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Oracle December 2020

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ORACLE December 2019

31, which allows dogs in the grassy areas on the back and sides of the tennis and pickle ball courts

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December 2021 Oracle

upgrade safety & security policies within the resort. • Keeping in mind the safety of pedestrians an

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La Quinta Premiere Executive Course, No Purchase Necessary, Cart Extra Name: (ORPS)_________________

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ORACLE April 2020

Robert 250 254 255 Store Mailroom El Saguaro Clubhouse Lifestyle & Events 270 271 272 Activities Ass

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ORACLE March 2020

Robert 250 254 255 Store Mailroom El Saguaro Clubhouse Lifestyle & Events 270 271 272 Activities Ass

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ORACLE February 2020

3065 [email protected] 18

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ORACLE January 2020

Robert 250 254 255 Store Mailroom El Saguaro Clubhouse Lifestyle & Events 270 271 272 Activities Ass

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Feb 2017 Oracle


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November.December 2016 Oracle


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Oracle 4 2017

Oracle 4 2017 ORACLE APR I L 2 1 7 In this issue: Outdoor Resort Palm Springs - the Number

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Oracle December 2020



Time sure does fly by when you love what you do! I cannot believe I have been a part of this great community for 5 months already. Thank you so much to the members of this community, the staff, and the Board of Directors for welcom- ing me. I really appreciate General Manager, Ed, Resort Services Manager and Executive Assistant to the Board/GM, Jennifer, and Lifestyle Director, Alyssa for giving me the opportunity to begin my Communications career in the city I have always called home. There are not many things I take pride in; however, I will always take pride in obtaining my degree at California State University, San Bernardino - Palm Desert, the only 4 - year public university in the Coachella Valley, and now beginning my career at Outdoor Resort Palm Springs. Thank you to Eva Norcross and Judy Thorgeirsson for the help and guidance as I took on the important role of editing the only printed publication for this Premier RV Resort. While putting together the Oracle, I have witnessed how important this piece is to the community members. So thank you to all the Clubs and Committees for their contribution. I hope you all enjoy the first issue of the Oracle with me as Editor.

Board of Directors General Manager


Architecture & Aesthetics Planning Health & Fitness

Safety & Security Emergency Response Team

Fmca Pickleball


With love, Abby Lomeli Communications Coordinator

Golf Tournaments

0 Tennis 00 Quilters & Sewing Ukulele 0 Activities 0 Lifestyle & Events

MISSION To enhance quality of life and foster a sense of community while maintaining excellent services through financially stable operations. VISION We strive to be a Premier RV Resort with excellent facilities, activities and amenities, creating a posi- tive social culture for all.






What ’ s a Little Covid When You ’ re Having Fun?!

2020 continues to confront us with challenge after challenge. The Pandemic and case rates have caused ongoing changes in the guidelines issued from the various governmental agen- cies. Often those guidelines are unclear and even conflicting. We have tried to follow the guidelines while still providing activities that keep the owners and staff as safe as possible. We miss many of our Canadian friends as well. While some have chosen to fly down in order the seek refuge in our Resort, others have hunkered down for a long cold winter up north. That has left the Resort a little quieter and emptier than anytime I can remember. Two words are key right now. Flexibility and uncertainty. Flexibility in that we are constantly needing to adapt to the changes. We have taken the strategy of starting slowly, trying things out and then expanding on success. But we still have to be cognizant and abide by the State, County and City guidelines. The uncertainty is about how this will impact us fiscally. We realize that the majority of our income is from assessments, and they should not be impacted, what will we see in the way of Resort Fee income? Will they be up or down? Nonetheless, our costs still continue pretty much the same as always. We have some added cost due to things like subscribing to Zoom in order to conduct virtual meetings. The addition of plexiglass dividers. I wish I had bought stock in plastic manufacturers! On the positive side, we are making great progress in the area of Strategic Planning. We are currently waiting anxiously to receive the first conceptual drawings from the McMahon group. We are establishing an Ad Hoc Committee to work with McMahon on these conceptual drawings and at some point, in the future, these will be released to the Planning Committee for input and then to all owners. The goal here is to define the changes we need to make in our facilities and amenities in order maintain our position as one of the premier RV Resorts in North America. 2020 will be a year that will not be soon forgotten, even if we would like too. On behalf of myself and the Board, we appreciate your understanding and support as we wind our way through this trying time. Greg Farmer Board President

