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February 22, 1732 George Washington (1732-1799) was born in Westmoreland County, Virginia. He served as Commander of the Continental Army during the American Revolution and became the first United States President .

February 12, 1809 Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) the 16th U.S. President, was born in Hardin County, Kentucky. He led the nation through the tumultuous Civil War, freed the slaves, composed the Gettysburg Address, and established Thanksgiving.

In this issue:

Election information

page 3 page 7 page 8 page 12 page 13 page 14 page 15

Meeting dates




Pickleball Activities


FACILITIES PLANNING The Facility Planning Committee will continue to meet in February to address the needs of our facilities into the future. We recently have completed our screening process of our future capital projects and have submitted these to the Board of Directors for their review and for requests for funding in the upcoming 2016-17 fiscal year. Our committee is also working with GM, C LINT A THERTON , on developing some timelines for replacing some of the equipment in our kitchen facility at ES so our kitchen is EFFICIENT, SANITARY and SAFE. Our kitchen focus group who met in December has shared much valuable insight and we believe their input will save money as we proceed with this project. We will be addressing some of the projects that we would like to see completed within 2-5 years. Our next meeting is February 4, 2016 at 2PM in the La Palma East Room. All owners are welcome to attend and we welcome input from all of our owners

January has come and gone and has provided us with some fantastic views! The cold, wet weather has produced snow in the local mountains adding a spectacular backdrop to the Resort.

FEBRUARY 2016 Published monthly November - April by the Owners’ Association

Which brings me to one of my topics in this month’s article. Typically I write about events and happenings in the Resort, which is below, but first I want to talk about the word RESORT . As you all know the name here is Outdoor Resort Palm Springs. It is common nomenclature for those RVer’s who travel frequently to use the term PARK . In many of my conversations, owners and guests alike use the word PARK . Last year it had rubbed off on me and had become part of my vocabulary to the point where I used it in one of my Out and Abouts last year. An owner was kind enough to remind me the difference between a PARK and RESORT. As I drive about in my golf cart, I am reminded of this on a daily basis. The well-manicured 18 hole and 9 hole golf courses that include seven lakes, the new paver entryway, mountain views, two clubhouses with activities, a fitness center, multiple pools and spas, etc. I am also reminded of this when guests come to the Resort for the first time and I overhear them telling the front desk how beautiful they find ORPS. So, if you are in the habit of using the term PARK , please make an effort to re-train yourself, as I have, to use the word RESORT to truly describe ORPS! General Manager Report, continued The Board recently passed that we will be switching from our existing prox cards to PHOTO ID PROX CARDS. At the time of printing, I estimate this process will have already started, but I wanted to include it in the ORACLE for those of you who do not receive my Out and About or are not currently in the Resort. With the help of Phase Reps, we will schedule owners to come in, by Phase, to get their photo taken and print their new card. We estimate this process will take approximately five minutes and is very similar to getting a COSTCO or SAM’S CLUB photo ID membership card.

Board of Directors President Allen Gayken Vice President Ted Wilson Secretary Maryellen Muir CFO Brian Canfield Members Skip Pisor Barry Stilwell General Manager Clint Atherton Oracle Staff Editor Emeritus Cathy Chauncey Editor Ellen Lynch Assistant Editors Eva Norcross Karen Peterson Sports Editor Sharen Woodgrift Production Staff Louise Knobf Susan Matthew Joanne Nyquist Mary Ann Priddy Margie Sleight Luann Ward Photo Editor

regarding future needs of our Resort. Please feel free to share your input at: [email protected]


BOARD OFFICE HOURS 9AM to 3PM to assist Owners with Board issues

If an owner cannot make the scheduled time by Phase, there will be a make-up week to work with these owners. Once that is concluded, all existing old prox cards will be deleted from the system. This helps insure that we do not have old prox cards floating out there and people are not gaining access to the Resort who should not be here. There is a cost associated with the new prox card and each owner will be charged $10 per card. After that, replacement cards will be $50, as is our current policy. Scheduling will soon be posted via Phase Reps and via Out and About. Thanks for your cooperation as we work through this process.

Printing Southeast Publications Plantation, FL Oracle Office 760-328-3834 oracle @


Thank You R ON J ACKSON !

At its meeting on January 18, 2016, the Board of Directors accepted, with regret, the resignation of Vice President R ON J ACKSON . Ron has purchased a home in Palm Desert, has his RV up for sale, and has limited time

The newly appointed Chair of the Finance Committee, D AVE M UELLER , held his first meeting and reports on proceedings in his article elsewhere in this issue of ORACLE . I welcome Dave and his energy to this meaningful role dealing with the Finances of ORPS.

available because of other personal issues. Ron worked hard on the Board and made many contributions to the Association. He will be missed. Director T ED W ILSON was elected to serve as Vice President until the election of new officers in March. The Board of Directors will appoint the Board candidate who receives the least number of votes in the Director’s election to serve the remainder of Ron’s term of office (one more year).

