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Petersen Pet Hospital - February 2020

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Petersen Pet Hospital - February 2022

3 cup strawberries • DIRECTIONS 1. In a food processor, combine all the ingredients. Pulse until the

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Petersen Pet Hospital - February 2021

2 tbsp of strawberry purée and freeze another hour. 3. When the yogurt is set, add the puréed strawb

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Petersen Pet Hospital - June 2022

Petersen Pet Hospital - June 2022 Pets First Monthly June 2022 WE CAN LEARN A LOT FROM ANIMALS These

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Petersen Pet Hospital - September 2021

3-inch rectangles. 3. Place fries onto the baking sheet in a single, well-spaced layer. Sprinkle you

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Petersen Pet Hospital - August 2020

4 full. 3. Carefully place a dollop of peanut butter in each filled mold. Make sure peanut butter si

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Petersen Pet Hospital - January 2020

7 to assist passengers, while others host animal visits every few weeks or months. These days, regul

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Petersen Pet Hospital - April 2020

2 inches in diameter) and place them on a baking sheet. Spray the flat side of a spatula with nonsti

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Petersen Pet Hospital - March 2020

Petersen Pet Hospital - March 2020 Monthly Pets First March 2020 Spring Into Action HOW MUCH EXERCIS

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Petersen Pet Hospital - June 2020

2 inches. He jumped right into the world record for “highest bar jump cleared by a llama.” time and

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Petersen Pet Hospital - October 2020

3 full. Leave enough space for a third layer. Return to the freezer for 2 hours. 3. In another small

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Petersen Pet Hospital - February 2020

Monthly Pets First

February 2020


If you’ve lived in Cedar Rapids for over a decade, you’ll remember the Cedar River flood. In June 2008, the river crested to the highest point in the town’s history, spilling over the banks and flooding 10 square miles of the city. Over 10,000 people were displaced and animal control found themselves overwhelmed with pets who were also forced out of their homes. Fortunately, Kirkwood Community College set up a temporary shelter in their equine facilities. Hundreds of dogs and cats were brought into the barn during the crisis. Officials asked local veterinarians to come in and examine the pets to make sure they were healthy and free from contagious diseases. I didn’t hesitate to volunteer my services. When I arrived at the barn, I almost immediately ran into another volunteer, a woman I had never met before. I asked her what was going on and how I could help. She showed me what I could do and eventually, we went our separate ways. During the rest of the day, I found myself thinking about her. Later on, I looked her up on Facebook and sent her a friend request. That’s how I met my fiancée, Stacey. What attracted me to Stacey most wasn’t her looks — though I still remember how stunning she was that day. I wanted to see her again because she had volunteered her time to help animals. Stacey obviously shared my own love for animals. I knew she was the kind of person I wanted to have in my life. We started a friendship and began dating soon after that. It’s been almost 12 years since I met Stacey, and she’s still the most amazing woman I know. She’s so giving, almost to a fault. Sometimes she goes so much out of her way to please others, she forgets to take care

of herself. But she’s the kind of person who aims to make other people happy. Having her support has been invaluable. When I need help or advice on making a decision, Stacey is there. She’s always willing to give her time and energy to any worthy project or cause. I could not be luckier to have Stacey in my life, and I’m so excited that I’ll soon be able to call her my wife. kind of person I wanted to have in my life.” “Stacey obviously shared my own love for animals. I knew she was the

Stacey and I are getting married this month, and I can hardly believe it! I’m 49 years old and have never been married. I’ve often said that I’m slow when it comes to relationships, but I want to make sure I’m with the right person. There’s no doubt in my mind that Stacey is the right person for me. We’ve grown so much together and our relationship has gotten stronger every step of the way. I can’t wait to keep building experiences with her for the rest of our lives.

Happy Valentine’s Day, Stacey. I can’t wait until we finally say I do!


From IT to Kitty KIM MANSEAU, OUR OFFICE MANAGER AND RESIDENT CAT LADY While not every member of our team is trained to treat animals, everyone at Petersen Pet Hospital is here because they share a love of animals. We want our clients to know that every person their pet may interact with during their stay at the hospital is looking out for them. This is certainly true when it comes to our office manager, who has a real soft spot for cats. Whenever we can’t find Kim Manseau, we know she’s with a cat. Kim’s a true cat lady and is always ready to give our feline patients plenty of love and make sure they know they have a friend during their stay at the hospital.


