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NSLHD News December 3 2021

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Professor Meg Jardine and Professor Carol Pollock medication could reduce severe COVID-19 symptoms A

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intellectualdisability. NSLHDNEWS | ISSUE 16 | 3 SEPTEMBER 2021 6 fellowship to strengthen commercia

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Professor Ogle has welcomed the award, saying the book was a labour of love. “Those of us who work w

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NSLHD News December 6 2019 NORTHERN SYDNEY LOCAL HEALTH DISTRICT NSLHD Macquarie’s new mural A stunn

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Australians suffer from a chronic wound. They are a ‘hidden affliction’ that is alarmingly common an

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629569664 On the day, District Director of Allied Health Julia Capper announced the winners of the a

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3og2U4J. The NSLHD Executive Team has recently welcomed Associate Professor Chris Dennis to the role

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NSLHD and register using your email and the four digit company code 0721. If you have any questions

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NSLHD News December 3 2021


Main story Short blurb naidoc week celebrations Celebrations for NAIDOC Week returned to Northern Sydney Local Health District, after a COVID-19-enforced postponement earlier this year. Read more on Page 6-7 Read more on Page x

smileyscope distraction during vaccination Page 5

ryde hospital redevelopment forges ahead Page 3


Message from the board chair Trevor Danos AM

Our district recently held its 2021 Annual Public Meeting and I was thrilled to see so many of you tune in to hear just some of the achievements of the past 12 months. I was excited to confirm our commitment to our district transitioning to net zero emissions by 2035. It was also an enlightening panel discussion led by Dr Kate

the staff and the local community will benefit greatly from the $479 million redevelopment. Our district has changed remarkably during my time as Board Chair, and I am so delighted to see Ryde join Hornsby, Mona Vale and Royal North Shore hospitals with new and enhanced facilities. As another year draws to a close and we stop to pause and reflect on all we have achieved together, I would like to congratulate each and every one of you for playing such an integral role in our district. There is no doubt this year has thrown up an array of challenges for all of us, both professionally and personally, but what you have achieved this year is truly remarkable. Together we emerge stronger and ready for a more prosperous 2022. Stay safe, stay well and have a wonderful festive period.

Charlesworth on Planetary Health. I would like to thank panel members Heather Gough, Dr Matt Doane, Paul

Klarenaar and Joe Portelli for joining us, and for those members of the general public

who joined and asked questions. This week I had the great pleasure of attending the district’s NAIDOC

celebrations at Royal North Shore Hospital. NAIDOC Week is an important annual date on the calendar, and while we were unable to observe it in July due to lockdown, it was worth the wait. I would like to congratulate our Aboriginal Health Service for the wonderful events at RNSH, Ryde and Hornsby Hospitals and thank Koomurri and Kiris An Tharan, for entertaining those who attended the various events. This week the decision was made for Ryde Hospital to be redeveloped at its current site, and I am really excited to see the accelerated planning commence now the hospital’s location has been decided. The site is rich with history and I know

Trevor Danos AM Board Chair Northern Sydney Local Health District



Artist’s impression of the Ryde Hospital redevelopment

$479 MILLION RYDE HOSPITAL FORGES AHEAD In exciting news for staff and patients of Ryde Hospital, the existing hospital campus services to the area.” Mr Hazzard said that ties to Macquarie University will also be strengthened on campus. “The new Ryde Hospital and

provide a significant boost to future health services. “It is wonderful news and we can’t wait to see the new hospital take shape,” she said. “The redevelopment preserves the historic Denistone House and retains the investment in rehabilitation services at Graythwaithe.” The redevelopment team is calling for community members to join a Consumer Reference Group (CRG) to help shape the direction of the redevelopment. To submit an expression of interest to join the CRG and find out more information, visit https:// rydehospitalredevelopment.

will be transformed into a state-of-the-art facility with expanded and improved emergency care, critical care, community and outpatient services. Minister for Health and Medical Research Brad Hazzard and Member for Ryde Victor Dominello announced the existing site as most suitable after extensive consultation with hospital staff and the local community. “We’ve listened to our doctors, nurses and allied health professionals and the community on both options of the current site or Macquarie University,” Mr Dominello said. “Overwhelmingly, they all wanted to remain in Ryde and we are confident that this is the best way forward. “With the site now chosen, the local community is set to receive a huge boost to health services and we can now move forward in bringing first-class health