It is my desire to have the Finance Committee review their Charter with a view of taking on a role much like an Audit Committee in a Corporation. As such it has an oversight role with the Financial Statements looking for trends and opportunities moving forward. Increases in homeowners’ (HOA) fees are always a concern. All of us need to continuously seek ways and means to keep increases at a minimum. That said, we have a Board Policy to increase the contribution to Reserves each year by $3/month/unit until we have reached the target funding level, which is forecast to occur by 2020. We also realize there is an annual cost of living increase of between 1 and 2%. Taken together, the HOA fees increase will range between $6 and $9. The only mitigating factors are the ability to shed costs or increase revenues from sources other than HOA Fees. We are actively working on these issues as we move into the budget cycle. It is important to note that reaching the funding goal for Reserves is predicated on the Board not allowing projects for enhancements moving forward. Reserve spending should be limited to expenditures dealing with items brought forward from the annual Reserve study, and even then, they need to be closely examined for need. The General Manager groups his projected Reserve spending into three categories, Must do, Should do, and Would like to do. The total spending must not exceed 80% of the amount of contribution to the Reserve Fund in any year. If this discipline is not followed, the forecasted date for reaching the target Reserve funding amount is pushed out further, which in turn extends the period where we must increase the annual contribution from HOA fees to Reserves. We are also moving ahead with the formation of an Investment Committee to oversee how our Funds (such as the Reserve Fund) are invested and managed. It is proposed that the Committee be chaired by the CFO and members would be the President, the Chair of the Finance Committee, and two members from the Owners Community at large. If there are Owners with Investment Banking backgrounds, who are willing to attend four or five meetings a year, please give me a call. We would welcome your involvement!

2016 ELECTION CALENDAR Feb 5 Ballots mailed Mar 9 Ballots due to the Inspector of Elections Mar 11 Annual Meeting to tabulate ballots and announce election results

A METHYST Signifies peace, temperance, serenity and royalty

F EBRUARY F LOWER V IOLET : Symbolizes faithfulness, humility and chastity

A QUARIUS the Water Bearer Jan 19 - Feb 18 P ISCES the Fishes Feb 19 - March 20


CRAIG WIRCH My wife B ARBARA and I have been coming to Outdoor Resort for more than 20 years. Our children were young and it was a great place to come during Spring Break to experience warmth, sunshine, friendly people, and relaxation.

Last month, an amendment to the A&A Rules was posted to clarify the types of RV covers, shades and extensions to awnings that would be allowed in the Resort. Following comments from owners, an omission was discovered regarding partial RV covers.

In 2009 we made the decision to become owners, giving us the opportunity to visit and enjoy ORPS a little more often while still running our own business back home. Each subsequent year we have been able to add more days to our season and are continuing to meet new people and enjoy long lasting friendships. This has also opened up opportunities to become more involved including volunteering to serve on the Tree Committee and on the Pickleball Executive Board. This past summer we sold our business and as of October 1 began a new chapter in our lives that we call refocusing . We are excited about the many changes that are taking place and we are trusting our Lord for continued wisdom and direction on our life journey ahead. I began my career working in the hospitality industry for seven years. Experience included managing the front office of various hotels as well as managing a hotel property in Banff, Alberta. I also spent 15 years working in Christian Ministry. For 10 of those years I directed and managed the Ministry of Insight for Living (Chuck Swindoll) in Canada. For the past 21 years, I operated my own successful Merry Maids Franchise which won top awards both in Canada and North America for Excellent Customer Service, Employee Retention and Satisfaction, as well as Strong Fiscal Management. During these years, I have also been involved in and served our local community church as a Deacon, Elder, Finance Officer, Board Member, and various committee positions. Through these life experiences, the most important thing I have learned is to “Listen with an open mind” and “work well with others to accomplish the tasks at hand“. During the past few months, many friends have encouraged me to utilize my skill sets and experience to run for a position on our Board of Directors. I consider this to be a calling that requires serious thinking along with a huge commitment. I believe that Outdoor Resort is at a pivotal stage in its history which presents us with many great opportunities. Strong committed leadership that listens to the voice of owners is of utmost importance to move ORPS forward into the changes and challenges that lay ahead. We need Directors on our Board who can work together through diversity to discover creative solutions while being fiscally responsible. To that end I fully support the idea of owner forums to be able to hear and understand the pulse of our great Resort and how we can make ORPS an even better place that we call home for a season. I look forward to serving you on our Board of Directors if that is your desire. You will find me approachable, easy to talk with, a person of integrity with a no nonsense approach to the tasks at hand. I have the best interest of ORPS’ future moving forward. Thank you for your consideration. Please be sure to take the time to vote.

Accordingly, the rule was amended to add language stating partial RV covers that are manufactured to snap or fasten over portions of the RV are allowed. The Board considered the amendment and approved a second 30 day posting. This rule change will come before the Board for adoption at its March 7 meeting. The Committee has been reviewing the process for implementing the new 15-year rule. Over the summer, our General Manager will inventory the entire Resort to determine the total number of older units that need to be inspected. In the Fall, when the A&A begins the new season, a systematic inspection schedule will be initiated, perhaps on a phase-by-phase basis. In the meantime, the Committee will inspect a handful of units, working with management to fine-tune the process. More to come on this effort next season. The Committee recommended to the Board an amendment to our CC&R’s to allow 5 th wheel and travel trailers in the Resort that exceed 40 feet in length, as long as they meet industry standards, contain an RVIA sticker, and are able to be placed on the lot in compliance with all set-backs. The Board approved the amendment to put to a vote of the owners along with the election of Directors and Advisory Vote on Pickleball. We encourage your affirmative vote on this issue. It is time to update our CC&Rs to meet owner demands and to be current in the industry.


Two locked PAPER SHREADERS are AVAILABLE for our use. They are located by the L A P ALMA Mailroom window.

You may dispose of sensitive information, such as credit card offers. The bin is emptied once a month.