I trust you read the title realizing that my tongue is planted firmly in my cheek . . . but what option is there? It ’ s been quite a ride! Little did I realize when I took the Board ’ s offer to be GM some 10 months ago, the complexities and chal- lenges ahead . . . and I ’ m not even talking about Covid. I realize that most of you are veterans of ORPS, so I welcome you back to your home away from home . . . even as I ’ m a newcomer. I often wonder what you as Owners are thinking as you enter the Resort after being away, particularly this year. Are you pleased? Are you disappointed? Or is it a simple shrug of the shoulders with a “ meh? ” Any other re- action than the first one is unacceptable to me. In that vein, both long - term and new team members were given a challenge back in April that didn ’ t involve a world - wide pandemic. How do we best improve the Resort over the off - season so that mouths fall open during that drive down Palm Boulevard towards the gates which salute you as you enter. Sure, we can complete the big tasks such as com- plete replacement of the laundry equipment and new court- side patios, but what about the little things . . . better commu- nication . . . freshened signs . . . freshened street stencils . . . improved landscaping . . . something new and different which Owners may not even notice . . . but we would know. The Maintenance Department in particular had an aggressive goal. Almost 20 projects, big and small, were on the list. While I can lament the five or six which weren ’ t fully com- pleted, I choose to celebrate the ones which were and are close to completion. The effort will continue. While we may come up short from time - to - time, it won ’ t be for lack of trying. Paraphrasing Teddy Roosevelt ’ s great words are what drives me, not just professionally but per- sonally as well, and it goes kind of like . . . “ there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but we must strive to do the deeds with great enthusiasms and great devotions; spending oneself in a worthy cause; knowing there will be triumph of high achievement, and at worst, if failing, at least failing while daring greatly. ” One thing I will pledge to you as we continue the drive to be a Premier RV Resort in North Amer- ica. We will be Ladies and Gentlemen as we serve you, the Ladies and Gentlemen who make up the shareholders of this community. For those who are not with us at this time, I hope to rub el- bows with you as soon as Covid - 19 relents its push. Even referring to that little virus irritates me, but we will combat it with vigor as well. For those in the Resort, please share a wave or hello if you see me Out & About. I ’ ll do the same.

Ed Vitrano General Manager

Ladies and Gentlemen, Serving Ladies and Gentlemen!





Since we have had so many new owners over the last two years, I thought this would be a good time to review how our Resort operates financially. Our fiscal year runs from July 1 to June 30, so I ’ ll give highlights from our audited financial statements for the fiscal year that just ended June 30, 2020. You can find our complete financial reports, including monthly updates, at under the tab labeled Financial Documents. At June 30, 2020 the Resort had three funds: the Operating Fund, the Replacement or Reserve Fund, and the Capital Fund. We ’ ve since renamed the Capital Fund to the Development Fund, which I ’ ll explain later. Operating Fund The Operating Fund is used to pay for the general day - to - day operation of the Resort, such as utilities, landscape & mowing, administration, etc. This is the majority of what we spend. Last year our total monthly HOA assessment was $394, $299 of that went to the Operating Fund. During the fiscal year, the Operating Fund received $5.07 million of income. This was made up of $4.35 million from owner assessments, $370,000 from resort fees and rental income, $110,000 from Activities fees, $94,000 from Laundry, and about $200,000 from miscellaneous sources like golf fees, the bar, etc. We spent $5.24 million, the largest items being $2.1 million on grounds and maintenance, $1 million on administration and front office, $900,000 on utilities (water, gas, electricity) and $450,000 on security (mostly which is labor costs). We started the year with $1.55 million accumulated in the Operating Fund from prior years and ended the year with $1.33 million. The decrease was primarily because in July 2019 we intentionally did not raise assessments enough to entirely cover California ’ s required increases in the minimum wage; instead the Board decided to spread the cost increase over three years. Replacement (Reserve) Fund The Replacement Fund is used to pay for things we already own as they break or wear out, such as building repairs, laundry machines, hot tubs and pools, streets, sports and exercise facilities and equipment. Yearly, we hire a consultant to do an update on our reserve study. This study list of things the Replacement fund or what we like to refer to as the Reserve Fund pays to fix or replace every year goes on and on. Of our $394 monthly assessment last year, $89 went to the Reserve Fund. Our independent consultants estimate that if we had to replace every- thing above - ground at the Resort all at once, the cost would be about $10.4 million. Since we will never have to pay to replace everything all at the same time (we have sufficient earthquake insurance), we spread the cost of each item (and we own thousands of items) over its expected useful lifetime. On that basis, our consultants calculated that our contribution to the Replacement Fund for the last fiscal year should be $1.06 million.