Macquarie University will work together in creating teaching and research opportunities alongside clinical placements,” Mr Hazzard said. The district, in partnership with Health Infrastructure, will now begin the next phase of consultation with clinicians, staff, patients, carers, consumers and the local community on the design of the new hospital. Ryde Hospital General Manager Heather Gough welcomed the announcement which will preserve the historic Denistone House but

Artist’s impression of the Ryde Hospital redevelopment



(Left to right): Manager Sterilising Services RNS/Ryde Sharon Woods, Chief Perfusionist, RNS Anaesthetic and Surgery Department Kieron Potger, Sterilising Technician Abey Stephen, Projects Engineer Ventia Group Barry Krause, and Floor Coordinator RNS Sterilising Services Froi Milan

New sterilisation room sets the standard A new dedicated facility at Royal North Shore Hospital for cleaning of heater cooler machines used in open heart surgery is earning universal praise. exposure and patients from infection risk. A Ministry of Health

extraction fans and separates the fumes from the rest of the unit, ensuring staff are not required to wear ventilator masks, and by moving the process into the sterilising department with sterilising technicians taking over the process, it relieves perfusion technicians and frees their capacity to assist with clinical activities.

mandate in response to an increase in infections linked to the machines required changes to cleaning protocols, including higher concentrations of cleaning fluid resulting in strong fumes requiring specific management to protect staff. The room has high level

The sterilisation department, working along with corporate services, hospital executive, infection prevention and control, and theatres created the purpose-built room which protects staff from chemical

Hornsby nurse to take off When registered nurse Stephanie Waldeback turned

anywhere in Australia with Virgin, as well as receiving a $500 Ampol fuel voucher. Lyn had nominated Steph, who is also a CWA volunteer, in the television show’s competition HealthCare Heroes. “If anyone deserves this, it is Steph,” Lyn said.

up for work in Hornsby Hospital’s emergency department (ED) recently, she thought it was an ordinary work day. But little did she know that her friends and family had been scheming in the background to throw her a surprise – live on television. Steph thought she was picking up some scones from her friend, Country Women’s Association (CWA) Hornsby branch president Lyn Braico, but as she walked out of the ED’s front doors she was greeted by television cameras. In an even bigger surprise, Steph was told by Channel 10’s Studio 10 that she was the lucky winner of flights

Steph Waldeback with her scones from Lyn Braico just before she is surprised on TV

idea. In shock, Steph said she was overwhelmed with the nomination. “I really don’t deserve this, but thank you,” she said. Steph said she might use her travel vouchers to fly to Western Australia or Tasmania with her husband Owen.

“She is so generous and she is always giving. She not only works in ED, but she cooks, bakes, makes chutneys and fundraises for farmers in need.” With the help of Steph’s husband and work colleagues, Lyn was able to have the TV crew secretly come to the hospital and surprise Steph who had no



Smileyscope distraction for children and adolescents during vaccination

A virtual reality device is assisting staff with administering the COVID-19 vaccination to young people with special needs at Royal North Shore Hospital. Known as the Smileyscope, the virtual reality headset takes the children on an underwater adventure, up to the stars, to the beach, or into a room with kittens to pat, and has been specifically designed to reduce patients’ pain and anxiety with procedures by reframing the procedure. Child Life Therapist Kerry introduced the Smileyscope to the Child and Adolescent Unit. “The team has been using it with children at the vaccination clinic and the feedback has been amazing,” she said. Part of Clinical Nurse Specialist 2 Jennifer Davis’ role is overseeing the Child and Adolescent Short Stay unit – where the COVID-19 vaccinations are taking place for young people with special needs. She said the idea of the clinic ‘is low stimulus and slow paced’ so that the kids can get the experience to suit their needs in order to have the vaccination. “We are seeing children with autism, intellectual delay, and severe needle phobia,” Jennifer said. “The idea is we try diversional therapy first, like Smileyscope, and then grade up as needed using different forms of sedation.” “The best thing about Smileyscope is that it brings kids to another world, so they can be removed from what’s going on.”