BOB MOORE My wife, M ICHELLE , and I first visited ORPS 11 years ago and were amazed at the beauty we found behind the walls on Ramon Road. Besides the well-maintained grounds and many facilities available to owners, the most important find were the friendly people we met. We wanted to become part of this wonderful community and became owners in March

DEDE LOOP My husband, D ALE , and I lived in the San Jose area for 38 years before we moved to Foresthill, CA. where we have lived for 16 years. We raised our two daughters in San Jose and they have blessed us with five wonderful grandchildren. My working years were spent in bookkeeping and office management.

In the early 1970’s I helped start-up a small business manufacturing printed circuit boards. This one shop grew to three with one in Oregon, one in Washington, as well as the original in California. I traveled to Oregon and Washington to oversee the office operations, managed office staff and did job estimating. After moving to Foresthill from San Jose, I became involved in many volunteer associations including the Foresthill Lions Club and the Auburn Elks RV Club. I also served on the Friendship Club, serving one year as Secretary and two years as President. This philanthropic organization helped support the local Safety Club, providing ambulance services to our community. During my tenure, I managed and organized many successful fund-raising events: sponsoring the Annual Fourth of July pie booth, producing a calendar promoting the community of Foresthill, and publishing a cookbook featuring recipes from locals that sold over 500 copies. Dale and I have been in the Resort since 2006. We enjoy the time we spend here and have tried to be involved and participate as active, contributing members of the Association. I believe in service and early on volunteered to serve on the Safety and Security Committee, then to the Activities Committee where I served as Secretary for three years. I became a Phase Representative for the Communications Committee and, since the 2013-2014 season, I have served as Chair of that Committee. My service since becoming an owner at ORPS has given me the chance to be involved with the many different aspects of this Resort, its facilities, its activities, and the people who live here. Additionally, since becoming Chair of the Communications Committee, I have been able to interact with the entire community, assessing ways in which communications can be improved. I have also had the opportunity to meet with new owners, learning of their concerns and assisting wherever possible to integrate them into this community. My past work experience in office management and small business start-up, coupled with my extensive history of volunteerism and community service, will serve me well as your representative on the Board of Directors. Additionally, I believe my volunteer experiences within this Resort in various positions has given me a unique understanding of the needs of the owners. I believe in open communication and teamwork, and will do my best to serve the interests of all of the owners of this beautiful resort. With your support, I will be a fresh voice on your Board of Directors. Thank you for considering my candidacy.

2006. We both believe you should be involved where you reside and give back through service to your community. I believe I have proven this through my actions the last ten years: serving as a Board Member for three years (two as Board President), spearheading the successful ORPS Luci Curci Cancer golf tournament/auction event for the past three years, co-chair of the Potato Bake, involved in ORPS activities (Bingo and Ice Cream Social) and worked in the golf shack for 1 year. The Resort has gone through many changes the past few years; not all have gone as smoothly as we would have hoped for. It is time to move forward and work for the common good of all owners. My priority would be to continue the work maintaining our financial stability, help to improve our security services within the Resort, and maintain/improve our Resort at the high standards expected by owners at a reasonable cost. I believe I am an open-minded individual who listens to owners and can work harmoniously with the other Board members to accomplish the goals that are set for the resort annually. If elected, I will be committed to the following:  Act in the best interest of owners by researching, discussing issues, and becoming aware of any past history, policy or legal requirements concerning Board actions.  Ensure the Capital and Reserve Funds are maintained and in place for new Resort projects, unexpected requirements, and infrastructure repairs and expenses.  Assist in the development of procedures and policies that manage ORPS assets prudently.  Work with General Manager to insure contracting services meet the contract requirements and contracts are successful in providing optimum services to owners. EDUCATION: BS degree in Education and Corrections from Western Oregon University EXPERIENCE: Three years on the ORPS Board of Directors 30 years in a City Building Department and management of the Department 5½ years Gresham City Council (one year as president) Budget Committee member for City of Albany and Gresham, Oregon Board of Directors of Oregon League of Cities Board of Directors of Oregon Building Officials Association. One year president City of Albany American Federation of State County Municipal Employees The experience gained over the years has given me the business and management leadership, and knowledge to serve as your representative on the Board. I have the fiscal discipline required and a high standard of ethics that will keep the best interest of owners in mind at all times. It would give me great satisfaction to be elected to the Board and serve fellow owners and friends in making positive accomplishments over the next three years.


COMMUNICATIONS MMI Have you enjoyed the beautiful views of the snow on the mountains around us? Isn’t it nice to view it from a distance instead of on our doorsteps where it has to be shoveled? This is one of the reasons that we love being here in our beautiful Resort. February is going to be a very busy month, so roll up your sleeves and let’s get to it. First, the ballots to elect two new Board members are being mailed. Hope everyone attended the Meet the Candidates Forum so you can make an informed decision when you cast your votes. And it is time to snuggle up to your Sweetheart for the Valentine Dinner/Dance. Sunday, February 22 will be the annual Picnic in the Neighborhood . This season will be a little different as each Phase will pick their own theme. Some of the Phases will have a different type of party for you to enjoy. Flyers will be coming your way soon. The Pickleball trial continues through this month with an extension to March 11; check it out and make your yes or no vote. Golf, tennis, bingo, bridge, quilting and many more activities are all here for you to enjoy. Pick up your monthly calendar from the Activities Office to make sure you know what and when everything is taking place. We will continue to contact everyone in each Phase to make appointments to obtain the new Photo Prox Cards before the old ones are cancelled. Smile pretty! Remember that everyone may attend any of the Committee meetings. It might even prompt you to join a committee, a great way to make a difference and have a voice. D E D E L OOP Chair


