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Now X June 2019

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2 cup of cooking liquid. Return pasta and veggies to pot. 3. In a large skillet, heat olive oil to m

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4-inch of oil over medium-high heat. Use a heaping tablespoon to drop batter into the hot pan, worki

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when you experience a ransomware attack. 1. Identify valuable >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 www.nowxc

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Now X June 2019



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EMAIL IS THE BIGGEST THREAT TO BUSINESS, SOWHY IS EVERYONE USING IT? FROM THE DESK OF Terri Today, email is the main communication tool for many businesses. It’s fast, cheap, and can save time by conveying one message to multiple people. The convenience of sending, receiving, and responding almost anywhere is invaluable in our world of instant gratification. In cybersecurity, though, email is a weak link and can be an organization’s main security target. Think of the vast amount of information transmitted daily: personal correspondence, tax documents, travel plans, financial transactions, and photos. Instances of spam, phishing, and malware have skyrocketed in recent years, and hackers are always searching for logins and passwords. What can you do? Utilize NowX’s proprietary tools to provide a layer of security. We work with you to educate employees, and we are here to remediate attacks. On the unlikely chance you haven’t yet armed yourself with our defense system, don’t wait!

The first great American road trip took place in 1903. It was accomplished by automobile enthusiast Horatio Nelson Jackson and former bicycle racer and gasoline engine mechanic Sewall Crocker. They started their trip in San Francisco and intended to finish in New York City; it was a 4,500-mile journey they bet $50 could be accomplished in under 90 days. THE FIRST AUTOMOBILE ROADTRIP A n A dventure F rom S an F rancisco to N ew Y ork `

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Four days prior to the start of his journey on May 23, Jackson found himself in the middle of an argument in San Francisco’s University Club. The debate was over whether the new automobiles that were steadily appearing in the city were better or worse than horse-drawn carriages. Many of the people involved spoke against the automobile for its unreliability, but Jackson disagreed. Thus the $50 wager was made. Despite the failure of all previous cross- country automobile trips, Jackson was determined to make a successful journey.

“Why It’s so Hard to Stop Cybercrime andWhat

With 22-year-old Crocker at his side, Jackson purchased a used 20-horsepower Winton touring car, which he named Vermont in tribute to his home state, for their epic journey.

You Can Do About It”

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... Cover story continued

They packed the car with camping gear and cooking supplies and were soon on their way.

In one instance, a cowboy lassoed Vermont and towed the car with his horse to a nearby town in Oregon. After traveling for 19 days, they arrived in Idaho. There, hoping to change their luck, Jackson purchased a bull terrier they named Bud. Bud drove with Jackson and Crocker, and they fitted him with goggles to protect his eyes from the dirt. While he probably didn’t improve their luck, Bud did travel with them for the rest of their journey. On day 46 of their trip, the trio finally found themselves back on the road after having to wait six days for parts and repairs outside of Rawlins, Wyoming. With more than half the country still ahead of them, they nevertheless maintained their optimism, which was largely fueled by the reception they received across America. Word of their trip spread throughout the country and many people from the towns and cities they passed through gathered THE LAST LEG

to see Vermont and the trio of travelers for themselves. Larger cities, such as Chicago, welcomed them with automobile dealers as well as city officials, and a convoy led them through the city of Cleveland. Vermont finally rolled into Manhattan, traveling down an empty Fifth Avenue at 4:30 a.m. on Sunday, July 26. The first cross-country automobile trip had been successful. Despite the delays they faced, their road trip only took them 63 days, 12 hours, and 30 minutes, leaving them with almost a month left of the 90-day bet. Unfortunately, the journey cost Jackson about $8,000. The trio became national celebrities, being featured in many of Winton’s advertisements and newspapers across the country. As for Jackson, tried and exhausted after his adventure, he pointed his car toward Vermont on July 30 and began the last part of his journey. The car only had enough life left in it to get Jackson home before its drive chain broke and moved no more.