As of June 30, we had $3.8 million in the Reserve Fund, which was 68.5% of what we needed to cover the spread - out replacement cost of everything. Our consultants and our General Manager tell us that this is far better than most HOAs. A well - funded Reserve Fund will allow us to keep the Resort in top condition and makes it easier for owners to sell their lots to new buyers. Development (Capital) Fund The Development Fund is used to pay for new things that enhance the owner experience and value of our Resort, for example the Exercise Facility when it was built, or more recently the Pickleball Courts and a portion of the ES Kitchen upgrades. The planned Dog Park is an upcoming example. Of our $394 monthly assessment last year, $6 went to the Development Fund. The Fund began the year with a deficit of $122,000 and ended the year with a deficit of $79,000 as we worked to pay off cost overruns on prior projects. On the recom- mendation of our General Manager, the Board has predesignated the Capital Fund as the Development Fund and is transferring the accumulated excess assets ($1.33 million as of June 30) from the Operating Fund to the Development Fund. Looking Ahead When California adopted a series of significant increases in the minimum wage, the Board elected to spread that cost over time. The second planned increase ($12/month) took place on July 1, 2020. The third planned increase ($13/month) is scheduled to occur next July 1. Subsequently, owners should expect annual assessment increases more in line with inflation, currently around 2% each year ($8/month) plus whatever is needed to fund Resort improvements. As I write this in early November, it ’ s too early to tell whether Covid - 19 will significantly affect our Resort ’ s costs or revenue this season. We ’ ll see whether rental revenue and resort fees hold up through the coming season or whether we have to deal with an income shortfall. Some contingency was built - in to the current budget for this.

Charles Hare CFO



DECEMBER 2020 2020


Greetings fellow owners! The A&A Team is back and already processing new permit application requests. Each year we process about 200 lot improvement applications. Please remember that permits are required for all lot improvements and repairs. No charge permits are issued for repairs to lot lights, repairs to fifth wheel enclosures and stairs, and for the removal of landscaping materials, trees, and hedges. Red tag permits must be posted on your ORPS Washingtonian palm tree until the work has received a final inspection. Please contact Julia, our Community Standards and A&A Coordinator, at [email protected] for assistance with your permit application. If your application work has been completed, please e - mail [email protected] and Julia will contact the A&A Committee Members for a final inspection. We are disappointed that Our Canadian neighbors can ’ t be with us this year. As a result, many lots will be unoccupied. This is a great opportunity to be good neighbors by watching our neighbor ’ s lots and giving them a call and offering assis- tance if their lot needs maintenance. By working together, we can reduce the number of violation letters being processed. Please consider joining us as a committee member. We have openings. The qualifications are simple. You take pride in the beauty and standards of our resort, like to help your fellow owners improve their lots, are a disciplined thinker who will learn and understand the Architecture and Aesthetics Rules and consistently apply them to project applications submitted by the owners. The A&A Committee welcomes suggestions and ideas from our fellow owners. Please feel free to fill out a consultation form with Julia, at the Front Office, for further assistance from the A&A Committee. Charlie Leahy, A&A Chair


As many of our daily routines remain restricted during the coronavirus pandemic, it can be difficult to find the motiva- tion to exercise. With limited access to fitness facilities, you may be finding it hard to stick to a workout routine. Maintaining an exercise routine at home can seem more like a ‘ should ’ than a ‘ want to ’ at the moment. Staying active can seem like much less of a priority. However, even a small amount of activity can make a huge difference to how well you think and feel. In fact, exercise is one of the most power- ful tools we have for staying physically and mentally healthy. Exercise can help ease depression, stress, and anxiety, and aid in the management of chronic conditions, such as high blood pressure and diabetes. By finding new ways to get moving and stay motivated, you can take charge of your mood and well - being and regain a sense of control during this time of great uncertainty. Find the blessings … We still have pickleball, tennis, swimming, roads to walk, and bike on and several hiking trails surrounding us. Get rid of the excuses and get moving!


