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Obiorah Fields, LLC - January 2019

8 cup heavy cream • 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract • 2 cups cornflakes • 2 tablespoons unsalted bu

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Obiorah Fields, LLC - January 2020

Obiorah Fields, LLC - January 2020 OBIORAHFIELDS.COM | 404-994-6218 | JANUARY 2020 GOOGLE DIDN’T PAS

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Obiorah Fields, LLC - October 2019

Obiorah Fields, LLC - October 2019 WWW.OBIORAHFIELDS.COM | 404-994-6218 | OCTOBER 2019 THE WAR ON CL

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Obiorah Fields, LLC - July 2019

2 cup heavy cream • Kosher salt DIRECTIONS 1. In a stockpot or large saucepan, submerge potatoes in

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Obiorah Fields, LLC - March 2021

Obiorah Fields, LLC - March 2021 OBIORAHFIELDS.COM | 404-994-6218 | MARCH 2021 WHY I ENJOY READING B

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Obiorah Fields, LLC - February 2021

Obiorah Fields, LLC - February 2021 OBIORAHFIELDS.COM | 404-994-6218 | FEBRUARY 2021 No One Else Wil

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Obiorah Fields, LLC - November 2018

2 cup dark brown sugar • 4 tablespoons unsalted butter • 1 tablespoon kosher salt DIRECTIONS 1. Heat

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Obiorah Fields, LLC - February 2020

Obiorah Fields, LLC - February 2020 OBIORAHFIELDS.COM | 404-994-6218 | FEBRUARY 2020 WHEN TOMORROW I

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Obiorah Fields, LLC - October 2020

Obiorah Fields, LLC - October 2020 OBIORAHFIELDS.COM | 404-994-6218 | OCTOBER 2020 IF I COULD INTERV

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Obiorah Fields, LLC - July 2020

Obiorah Fields, LLC - July 2020 OBIORAHFIELDS.COM | 404-994-6218 | JULY 2020 FRESH WATERMELON ON HOT

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Obiorah Fields, LLC - January 2021

OBIORAHFIELDS.COM | 404-994-6218 | JANUARY 2021

WATCHING A SORORITY SISTER GET SWORN IN AS VP What Kamala Harris’ Historic Win Means to Me

On Jan. 20, Kamala Harris will officially become the first-ever woman elected to the office of Vice President of the United States, not to mention the first African American woman, and the first Asian American woman, to hold the office as well. The day of her inauguration will be an unprecedented, exciting day — and I get to see it in person. Back when Joe Biden first nominated Kamala Harris as his running mate, I went ahead and made plans to go to the inauguration. Their victory wasn’t assured at that point, but just in case their campaign did pull off a historic win, I wanted to be there to see it happen. I had faith that they would be able to do it. So, I booked a flight to Washington, D.C., and an Airbnb for me, my husband, and my kids on Jan. 20 to ensure we would be in the audience when Kamala Harris officially took office. While the historic significance of Kamala Harris’ election is reason enough to be excited about her becoming vice president, I also have more personal reasons to be excited about her win. Kamala and I are actually both members of the same sorority: Alpha Kappa Alpha, which was founded 113 years ago this month. So, for that reason, watching her get elected vice president is like watching it happen to a sister.

I’m sure other Alpha Kappa Alpha members are just as excited as I am about one of our sisters becoming the vice president. In many ways, it’s a culmination of the AKA mission that began with the sorority’s founding. Alpha Kappa Alpha was founded on Jan. 15, 1908, at Howard University. A student named Ethel Hedgeman wanted to create a support network for African American women. So, she and eight other Howard U students founded Alpha Kappa Alpha, the first-ever African American Greek Letter Sorority. At a time when society was segregated and male dominated, Alpha Kappa Alpha could not have been more important. Over the years, AKA’s membership has grown from nine members at one chapter to 290,000 members and alumni, spread across 1,007 chapters throughout 42 states, Washington, D.C., and several other countries around the world. Some of the sorority’s most well-known members include novelist and nobel laureate Toni Morrison, actress Phylicia Rahad, comedian and actress Wanda Sykes, and WNBA champion Morgan Tuck. Additionally, Marian Anderson, the first African American opera singer to perform at the White House, and Eleanor Roosevelt, the first lady who invited her, are both honorary members. And now, after Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’ historic win, AKA can claim a vice president of the United States as a member as well! At the time that I’m writing this, COVID-19 cases are still on the rise across the United States, but we’re still planning on masking up and attending the inauguration. After all, it’s still our sorority’s mission to elevate and support one another, as well as support all people through our efforts. I’ll get to do that by watching Kamala Harris be sworn in as vice president, and I can’t wait to see how she continues that mission after she takes office.

