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NSLHD Nursing and Midwifery Research Newsletter Feb 2022

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Nursing and Midwifery Research Centre - Newsletter Dec 2021

NSLHD Nursing & Midwifery publications 2021 1. Ammit M, Miles N. Nurse-led alcohol clinic: Increasin

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Nursing and Midwifery Research Annual Report 2021

2022 NHMRC Ideas Grant; 2021. 3. Elliott R. Improving sleep for hospital patients: The sleep assessm

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Nursing and Midwifery - Newsletter November 2021

jocn.15954 16. Gawthorne, J., Fasugba, O., Levi, C., Mcinnes, E., Ferguson, C., Mcneil, J. j., . . .

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RNSH Nursing and Midwifery Newsletter - AprilandMay

unit have any specialty area educational courses? Teaching at the Tracheostomy day  Surgical study

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RNSH Nursing and Midwifery Newsletter - June 21

EA: Jack Allan) Michelle De Vroome Acting Divisional Nurse Manager Division of Women’s, Children’s a

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Nursing and Midwifery - Newsletter October 2021

February 2022 are:  Critical Care Nursing  Aged Care Nursing  Neonatal Nursing Note: all applicat

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RNSH Nursing and Midwifery Newsletter - March

unit have any specialty area educational courses? We have individualised orientation programs to ens

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RNSH Nursing and Midwifery Newsletter September 2021

Divisional Nurse Manager Division of Women’s, Children’s and Family Health Margie Webster Divisional

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RNSH Nursing and Midwifery Newsletter - November

Divisional Nurse Manager Division of Women ’ s, Children ’ s and Family Health Margie Webster Divisi

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RNSH Nursing and Midwifery Newsletter - February

NUM ICU 6G Rebecca Riva—CNC ED Mental Health Congratulations! NSLHD Carers Support Service Update Vo

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NSLHD Nursing and Midwifery Research Newsletter Feb 2022

NSLHD Nursing & Midwifery Research Centre

We hope that the resources in these newsletters will assist you to translate evidence into practice, build knowledge and capacity to manage the complexity of health care delivery and behaviour change. Clinical leaders are required to challenge everyday practice, while remaining focused on delivering quality safe patient care. Therefore, an important part of our roles in the Nursing and Midwifery Research Centre is

to provide NSLHD nurses and midwives with guidance in implementing new practices or interpreting evidence to improve patient care. We can offer assistance and support in conceptualising, designing and or implementing your projects with your clinical teams. Additional resources can be found on our intranet:

Professor Margaret Fry NP PhD

Rosalind Elliott RN PhD

Director Research & Practice Development Email: [email protected]

CNC - Translational Research Co-ordinator Email: [email protected]

Congratulations to the following NSLHD nurses who have been awarded scholarships to undertake the NSLHD Research Mentorship Program in 2022:  Cheryl Almeida – Clinical Nurse Consultant, Mental Health Drug & Alcohol  Catherine French – Clinical Nurse Specialist, Mona Vale Hospital  Catherine Fuller – Clinical Nurse Consultant, Mona Vale Hospital  Dawn Hooper – Nurse Practitioner, Mona Vale Hospital  Teresia Matsveru – Nurse Practitioner, Royal North Shore Hospital

 Jenny McDonald – Clinical Nurse Consultant, Child, Youth & Family Health Service  Sheridan Mitternacht – Acting Clinical Nurse Consultant, Mona Vale Hospital  Veronica Morton - Nurse Educator, Mental Health Drug & Alcohol  Ruffita Wijaya – Clinical Nurse Specialist, Mental Health Drug & Alcohol This year the group will also be joined by participants from rural NSW LHDs:

 Cindy Earl – Clinical Nurse Consultant, Murrumbidgee LHD  Kahlia Hickey – Clinical Nurse Educator, Far West LHD  Megan Jordan – Clinical Nurse Consultant, Far West LHD  Lauren Rodger – Nurse Manager, Southern NSW LHD

NSLHD Nursing and Midwifery Research and Innovative Practice Conference 2022 The Nursing and Midwifery Research and Innovative Practice Conference is on Wednesday 15th June 2022 at Royal North Shore Hospital . All NSLHD nursing and midwifery staff are invited to attend. This one-day conference will showcase nursing and midwifery research and innovative practice conducted within NSLHD and highlight the contribution towards excellence in health care. We invite NSLHD nurses and midwives to submit their abstracts by Friday 25th March 2022. All abstracts will be peer reviewed and published in the book of proceedings. There will be prizes for the best presentations. Visit our conference intranet page for further details including the abstract guidelines and submission form.

NSLHD Nursing & Midwifery publications 2022

1. Romero B, Fry M, Roche M. Measuring sustainable practice change of the sepsis guideline in one emergency department: A retrospective health care record audit. International emergency nursing. 2022;60:101108. 2. Wise S, Duffield C, Fry M, Roche M. Nurses' role in accomplishing interprofessional coordination: Lessons in ‘almost managing’ an emergency department team. Journal of nursing management. 2022;30(1):198-204.

Translational research tips

A gentle reminder that we have a lot of evidence-based practice resources on our intranet page. We encourage nurses and midwives to use the CARE framework to guide their approach to promoting and maintaining evidence-based practice. We welcome feedback about the content of our intranet pages (and welcome suggestions). In addition, we encourage you to contact Roz or Marg via email if you require advice.

Getting it right for sleep NSW TAG guideline A big passion for Roz is improving conditions conducive for patient sleep in hospital settings. Roz was honoured to be asked to review this well-conceived accessibly evidence-based document for the NSW Therapeutic Advisory Group. It is highly recommended that all clinicians working in acute care settings read it. Briefly the document outlines the risks of administering hypnotics and sedatives to hospital patients. There are evidence-based suggestions to promote and maintain sleep for hospital patients contained within. Australian College of Critical Care Nurses’ journal club Julia Pilowsky (Clinical Nurse Specialist, RNSH Intensive Care) and Roz will be facilitating a journal club on 23 February 2022 at 1800hrs. They will be appraising a systematic review. It is free for ACCCN members and only $20 for non-members.

New reports & releases

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare:  Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander specific primary health care: results from the nKPI and OSR collections  Dementia in Australia  Elective surgery waiting times 2020 – 21  Incidence of insulin-treated diabetes in Australia  Mental health services in Australia  National Palliative Care and End-of-Life Care Information Priorities Document  Suicide and self-harm monitoring – >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4

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