Chavalla Lopez, LMP, MMP Health & Fitness Chair

Yes, Pres. Farmer asked me to be the Chair of the Ad Hoc Strategic Master Planning Committee. At this point we are still asking / looking for association members who are interested in being involved in the future direction of ORPS. We have received a few applications already. In the next couple of weeks Pres. Farmer, GM Vitrano and I will sit down, review the applications received and make decisions on whom to accept/invite to sit on the committee. From the results of the strategic plan survey completed by association members last spring, the board has already had a first meeting on a ‘ first blush ’ attempt at some initial master plan concepts with the McMahon Consulting Group. McMahon Consulting ’ s goal is to have these ‘ first blush ’ concepts back to the board sometime late November for a first review. It is our intent to have the Ad Hoc Master Planning committee meet in early December to review and provide their first inputs to the concepts. As this is an entirely new process for ORPS, we do not have a definite time frame, nor are sure how many committee meet- ings will be needed, but for now the board ’ s goal is to be able to present some conceptual plans to association members in the March 2021 timeframe. Don Renoe Ad Hoc Strategic Master Planning Chair ORACLE 5



Welcome to a new season at ORPS. I am your new Safety and Security Chair. I am happily retired from the Los Angeles Fire Department and consider myself a rookie at ORPS as my wife and I have only spent 2 seasons in the Resort. During my second season I joined the Safety and Security Committee to do my share to help make the Resort safe, secure and enjoyable. At the end of last season, we held a full - scale disaster exer- cise. The scenario was a large earthquake, simulating damage to the La Palma clubhouse, gas leaks in the Resort and 10 in- jured patients requiring care and transport to local hospitals. We had members with experience in Emergency command, logistics & supplies, radio communications, and all levels of medical training, to name a few. Thank you to members of the Resort who acted as patients. It was a huge success. I want to thank all those involved for doing such a great job. After 30 years in emergency services, I can assure you all that you are in great hands with the experience we have in this Resort. Our plans for the coming year include: 1. Working with the local emergency providers to assure a fast and efficient response to calls for service in the Resort. 2. Provide and maintain emergency supplies for the Resort. These supplies include first aid kits located in all the Satellite laundry rooms, main Tennis courts and Pickleball courts. These kits are for your use if needed for injuries. Please do not take these supplies to re - stock your personal first aid kits. 3. Conduct another disaster exercise if permitted under the COVID 19 guidelines. I am looking forward to a new season at ORPS. As a safety reminder, please wear masks as required at ORPS. Your safety, and the safety of our community is a priority for us all.

I am pleased to report an Emergency Response Team has finally come to fruition at ORPS. I say this because I was told by many residents, this same program or venture has been attempted numerous times over the past many years only to fail. I took that feedback as a challenge and promised if I set a goal or take on a task, "FAIL" does not become part of the vocabulary! And here we are! We have about 35 members in our total squad. Approximate- ly 12 in one group, we call the “ Dirty Dozen", which consists of Fire Captains, Hazmat experience, firefighters, and gas specialists. Another group with approximately 20 members on our medical team, consisting of doctors, nurses, and EMT's. We even have 2 Radio Communication Specialists. We were fortunate this past Spring, to execute a full blown out Drill at ORPS just prior to the severe COVID - 19 restrictions. It was total success. I would like to personally thank everyone so much for their efforts and volunteering in joining our Team with this great venture which has been long overdue.