The day of her inauguration will be an unprecedented, exciting day — and I get to see it in person.

–Danielle Obiorah

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Car accidents are disorienting, and their aftermath can be, too. One minute, you’re driving safely down the road. The next minute, you may be injured, surrounded by twisted metal and broken glass. You’re faced with a lot of unknowns, so how do you prove to a court you deserve compensation for injuries, damages, and potential loss of income? Well, that’s where an expert witness can really save the day. Expert witnesses testify before a court about the legitimacy of your personal injury claims. Their expertise means that their testimony has more influence than that of a layperson. Some examples of expert witnesses include accident reconstructionists, health care professionals, and economists. Attorneys usually call on accident reconstructionists when fault in an auto accident isn’t clear. They analyze police reports, view the scene of the accident, and inspect wrecked vehicles, among other things, in order to create a report of who was at fault based on the available evidence. AND WHY ARE THEY INSTRUMENTAL IN PERSONAL INJURY CASES? WHAT IS AN EXPERT WITNESS?

Hunkering down and waiting for the dark and chilly winter season to pass sounds pretty nice. But the reality is, if we deprive ourselves of time outside, we do ourselves a big disservice both mentally and physically. Staying indoors all day affects your energy and mood, which makes it hard to get anything done, so here are four easy tips to make it easier to get a little fresh air. LET THAT FRESH AIR FUEL YOU 4 TIPS TO MAKE GETTING OUTSIDE EASIER 1. Make it a priority. Getting outside means making the conscious effort to do so. If you want to reap its benefits, you have to decide to make it a priority in your day-to- day schedule. If you make the act important to you, you have more motivation to actually do it. 2. Use mornings effectively. Waking up and getting the day started can be hard. But studies have shown that natural light helps decrease your melatonin production, which means you feel ready to face the day sooner. So, set yourself a second alarm to head outside and take a quick walk around the block just after waking. Don’t even wash your face or grab coffee. Just get out there. 3. Take your work outside. If you’re working from home, take some work outdoors. Phone and virtual meetings are a great outdoor option, especially if you’ll just be an active listener and aren’t required to do any work simultaneously. Attach a note to your meeting reminders to get yourself set up outside five minutes before you start. 4. Create a schedule. It might feel strange to set reminders throughout the day to step outside, but you easily get wrapped up in activities and overlook breaks, and these reminders are exactly what you need. Start with 10-minute blocks three times a day. If you stick to them, soon you won’t need a schedule to get outside anymore. Winter weather may be cold, but even when you’re bundled up under a jacket and scarf, just 5–10 minutes outside can do wonders for your mood and energy for hours.

Health care professionals can use their medical expertise to attest to the extent of the plaintiff’s injuries, as well

as to the cost of their medical care. They can also speculate on the care they may need in the future, including rehabilitation, surgery, and medications, and give an estimate for how much their future care will cost.

Economists can estimate how much the plaintiff’s ability to earn

wages in the future has been affected. This might include speculations on loss of

income during the recovery period and how much income the plaintiff stands to lose if they can only return to work in a limited capacity or not at all. During the trial, the defendant may bring in their own experts to dispute the claims of your expert witnesses, and ultimately, it will still be up to the jury to decide the verdict. However, expert witnesses can still have a profound impact on your case’s outcome. When you get Danielle Obiorah and Teri Fields in your corner, they’ll make sure you have all the experts necessary to get you justice. Give them a call today at 404-994-6218.

