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PerformanceTherapy: How Bad Posture Affects The Body

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EasternShore: How Bad Posture Affects The Body

or yellow bell peppers, trimmed, halved and seeded • 1 medium red onion, cut into 1-inch wedges • 1

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LewyPT: How Bad Posture Affects The Body

devil-eggs MID CITY 225.800.8720 See What’s New! See what’s newwith us at Lewy Physic

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Worcester: How Bad Posture Affects The Body

2 tsp honey • 2 cups baby arugula • 3 tbsp chopped pecans, toasted DIRECTIONS Preh

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BeyondLimits: How Bad Posture Affects The Body


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Activa: How Bad Posture Affects The Body

small cucumbers • 1 tsp kosher salt • 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped • 2 scallions finely chopped •

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Kerrville: How Bad Posture Affects The Body

4 cup of grated cheese, toss again and serve in bowls, passing more cheese at the table. Exercise Es

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Outpatient: How Bad Posture Affects The Body

ATC, CSCS Howie has been an athlete all his life, football, baseball, wrestling, soccer, motocross,

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AdamsPT: How Bad Posture Affects The Body

19 Physical Therapy Ser rapyServices Inc. PATIENT SUCCESS SPOTLIGHT Physical Therapy Services Inc. I

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CoreSolutions: How Bad Posture Affects The Body

migraines • Sensitivity to light and sound • Ringing in the ears If you are experiencing any of thes

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Centra: How Bad Posture Affects The Body

article_b79c4fdc-7246-11e3-8a04-0019bb2963f4.html. Like us on Facebook Call T

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PerformanceTherapy: How Bad Posture Affects The Body

5 HEALTH TIPS FOR THE NEW YEAR NEWSLETTER Health & Wellness Newsletter January, 2020 1. Get in shape. If you’re resolving to hit the gym to improve your health or just your physique, you can avoid falling off the fitness cliff come February by enlisting a friend to exercise with you, or joining a regular class. Need additional motivation? Use fitness technology to stay on track. “Fitbits will tell you when you’ve been sitting too long and you need to move. Food apps will tell you when you’ve eaten too much and you need to stop. Exercise apps will tell you how many calories you’ve burned.

2. Lose weight. While we’ve long heard the message that the key to weight loss lies in diet and exercise, the latest research suggests that, while exercise is important for overall health and keeping weight off, it isn’t actually that useful for weight loss.The bottom line: If you want to lose weight, focus on cutting calories. 3. Spend less, save more. If your bank account is looking a little low after the holiday gifts have all been purchased, you may be one of the many people who resolve to get their financial house in order in 2020. Buy and sell clothes at consignment stores, consider refurbished electronics, buy produce when it’s on sale, and bundle your car, home, and life insurance. “Paying separately for auto, life, and home insurance can get expensive. Ask your insurance agent if you will receive a discount for bundling policies. 4. Spendmore time with family and friends. Spending time with loved ones is great for your health and well-

being, so it’s not surprising that many people resolve to put more effort into nurturing their connections with family and friends. Set aside time each week to either call or meet up with a friend or family member. Take turns hosting dinner, or just get together for a walk. Friends far away? Set up a weekly Skype chat instead. 5. Get organized. Getting organized is a noble goal. But in order to make this resolution stick, you’re going to need some concrete strategies. Avoid impulse purchases so you don’t end up withmore clutter, setting aside 10minutes each day to filed and delete old emails, and setting up files to keep track of paperwork, such as medical bills, taxes and homemaintenance documents.

Sources: new-years-resolutions/ OUR PROGRAMS & SERVICES

• Concussion Therapy • Cupping • Dry Needling • Electrical Stimulation • Ergonomics

• Fall Prevention • IASTM • Injury Prevention • Joint Mobilization • And Many More!

January, 2020

MEET YOUR CAREER GOALSWITH IMPROVED POSTURE INSIDE: • What Can I Do About My Poor Posture? • Relieve Back Pain In Minutes • Patient Success Spotlight • Healthy Recipe NEWSLETTER Health & Wellness Newsletter

Whether you have pain or have been suffering for a long time, seeing a physical therapist at Performance Therapy Institute can help you return to a more active and pain-free life. Give us a call today:

