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Hill ProMotion_Live Your Life Without Aches & Pains N E W S L E T T E R LIVE YOUR LIFE WITHOUT

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10 pain level, it was constant and After 6 visits I now have hope I can live without daily severe he

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NYSportsandSpinal_Live Life Without Aches & Pains


Everyone develops aches and pains from time to time. After a long day out in the sun, or after an afternoon of trying to keep up with household chores, sometimes the tasks that we expect of our bodies can get the best of us.

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NEWSLETTER December 2019

INSIDE: LiveYour LifeWithoutAches&Pains Alzheimer’sAwarenessMonth Free Physical TherapyScreening AROUND THE CLINIC:


ThoracicSpine Treatment&theuse ofGrastontoolsfor SoftTissueReleaseor Mobilization,performed byournewPhysical Therapist,BiancaTiberi.

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Atechniqueusedduring patienttreatmentto mobilizestifforpainful shoulders,demonstrated byourCertifiedHand Therapist&Occupational Therapist,RebeccaToth.

Whether it isa lingeringache inyourback, feet that feel swollen and tired after a long day in your shoes, or a crick in your neck that just won’t go away, dealing with aches and pains can really take a toll on your overall feeling of wellbeing. If you stopped and asked around, you’d be amazed to see howmany people are strugglingwithachesandpains, just like you.Whatmaysurpriseyouevenmore is howmanypeoplearecopingwith those painswithoutdoinganythingproductive about it. How to Deal with Aches and Pains Painmedicationscanreducetheseverity of aches and pains for a little while, but they don’t do anything to resolve the issue. There are things that you can do at home that can alleviate your aches andpains,helping to reduce theseverity of your discomfort while also reducing the likelihood that the pain will return. Don’t just complain about those aches and pains. Start doing something about them. Here is a quick rundown of things thatyoucandoathome thatcanreduce your daily pain:

1. Usehotandcoldtherapyappropriately to reduce inflammation. After a good workout or a day of doing chores out in the yard, your muscles will likely feel sore. Apply ice directly to the area that hurtsonandoff for20minutesata time during thefirst24-72hoursafter thepain develops.After that,considersoaking in hot water, such as taking a warm bath, to further soothe your muscles. 2. Don’t underestimate the power of resting! Your body relies on sleep just as much as your brain. You need to get plenty of sleep to keep your stress level at a minimum—and that includes your physical stress level. Aim to sleep between7-9hourseverynight.Themore activity you engage in, the more sleep you need. 3. Keep your body in good shape with regular exercise. It may seem counter intuitive to cut down on pain by moving more, but exercise is a really good way to reduce aches and pains. When you exercise every day, you are able to train your muscles for more movement, and thereby reduce aches and pains.

QuarterlyTeamStaffMeeting inScarsdale.

We now offer Home Care Service! DETAILS INSIDE >

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burning sensation. More movement will push that acid out, helping you to experience relief, and in time your muscles will develop increased elasticity, and the burning won’t be so severe.Build-upof tension fromstress oroveruse,andmusclepain frompoor posture can also contribute to regular pain. A physical therapist can take a comprehensive assessment to help determine what may be the primary cause behind your aches and pains. Working with a physical therapist can help you develop a new approach to managing your aches and pains. Your physical therapy program will likely take into account strategies like hydrotherapy, deep tissue massage, guided stretching and targeted movements to help you experience ongoingrelief from regulardiscomfort. Give us a call so we can help you say goodbye to your aches and pains.


Keepingactive,stayingrested,andbeing smartwithhotandcold therapycreate a trifecta for healthy management of aches and pains, but they aren’t going to solve the bigger problems. When aches and pains start to grow severe, or chronic, then it is time to reach out to a professional for support. Physical therapy is thebestway toreduceaches andpainsbecause ittakes intoaccount a combination of active and passive strategies to help tackle the cause of your pain. Why Physical Therapy? There are a lot of different reasons as towhyyoumaystart feelingachesand pains.Musclepainwilloccurwhenever your muscles start to grow. To build moremusclemass,yourmuscleshave to stretch, and lactic acidcan pour into the lining of your muscles to cause a


FREE PHYSICAL THERAPY SCREENING RELIEF FOR: Current and past patients schedule your free physical therapy screening today!