One of the biggest problems the duo faced was the condition of the roads. While carriages were uncomfortable, they could handle the bumpy ride far better than an automobile. However, bumpy roads were far from the only problem they faced. Automobiles at that time were prone to frequent breakdowns, and Vermont was no exception. Fifteen miles outside of San Francisco, Jackson and Crocker experienced their first delay of many: a tire blowout. Making their way through Nevada and up toward Idaho, Jackson and Crocker experienced many more breakdowns and delays, including a clogged oil line, a broken clutch, wrong turns, and a gas tank leak. With every holdup they faced, the pair was forced to wait for supplies to be delivered by stagecoach or, if they were lucky enough, a friendly passerby to help them.

That Good Burn Fitness Equipment You Can Take With You While You Travel

SWIM GOGGLES Make your swimming routine more effective, and (literally) keep your eye on the prize, with a pair of swim goggles. Most goggles are small, and some even come with their own case. The key is to find a pair that fits your head well. Unlike resistance bands or sliders, which all function the same general way, an ineffective pair of goggles can leave you fidgeting with your gear more than actually working out. Try on a few pairs or read through the reviews before making your selection. You can feel the burn on vacation without getting a sunburn. Pack these lightweight tools in your carry-on and jet away on new adventures this summer.

Traveling is one of the best ways to stretch your comfort zone and make new memories — if only your fitness routine didn’t have to suffer for it. However, there are ways to feel a good burn, no matter where you travel. Pack the following equipment for your next vacation and never miss a workout. RESISTANCE BANDS Spend more time by the pool and less time working out on vacation when you double the effect of your squats with these rubber bands. Each band is a stretchable loop that you wear around both legs at once, and they’re conveniently compact and lightweight. (Pro tip: Wear your band just above your knees for the most resistance!) You can incorporate your bands into any workout, as the level

of resistance you choose with the band will impact the amount of work your muscles do. The best part about this equipment is that it packs a punch for your glutes, and it’s small enough to fit in a purse.

CORE SLIDERS Traveling is a great time to have a few

extra cheat meals, but you don’t want this indulgence to come at the expense of your core strength. While you’re on vacation, keep your gut strong with core sliders. These thin, round discs are placed under your hands or feet as you pull and push your limbs away from your body in a plank position. They are the perfect tool for when a crunch just isn’t enough or when you’d rather not lay on the hotel floor.

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Setting some time aside to be with family is important, but it can be difficult when everyone is always on their cellphones. Constant cellphone use has become a global problem, and the habit is hard to break because we rely on mobile devices heavily for work, school, and keeping in contact with friends and family. Luckily, there are plenty of apps that can reduce how often you’re on your phone and minimize distractions. SIEMPO After you install Siempo on your phone, it will ask which apps are likely to distract you. Once you select them, the app will move those apps away from the home screen and place the important ones, such as the messaging, contacts, email, and calendar apps, on the first screen. You can also designate times for specific apps to be used throughout the day. STAY FOCUSED Stay Focused is like Siempo, but there are some significant differences. You can set times to access certain apps and put the most distracting ones on lock. Stay Focused also has a “strict mode” that prevents you from uninstalling it, so be sure to think carefully before activating the lockdown because you won’t have access to those specific apps until the timer runs out. By Taking a Break From Your Phone Enjoy Your Family Time

your time is up, and it joins the other trees that were grown during other breaks. If you pick up your phone and try to access an app, Forest will send you a notification asking you if you want to kill your baby tree by giving up. Who says guilt isn’t a good motivator? BESIDES APPS Aside from using these apps, silencing your phone and putting it in another room, leaving it in your car if you’re out at dinner, or keeping it in your purse or back pocket during a social event can also reduce your screen time. Having your phone out of sight and out of reach will keep the temptation of pulling it out at bay.