• FRANKLIN (615) 465-6810 • NASHVILLE (615) 375-9091

Doyousuffer fromdailyor recurrentachesandpains? Ifso,yourposturemaybe theculprit. Just thinkabout thenumberofhoursadaywespendstaringatacomputerscreen,hunched over our desks, or staring at our phones.That creates a lot of stress on the neck and back, especially ifyouareslouched, titled forward,or lookingdown forprolongedperiodsof time. How does poor posture affect me? Changes to your posture can negatively affect your body, and you may find yourself experiencing some of the following symptoms: • Ifyourposturecontainsa forwardhead tilt–This forward-headposturecreatesastrainon the neck, which can result in neck pain, shoulder pain, arm pain, chronic headaches, and lower back pain.Tilting your head forward for long periods of time shortens the muscles in thebackof theneck,andcan result insoreness throughoutmultiplepartsofyourbody. • Ifyourposturecontainsslouchingof themid-back– Ifyouslouch themiddleofyourback, you can drive your head forward and alter the way your ribs naturally align. By doing this, you may experience pain in the slouched region of the mid-back, in addition to pain in theneck. If this is your averagestanding posture, it is important to seekphysical therapy treatment right away – over time, standing like this day after day may cause internal issues, as it creates pressure on your lungs, heart, and digestive system.

• If your posture includes sitting for long periods of time – When you sit for prolonged periods of time, the muscles in your hips and legs will stiffen. When these muscles become stiff, they tighten and will pull on the lower back, causing pain. The joints also lose their range of motion, which can cause soreness or achiness in the hips, legs, and back, and can create issues with your gait. The way in which you walk can also have an effect on your posture. When you have improper posture, your center of gravity changes.This can cause your balance to decline, which can cause pain when walking, thus creating a vicious cycle of overcompensation and pain. The most common symptom of poor posture is lower back pain, although pain can be present in other parts of the body, as well. The back muscles constantly contract to keep you upright, and they overcompensate when you slouch or hunch over. Over a period of time, constant poor posture can create an unusual amount of wear and tear on the lower back, which can increase the risk of arthritis in the spine.

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It can be difficult to correct poor posture, but there are a few steps you can take on your own to try and help: 1. Sit properly. – If you are at a desk for extended periods of the day, make sure your stance is okay. Sit upright, place your feet flat on the floor, and try not to cross your legs. Make sure there is a small gap between the back of your knees and the chair. Having a chair with strong back support and padding is also recommended for making your upright position more comfortable. 2. Take stretch breaks. – If you are an office worker, it is not secret that most of the day is spent with limited levels of mobility. It is important to make sure that you get up every 30 minutes or so, and take a small walk, at least for a minute or two. This will help in loosening up your muscles and joints, as well as initiating a stronger blood flow. 3. Exercise. – Exercise is incredibly important,especially ifyour jobproduces several hours of inactivity. When you exercise, you are stretching and strengthening certain muscles of your body, including problem areas such as your neck and back. Taking even a small amount of time to walk or jog around the neighborhood every day can highly improve your overall gait. 4. Set up your office properly. – If you work from an office all day, it is important to have a proper ergonomic setup. Make sure that you are at a proper height with your desk chair and computer, so you don’t have to slouch or lean forward. Additionally, make sure your chair has the proper lumbar support needed to help you sit straight while you’re working.These simple steps can help tremendously with your overall posture. How can physical therapy help? If these at-home treatments don’t work, it is important to consult help from a physical therapist. Simply standing up straight is a fight against gravity, and if you have been standing the

wrong way for several years, it may be difficult to change it on your own. However, physical therapists are dedicated to getting you on back on track to a pain free, and risk free life. They will evaluate your posture and gait to determine the best treatments necessary for you, and then they will create a treatment plan unique for your needs. They can improve your posture, eliminate your pain, and get you back to doing the activities you love to do. If you are experiencing pain, and you think it may be a result of your posture, give us a call today. We will help you get back to a comfortable posture with just a few sessions.

Call us today to schedule an appointment!