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Not Receiving Medical Treatment

Under ideal circumstances, you would never have to get an attorney involved in order to get compensation from your employer for a workplace injury. Unfortunately, this ideal is not always the case, as employers can deny a workers’ comp claim for several different reasons. However, if you want to lessen the likelihood of your employer denying your claim, it helps to understand some of the most common reasons for those denials. Not Reporting the Injury in Time In most states, you have a certain window of time after receiving a workplace injury in which to report it. In Georgia, you have 30 days following the day of the accident to report any injuries to your employer. After that window, they may dispute your claim. Not Filing the Claim on Time Additionally, there is also a statute of limitations on filing a workers’ compensation claim in our state. In Georgia, you have one year to file your claim with your employer. There are some exceptions to this rule per the Georgia Workers’ Compensation Act, but you should still file your claim within that window if at all possible.

If you’re injured at work, see a medical professional as soon as possible so there is a record of your injuries. Otherwise, insurance companies can dispute your claim, saying you faked your injuries. Not Having Enough Evidence If there were no witnesses to your accident, or your work facility’s cameras didn’t pick it up, you might have a hard time proving your accident actually happened at the workplace during work hours. Make sure to gather any sort of witness testimony or footage of your accident you can before filing a claim. Your employer might dispute your claim for other reasons, but the good news is that even if your claim is denied, you can still appeal it with the help of an experienced attorney. For more on the appeal process, check out the next edition of the Obiorah Fields newsletter!

At Obiorah Fields, LLC, we’re not your standard, run-of-the-mill law office. We don’t just do what’s required of us — we go the extra mile to make sure justice is served in every case we take on. If you’ve worked with us before and know somebody who could benefit from taking us on as their legal team, please don’t hesitate to give them this newsletter and show them who we are! We want to help as many people as we can. We’re just one phone call away from new potential clients. If they contact us through our website and give us their name, contact info, and a brief description of their situation, we will give them a free case evaluation and report. Don’t hesitate to refer us! DO YOU KNOW SOMEONE WHO NEEDS OUR HELP? GIVE THEM THIS NEWSLETTER!

NEED A SPEAKER? If you are interested in having Teri Fields speak to your organization about legal issues, please contact us at 404-994-6218.

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157 South McDonough St. Jonesboro, GA 30236 404-994-6218 OBIORAHFIELDS.COM


INSIDE THIS ISSUE What Kamala Harris’ Historic Win Means to Me


Give Yourself the Boost of Getting Outside How Expert Witnesses Can Help Your Case Why Did My Employer Deny My Workers’ Comp Claim? Do You Know Someone Who Needs Our Help?




3 Steps to Perfect, Comforting Soup

Soup is perfect for sick days and alongside grilled cheese, and Grandma always seemed to have a recipe to make everything better. For as simple and comforting as soup can be, re-creating those memories from your stovetop includes a few tedious steps. Become a soup master with this go-to guide to winter’s favorite dish. Mind your peas and carrots. The magic of a hearty minestrone or old-fashioned chicken noodle soup comes from the flavors of vegetables to create the perfect blend of comfort and taste. However, overcooking or undercooking vegetables can ruin this delicate balance. So, consider the vegetables you want in your soup and plan accordingly. Start by chopping vegetables into bite-size pieces that will easily fit on a spoon. No one wants a spoonful of soup that’s just carrots after all! Then, add vegetables to your soup based on cooking time and flavoring. Carrots, onions, and celery should “sweat” in the pot with oil and seasoning before you add the broth to capture the fullest flavor of these ingredients. Potatoes and other root vegetables can be added in the boiling phase, while leafy greens only need minutes in the pot toward the end to capture their full flavor. Soup’s On!


Simmer to blend flavors. Simmering is the key to a great soup. Once all your ingredients are in the pot, reduce the heat to a low simmer. This allows the flavors to play together without overcooking. If a soup is boiled for too long, the vegetables, meats, and/or pasta can become mushy and underwhelming.

Season gradually — but generously. No one enjoys a bland soup, but too much seasoning can overpower the natural flavors of your ingredients. Add your seasoning to vegetables as they sauté in the pot before adding the stock. Then, add the stock and the remainder of your ingredients. Only add more seasoning as the soup simmers and do a taste test. Add a bit of salt and pepper until it’s perfect! If you over-salt, don’t panic. Adding more stock, potatoes, noodles, or cream can fix your soup in a pinch.

Bonus Tip: Always serve your soup with bread, toast, or crackers. It’s the perfect vehicle to soak up all the flavors!

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