(Left to right): Marko’s mum Danijela. Marko with the Smileyscope and his sister Ines

For 16 year old Marko getting an injection has never been a pleasant experience. Marko has autism and is completely non-verbal. When the COVID-19 vaccination became available, Marko’s mum Danijela sought advice from his paediatrician Royal North Shore Hospital Senior Staff Specialist Dr Helen Young. “We were told Marko was best to come into the hospital for his COVID-19 vaccination,” Danijela said. Marko’s sister Ines said they were really stressed about taking Marko for his vaccine. “He’s terrified of needles and he’s a big boy now and physically resistant,” Ines said. “Last year four people were needed to hold him down so he could get his flu vaccine.” With the help of Smileyscope Danijela and Ines said the whole experience has been ‘beautiful’. “All the staff have been so calm and friendly and the

Smileyscope completely distracts and relaxes him,” Danijela said. “We realised once he’s relaxed the nurse needs to quickly go in with the vaccination.” Ines said Marko really loves the ocean so it was helpful to set the Smileyscope to the underwater adventure where he could see brightly coloured fish, ride a dolphin and watch a whale. “It’s also secure on the head, so Marko can’t easily take it off which really helps,” she said. Danijela said the second vaccination was even easier than the first. “The staff made this so much easier for us and were so understanding of Marko’s specific needs – and I can’t believe how well the Smileyscope works for him,” she said. “Now he is double vaccinated we are confident to go out again.”



Kiris An Tharan Dance Group

NAIDOC events draw a crowd Celebrations for NAIDOC Week returned to Northern Sydney Local Health District, after a COVID-19-enforced postponement earlier this year. Events at Ryde, Hornsby and Royal North Shore hospitals featured singing, dancing and giveaways as the Aboriginal Health Service put on a spectacular show at each site, with the help of Koomurri and the Kiris An Tharan Dance Group. At Ryde, the new yarning circle provided an ideal space for the celebrations, with an angophora tree planted in line with the theme of this year’s NAIDOC Week, ‘Heal Country’. Staff at Royal North Shore also had country front of mind, with those who attended able to claim a native sapling to plant at home. Meanwhile, the newly constructed Hornsby campus will be better off with numerous

native trees being planted at the site, as well as performances from Koomurri and Kiris An Tharan. Chief Executive Deb Willcox said it was wonderful to see so many staff members embrace NAIDOC Week and this year’s theme. “The theme of this year’s celebrations, Heal Country, was very apt considering the priorities of our health district,” she said. “Our district is committed to doing what it can to Heal Country, and I am incredibly proud of all of our staff, especially our Aboriginal Health team, for the work they are doing in this space.” At Mona Vale Hospital, plans for a yarning circle and mural continue to progress, offering another culturally relevant space for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in our district.

Smoking ceremony at RNSH



NAIDOC celebrations at Ryde Hospital with the opening of the yarning circle

NAIDOC celebrations at Hornsby Hospital



RNSH DOCTOR AWARDED NSW YOUNG AUSTRALIAN OF THE YEAR When he isn’t caring for patients at Royal North Shore Hospital, Dr Daniel are delivering to those who are experiencing homelessness and the vulnerable.

Nour is on the road trying to alleviate the barriers faced by the homeless community in accessing primary healthcare. In 2020 Daniel founded Street Side Medics – a not- for-profit, GP-led mobile medical service for people across NSW experiencing homelessness. The free service operates from a van fitted with the necessary equipment to provide primary healthcare services to homeless communities across multiple locations. Daniel has been formally recognised for his great contribution and has been awarded NSW Young Australian of the Year 2022 for his work to address the barriers keeping the homeless community away from healthcare services. “I am truly honoured to be awarded the NSW Young Australian of the Year for 2022,” he said. “I am so proud of Street Side Medics and the service we

“It truly does take a village and we simply wouldn’t be here without our amazing team and the many selfless and dedicated volunteers we have. “This award goes to you all - the true heroes!” There are now 220 volunteers at Street Side Medics who have helped more than 700 patients across four clinics in NSW. The team has also partnered with a number of medical subspecialties – cardiology, infectious diseases and gastroenterology, and allied health professionals – physiotherapists and podiatrists, who participate in clinics on a monthly basis. “There are 116,000 people experiencing homelessness in Australia alone,” Daniel said. “Our goal is to ensure that The pancreaticoduodenectomy is a complex procedure involving the removals of the head of the pancreas, the first part of the small intestine (duodenum), the gallbladder and the bile duct. Using an algorithm, medical ranking website Expertscape found Jas to be a leading scholar in the area, bestowing the rank of ‘expert’ on him. “This is an accolade for everyone – it may have my name on it, but this is the result of the efforts of many, many people,” he said.

