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Omaha Insurance Solutions - February 2022

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Omaha Insurance Solutions - February 2021

2 cup vegetable broth • 3 tbsp balsamic vinegar • 2 handfuls arugula • Salt and pepper, to taste •

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or tow it! Before making a purchase, be sure to research and look up reviews on the driving experien

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Omaha Insurance Solutions - June 2022

2 hours, until bubbly. 5. Garnish with chives and scallions before serving. 402-614-3389 • 3 PRSRT S

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Omaha Insurance Solutions - January 2022

2 tsp salt • 4 cups raisins • 7 cups flour • 4 cups canola oil I agree that humongous medication cop

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approval from SSA and the insurance companies as necessary. We highly recommend Chris and have refer

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approval from SSA and the insurance companies as necessary. THE ANSWER IS YES, IT DOES! We highly re

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business. My purpose is to keep you happy in terms of your Medicare insurance. Otherwise, you will l

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Omaha Insurance Solutions - July 2022

4 cup brown sugar • 18 oz barbecue sauce Directions 1. In a 4-quart slow cooker, add the roast and

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4 cup whole-wheat panko • 2 tbsp Parmesan cheese • 1 tbsp unsalted butter, melted • 6 tbsp spinach p

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4-inch slices. 5. Using a melon-baller, scoop out the center of each cucumber slice but leave the bo

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Omaha Insurance Solutions - February 2022

Club MED

February 2022


When I meet with prospective clients, I end my presentation section of the meeting by talking about the annual review. I will be contacting you by letter and email during the Annual Election Period between Oct. 15–Dec. 7 to review your Medicare plan. I will do this each year “till death do us part.” Sometimes I get a chuckle out of people when I say that phrase. I remember when I used to do weddings, I always thought to myself during the vow part of the ceremony, “What’s in store for this couple — until death does them parted?” Like marriage, navigating the insurance world has a journey full of positives and negatives. In those initial meetings with my clients, I try to impart the idea that Medicare health insurance is a long-term relationship that's similar to a marriage. Some people understand that, but others view signing up for insurance as a transaction affair — one and done. But dealing with

Each year Medicare makes its changes, and the insurance companies do the same. So I explain the adjustments to clients (lots of phone calls and visits). During that time, I

insurance isn’t a one-and-done deal; it’s a lifelong commitment.

get the latest on their grandkids, pets, politics, the latest illness, and/ or surgery. A lot happens within each of my clients’ lives. All of this information goes into my notes and my head when dealing with clients and how to help them properly. Medicare is a journey with health issues, insurance issues, and change everywhere.

I’m reminded of the phrase “till death do us part” when I get a phone call from a client who has terminal cancer or when a spouse calls to tell me her husband has passed away. Sometimes that relationship is long, but mostly it is surprisingly short.

“My goal is for us all to grow old together ‘till death do us part.’”

In the insurance world, we talk about retention rates. My

Medicare is definitely a journey. You start at or around 65, when most people are in good health. Sometimes I get phone calls in the beginning about how to do this or that. Such as when a bill arrives, and the math seems incomprehensible. Other times they want to discuss the difficulties of getting prescriptions filled. At the beginning of the year, clients call when they are upset that their medication price has gone through the roof. They could’ve forgotten they have a deductible to meet. Other times, prices and premiums increase, and people call to complain. To help with this issue, we switch them to something that saves them money. And, it might be a long time between these conversations.

“retention rate” is as close to 100% as it gets. Most of my clients appreciate someone who is knowledgeable, trustworthy, answers the phone, and knows their history. These are all of the characteristics that I try to have in order to help all of my clients. This is why signing up for insurance is like a marriage between you and your insurance company. There can be some ups and downs, but with communication and dedication, we will get through this together. My goal is for us all to grow old together "till death do us part."