A medically endorsed system of movement that promotes bone and joint strength, cardio health and balance. Walk2FitMED, the first of its kind in New York, is your prescription for better health. Our experience d and trained staff will guide you through therapeutic exercises on safe equipment that is appropriate for physical therapy, bridging the gap between medicine and fitness. Walk2FitMED leverages overall joint strengthening and balance techniques, along with functional movement, strength training, and therapeutic exercises. This program is stress free to your arms, hips, back and joints. The Walk2FitMED system is adaptable to any level of physical condition; improves posture, is beneficial for osteoporosis, arthritis, post-operative histories such as knee and hip replacements, and has great benefits for cardiac issues and hypertension. A medically endorsed system of movement that promotes bone and joint strength, cardio health and balance. Walk2FitMED, the first of its kind in New York, is your prescription for better health. Our experienc d and trained staff will guide you through therapeutic exercises on safe equipment that is appropriate for physical therapy, bridging the gap between medicine and fitness. Walk2FitMED leverag s overall joint strength ning and balance techniques, along with functional movement, strength training, and therapeutic exercises. This program is stress free to your arms, hips, back and joints. The Walk2FitMED system is adaptable to any level of physical condition; improves posture, is beneficial for osteoporosis, arthritis, po t-operative histories such as knee and hip replacements, and has great benefits for cardiac issues and hypertension. PROGRAM INCLUDES: -Community group -Stress management -Breathing techniques -Yoga-infused -Chromotherapy -Cardio (914)713-3932 - 4 GRAYROCK ROAD SCARSDALE N.Y. 10583

Back Pain Neck Pain Shoulder Pain

Foot Pain Knee Pain Post Surgery




635 CommerceStreet Thornwood,NY10594 914-579-2722

838ScarsdaleAvenue Scarsdale,NY10583 914-722-9200

-Community group

-Stress management

-Breathing techniques -Yoga-infused -Chromotherapy -Cardio

(914)713-3932 - 4 GRAYROCK ROAD SCARSDALE N.Y. 10583



1 6 9 Physical therapy helps to stave off Alzheimer’s by combining target exercises and physical activity with cognitive training and socialization. Bystayingactive,exercisingyourmind andbody,managingstressanddoing your best to live an overall healthy lifestyle, you will put yourself in the best position possible to put off the advancementofAlzheimer’sandenjoy lifeforyearstocome.Getting involved in a prevention program can pair you with the skills and support you need to stay healthy. ALZHEIMER’S AWARENESS MONTH The prognosis of memory loss and difficulty with cognition is hard to fathom if you’ve never watched it happen in a loved one. There is no cure for Alzheimer’s, but that does not mean there is no hope. A lot of research and attention has been put into helping people with Alzheimer’s disease live longer, happier, healthier lives, and there have been several breakthroughs in recent years that are incrediblyencouraging.Onesuch breakthrough is the realization that beingactiveandengaging intargeted exercisescanoftendelaytheprogress of Alzheimer’s disease. as reduce the risk of developing the disease for those who have a stronggeneticpredispositiontothe condition. • Exercise improves balance and coordination, which reduces the riskof injuryfromafallandthereby reduces risk of inhibited mobility. Exercise Is Believed to Help Alzheimer’s in the Following Ways: • Exercise can delay the onset of Alzheimer’s for those who are exhibiting early symptoms, as well

We now can bring Physical Therapy to the comfort of your own home!

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Our Specialties


• Manual Therapy • Hand Therapy • Laser Therapy • Graston Technique • Ultrasound 5 3

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7 4 1 6 5 2 3

n°225854 - LevelMedium


8 4 1 2 8


1 6 8

Who Do You Know That Needs Our Help? • Move without pain • Bend & move freely • Balance confidently & securely • Sit for long periods comfortably • Walk for long distances • Live an active & healthy lifestyle Do You Have Friends Or Family Unable To Do The Following: 1 2 3 5 7 4 1 2 5 2 9 3 1 7 6 4 3 2 7 6 1 3 8 4 1 3 6 6 5 3 9 1 6 2 4 3 1 5 1 3 9 2 7 2 6 4 1

9 3 4 1 3


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n° 28174 - LevelMedium


6 9

4 5 1 8 6 7 9 The object is to place the numbers 1 to 9 in the empty squares so that each row, each column and each 3x3 box contains the same number only once. 2 3 8 2 6 1 3 4 4 1

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7 4

2 8 6



1 9 4

1 3

3 8 2 4 1 9 6 8 2 3 9 5 9 8 2 8 9 2 1 5

8 7


6 9 3 1 7 5 2

7 4

n° 125465 - Level Easy

n° 214698 - LevelMedium