NSW Young Australian of the Year 2022 - Dr Daniel Nour

we alleviate the barriers limiting access to healthcare thereby improving the health outcome for each and every one of them. “Our service needs to continue its expansion across

NSW and Australia.” To find out more or

volunteer with Street Side Medics, visit https://www.

Top expert acknowledged Royal North Shore Hospital pancreatic surgeon Dr

“Without the academics, the nursing staff, the allied health staff, the support staff like administration and cleaning, and the management – nothing would have been achieved.” Jas started working at Royal North Shore as a pancreatic surgeon in 2004, having previously been a fellow and registrar at the hospital during his initial years. He credits the publishing culture at the hospital as to why it leads the state in its pancreatic cancer and neuroendorcrine tumour outcomes.

Jas Samra has been named in the top one per cent of scholars on pancreaticoduodenectomy for the past ten years.

Dr Jas Samra



NORTH FOUNDATION CHRISTMAS APPEAL The NORTH Foundation has launched its annual

improvement in their knee pain over 12 months, the level of improvement was the same as for those in the placebo group. There were also no differences in the MRI scans across both groups. Kolling Institute and University of Sydney researcher, and RNSH clinician Professor David Hunter concedes the findings will disappoint some people who had hoped these injections would offer long- term relief. “With more than two million Australians affected by knee joint arthritis, there is clearly a need for new therapies to reduce symptoms and improve the structure of the knee,” he said. “Unfortunately, the particular treatment trialled in this study, whilst widely used and and our hospitals have kept serving the community – no matter what the health challenge has been.” This year the main signatory of the letter Deputy Director of the Intensive Care Unit at Royal North Shore Hospital and a Senior Intensive Care Specialist Dr Sarah Wesley, shares her experience as a frontline worker and talks about how staff have been quick to adapt and respond to the challenges. Sarah’s letter and the patient stories being shared as part of this year’s Christmas appeal can be read here: “This Christmas, we are hoping to raise $200,000 to support our hospitals and healthcare workers within NSLHD,” Gilbert said. “We cannot do this without

found platelet-rich plasma injections for osteoarthritis knee pain are no better than a placebo. This type of injection has become an increasingly popular form of treatment for knee joint arthritis, despite its prohibitive cost at around $2,000 per injection. Plasma from a patient’s own blood is injected directly into the joint in the hope it will reduce pain and improve joint cartilage. But a trial conducted by researchers from the universities of Sydney and Melbourne and Monash University has found that while participants who had the plasma injections did have a significant Christmas fundraising appeal to raise funds for Northern Sydney Local Health District. From now until the end of January 2022, the NORTH Foundation hopes to raise awareness around how continuing to provide high- quality patient care despite the challenges of COVID-19 has remained the highest priority for the district. NORTH Foundation Chief Executive Officer, Gilbert Lorquet said: “It’s important for people to know they can give back to their local hospital and we hope to spread the message that our healthcare staff are working harder than ever,” he said. “Throughout the last two years, the everyday healthcare needs of our community have continued

the support from our community, so help us share our message today.” The NORTH Foundation is also encouraging members of the community to leave a ‘message of thanks’ for healthcare workers or a special thanks to a particular nurse, doctor or other staff member here: https://bit. ly/3D4fdGP

Researchers reject plasma injections: osteoarthritis knee pain In what will be disappointing news for many, a large- scale clinical trial has typically expensive, appears to be ineffective.

“Our research however has added to our understanding of this type of treatment and will ensure the latest recommendations are backed by high-quality evidence. “Our current advice encourages people with knee osteoarthritis to adopt a consistent exercise program and lose weight if they are above a healthy weight range. “We know that by reducing your body weight by just 10 per cent, you can reduce your knee pain by a remarkable 50 per cent.” The research paper has been published in one of the world’s leading medical journals, the Journal of the American Medical Association.