–Christopher J. Grimmond

Medicare Insurance Made Easy

402-614-3389 • 1



If you made New Year’s resolutions for your health, there’s a good chance “eat better” is on the list, including adding more omega-3s to your diet. These fatty acids have a whopping 17 health benefits, such as fighting heart disease and Alzheimer’s — that’s probably why doctors often recommend them. Omega-3s have a ton of functions. For example, they create a phospholipid layer of cell membranes to help give cells structure. There are a lot of these fatty acids in your brain and eyes, and they are critical for the cognitive development of babies, as well. Omega-3s can also improve your heart health by reducing the amount of inflammation you experience. Just as omega-3s are important for the beginning of life, they’re equally important to help you maintain good health throughout your life as well. The most popular source of omega-3s is fish; so what if you don’t like the taste of seafood or have an allergy?

2. Edamame and kidney beans are also good substitutions. Boil or steam edamame and put them in your salads or side dishes. Kidney beans are a popular side dish as well and can be used in curries, stews, or rice.

3. If you’re looking for new cooking oil, soybean oil can replace vegetable or olive oil. You can also use it as a salad dressing.

Here are some substitutions to consider.

4. Eating mixed greens such as kale and spinach is beneficial as well. These greens can be sautéed with soybean oil for even more benefits. 5. If you need more of an omega-3 boost or are experiencing high levels of inflammation, there are supplements you can explore like krill oil, cod liver oil, fish oil, and algae oil.

1. You can add chia seeds, hemp seeds, flaxseeds, and walnuts to your meals to get the needed nutrients. They are great additions to granola, oatmeal, salads, smoothies, or when mixed with milk or yogurt. You can even put them on toast with peanut butter.

When figuring out what Medicare options work best for you, oftentimes, the only question people may have is how much does it cost — but this is only the tip of the iceberg. The price tag should be one of the last questions you ask your insurance agent. When getting the right coverage, you need to ask the right questions and gather the right information. Here are a few questions you should ask your agent when discussing Medicare coverage. WHAT TO ASK YOUR INSURANCE AGENT MEDICARE: HOW DO I PICK THE RIGHT PLAN?

it covers. says that Medicare Advantage plans are another way to get your Medicare Part A and B coverage. This lets you know what is covered by the insurance company and how they will cover your needs.

will help you narrow down the options that best fit your criteria.

What Do Your Other Clients Recommend?

By listening to someone’s personal experience with a Medicare plan, you can see if that option is best for you and your needs. How do they like their plan? Did they have any difficulties? What is their

What Medicare Plan Best Fits My Needs?

You want to find a plan that will cover your current and future needs. You can’t predict your health, but you

lifestyle like? Testimonials can give you an insight into how the plan works when it’s in action. If you have any questions about Medicare plans and need help navigating between choosing an insurance company, allow your Licensed Insurance Agents at Omaha Insurance Solutions to help! We will act as your guide when you decide to take

can predict your lifestyle changes. For example, do you plan on moving? Will you be buying a second home? Will this plan provide coverage for both locations? Or will you be staying in one place long-term? You want a plan that will fit how you live your lifestyle.

What is Medicare Advantage?

Regarding your health, the questions you need to consider are: How often do you see your doctor or specialist? Do you have any prescribed medications? Do you have any medical conditions? These questions

the next steps. We will educate you about Medicare, explain the details of different plans, address your needs, and take care of all of your paperwork.

There can sometimes be confusion about what exactly Medicare Advantage is. It’s best to ask your agent what it is and what

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Turn Back Time — With Music!


“I was just starting with disability insurance when I first meet Chris. The personal care he took to make me feel at ease and the time he took to help me understand insurances was top notch. That was over 10 years ago and I am still working with Chris and his associates. My insurance needs have changed a lot over the years and any questions that have popped up are always answered quickly and professionally.”


In 1979, Dr. Langer wanted to know if music could make older adults feel like they are back in their youth. She called this experiment the “counterclockwise experiment” and she conducted several tests during this time. First, Dr. Langer brought in a group of men in their 70s and 80s and had them relive 1959 for a week. The men watched popular 1959 TV shows and listened to music that they used to play when they were younger. As a result, the men had significantly improved their memory, vision, hearing, and physical strength one week later. Since this study, Dr. Langer’s experiment has become accepted as scientific knowledge that music stimulates the emotional part of your brain and can improve your health. Studies show that music has all kinds of benefits. How can music benefit your life?