December reports were not available for this issue of the ORACLE. November Financials: The ORPS Controller now includes comparisons of expense versus plan, and where appropriate, revenues versus plan, to be organized by responsible area. This will lead to better cost visibility and management; our goal is Zero Based Budgeting, which does require accurate reporting and a solid statement of work to assess budget performance, department by department. Also, we are now receiving a short presentation from the Controller outlining the key parts of the latest financial report, identifying the important numbers for the month as management sees it. Important for this current report is that overall, the Resort is ahead of plan, i.e., the actual deficit is less than planned by over $35,000. Utility costs are running significantly under budget, due to the satellites being closed last summer, outsourcing of HVAC maintenance and improved irrigation management. We are studying whether the utility savings can be booked as the future new level of expenditure. Reserves are on the planned track to 70%-funded by 2020. Only $10,000 remains spendable this fiscal year from Reserves, but our General Manager does not foresee any further need for the year. First Foundation: We received a presentation from our new investment managers who are from First Foundation, a Southern California based firm with offices here in the valley. They are managers, not brokers, and will be investing mostly in bonds, with a goal of capital preservation and obtaining a return equal to inflation. In the Committee meeting a proposal was made for an investment committee, which the Board would authorize. Labor Merits: Management has the objective of a 4% pool for merit increases, the first in several years; past increases have been across-the-board COLA increases, which have been 2% or less. Possible Land Acquisition: The Committee has prepared a request to the Board to study the possibility of acquiring land for new activities and perhaps rentable storage spaces; options for financing; and to agree to a future vote from the Owners if an acceptable proposal is reached. New Members : Finance Committee is open to new members who have experience in finance, auditing, insurance, IT, management, or any of several other backgrounds. Please contact any member of the Committee if you are interested, or know of someone who may be. Thanks B ILL D IETRICH ! We would all, as Owners, members of the Committee, and ORPS Managers, like to thank Bill, our outgoing Chair, for his tremendous help and guidance over the years. We were fortunate to have Bill leading the way, and are very appreciative of his continued participation in ORPS financial matters . Thank you Bill. D AVE M UELLER Chair

Outdoor Resort FMCA Chapter

Requirements:  belong to the National FMCA  own a lot at ORPS  pay $15 per year for membership

C HAPTER O FFICERS for 2015 - 2016



503-475-3694 lot 85


Vice President 801-668-1484 lot 7


231-832-4656 lot 666



913-687-9976 lot 81

March 1-2-3 we will hold our in-resort rally for chapter members. Golf, tennis, pickleball tournaments, pancake breakfast, closing dinner and dance.

For more information on joining our Chapter, please contact any of our chapter officers.


BALLOT INITIATIVE!!! AMENDMENT TO CC&R’S TO ALLOW 5 TH WHEEL & TRAVEL TRAILERS THAT EXCEED 40 FEET IN LENGTH IN THE RESORT Your ballot to elect two new board members will contain another important question: As currently written, the CC&R’s do not allow travel or 5 th wheel trailers that exceed 40 feet in length but also states they are allowed if they contain no more 430 sq. ft., the current RVIA standard. This has created a conflict, as, over time, manufacturing techniques and design have evolved and 5 th wheel trailers are now being produced that do not exceed 430 square feet, but do exceed 40 feet in length. Many of our owners are interested in purchasing these new 5 th wheels, but are unable to do so because our CC&R’s prohibit them. (Your ballot materials will include a full description of the proposed amendment.) It is time to resolve this conflict in our rules and update our CC&R’s to meet this demand and keep current with the industry.

Resort If you look around the Resort perimeter you will see the promised walker benches. We would like to thank the following groups or individuals who purchased our ten benches: D ALE F URTADO for the proceeds from Casino Night 2015 (5); the H & F Committee (2); N ANCY N ATION for Phase 3 (1); the Tennis Committee (1); and L EO W ALSH (1). We would also like to thank our Maintenance Department for assembling the benches, pouring the concrete slabs, and anchoring the benches to the slabs. Fitness Center We have replaced the remaining cast iron dumbbells with rubber octagonal dumbbells to match the existing ones by the mirrors. We have also posted five more laminated charts to give user guidance for the body ball, the dumbbells, and for stretching. Pathway to Fitness We agreed to pay the $75 setup fee for ordering less than 11 bricks so we could fulfill the five brick orders we received last season. Please consider buying a brick to help us finish the Pathway. Membership Last season, our Charter was revised to have a membership range between five and nine. This season, we started with five members, have lost two, and two members will end their terms in March. If you are interested in promoting a healthier lifestyle and enjoy our Fitness Center please consider joining our Committee. We need your help. P AM W ALKER Chair

Vote yes to consent and approve proposed amendment to Restated CC&Rs. QUESTIONS? Attend a Town Hall on Monday, February 1, at 1PM in the La Palma Auditorium.