An emergency performance by our doctors There hasn’t been a lot to sing about this year for our

emergency doctors and nurses who have been at the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. But that hasn’t stopped a group of emergency physicians who are also musicians when they aren’t saving lives. The ED Musos - short for emergency department musicians - came together via social media in March 2020. The group is made up of healthcare workers from emergency departments in Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and occasionally Ireland and the United States of America, plus some of their family and friends. Featuring some of NSLHD’s own ED musicians, the group was invited to perform recently at the NSW Australian of the Year ceremony at Luna Park with the performance streamed on ABC iView. RNSH paediatric ED fellow Dr Johann de Alwis was one of the performers who was on stage singing Better Be People Matter Employee Survey (PMES) with 31 per cent of Northern Sydney Local Health District staff participating in the survey, representative of 3620 people. The district achieved an engagement score of 68 per cent, meaning the level at which staff felt an emotional and intellectual connectedness to the organisation. Despite a year with many challenges, Chief Executive

RNSH’s Dr Johann De Alwis (second from left) and Hornsby Hospital’s Dr Clare Skinner (fourth from left)

Home Soon, by Crowded House as well as Australia’s national anthem, Advance Australia Fair. Impressed by the group’s performance of his band’s song, Crowded House’s Neil Finn thanked the ED musos on social media. ED Musos Executive Producer and Hornsby Hospital’s ED physician Dr Clare Skinner said the group was mostly a virtual choir and orchestra made up of singers, instrumentalists and dancers. “Some of the ED Musos are experienced performers

with music qualifications and professional experience. Others are beginners who are singing with a group for the first time,” she said. “Making music together has been an excellent way of staying connected with colleagues and friends during the pandemic. Creativity is a very important avenue for healthcare workers to maintain their wellbeing during stressful times.” You can check out all the ED Musos work on their YouTube channel: https://bit. ly/3p9uVve in this year’s survey are in the areas of customer service, risk and innovation and inclusion and diversity. A series of focus groups will be held early next year to seek input into actions that can be taken in areas for improvements. If staff want to get involved or find out more about team results, please contact local HR business partners. Visit the staff engagement intranet page here: https://

People Matter Employee Survey 2021 The results are in for the 2021 Deb Willcox was impressed with the results but said

there is still work to be done to ensure staff are engaged and satisfied, and feel heard. “Our staff are our greatest asset and we want to continue attracting the best talent so we can continue providing the best care to our community,” she said. “The executive team values staff feedback and we are committed to understanding the results in more detail.” Some of the standout results



Dr Ray Hollings Surgical Excellence Award With a career spanning more than 60 years at Royal North Shore Hospital, general and support consultant surgeons at RNSH to undertake quality improvement projects that

surgeon Dr Ray Hollings was passionate about providing high quality patient care. Supportive of driving innovation and improvement across surgery, Ray is proud today’s surgeons will be able to benefit from the inaugural Ray Hollings Surgical Excellence Award which has just opened to RNSH surgeons. The RNSH Surgical Education Research and Training (SERT) Institute is proud to open applications for the Ray Hollings Surgical Excellence Award, in recognition of the contribution Ray has made to surgery across the Northern Sydney Local Health District. The award is to encourage

drive innovation, and improve service delivery and patient care. Up to $10,000 will be offered each year to the successful award recipient. The successful recipient will need to demonstrate their project improves quality and safety of care, or was innovation for continuous improvement and transformational change. To apply for the Ray Hollings Surgical Excellence Award - visit Applications close Monday 13 December 2021. If you would like to discuss your application or you

Dr Ray Hollings

experience technical difficulties please contact the SERT Institute on (02) 9926 4522 or email: NSLHD-RNSH- [email protected].


Share your news and achievements. Contact our team on 9463 1722 or email [email protected] to submit your news.

Inaugural Clinical Trials Forum The first of many clinical trials forums has been held

progress that has been made in trials over the past two years, including continuous achievement of NSW Health key performance indicators (KPIs) for ethics and governance approval; the introduction of regular webinars with research staff to reduce uncertainty around trials; the availability of remote monitoring; the recruitment of a dedicated research business manager and the establishment of the NSLHD MyResearchHub. NSLHD Research Strategy Partnerships Manager Rebeka Freckleton said: “The forum also looked forward

to the changes occurring in this space in 2022, including the rollout of a clinical trial management system and the implementation of the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare National Clinical Trials Governance Framework. “The forum was well attended and received excellent feedback from those who joined or have since watched the recording via teams. The Clinical Trials Forum will be held regularly going forward to support our trials program.”

to support staff who are wanting to find out more about what is happening in the district. The NSLHD Clinical Trials Reference Group held the Clinical Trials Forum to showcase the trials underway. The forum was introduced by NSLHD Chief Executive Deb Willcox and moderated by A/ Professor Rory Clifton Bligh, with presenters from the Ministry of Health, the Kolling Institute and the NSLHD My Research Hub team. The forum reviewed the



