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Novel Student - Training & Business Standards Manager

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Novel Student - Property Manager

or operations in the student housing or residential property management industry. • Strong people ma

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Novel Student - Property Manager

or operations in the student housing or residential property management industry. • Strong people ma

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Novel Student - Assistant Property Manager

or leas i ng i n the student hous i ng or res ident ial proper t y management i ndust r

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Novel Student - Leasing & Marketing Manager

Novel Student provide best-in-class experiences for student residents living in our communities. We

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Novel Student - Leasing & Marketing Manager

Novel Student provide best-in-class experiences for student residents living in our communities. We

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UPP - Business Standards Manager

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UCL - Business Standards Manager

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meetings wellprepared to discuss performance. • Be agile and quick to respond to the shift in leasin

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Novel Student - Training & Business Standards Manager

Training & Bus iness Standards Manager Candidate Informat ion Pack

We are seek i ng an exper ienced and dr i ven , Trai n i ng & Bus i ness Standards Manager, to suppor t our Novel Student por t fol io across the UK . Th i s newl y created role represents a un ique oppor tun i t y to joi n the proper t y management team of a leadi ng developer and operator of purpose-bu i l t student accommodat ion i n the US, Lat i n Amer i ca , and Europe. As Trai n i ng & Bus i ness Standards Manager, you wi l l be respons ible for ensur i ng cons i stency of serv i ce del i ver y i s ach ieved and best pract i ce i s dr i ven throughout the Novel Student por t fol io. Work i ng c losel y wi th the Regional Manager, you wi l l ensure adherence to cont ractual obl igat ions , and be respons ible for the development , implementat ion and mon i tor i ng of operat ional and bus i ness processes . Ensur i ng that exemplar y bus i ness standards and processes are mai ntai ned across the por t fol io, the Trai n i ng & Bus i ness Standards Manager wi l l be paramount to Novel Student del i ver i ng an except ional student exper ience. You wi l l be based on- s i te across the UK and t ravel wi l l be requ i red for approx imatel y 80% of the t ime. CA and Novel Student prov ide best- i n-c lass exper iences for student res idents l i v i ng i n our commun i t ies . We do th i s by put t i ng people f i rst—both our res idents and our employees . We bel ieve i n i nvest i ng i n our people through superb t rai n i ng and suppor t , generous employee benef i ts and perks , and oppor tun i t ies for career advancement by growi ng throughout our por t fol io.

Your Mission

• Business Standards & Procedures

• Ul t imate respons ibi l i t y for the development and ongoi ng improvement of accommodat ion standards ( i nc l udi ng pol i c ies , procedures , and gu idance) to compl y wi th statutor y and legal requ i rements . • Developi ng and improv i ng new and ex i st i ng procedures , suppor t i ng Operat ions , IT serv i ces and relevant depar tments • Dr i v i ng a cons i stent serv i ce and ensure excel lent student exper ience.

• Training and Support to Site Staff

• Suppor t i ng ongoi ng i nduct ion , t rai n i ng , and competency of al l staf f wi th i n Novel Student , by ident i f y i ng and creat i ng new t rai n i ng and programmes . Th i s wi l l i nc l ude compl iance i n heal th & safet y and accommodat ion standards . • Trai n i ng s i te teams on proper t y management systems , i nc l udi ng the move to Yardi • Trai n i ng and mot i vat i ng an on-s i te team, mai ntai n i ng h igh employee morale, and leadi ng by example.

• Health & Safety and Compliance

• Mon i tor i ng compl iance to accommodat ion standards , i n con j unct ion wi th the Regional Manager. • Act as the operat ions safet y of f i cer and conduct commi t tee meet i ng wi th key members of the Operat ions Leadersh ip team. • Mai ntai n Heal th & Safet y knowledge and of fer adv i ce and gu idance to the operat ions teams . • Manage the accommodat ion depar tment r i sk regi ster. • To develop a robust cr i t i cal i nc ident pol i cy and s i te emergency procedures , i n con j unct ion wi th the Operat ions Leadersh ip team. • Prov idi ng repor ts to the Operat ions Leadersh ip team on Heal th & Safet y per formance and compl iance.

• Internal & External Audits

• Act as the representat i ve for external audi ts , i nc l udi ng ANUK Code of Pract i ce to ensure that s i tes are compl iant to requ i rements . • Conduct i ng accommodat ion depar tment i nternal audi ts and mon i tor i ng operat ions audi ts ; produc i ng audi t repor ts , agreei ng cor rect i ve and preventat i ve act ions wi th VP Operat ions , and mak i ng recommendat ions for improvement . • Repor t i ng to the Operat ions Leadersh ip team on al l non-conformances relat i ng to i nternal and external audi ts , and ensur i ng c lose-out wi th i n spec i f ied t imef rames .

• External Representat ion

• Act as a representat i ve at external events and conferences , updat i ng the team on new i n i t iat i ves and improvements . • Work wi th the Operat ions Leadersh ip team to rai se the prof i le of student accommodat ion and ways to prov ide more ef f i c ient ways of work i ng across our s i tes • To car r y out any related act ivi t ies as requi red by the bus iness.

• Your Track Record

• Prev ious exper ience wi th i n Purpose Bu i l t Student Accommodat ion i s des i rable • Proven exper ience i n a t rai n i ng role wi th i n the student hous i ng or res ident ial proper t y management i ndust r y • St rong people management exper ience and the abi l i t y to mot i vate a team • Excel lent customer serv i ce and res ident relat ions t rack record • Exper ience wi th Proper t y Management Sof tware, Yardi i s des i rable

• Your Style

• Energet i c , dr i ven , and enthus iast i c • Abi l i t y to j uggle mu l t iple projects at once

• Superb abi l i t y to commun i cate c lear l y and conc i sel y • Eagerness to prov ide best i n c lass res ident exper ience • Organ i zed and tech savvy

Our Promise

• A company cu l ture dr i ven by pioneer-th i nk i ng and talent • Fu l l -t ime and fu l l of fun chal lenges • 25 days hol iday • Heal thcare cash plan

• 5% pens ion cont r ibut ion , when matched • Di scounted bi ke ( cyc le to work scheme)

• Employee Ass i stance Program, prov idi ng counsel l i ng , coach i ng , suppor t and adv i ce on a range of l i fe i ssues ( legal , f i nanc ial , ch i ldcare, eldercare, wel lbei ng , and educat ion i ssues) • Mobi le Phone Al lowance • Annual Di scret ionar y bonus • Annual per formance and salar y rev iew • Def i ned Career Development plan

Application Process To ar range a conf ident ial conversat ion to di scuss the oppor tun i t y i n more depth , please contact

Hannah Sear le of The Management Recru i tment Group.

Appl i cat ions shou ld be sent to hannah .sear [email protected]. uk

Sunday 13th March 2022