ORPS MEETINGS Board Planning Meeting – Monday, February 8, 1PM – La Palma Auditorium Board Regular Meeting – Monday, February 15, 1PM – La Palma Clubhouse Auditorium A&A Wednesday 9AM Feb 3 Board Room, LP Activities Tuesday 2PM Feb 9 Owners Lounge, MPR Communications Monday 11:30AM Feb 1 East Room, LP Facilities Planning Thursday 2PM Feb 4 & 11 East Room, LP Finance Wed/Friday 2PM Feb 3 & 26 East Room, LP Golf Tuesday 1PM Feb 2 Owners’ Lounge, ES Health & Fitness Tuesday 10:30AM Feb 2 West Room, ES Safety & Security Friday 1PM Feb 5 East Room, LP Tennis Saturday 9AM Feb 6 La Palma



LADIES’ BIBLE STUDY with D ONNICE K OCH Wednesdays 9 - 10:15AM East Room in La Palma Contact D ONNICE Lot 81, 913 952-9285

Chapel meets every Sunday at 8:50AM in La Palma C HAPLAIN J IM G WINN

All ladies interested in meeting and sharing their love for our Lord with some amazing women are invited to join us! We are studying John I, II, and III, a study prepared by K ELLY M INTER , titled, "What Love Is."

Lot 274 Cell: 847 445-0077 A VALENTINE INVITATION FROM GOD

James 4:8 states: Come close to God. God’s love sent His Son to the cross with a letter written in red; the blood of Jesus inviting us to know and love Him. When we look at a blade of grass; a spider web near the propane tank; a palm tree with barely any roots in the ground, do we see them as a reminder of God’s creativity? As we observe seasons of the year with different manifestations, are we aware of the heart of Him who made them? When we notice these things they spark a conversation with Him and we should be drawn close to God. God’s love letter, the Bible, tells us the truth about knowing and loving God and the reminder of how to avoid evil. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you, resist the devil and he will flee from you. Both of these actions require discipline. Remember, discipline plus determination, not desire, determines destiny. Drawing nearer to God is harder than it seems. It’s more than praying; attending Chapel; casually reading the Bible; sharing His love with others. Make the effort to spend time with Him daily; begin by reading the book of John in the New Testament. Drawing close is to be an outcome of an act of love. Love, if it is real, is always voluntary. Our response to the invitation is to draw near to Him. Do that and see the reality of His love and caring for you. Pray this prayer: Lord, I want to see You, everything about You. Help me to stop and observe any evidence of Your work, Your voice, and Your Presence that I can find in the world and in my life. Please give me the discipline to observe and make You even more real. Draw me close to you as I resist the devil and walk in the reality of your love.

If you love to sing, come join RESORTERS CHORUS every Tuesday 2PM at La Palma

For more information, please contact M ARGIE S LEIGHT at 571 488-4275


MEMORIAL CORNER Dedicated to those who passed in recent months . R ON A LBANO L OT 982 J ACK B URDICK L OT 676 S USIE F RISK L OT 413 J EANNE L INEHAN L OT 920


LOT PHASE NAME / FROM 134 1 A NDERSON , G ARY & V IRGINIA Brentwood, CA 313 3 K OEHN , R ICHARD & P ATRICIA Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

588 2 R ING , J AMES S HAW , E UGENE Cathedral City, CA 675 8 D EACON , S HARON

Feb 7

J OHN & B EN B URCHFIELD Musician regulars to Chapel.


Feb 14

M ICHAEL R YDELNIK Jewish follower of Christ & Chapel favorite.

Feb 21

E LIZABETH M ONTGOMERY Not from I Dream of Jeannie , outstanding singer. G ARY C HAPMAN Author of Five Love Languages.

Feb 28



BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP Thursday. February 18 3PM Owners’ Lounge

Beginner Bridge with Audrey Grant

DEEP WAKE by Erik Larson

This program is going very well with over 30 people signed up. We are

Larson, a consummate researcher, drew on love letters, telegrams and survivor depositions, to weave the gripping examination of the last voyage of the magnificent Lusitania. Full of glamor, mystery, and real life suspense, Deep Wake brings together a cast of evocative characters in a tale of two captains, one a highly competent and experienced Englishman and the

Looking for experienced Bridge players willing to be a mentor for a beginner table as we practice what we learn. We would welcome the help. Please e-mail us or speak to E VA or J ANETTE if you are interested.

Wednesdays 1:30 - 3:30PM La Palma Ballroom Facilitated by Eva & Janette [email protected]

other a German submarine captain. Believing that no ship could get near the fastest ship in the world, Captain Turner of the Lusitania laughed off the likelihood of a torpedo attack while still upholding the highest standards of safety. In Larson’s thrilling, dramatic and powerful Deep Wake , we see how the unthinkable becomes reality. This is a potluck dinner meeting where spouses/others are invited for the meal and to join in the discussion. Everyone is welcome Next meeting : March 10 To reserve or for information contact: J EAN D IETRICH 760 992-8225

These local businesses make it possible to maintain the ORACLE ’s high quality . Please tell them you saw their AD in the ORACLE at OUTDOOR RESORT




THE 19 TH HOLE at El Saguaro Join us for Happy Hour 4-7PM Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday-Friday Cocktails - Music - Goodies


West Room @ ES


9-4PM ( except the last Monday of the month 9AM-12:30PM)

NO OIL PAINTING PLEASE Contact: Jan 760 641-2997


 Do you conserve water?  Do you recycle and employ energy efficient machinery and devices?  Do you teach the next generation and show by example the need to live a green life?



HOLES-IN-ONE Hole-in-one scorecards must be dated and signed by at least two playing witnesses. Include phone number and indicate if this is his/her first hole-in-one. Name Date Hole # First D EANNA J OE 12-16-15 4 Clint Dow 4-10-15 17 Yes Helen Conley 12-18-15 7 Yes Christie Etie 12-27-15 18 Yes Mike Moore 1-6-16 4 Fred Hyde 1-8-16 4 No Dave Barclay 1-8-16 13 Yes The lucky golfer may purchase a hole-in-one bag tag.