Blueprint to strengthen research and improve care The Kolling Institute’s new

research plan has been confirmed marking an important milestone for the institute. The plan details the implementation of the institute’s five-year strategy, and will ensure the Kolling is in the best position to deliver game-changing research. Kolling Institute Acting Executive Director Professor Jim Elliott has welcomed the development of the plan, saying a robust strategic framework will help shape the future of the institute and secure its long term success. “This important roadmap will have a crucial role in increasing the impact of our research and improving health outcomes across our community,” he said. “A large number of people have shared their time and expertise to bring us to where we are today, and I would like to thank them for their commitment to the Kolling and its talented research teams.” The research plan focuses on a range of key goals, including new collaborations, additional large-scale funding and improved research outputs. There will be an emphasis too on positively impacting

Kolling Institute researchers Dr Tom Lynch and Dr Lara Bereza-Malcolm

patient care, building on our world-class science, training tomorrow’s leaders, and ensuring a collaborative working culture is day to day core business. The blueprint details a large collection of initiatives including closer ties with government, industry and consumers, and stronger collaborations across the priority research areas to attract large-scale funding. “These steps will see an increase in research translation with clearer this significant milestone, emphasising that testing and treatment is key to ending HIV. “HIV testing is easy and confidential, and an early diagnosis means a long and healthy life,” she said. “People on effective treatment can’t transmit HIV to other people, and with regular testing and early treatment, we can end HIV. “We want to encourage

said. “There will also be a focus on a strong education program, new fellowship opportunities, measures to attract top students and broader access to equipment and support. “We have a large and impressive team of researchers at the Kolling Institute, including many who are world leaders in their fields. “I’m confident this new

pipeline pathways from basic science to clinical care,” Jim strategic framework will offer crucial support to our team as they continue their life- changing work.” hIV Awareness – An early diagnosis means a long and healthy life HIV Awareness Week is celebrated in the last week

health professionals to offer HIV testing as part of routine practice, and we encourage community members to ask their doctor for a test.” Talk to your doctor or visit Clinic 16 for free and confidential HIV testing and more sexual health services. Medicare cards aren’t required. Find out more here: or here hiv-test.

of November and leads into World AIDS Day on 1 December.

This year World AIDS Day commemorates 40 years since the first cases of what became known as AIDS were reported in the USA. Health Promotion Officer at Clinic 16 Miriam Delailomaloma said HIV Awareness Week also honours



NSLHD targeting net zero carbon emissions by 2035 Northern Sydney Local Health

the conversation in everything we do.” To reach its target, NSLHD has focused on five priority domains – sustainable organisation, waste management and resource recovery, capital works and procurement, people Kate said getting to net zero will require action from every staff member across every area of our district. and places, and models of care.

District has committed to reaching net zero carbon emissions by 2035, with most of the reduction – 70 to 80 per cent – to be achieved by 2030. The bold target has been set to engage, unite and inspire staff in all areas across the district to focus on a unified ambition and establish NSLHD as a leader in reducing carbon emissions. NSLHD’s Senior Medical Consultant, Planetary Health, Dr Kate Charlesworth, said planetary health is an issue that many staff care deeply about and are eager to engage with. “There is substantial and growing evidence demonstrating the health, equity - climate change disproportionately impacts the most vulnerable - financial and reputational benefits for health organisations leading on carbon reduction and planetary health initiatives,” Kate said. “This is an ambitious target, but it is based on Australian modelling and the overwhelming scientific evidence that rapid decarbonisation is needed to avoid catastrophic climate breakdown. We need to lead the way and hone in on what we can be doing to ensure that sustainability is part of

Dr Kate Charlesworth

sustainability initiatives and ideas to the table. “To keep ourselves, families and communities healthy we need to actively play our part in keeping our environment healthy,” she said. “We already have many initiatives underway, driven by many staff, in making planetary health a priority in our district. “There is more work we can do to support you and drive this positive change and I look forward to working with you and reaching our net zero carbon emissions target.” NSW Health is establishing a climate risk reform program and climate risk has been elevated to one of the NSW Health Secretary’s priority areas.