– Angela C.

Chocolate Pecan Fondue

Cognitive Benefits

Inspired by

A Stanford study suggested that listening to music while focusing on other tasks can improve your performance. This is because music engages the areas of your brain that is involved in paying attention, making predictions, and updating events in your memory.

This Valentine’s Day, forget the entree! Surprise your honey with a delicious chocolate treat!

Health Benefits


• 1/2 cup half-and-half cream • 2 tbsp honey • 9 oz semisweet chocolate, broken into pieces • 1/4 cup pecans, finely chopped

• 1 tsp vanilla extract • Fresh fruit of your choice • Shortbread cookies • Large marshmallows

A review of 23 studies covering almost 1,500 patients found that music has been proven to reduce heart rate, blood pressure, and anxiety. Likewise, scientists have discovered that the emotions you have while listening to music can make you feel happier and increase blood flow in your blood vessels. Other studies have shown that music can trigger your brain to release chemicals that distract your body from pain.

Want to see if music can provide you with the same benefits and make you feel younger? Here’s what you can do.

Listen to Music That Has Impacted You


The right song selection depends on the genre that has positively impacted you in your past. Is there a song that correlates with a specific memory you have? Did you see one of your favorite artists live back in the day? Re-listening to these tunes can make you think of the great times you’ve had and help your brain feel younger. There is something nostalgic about listening to songs from your youth that can bring relaxation and comfort. Music is a powerful tool that can be used to make us feel happier, calmer, less stressed, and even more youthful! You don’t need to take a week to feel like you’re younger, either. Simply listening to one of your favorite old songs can have the same effect. Happy listening!

1. In a sturdy saucepan over low heat, combine cream and honey. Stir until mixed thoroughly and heat until warm. 2. Add in chocolate, stirring until melted. 3. Stir in pecans and vanilla. 4. Transfer to a fondue pot or a slow cooker to keep warm. 5. Serve with fruit, cookies, and marshmallows of your choice.

402-614-3389 • 3


11414 W. Center Rd., Suite 250 Omaha, NE 68144 402-614-3389

Code 53782_021522_MK

INSIDE This Issue

Till Death Do Us Part



Swap Fish for These Substitutes!

The Cost Should Be Your Last Question



Music Can Make You Feel Younger




Chocolate Pecan Fondue

4 Quality Sleep Can Promote Healthy Aging

The Importance of a Good Night’s Rest

Quality Sleep Promotes Healthy Aging Sleep is an essential part of our lives, but it becomes even more important as we get older, as it’s a necessity for healthy aging and staying energized. Ideally, everyone should sleep between 7.5–9 hours a night, but as we get older, this becomes much harder to achieve. Health complaints, minor disturbances, and

Eliminate unhealthy substances.

Limit your intake of caffeine and sugar throughout the day — especially right before bed — for better rest. It’s also best not to drink anything about an hour before bed, so you don’t wake up in the middle of the night to use the restroom and disrupt your sleep.

a decrease in melatonin levels make it difficult for seniors to get a full night of sleep, which can cause irritability and fatigue. In order to combat these disturbances, here are a few things you can do to ensure you get enough sleep during the night.

Regulate your sleep schedule.

Keeping the same schedule for sleeping can reap immediate benefits. You will notice increased alertness during waking hours as well as enhanced memory and attention span. You may also start to feel tired around the same time every day, ensuring that you will actually go to sleep right on schedule. It can take time and patience to adjust to new habits to improve sleep, especially for the elderly. It won’t happen overnight, but the benefits that come with a better night’s sleep will have you feeling younger and healthier than ever before. If anything, you will feel more engaged and happier throughout your daily life.

Build an active daily routine.

Outdoor exercise and general movement every day is good for your body, but being outside and

absorbing sunlight can balance and optimize your melatonin levels, which can help you fall asleep easier. On top of exercise, try weaving protein-rich snacks and meals into your routine. Foods like light meat and nuts can improve sleep quality, and dairy foods contain tryptophan, which is a sleep-promoting chemical.

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