Tuesdays we have a mixed scramble. Thursdays men and women are on separate teams with each member playing his or her own ball. Formats vary from week to week. On both days teams are handicapped as evenly as possible. All low and high handicappers are encouraged to play. Guests who wish to play must pay green fees at the Starter Shack and bring their receipt to ES. Guest averages will be based upon your home course handicap. Organized play starts at 9AM Sign ups begin at 8AM in ES Sign up to play prior to 8:45AM! Bring $4 and join us. $5 when food is served. $6 when pizza is served.



Sweetheart *

Sat & Sun, Feb 13-14


Club Championship*

Fri Sat & Sun Feb 26, 27 & 28

3-Club Tournament

Saturday, March 12

Nine and Wine Friday, March 25 Farewell Tournament * Saturday, April 2

The Golf Committee has reinstituted the Adopt-A-Green Program

2015-2016 Golf Committee

A number of owners have stepped forward to maintain a green in the Resort. There are still a number of greens waiting for volunteers. Please see a member of the Golf Committee to adopt your green.


Co-Chair, Secretary


Treasurer Hospitality



Computer & Hole-in-One Course set up & Marshalls


Board Liaison

FROM THE GOLF SHACK: Anyone playing golf after the golf shack closes may be asked for their lot numbers and last names by the Marshalls or Security to confirm ownership. If you are a guest, you must carry a receipt as proof of payment. Thank you.


Sign up Wednesday mornings 8:45AM at ES.

Bring your putter, a ball and 4 quarters and have FUN!

Secretary - C AROL T HOMSON


All are welcome at the M ORNING D RAW

FEBRUARY HORSE RACE! Saturday, February 6 8:15AM @ La Palma Bring your $5 entry fee to LP and sign up no later than 8:15AM All levels of play are welcome!

M ONDAY THRU S ATURDAY Women at LP at 8:25AM Men at ES at 8:30AM Mixed Doubles Friday 8:30AM, meet at LP for the draw. NETS: Nice Easy Tennis, 10AM at LP for mixed doubles every day except Sunday . TENNIS

Return to LP for Refreshments and our General Tennis Meeting at 10:30AM January Winners

Ladies come early for warm up. Draw closes at 8:25 and play begins at 8:30.

SUNDAY TENNIS ACTIVITIES Mixed Doubles Sunday at 2PM at LP Bring a partner and join in the fun. ALL LEVELS OF PLAY ARE WELCOME TENNIS BARBECUE Sunday, FEBRUARY 7 at LP Clubhouse 5PM Bring your own meat to BBQ, a dish to share, a beverage of your choice plus your place setting. Please LOCK YOUR GATE when play is completed. The ball machines are for owners only. Obtain the key at the Guard Shack for LP and the Golf Shack for ES and leave your Prox card.


PICKLEBALL CLUB OF ORPS Our ORPS pickleball time trial continues at courts 7 and 8 at El Saguaro. Pickleball numbers continue to climb; as of submission day, January 18, we have 205 club members, made up of 155 owners and 50 guests. The Board of Directors has also mandated pickleball play on the satellite courts, so we will have 8 players rotating among the satellite courts in our Resort. Come out and watch the action! We play every day of the week from 8AM to 8PM, with the majority of players showing up early in the morning, to take advantage of the cooler tem- peratures. A second group shows up at dusk, about 4 and plays until 6PM, or so. Everybody welcome. We are selling yearly memberships at the courts; join our club for only $20 per year. We promised the residents of our Resort that the pickleball trial would not cost owners anything, so our memberships help us to pay for our temporary nets, balls and tape for the courts. We now have a club website-check out:

UPCOMING PICKLEBALL TOURNAMENT Mark your calendars for the upcoming Senior Games in Palm Desert. The games will include all categories from singles play to doubles and mixed doubles, both at skill levels and age categories. A number of pickleball players from our Resort are

entered to play in this tournament. WHEN: February 19-21, 2016 WHERE: Palm Desert Community Centre PLACE TO LOOK UP INFORMATION: Pickleball ISF Palm Desert Senior Games

Newbies learning the game of pickleball


Beginner clinics for pickleball will be held from Monday to Friday every week from 11AM - 1PM. All clinics are free. More and more ORPS residents are giving pickleball a try, and finding the fun and exercise of this great new sport. Please wear running shoes or court shoes. We will provide paddles for the clinic, if you don’t have one of your own. Our promise is that we will have you playing a game within 15 minutes of beginning instruction. You will learn:  how to volley the ball  how to serve  basic rules of the game  basic strategies of play  why you have to stay out of the kitchen! We have players of all ages on our courts; our oldest players to date have been 84 years old. You are never too old to play pickleball! For more information, contact S TAN or M AUREEN M ILLER -N IELSEN at 760 424-8002

IMPROVING YOUR PICKLEBALL GAME Pickleball, as in all racquet sports, is a game of strategy. Once the basic rules have been learned, learning new ways to outsmart your opponents becomes an important part of the game. These new strategies include: • different types of serves • dinking strategies • how and when to lob

• maneuvering your opponents out of position • change from a hard game to a soft game • the important third shot

To learn more about these strategies, sign on to Youtube or the Pickleball Channel and check out the helpful videos!