Kind Regards, Wilf Kautz / Site #

Tobi Perkins Safety & Security Chair

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Your FMCA ORPS Officers

Welcome back to ORPS

Jeff Buchman , President – (202) - 577 - 6478 - Lot 835 Susanne Strauss , Vice President – (518) 368 - 8084 Lot 632 Vicki Hilmer , Treasurer – (253) - 312 - 0193 - Lot 1082 Ken Hearn , Secretary – (610) - 573 - 3747 - Lot 835 email: [email protected] Doug Hibl , ORPS FMCA Nat ’ l Director – (209) - 480 - 8971 Lot 99 For any questions; please contact Ken Hearn. ORPS PICKLEBALL

The local chapter ORPS FMCA board welcomes you back to the desert. Our ever optimistic President Jeff Buchman often puts challenges in this context, “ Let ’ s make lemon - aid out of lemons ”. Yes, “ A spoonful of sugar ” goes a long way; thank you Julie Andrews i.e. Mary Poppins. We will assuredly miss all our Canadian families who make up a portion of ORPS and our chapter. And we will miss US based families who cannot come south or choose to make a home stay vacation the smarter choice for the family. As I write, I ’ m hold up in NY State in our motor coach, Nim- bus. I am going on eight weeks here with light snow in the forecast. I ’ m getting old projects done and we are starting to restore a J24 sailboat in the hanger, anticipating a 2021 sailing season. We had a busy season last year. We had FMCA Chapter On- site Rally , included a Tuesday Rally Welcome Party, Wednesday a hosted breakfast then 14 members played Pick- le ball. Members played in our Golf Scramble Tournament. Thursday, we had two on - going “ Open - to All ” Speaker Series . Dr Hashimoto well attended presentation on your health and ORPS resident Jim Leishman ’ s presentation on circle navi- gating the world in a 40 - foot Ocean Trawler. We had a group Dinner provided by our friends at Bella Roma. In 2020 we also had welcome to ORPS dinner, we made a trip to Temecula CA, hosted a Balloon event, a group went to a bicycle benefit, the Tour - de - Palm Springs. We had constant small gatherings for dinners. We arranged for a group dis- count day for tanks to be flushed out. Our volunteers came through and an outstanding job, working together, good cheer and introducing new members. We sadly had to cancel other events in March, namely the Volunteer Appreciation dinner. We hope this year will be different. This year , Vice President Susanne Strauss and the board are making plans for the maybe a Christmas Party, certainly a scaled down Chapter Rally, probably a wine tasting dinner, smaller group dinners, maybe a trip to nomad campsite Quartzite California, which, by the way, is not very far. Your ideas are always welcome. We encourage you to suggest any- thing we can do virtually or responsibly as a small group. So, who can be a National and Chapter member of the FMCA? Go onto the National website, to join the FMCA. For the local chapter, it is any ORPS owner or ORPS “ long - time renter ” with a Motor Coach, towable RV or 5th wheel . You must be a member of the national FMCA organization first. You will soon find chapter membership applications near the mailroom in El Segundo and LaPalma. National FMCA Benefits include Emergency Medical Assistance as needed, mail forwarding, travel assistance in the event of an issue, discount wireless hotspot, discount tires for your RV or car and a great magazine, just to name a few. The FMCA Na- tional parent club dues are $85.00 first year; $75.00 thereafter. Annual local dues are $25.00. New ORPS Chapter members will also need to purchase a name tag, $10 each.


So good to see so many of you returning for some FUN - IN - THE - SUN!!! As the courts are beginning to fill up (Yes! All 13 of them!), with old friends and new players we want to re- mind all players to HAVE FUN, maintain six feet social dis- tancing when not playing, wear your mask when in the cov- ered areas and not playing, AND HAVE FUN!! For our new players and those players looking to improve John Boudin and Gary Oedekerk are hosting Pickleball lessons with Skills and Drills on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 2 PM to 4 PM. The turnout has been great and its a wonderful opportunity to meet new people while upgrading your skills. Everyone is welcome! We have a sign up sheet at the courts for those wanting name tags. Cost is $5. If you have questions see Kathy or Gary Oedekerk at the courts. Want to be included in the TrackItHub emails or establish your player ranking for future tournaments here at ORPS? Contact Fran Biddle Reminder to all ORPS Pickleball players that the Annual Ugly Sweater Tournament is scheduled for Friday, December 4. Start planning your costume now! More info to follow on TrackItHub and the ORPS Pickleball Facebook page.

