.0 Process, our first efforts would involve Fort Myers Beach’s Brand Camp, at which time we would be meeting with a variety of internal ambassadors and external audiences, toward the understanding, identification and creation of a wholly-integrated annual multi-media plan. Elements of this and other strategic planning to affect public relations and communications are:

« Review All Current Social Media Communities « Review All Current Social Performance and Trends Over Past 12-24 Months « Measure Total Impressions, Engagements, Shares « Create Annual Social Media Plan, Timeline, Responsibilities and Budget


« Identify Strategies, Tactics, Promotions, Contests and Other Engagements to Attract Followers « Create a Strategic Approach to Various Social Community Posts Including « Direct Traffic to Website « Encouragement Engagement, Commentary and Shares « Promote Marketing Elements Such As E-Blasts, Experiential Videos, “Onward” Bloggers « Post “Fun” Topics Meant to Entertain « Create Graphics That Reflect Any New Campaign—Broad or Specific—for Fort Myers Beach « Initiate “Guestimonials” Video Testimonial Campaign and Contest to Increase Followers and E->Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14

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