BIKERS AND BABES Saturday, February 6 @ ES

5 Happy Hour 6 Dinner

Ladies’ Luncheon Wednesday, February 11 11:30 @ ES

Pizza ... Catered by Papa Dan’s

Tickets @ Activities

Owners $10 Non Owners $12

Fashions by Revenge

DON’T MISS OUT…. SURPRISE CONTEST, Popcorn, Tattoos, games and prizes

Menu: Croissant sandwiches, Potato Chips,

Fruit Salad and Lemon Bar for Dessert

Tickets @ Activities

Owners $16 Non Owners $18

Valentine’s Dinner Dance Saturday, February 13 @ ES

POTATO BAKE Saturday, February 20 @ ES

Happy Hour 5 Dinner 6

Entertainment by…Matt Jenkins

Tickets @ Activities

Owners $12 Non Owners $14

Tickets @ Activities


Choice between Roast Beef or Salmon

Country Western

Entertainment by Sharon Sills


2 TO 3 @ LP

Dinner Dance

Saturday, February 27 @ ES Happy Hour 5 Dinner 6 Dance 7


Coffee & Donuts

Sloppy Joes... Catered by Homeowners Tickets @ Activities $16 Owners $18 Non owners

February 19


7:30 to 9 @ ES

Owners $15


Non owners $17

Tickets @ Activities

Saturday, February 20 8 - 10 @ ES

Saturday, February 20 Sign up @Activities See website for details

Reserve a table for $1 @ Activities Office


ORPS QUILTERS We meet in the West Room Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 9AM to 4:30PM


We meet every Tuesday through March

West Room @ ES @ 1PM Join us to express yourself by beading, knitting, painting, glasswork, small sewing projects & miscellaneous crafts. All are welcome! Get new ideas, share knowledge, trade supplies. Plan to have a great experience. Coordinators: J UDY J URACH Lot 1105 C AROL W ILHELM Lot 309

The ORPS Quilter s are working on some incredible quilts this year. Embroidery and appliqué skills have been perfected by some of our quilters and their work is an inspiration to all of us. Our quilt this month was made by Karen Gwinn for a grandchild. She has some lovely quilts with themes from Frozen . This quilt shows OLAF who says, “ Some people are worth melting for .”


We meet every Monday 1:30 to 4PM in the East Room We socialize as we work. If you enjoy any kind of needlework, please join us. P HYLLIS P ASHOTE , Lot 402 925 786-4472

Another lovely quilt will be raffled in February at the Ladies’ Luncheon. We hope you will buy raffle tickets. The money raised from all raffles goes to the LINUS PROJECT, a National Organization, who give quilts to children in need.


Quilting Reporter Lot 784

MAHJONG Meets in the East Room Tuesdays at 1PM For more information call S UE D OTY 916 205-7966 or

TEXAS HOLD’EM Texas Hold’em continues to grow with events held Monday and Thursday at 6:45PM. With a maximum of 50 players, we have experienced sellouts, so show up EARLY.

Thursdays call M ARTHA C AMPBELL 707 228-0567

Come and play or learn to play. It’s addictive!

WEDNESDAYS AT LA PALMA 6:30PM Early Bird Bingo 7PM Regular Bingo Games end around 9PM

FEBRUARY RED HAT WILL BE BUNCO IN THE CARD ROOM. Lunch will be pizza and salad

with ice cream sundaes for dessert. Thursday, February 18 @ 12 Noon $10 for lunch and $8 for Bunco and dessert (with raffle prizes).. RSVP by February 16 J EANETTE Z UBER 909 519-2028 or J EAN D IETRICH 760 992-8225 Bring a friend and don't forget your red hat… We'd like to have at least 12 people .

Free popcorn, coffee and fun Paper pack of 10 games $6 Early Bird sheets $1 each Intermission game $1 each Candy & soda pop available See you there!


FEBRUARY MOVIES in the Owners’ Lounge Tuesdays at 4PM & 7PM

Gary Marshall

February 2 The Perfect Game Amid the poverty of Monterrey, Mexico, a ragtag group of boys discovers the joys of sandlot baseball, thanks to the guidance of a coach (C LIFTON C OLLINS J R .) who had once hoped to make it in the major leagues. February 9 A Walk in the Woods Travel writer B ILL B RYSON (R OBERT R EDFORD ) takes a long- lost old friend (N ICK N OLTE ) for a hike along the Appalachian Trail, which stretches more than 2,000 miles from Georgia to Maine . February 16 The Martians When astronauts blast off from the planet Mars, they leave behind M ARK W ATNEY (M ATT D AMON ), presumed dead after a fierce storm. With only a meager amount of supplies, the stranded visitor must utilize his wits and spirit to find a way to In “The Intern,” B EN W HITTAKER (R OBERT D E N IRO ) is a 70- year-old widower who has discovered that retirement isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Seizing an opportunity to get back in the game, he becomes a senior intern at an online fashion site founded and run by J ULES O STIN (A NNE H ATHAWAY ). Hot dogs and chips - $3.75 available from 5:30 to 6:30PM survive on the hostile planet. February 23 The Intern




The season is in full swing now and I hope you are enjoying all the Activities that are available to you. Be sure and keep up to date with all the information that we prepare for you. Flyers are on the ten bulletin boards throughout the Resort, CH 98 if you have Time Warner, the Resort’s website calendar at , our calendar printout you can obtain in the Activities Office, and our email updates sent during the week. We recently had our Activities Committee meeting and I am excited about the future of the group and with our new officers. We meet the second Tuesday of the month and, of course, it is open to guests. I would like to thank all of our January hosts and hostesses for their outstanding work on their respective events. S ANDY H OLQUIN  Jason Weber Concert, C HERYL & T OM C OSTA  Rock Around the Clock D AN K ELLY  Dan’s Rib Dinner D AN S ABOL  Pre Super Bowl Party G LENDA H ENGISH & J AN R YAN With their leadership and all of the volunteers who assisted, the January events were at their best.  Potato Bake B OB & M ICHELLE M OORE  Ladies Luncheon


ORPS’ singles group finds a new restaurant each Friday evening for their get-together.