Keith Bassham Pickleball Chair





Upcoming Tournaments and Schedule • Saturday December 12th, 2020 Stableford Tournament (Points System) • Thursday December 17th, 2020 Criss - Cross Tournament • Friday December 25th, 2020 Christmas Day Golf Open Tee Times, Starter Shack Closed

Starter Shack Hours Daily from 7:00am - 3:00pm

Reminder to Golfers, Advanced signups are required for all golf tournaments. Tuesdays - Team Fun Scramble, Every Tuesday (Excluding Holidays) • 9:00am Shotgun Start, check in and pay at the Starter Shack between 7:30am - 8:30am • $5 entry fee per player, optional Hole in One pot $1/ player (paid in cash) • Sign up as an individual, teams are paired by handicap in groups of 4 (A/B/C/D) • Deadline for signups are Monday's at 12pm PST Thursdays - Team Best Ball, Every Thursday (Excluding Holi- days) • 9am Shotgun Start, check in and pay at the Starter Shack between 7:30am - 8:30am • $5 entry fee per player, optional Hole in One pot $1/ player (paid in cash) • Sign up as an individual, teams are paired by handicap in groups of 4 (A/B/C/D)

Sign - ups open 7 days in advance starting at 7am, through the events tab in ForeTees , call the starter shack, or email [email protected] . Pairings will be sent by email after the deadline by and will also be visible on the tee sheet at that time. All tournament results will be sent by email, posted outside of the starter shack and available online at tour- For monthly golf calendars visit the lifestyles office for a hardcopy or go online to - clubs/sports/golf/schedule/.




Remington Post, PGA Director Of Golf

Opening Day Tournament Results — November 7, 2020

Thank you to everyone for participating in the Opening Day Tournament. Hopefully everyone had a great time with ex- ception to the weather. We had a total of 124 players with payouts going to the third of the field (5 teams gross score and 5 teams net score). Gross Score • 1st Place - Jerry Mcgee, Kris Mcgee, Bob Moore, Michelle Moore Gross Score 46 - Payout $100/team • 2nd Place - Trevor Lind, Ed Lewis, Julie Lewis, Kenneth Melton Gross Score 47 - Payout $80/team • Tied 3rd Place - Denise Evans, Ray Evans, Mike Delaney, Lydia Delaney Gross Score 48 - Payout $43/Team • Tied 3rd Place - Andy Huck, Margaret Huck, William Grannary, Cindy Grannary Gross Score 48 - Payout $43/Team • Tied 3rd Place - Kevin Moerdick, Mike Schnarr, Ray Sterbens, Kevin Gardner Gross Score 48 - Payout $43/Team Net Score (50% of total team handicap applied) • 1st Place - Jack Scardina, Robert Riley, Marilyn Riley, Sue Scardina Net Score 4.5 - Payout $100/Team • 2nd Place - John Mullins, Danna Mullins, David Boring, Jean Boring Net Score 5.5 - Payout $80/Team • 3rd Place - Mark Frechette, Carrie Frechette, JR Frechette, Claudette Frechette Net Score 6 - $60/Team • Tied 4th Place - John Reininger, Randall Chase, Wayne

Zuber, Gary Selanders Net Score 7 - $35/Team

• Tied 4th Place - Karen Brewer, Glenn Brewer, Mark Appel, Mary Appel Net Score 7 - $35/Team Closest to the Pin Competitions • Hole #1 Men - Gary Selanders 4'6'' • Holes #10 Women - Karen Brewer 6'11'' Both Players will received a sleeve of Srixon golf balls and an Outdoor Resort logo towel. Congratulations! For Full Field Gross and Net Scores, visit .





