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Perez Halpern English - April 2018

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Perez Halpern English - April 2019

8 teaspoon ground cinnamon • 2 cups whole milk Directions 1. In a large saucepan, whisk together cor

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Perez Halpern English - July 2018

smores-in-a-jar. 4 | 301.476.1020 Published by The Newsletter Pro .

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Perez Halpern English - February 2018

detail.php?category_id=9&id=137 | 3 301.476.1020 To be rem

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Perez Halpern English December 2018

2 teaspoon salt • Black pepper, to taste • Cilantro, chopped, to garnish • 2 tablespoons olive oil •

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Perez Halpern English _ March 2018

arroz-con-pollo-puerto-rican-rice-chicken | 3 301.476.1020

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Perez Halpern English January 2018 | 3 301.476.1020 To be removed from our mailing list, or i

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Perez Halpern Spanish - April 2018

Jardinería: Uniendo a la Familia PÁGINA 2 La Historia de la Familia Cruz PÁGINA 2 Qué Hacer en los M

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Perez Halpern - English - July 2019

2 hours from Rockville, the city of Havre de Grace will put on their own legendary parade winding fr

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Perez Halpern English January 2019

2 cup mozzarella cheese. 4. Bake in oven until bubbly and golden brown on top, 20–25 minutes. www.PE

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Perez Halpern - English - December 2019

2 cup raisins 3. Stir cream of coconut into reserved water and bring to a boil. Add reserved rice an

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Perez Halpern English - April 2018

301.476.1020 •

April 2018


This time of year, I start looking forward to warmer weather. By April, I’m anxious to get into open-toed shoes and play outside with my son. As I shared in the last edition, I had begun training for the Pikes Peak 10K that happens this month, but I’ve had a setback with my ankle. It doesn’t look like I will be able to run it. That being said, it’s amazing how much the weather can change from one month to the next. In Puerto Rico, where I grew up, there weren’t really seasons, though we thought we had them. We had beach access year- round, which was incredible. We’d run straight from school to the beach and dip our feet in the water. Our school was just a few blocks away — can you imagine? We were so lucky to have it that close by. Just thinking about it, I can almost smell the sea breeze and feel the warm water on my skin.

It’s a good reminder that I’m happy to be where I am. I love the seasons we get to experience on the East Coast. I’ve traded in beaches for trails and running shoes. Of course, you don’t have to go far to find sand and water, like we did during our trip to Florida last month. Frolicking in the warm weather gave our family a much-needed dose of sunshine and fresh air. You know what I love about spring? It’s the chance to hit the refresh button and focus on what matters in life. With warmer weather, we can get back to our outdoor activities and enjoy more time with loved ones as the days get longer. The change in seasons makes me feel blessed for everything I get to do: run outside, play with my son, and share those extra hours in the day with my husband. I’m also very grateful to work with people like you. You make our community better, and it’s an honor to be here to serve you, no matter the season. There’s a story inside the newsletter about one of the amazing families I’ve been fortunate to work with. They are a great example of why I love my job.

As locals, we wouldn’t even think about getting into the water if it was cold. That was our concept of seasons — was the

water warm enough to swim in, or did it make us hop right back out in shock? I think fondly of that time. Puerto Rico was an amazing place to grow up. Right now, it’s also a tough place to be. Many people are still recovering from Irma and Maria without power. It’s hard to

Enjoy the warmer, longer days, and have an amazing spring season. –Meliha Perez Halp ern

watch others go through that in a place I used to call home. | 1

Published by The Newsletter Pro .

Gardening: Bringing Family Together

After spending a winter cooped up inside with your family, there might be a little tension between everyone. Fortunately, it’s spring, and the warm weather, melting snow, and blooming flowers offer a good way to ease restlessness. This season, why not bring your family closer together by starting a family garden? process can be a learning experience for kids and parents alike. Begin by discussing where you should start and why, what supplies you’ll need, and the types of plants you want to grow. Gardening also offers opportunities to learn about science, ecology, and nutrition. COLLABORATION Gardening gives your family a chance to collaborate. When you’re stuck inside A LEARNING EXPERIENCE Nearly every step in the gardening

for long periods, you may be spending time together, but it’s usually not quality time. Working in a group to create and maintain a garden is a hands-on experience for everyone. It’s a chance to get the whole family involved with a single project, and you can literally share the fruits of your labor. DECIDING ON PLANTS When it comes to deciding which plants you want in your garden, there are many variables to consider. Do you want to grow edible plants, ones that have magnificent blossoms, or ones that are easy to care for? Flowers are a good start if you want a plant that grows a little faster; plus, they lend a pop of color to your garden. Growing vegetables is also rewarding, as the kids will take great pleasure in eating what they’ve grown. Other possibilities include sunflowers, blackberries, peas, and They knew to take pictures of the damage to their car and the two other cars. They also exchanged information with both drivers and took pictures of the cars’ license plates. Once they knew they were safe, they called our office. Since they’d already worked with us at Pérez Halpern, LLC, they confidently followed through with the necessary steps. Meanwhile, the other driver stared at the scene in shock. He’d never experienced this scenario before and was scared and unsure about what he needed to do. The second driver commented on how calm the Cruz family appeared and how Mr. Cruz seemed to know exactly what to do. Mr. Cruz explained to him, “I can’t believe we got hit again, but after my first accident, I found a lawyer whom I trust to represent

lettuce. You might be surprised at how willingly children eat their greens when they’ve had a hand in growing them. Family gardens can bring something new and fresh to your home. So, get outside, enjoy the sun, and discover the joys of plants and gardening.


my family and me. I know I’ll get the care I need with her. I also know the steps to take after an accident because of her guidance.” Mr. Cruz referenced our firm with such complimentary regard that the driver of the middle car reached out to us. We’re touched that our client spoke so highly of his family’s experience with Pérez Halpern, LLC that a stranger would want to contact us. It means the world to us that they thought of us in a moment of need. While we hope you never have to go through this situation, know that if you do find yourself on the other end of a collision, or needing any other legal help and support, we are here to help. Call Pérez Halpern, LLC today and get the guidance you need.