GARLIC BUTTER MEATBALLS WITH ZUCCHINI PASTA INGREDIENTS • 1/2 lb ground turkey meat • 1/2 lb ground pork meat (optional) • 1/2 cup shredded cheese • 1 crumbled bouillon cube (optional) • 1 tbsp hot sauce • 1 cup fresh chopped cilantro, divided • 1 tsp Italian seasoning • 4 cloves garlic, grated + 2 cloves garlic, minced • 1/2 tsp red crushed chili pepper flakes (optional) • 3 tbsp butter • 4 medium zucchini, spiralized • lemon juice DIRECTIONS For turkeymeatballs:Combineground turkeyandgroundpork,cheese,gratedgarlic, Italianseasoning, bouillon cube, red chili pepper flakes, chopped cilantro and black pepper in a bowl. Mix well with your hands or fork to formmedium balls. Arrange the turkey meatballs on a plate and set aside. Melt 2 tbsp butter in a large skillet over medium-low heat. Cook the turkey meatballs for 8-10 min on all sides until cooked through. While cooking, baste the meatballs with the mix of butter and juices. Remove to a clean plate and set aside. For zucchini noodles: In the same skillet, melt remaining 1 tbsp of butter; then add lemon juice, hot sauce, minced garlic, and red pepper flakes. Add zucchini noodles and cook for 3-4 min, stirring regularly, until zucchini is donebut still crisp and juices have reduced a bit. Garnish with more cilantro or parsley. Push zucchini on one side of the skillet and add the turkey meatballs back to the pan and reheat for about a minute. Serve the garlic butter turkey meatballs with lemon zucchini noodles immediately with a lemon slice on the side.

CALL TODAY AT FRANKLIN: (615) 465-6810 ORNASHVILLE: ( 615) 375-9091!

Patient Success Spotlight


At Performance Therapy Institute, you will receive hands-on therapy treatments by our friendly, caring health experts during focused and individualized sessions. It’s time to go to Performance Therapy Institute if: • You’re tired of living in pain • You want to feel better and move better • You have been in an auto accident or injured on the job • You want to prevent injury 1. Call and talk to your therapist 2. Discover why your pain has come back 3. Get your custom recovery program

“Overall, a fantastic experience and one I will recommend to anyone!” “I recently moved to Franklin from Memphis. I have been receiving dry needling therapy treatments for almost a year on different parts of my body. Kelci Peck is the third DPT I have been treated by and she was wonderful. In fact from the moment I called in to Performance and spoke with Lauren, the entire experience has been wonderful. Kelci had my lower back feeling like new and I walked out feeling spry and ready to go. Friendly, convenient, professional. Overall, a fantastic experience and one I will recommend to anyone. Thank you Lauren, Kelci and Performance Therapy!” - Jim R.

Happy New Year from Performance Therapy Institute!

Relieve Back Pain In Minutes Try this movement if you are experiencing back pain.

Stretches Back

PRONE ON ELBOWS Lying face down, slowly raise up and prop yourself up on your elbows. Look forward, and hold for ten seconds. Repeat 8 times.


Care enough to share how physical therapy helped you. Who do you know that could benefit from therapy? If you know someone suffering with aches and pains give the gift of health. Refer them to Performance Therapy Institute today. Pass along this newsletter or have them call us directly for a Free Physical Therapy Consultation. Send them our way, they will thank you and so will we.



1. Consider Your Intentions. The most common resolutions are to lose weight, spend less money, and get organized. Those are all valuable and healthy practices. But why are they your intentions? Do you want to feel better about your body? Know that you won’t need to worry about money for retirement? Honoring the personal meaning behind an action helps us maintain our resolve. 2. Focus on Process, Not Results. Don’t focus on a result, with no identification of a process for how to get there. Intensely focusing on results paradoxically makes us less likely to achieve them. Instead of focusing on “losing 10 pounds,” try focusing on going for walks or eating healthy salads for lunch — you will probably end up losing some weight in the process. And you’ll probably enjoy the journey a lot more. The focus of our resolution should be the process — the infinite present moments in which transformation will occur — rather than the single instance of its attainment. 3. Consider Resolution Alternatives. If the pressure of New Year’s Resolutions is too much, consider a few alternative ways to set your

intentions for the upcoming year:

Make a Vision Board: A vision board compiles images that represent what you want for yourself in the upcoming year. It’s a great way to have a visual reminder of your intentions. Choose a Word of the Year: Many people have embraced the trend of choosing a word for the year — like breathe, trust, dance, fly — that encapsulates the feelings, attitudes, and behaviors they desire in the year ahead. This word can guide your choices and actions — instead of setting firm expectations for yourself, you can ask if a particular behavior aligns with your word and your intentions. Ultimately, New Year’s Resolutions are about growth and improvement. They are about bringing health and joy and ease into our lives. With mindfulness we can bring awareness to our habits and hold ourselves with compassion and kindness as we seek meaningful transformation.

FRANKLIN 615 Bakers Bridge Ave., Suite 110 Franklin, TN 37067 P : (615) 465-6810 |F : (615) 465-6817

NASHVILLE 1912 Charlotte Ave. Nashville, TN 37203 P : ( 615) 375-9091 | F : ( 615) 375-9092