The Tennis Committee would like to extend a warm welcome to our new and returning tennis players. Even some of our Canadian friends have braved the trip south this year. That is a pleasant surprise. We are excited for our new gathering space between the breezeway and the LP pool area. The current tables seen in the pictures below are on loan from the ES pergola area. Our new tables and umbrellas are on order and should arrive sometime this month. Down the road we hope to get a BBQ, some serving tables and an Ice maker/dispenser for the area. We are off to a bit of a slow start as far as organized events go this season. As the committee wanted to meet first to ensure we came up with a plan for the safest way to proceed. Hence there was no November Horse Race. The draw is being held daily at 8:00 am at La Palma. All lev- els are encouraged to participate. The time of the draw will be moving to 09:00 am in December and January due to the colder weather. We have restarted the Tuesday Night Mixed Doubles play beginning at 4PM., with dinner following at Bella Roma. All levels are welcome for some fun tennis and socialization. We held our first Mixer (Halloweenie), hosted by the Tennis Committee on November 14. We had 32 in attendance. Free Tennis Clinics every Thursday from 2 pm— 4 pm at La Palma Courts 3 & 4. Contact Sparky at 707 - 497 - 9663. Due to current COVID precautions, the format was a bit different but fun was still had by all. There was a contest for the best decorated masks. We will be having a December Horse Race on Friday, December 4. Format and details are still being worked out. Check your email and the bulletin board for updates. The most important thing in these difficult times, is to be kind to each other! If someone is nervous and feels more comfortable wearing a mask when around others. Or wants to use their own balls when playing. Please respect their feel- ings. There is no place in our community for teasing or sham- ing our friends for doing what they need to do to protect themselves and their families during these unsettling and unprecedented times.

Dawn Williams Tennis Communications






We would like to invite you to join us in the West Room Sun- day – Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. However, this year due to the COVID 19 virus, we will be making necessary ad- justments to protect the safety of everyone enjoying this craft. They are:

This season will be very different for the ORPS Ukulele group. With 72 players on the email list, a fraction of them have returned to the resort. Five to eight players are practic- ing music weekly. The players meet on Wednesdays, 2:00 - 4:00 in the East Room of La Palma and on Saturdays, 2:00 - 4:00 in the West Room of El Saguaro. Players social distance and wear masks. Last season the group had five performances - holiday concert at the ice cream social, pickleball pool party, concert at the 19th Hole, concert on the grass in phase #3, and concert with the Resorters Choir. Their first performance this season will be a Holiday Sing - a - Long on December 12 at the ES Pool.

Phone Purses

The group is under the direction of Marilyn Sabens from Nipomo, California. She began playing the ukulele in 2017, when her husband, Dave Sabens, wanted to learn the guitar, but heard the ukulele was easier. Marilyn plays the accordion and thought it would be fun to try a new instrument together. They spent that summer learning from YouTube and went to the Los

• Face masks will be worn at all times , unless seated at your work table • Temperatures will be checked and logged in at sign in • At least 6’ distance from each other will be maintained (placement of the tables will ensure this distance) • Table arrangements will be set so no two individuals will face each other • A maximum of 10 individuals will be allowed in the room (based Riverside County current guidelines for gatherings) • Frequent hand washing and sanitizing of faucets, sinks, countertops, cabinets, lockers, door knobs, tabletops and chairs prior to and after use • No tools or supplies will be shared • If anyone experiences any COVID symptoms, that person will stay home • Guidelines will be posted on the door and around the room. This group allows us the room and time to work on individu- al projects, as well as, group projects. The group projects help the club to raise money and give resources to the Cathedral City Fire Department first responders and to domestic violence victims at Shelter from the Storm. This club is open to everyone. Please drop in and see us or email us for more information at [email protected]. You can join our Facebook page by searching for: ORPS Quilters & Sewing Club.

Angeles International Ukulele Festival, where they saw their YouTube teachers and played with nearly one thousand uku- lele players. They joined the ORPS group and in February 2019, the ukulele director moved from the resort and Marilyn took over. During the off season, they play with the Five Cities Strummers on the Central Coast. Dave ’ s favorite song is Friday I ’ m in Love by The Cure and Marilyn loves the chal- lenge of taking a song and turning it into a ukulele song. Who would think that Low Rider or Time Warp would be such fun for ukulele players.

Another player is Deanna Joe, a full time ORPS resident who started playing ukulele when she was on a cruise to Hawaii in 2010 and bought one on board. She appeared in the finale cruise show but didn ’ t get really good at playing until she started ukulele at ORPS four years ago. Besides ukulele she plays the tambou- rine and was featured at one of last season ’ s shows on that instrument

and with some other ukulele ladies, who sang lead vocals on Da Doo Ron Ron, a song made famous by The Crystals. Her favorite ukulele song is Sweet Caroline. The ORPS Ukulele Group hopes to welcome beginning players sometime this season, but because of COVID - 19 restrictions, in - person group instruction is not permitted at this time. Please check with the Lifestyle & Events office for updates and possible beginner classes in January. Returning players continue to practice on Wednesdays, 2:00 - 4:00 in the East Room and Saturdays, 2:00 - 4:00 in the West Room and hope that throughout the season they are able to perform and

Laura Moore, Lot ORPS Quilters & Sewing Club Reporter

Southern Village

share new music with those in the resort.