JOIN US - sign up in ACTIVITIES by Friday noon.




Thinking of Buying in Sun City Palm Desert? Or Any other Desert Community? I Have Helped Many ORPS OWNERS fulfill their Dreams and I WOULD LOVE TO HELP YOU!!! Give me a Call... I Would be Pleased to Provide References from my MANY SATISFIED ORPS CLIENTS!!!

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Preferred Properties have all been visited by a Associate. In order for a Associate to raise a Quality Property to a Preferred Property, the resort has tomeet most if not all of the following criteria:

• Friendly and Knowledgeable Staff • Clean Facilities • Fair and Reasonable Pricing • Engaging Activities • Consistency of Service • Easy Access To Information • Adequate Site Spacing

Be sure to visit our Preferred Properties and leave your review within their profile! All you have to do is register within the website and you can leave reviews, like local businesses, and comment on our blogs! Search oll of our 23,000 listed properties at

Lupe’s Hair Salon

Providing for your hair and nail care needs.  Cuts & Design  Manicure  Coloring (Hi Lites & Lo Lites)  Full Set Acrylic Nails  Perms  Full Set Gel Nails  Facial Waxing  Pedicure Hours: Tue - Sat 9AM to 5PM El Saguaro

Lupe 760 328-155

PHONE: 760 328-3834 x254 FAX: 760 328-0358 (We do faxes) Monday thru Saturday 8 - 3PM Sunday 8AM - 12 Noon

Papa Dan’s CAFÉ @ La Palma BREAKFAST, LUNCH, DINNER 6AM - 8PM DAILY Happy Hour every day 2-4PM Appetizers & $2 beer We do takeout! We’ll cater your party! Phone 760 328-3834 ext 256





E-MAIL ADDRESSES Clint Atherton - General Manager [email protected] Brenda Mejia - Controller [email protected] Sandra Yescas - Admin Assistant [email protected] Susan Matthew - Board Secretary [email protected] Gary Marshall-Activities Director

As each day passes we see warmer temperatures and folks out enjoying the terrific desert environs that draw most of us to ORPS every season. Welcome back! Our facilities are busy with activity...many enjoying sports, hobbies, food and dancing... are we lucky or what?

Our activities happen with the hard work of lots of volunteers. If you'd like to help out, just let the organizers know and you'll be welcome. It's great fun! Within our organization we have many committees that consist of owners working on your behalf to make this place better and keeping us up to date within the industry for properties like ORPS. We are establishing a Marketing Committee to evaluate and improve our ORPS marketing efforts with the goal of attracting new owners and visitors. The hope is that we can reach new markets through creative measures utilizing new and existing technologies. A review and update of our Website is a priority. Marketing our lots outside of our walls will be explored. We must move forward in this economic climate and be proactive. Please, if you have talents or desires to assist in this important endeavor let me or S USAN know. Our annual election cycle is upon us and we welcome the three candidates who have put their names forward for your consideration. Two director positions are open with the retirement of S KIP P ISOR and B ARRY S TILWELL . We thank them for their service. Along with director elections, you'll find ballots for an Advisory Vote on Pickleball as well as an amendment to our CC&R's that will allow the new longer, larger fifth wheels that have come on the RV Market in recent years. We get many requests for these new larger units and they could help speed up the process of cycling out the very old units that remain in the Resort. An important note on the CC&R change is that we need a Quorum of votes to validate the amendment so please consider this and be sure to VOTE! Thanks! In the last few years we have seen changes in our occupancy that have come about as a result of several factors such as the value of the Canadian dollar drastically impacting our Canadian friends, neighbors and guests; the aging of our members which limits their attendance; health and medical issues that interrupt annual travel and, most unfortunate, the passing of members. All of this, coupled with the economic pressures, has brought us to where we are today. Ah, but our future is bright. We continue to hear wonderful stories about how someone has found this bit of paradise and fallen in love like many of us and bought a lot. The Ambassadors give guided tours every day where they report of ooo's and aaah's over the beauty, quality facilities and folks having fun that the visitors....and, hopefully, future owners experience. These are the results we want and need to keep in our thinking as we move forward...keeping this the vibrant, prime property that it has always been! Make the best of your time here...have fun and get involved!

[email protected] [email protected] ORACLE [email protected]

All calls 1 760 328-3834 Admin Office Ext. GM 244 Sandra 240 Accounting 262 Front desk



260 or 760 328-3834 * or 760 770-0065

La Palma Clubhouse Board Office/Susan 250 ORACLE Office 252 Store 254 Mailroom 255 El Saguaro Clubhouse Activities Gary 270 Activities Assistant 271 Mailroom 272 Golf Shack Attendant 280 Maintenance Offices Barbara - Dispatcher 293

Papa Dan’s Café 256 Beauty Salon 760 328-3155