“Renewable energy, LED lights and building design are part of the solution, but we also need to look at innovative procurement and circular economy solutions, reduce low-value care, and optimise medicine use considering pharmaceuticals are almost 20 per cent of the Australian health system’s carbon

footprint,” she said. “We can also look at developing zero-carbon models of care in all our services and reduce the use of super-pollutants including anaesthetic

gases, nitrous oxide and the hydrofluorocarbons in asthma inhalers.” Chief Executive Deb Willcox said she hoped the overarching target would empower staff to bring more

Aboriginal Health Service staff take on the ‘Bloody long walk’ Aboriginal Health Service staff members recently took part in a 35 kilometre

Beach to Manly in torrential rain and gale-force winds. “While the weather made the walk a little more challenging, it was a great experience for an important cause,” Melinda said.

walk to raise money for the Mito Foundation – to support people affected by mitochondrial disease. Integrated Team Care Manager Ruby and Aboriginal Liaison Melinda walked for six and a half hours from Palm

To find out more about the walk, visit https://bit. ly/3DbQ0uf

Ruby and Melinda at the start of the walk



Kolling researcher takes out coveted award Congratulations to Kolling researcher Dr Jillian Eyles who has been named one of the inaugural research translation fellows by Sydney Health Partners. Facing tremendous competition from a large group of researchers, Jillian

is one of just five people to have been awarded a fellowship. Sydney Health Partners said the fellowships are aimed at building research translation capability in the workforce by supporting researchers to improve their translational skills while remaining in their substantive position. Sydney Health Partners Executive Director Professor Don Nutbeam says the new fellows were successful in a highly competitive process. “We’re very pleased to be able to support such able clinicians and researchers through Sydney Health Partners. The standard of applications was very high and we are disappointed not to be in a position to support several other worthy applicants,” he said. Dr Eyles will now be able to direct her research focus to strategies to enhance the adoption of the Osteoarthritis Chronic Care Program (OACCP) across NSW public hospitals. Jillian has welcomed the

Dr Jillian Eyles

fellowship saying it will provide an opportunity to extend this important program focusing on evidenced-based, patient centred care to improve outcomes for people living with osteoarthritis. “While it is a great program, the clinicians who lead the OACCP have identified important aspects that could be improved to make it even more successful,” she said. “I’m looking forward to collaborating with clinicians from Northern Sydney, Western Sydney and Sydney local health districts to help make this happen.”

Kolling Institute Acting Executive Director Jim Elliott has commended Jillian on her fellowship, saying it’s a testament to her talent and impressive track record. “This additional support from Sydney Health Partners is welcome as the Kolling steps up its focus on research translation,” he said. “By investing in projects like this, we can speed the implementation of best practice, and ensure our hospital-based care is informed by the very latest developments and research.”

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Little Readers Read-a-thon Royal North Shore Hospital’s

November. The day aims to increase awareness about pressure injury prevention and educate people on this important topic. Clinical Nurse Consultant for Stomal Therapy and Wound Care, Rachel Hodgkins said each year thousands of Australian’s suffer from pressure injuries, even though research shows that most pressure injuries are preventable. “Pressure injuries are localised damage to the skin and underlying soft tissue usually resulting from sustained pressure over a NICU has taken out third place in the ‘Most Minutes Read’ category in this year’s Life’s Little Treasures Read-a- thon. The third place victory scored the NICU a box of 40 books. Registered Nurse Carmel Pearsall has worked at the NICU for the last 32 years and is a passionate advocate for parents reading to their babies while in the unit. For the last three years she has coordinated the read-a- thon which aims to empower parents to read to their baby every day. “While a baby is in the NICU critical brain development is occurring, including the development of the pathways in the brain that control language skills,” she said. “When a baby is read to in the NICU, parents are not only bonding with them but

Baby Tyson with his mum Jennifer reading to him at the NICU

also supporting the baby’s brain development. “Research shows children who are read to on a regular basis when they are young are more readily able to learn to read once they start school. “When hearing someone

read, children learn to recognise the structure of language, learn grammar and recognise the sound of words.” To find out more about the read-a-thon visit: https:// services/little-readers-read- a-thon-2020/

Worldwide Stop Pressure Injury Day Worldwide STOP Pressure Injury (PI) Day was celebrated at Royal North Shore Hospital on 18

Staff celebrating Worldwide STOP Pressure Injury Day

bony prominence or under a medical device,” she said. “Pressure injuries can have a significant impact on people’s lives and can also result in a significant burden on the healthcare system. “All healthcare professionals,

carers, family and patients have an essential role in preventing pressure injuries.” For further information please see the National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel (NPIAP) website:



This Christmas, we are encouraging the

community to say

to the

staff at their local hospital.

Scan the QR code to read our Christmas appeal or visit to give a gift of gratitude.