Tonga Lush

Marilyn Sabens, Ukulele Club Director




Mark your calendars for: • Monday - Movie Night with free popcorn • Tuesday – Tacos and Tequila $3 tacos and $2 margaritas (bar is open) • Wednesday – SINGO or Trivia Night along with • Burger Night and bar is open • Friday – DJ Theme Night – watch for emails from Lifestyle & Events for the themes - Food is available and bar is open.

ORPS Activities

As everyone knows, Covid - 19 has impacted all of us and the Activities Committee is working with the Lifestyle & Events Department to stay current on the restrictions and rules while still trying to provide some fun for those that are able to be here. Riverside County is currently in the most restrictive tier which makes social activities much more difficult. To be com- pliant with state and county rules we have instituted the fol- lowing procedures and guidelines. 1. Activities will be held outside on the El Saguaro Pool Deck with a limit of 100 people. 2. Tables are placed six feet apart and there is a maximum of six people per table. You should only sit with people that you feel are safe. Please do not move the tables. 3. Attendees must wear masks any time they are not sitting at their table. 4. Only 10 people are allowed into the building at a time to order food and drink. There are separate Entrance and Exit points to ensure social distancing. 5. You will have your temperature check before you enter the building. 6. You must order food to have an alcoholic beverage. 7. No outside food or beverage is allowed. There are varying opinions about social distancing and mask wearing but the one opinion that should not vary is that we are all here to have a good time and be healthy. If we want to continue to have activities and events, than we need to follow the guidelines. If you are unable to follow them or don ’ t think you should have to follow them, we ask that you please stay home. We don ’ t want to discontinue activities for everyone because of the few. As I write this, we are in our second week of activities. The first week of November we had movie night on Monday night, SINGO on Wednesday night (with over 75 people attending), and DJ Theme Night on Friday night. This week we had movie night on Monday, Tacos & Tequila was can- celled for Tuesday night due to the cold, Wednesday night was the first Trivia Night with 12 teams competing and Friday is DJ Theme Night - Country Music! If you attend the Wednesday SINGO or Trivia night and win you receive a lottery ticket as well as a giveaway that relates to Friday ’ s theme night. Last week the giveaway was guitar pick necklaces for Variety Music Night. This week the giveaway was bandannas for Country Night. The Lifestyle and Events Department is doing everything they can to make the outside area work for events. There are new lanterns on the table for Wednesday night so you can see your game cards. There are patio heaters placed throughout the pool deck to help keep you warm! They have even supplied disinfectant wipes for each table. Since it is getting a bit cooler and we have to have our events outside, dress warmly and maybe bring a lap blanket. We don ’ t want people to have to leave the fun because they are too cold!

The Lifestyle Department




“It’s a Lifestyle!”







Aguirre's Propane On Site Fill (760) 342 - 1645 for online ordering use ' ORPS ' for a 15% discount off of the regular menu price for all orders, cannot be combined with other discounts/promotions. Round Table Pizza #0858

31775 Date Palm Drive Cathedral City, CA 92234 760 - 321 - 1756

Your ad could be here! Email Communications Coordinator, Abby Lomeli, at [email protected]





AGUIRRE'S PROPANE 760 342 1645

ALL PRO 951 906 5200

BBQ ISLANDS 909 735 5009

FRANK ’ S RV WASH & WAX 760 399 6320 JOSE GOMEZ GARDENING 760 641 4571

RAY DUFF 760 567 8772

SOUL SHADES 760 699 4297

760 - 328 - 3834

Admin Office



244 262

Accounting Front desk


Maintenance Dispatch Community Standards

293 246 260 250 252 254 255


La Palma Clubhouse

Board Office/Robert Communications

A1 Store Mailroom

El Saguaro Clubhouse Lifestyle & Events

270 271 272

Event Coordinator


Golf Shack


280 256

Bella Roma Beauty Salon

760 - 328 - 0007

69411 Ramon Road Cathedral City, California 92234