Recently, a family that Pérez Halpern, LLC represented before — we’ll call them the Cruzes — experienced a terrifying moment. As they were leaving church, they were stopped at a red light. Suddenly, another car slammed into them, involving them in a three-car collision. The at-fault driver had hit a car, and that car got pushed into them. While they were of course shaken and upset, they weren’t as frightened as they might have been. We had already walked them through a similar situation before, so they knew exactly what to do.

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Your Top Priorities After an Accident

everyone at the scene is okay, you can begin to assess the rest of the situation. If someone is in need of medical assistance, call 911. You should not be scared to get the medical attention you or your family needs. Next, begin to assess and document the scene. It’s important to document any damage to your car and the other cars involved. We almost always have a smartphone on us, and they can be useful tools in the aftermath of an accident. If your phone has been damaged, ask an onlooker if you can use their phone to send pictures to yourself. Take photos of the license plates of the other driver just in case they give you incorrect information.

licenses, car registration, car insurance, and plates.” You won’t regret taking a picture, but you’ll definitely regret it later if you don’t have the picture that would be used to determine who’s at fault and who will be paying for damage. When you’ve done everything you can at the scene, call your attorney. They can help you make sure you haven’t forgotten any key steps and will walk you through what to do next. Because each state has different laws when it comes to automobile collisions, you need to know how to best move forward with your claim. If you’ve been in a collision and are in need of an attorney you can trust, call Pérez Halpern, LLC. We are here to help guide and support you, and take action on your behalf.

As we shared on Page 2, sometimes the unthinkable happens and you find yourself in a car collision. When a crash happens, the steps you take immediately afterward can make a significant difference in what happens next. Here are some of your top priorities after a collision.

First, check to see that you and your family are okay. Once you’ve determined that

Meliha Pérez Halpern suggests, “In an ideal world, you’ll get pictures of everyone’s


Josh's Salt and Pepper noodle kugel

Ingredients • 1 bag thin egg noodles • 4 eggs • 2 teaspoons salt

• 1 teaspoon pepper • 1/4 cup oil (any oil will do, even olive oil)

Directions 1. Heat oven to 375 F. 2. Cook noodles in salted water until almost done (remove 1 minute early).

3. Drain noodles and rinse once to slightly cool. While they’re in the strainer, mix eggs with salt and pepper in the pot and then add the eggs back and mix until frothy. If you’re not afraid of raw egg, taste to make sure it’s salty and peppery. Season to taste. 4. Pour oil into a baking dish and heat in the oven for 5 minutes. Pour oil back into noodles, mix again, and dump noodles into the baking dish. 5. Bake for 1 hour until crispy on top. | 3

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200A Monroe Street, Suite 303 Rockville, MD 20850

inside Let’s Enjoy the Season! PAGE 1

Find us on Facebook! Perez Halpern, LLC

Gardening: Bringing Family Together PAGE 2 The Story of the Cruzes PAGE 2 What to Do in the Minutes After a Collision PAGE 3 Josh’s Salt and Pepper Noodle Kugel PAGE 3 This Season’s Best Family Activity PAGE 4

Contact me for all of your auto accident and personal injury needs!

Searching for Spring

Spring is in bloom, and there’s no better time to get some fresh air. If you are looking for a way to get your family outside and away from their screens, why not plan a spring-themed scavenger hunt? More than just a fun way to spend the afternoon, scavenger hunts build problem-solving skills, encourage teamwork, and get your family to exercise their minds and bodies. Here are some tips on how to plan

you find, and your teams can more safely collect certain items. For example, bird feathers are a great item for a spring scavenger hunt, but you don’t want your kids to touch them. Make a rule that a team member must appear in every picture so no one can cheat by finding photos online. CUSTOMIZE YOUR LIST There are plenty of scavenger hunt lists online, but it’s more fun to brainstorm with your family. Have everyone think of three to five spring-related items, like yellow flowers, a kite, or a rabbit- shaped cloud. Do some research into your local flora and fauna. If you put a bluebird on the list, you might want to make sure there are bluebirds in your area. DON’T FORGET THE PRIZES! Prizes don’t have to be elaborate to be fun. It can be something simple, like Popsicles or fake medals, or maybe the winning team gets to pick a restaurant for dinner. Scavenger hunts are one of the best ways to create lasting family memories this spring without breaking the bank. Just get your list, gather your family, and have fun. Happy hunting!

a memorable family scavenger hunt.

PLAY IN TEAMS Your whole family can participate together, but it can also be fun to strike up some friendly competition with teams. Have at least one parent or an older, responsible sibling on each team to make sure everyone stays safe and follows the rules. TAKE PICTURES Since everyone has a camera on their phone, why not use it? By taking pictures, you don’t have to worry about losing anything

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Published by The Newsletter Pro .