FOREST In the time that Forest takes control of your device for a set time limit, the app starts growing a tree. Once the tree is fully grown,

Spending time with your family is crucial, and with these apps and tips, you’ll enjoy each other’s company without too many screen distractions.

Take a Break!

Inspired by Food & Wine Magazine


With Toasted Hazelnuts

With raw zucchini, toasted hazelnuts, and a robust Parmigiano-Reggiano, this early summer salad is a delight of different textures and flavors that will make a great side at your next cookout.


• • • • •

3 small zucchini (3/4 lb.) 1/2 tsp lemon zest, grated 3 tbsp fresh lemon juice 3 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil Salt and pepper, to taste

1/4 cup toasted hazelnuts, coarsely chopped Mint leaves, for garnish Parmesan cheese, preferably Parmigiano-Reggiano, for garnish

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1. Using a mandolin or very sharp knife, slice zucchini lengthwise into extremely thin, wide ribbons. 2. Arrange zucchini ribbons on a plate, sprinkle with lemon zest, and drizzle with juice.

3. Drizzle oil over zucchini, season with salt and pepper, and toss. 4. Scatter hazelnuts over the top, garnish with mint and cheese, and serve.

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391 E. Las Colinas Blvd. Suite 130 Irving, TX 75039 972-992-3456

INSIDE THIS ISSUE From the Desk of Terri PAGE 1 The First American Road Trip PAGE 1 Travel-Sized Fitness Equipment PAGE 2 Take a Break From Your Smartphone PAGE 3 Take a Break PAGE 3 Zucchini SaladWith Toasted Hazelnuts PAGE 3 A Few Dads Who Went Above And Beyond the Call of Duty PAGE 4 Kids often look up to their father as one of their greatest heroes. There are the long drives to sports tournaments, the late-night movies, and the sweets when Mom isn’t looking. We probably all have some reason to look up to our dad as one of our biggest influences. It’s Father’s Day this month, a special time of year when we take a moment to think about the sacrifices the father figures in our lives have made for us. Most dads are pretty great, but some go above and beyond the fatherly call of duty. Let’s take a look at some heroic dads who risked everything to keep their families safe. BRAD LEWIS: OVER THE LEDGE Life can change in a split second, and how you choose to react in a moment of peril can define your legacy forever. Few people know this as well as Brad Lewis. When Brad and his young son, Oscar, were deeply entrenched in an intense Nerf battle, he surely didn’t think the situation would turn as dangerous as it did. When a few darts missed his father and

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HEROIC DADS WHO DIDN’T BACK DOWN Being a Parent Isn’t Always a Walk in the Park

landed on the balcony, Oscar ran after them but soon found himself teetering on the balcony’s ledge, 12 feet above the ground. Thinking fast, Brad grabbed his son just before he fell over, both taking the plunge while protecting his son with his own body. Just as he’d intended, Brad absorbed most of the blow. While Oscar sustained serious wounds, his father’s injuries were more severe. Brad was left fighting for his life in the ICU, with severe fractures to his skull and vertebrae. Thankfully, Brad is expected to make a full recovery and has made serious strides since the accident. He and his son will live to play another day. GREG ALEXANDER: COULDN’T BEAR TO SEE HIS SON HURT While camping in Great Smoky Mountains National Park in June 2015, Greg Alexander awoke to the sound of a nightmare. The screams of his son intermingled with the roars

of an unknown assailant, beckoning Greg to his son’s tent. There, he found his son Gabriel being attacked by a bear. The bear had his son by the head and was dragging him away. Greg jumped on the bear’s back, desperately trying to take attention away from Gabriel. Amazingly, it worked, and in the end, the bear ran away. Gabriel was left with serious cuts to his head, but thanks to his dad’s heroism, the two were able to walk away from that campsite and back to their lives together. The important thing to remember is that you don’t have to take a leap of faith or fight a bear to be a hero in your family’s eyes. Just

be yourself, show some support, and do the best you can. Happy Father’s Day, everybody.

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