Though we focus on cats and dogs, we at Petersen Pet Hospital believe all animals, pets and wildlife alike, deserve to be treated with care and respect. This is a belief we share with many amazing groups and organizations across our community. Over the holiday season, we were thrilled to team up withWildthunder Wildlife & Animal Rehabilitation and Sanctuary (W.A.R.S.), a local nonprofit dedicated to rescuing and rehabilitating Iowa’s wildlife. Founded by Tracy Belle, a licensed wildlife rehabilitator, Wildthunder W.A.R.S. rescues injured and orphaned wildlife, including bats, reptiles, raptors, and all other animals. Tracy also cares for over 80 abandoned or injured cats. For over 25 years, Wildthunder W.A.R.S. has been giving Earth’s creatures —whether they have fur, feathers, or scales — a second chance. From November through December, Petersen Pet Hospital hosted a fundraising drive to collect supplies for the cats housed at Wildthunder W.A.R.S. With the help of our amazing clients, we were able to donate cat food, litter boxes, cat toys, medication, and other much-needed supplies for Wildthunder W.A.R.S. to continue their mission. Supporting Animals With Wildthunder W.A.R.S.

Kim’s been with Petersen Pet

Hospital for almost as long as there’s been a Petersen Pet Hospital. She started at the

front desk about a year after Dr. Petersen first

opened the hospital. Kim and Dr. Petersen worked at a previous clinic together,

so when he was looking for help, Kim knew they would get along great. Over the

Thank you to everyone who donated during the fundraiser! Your support and generosity helped make a difference in the lives of animals in our community.

Valentine’s Day Dog Treats: Cranberry Hearts

You can learn more about Wildthunder W.A.R.S. and its ongoing mission to help animals of all kinds at

Contact us! 319-743-0554



Create Your Own Odyssey

last 14 years, Kim has become invaluable to the practice and her role has evolved.

Mythical Adventures Await in the Mediterranean

As office manager, Kim’s in charge of all the behind- the-scenes stuff that keeps the hospital running. From ordering food to handling accounts payable, each day is a little smoother with Kim on the job. She’s also mastered the software that runs everything at the hospital, making Kim our irreplaceable, amateur IT girl.

One of the oldest stories in Western literature is Homer’s “The Odyssey.”This epic poem tells the story of Odysseus and his long journey home after the Trojan War. While Odysseus’ travels were fraught with mythical monsters and magic, many of the places he visited are said to be inspired by real islands in the Mediterranean. Even today, travelers flock to these islands looking for peace, adventure, and epic stories of their own. Sicily, Italy One of the most popular stories in “The Odyssey” is the tale of Odysseus rescuing his crew from Polyphemus, a man-eating Cyclops. It’s said that Polyphemus made his home on what is now modern-day Sicily. Fortunately, there are no Cyclopes in Sicily today; there are only cultural festivals, world-class golf courses, and delicious food.

When Kim’s not keeping things running at the hospital, she’s keeping things running at home. Kim has two sons, 16-year-old Zackary and 11-year-old Brayden. They both keep her pretty busy, especially Brayden, who’s on a traveling hockey team. Kim also has cats of her own to cuddle, 10-year-old Girlfriend and 7-month-old Mooch. While Kim doesn’t spend much time at the front desk anymore, she still loves checking in with longtime clients and their pets — especially if that pet happens to be a cat. This love for animals, dedication to care, and skill with IT are what make Kim such an invaluable member of the team and a wonderful person to work with every day.

Gozo, Malta While Odysseus’ journey was perilous, he did enjoy one peaceful stop. Odysseus spent seven years on the mythical island of Ogygia, home of the nymph Calypso. Historians suspect that Ogygia was Gaudos, now modern-day Gozo, Malta. Gozo is home to the Ġgantija temples, which are older than the Egyptian pyramids. In addition to exploring its archaeological marvels, Gozo’s visitors can also enjoy snorkeling, horseback riding, and other memorable adventures.

To paraphrase an old saying, the way to a dog’s heart is through their stomach! This Valentine’s Day, treat your dog to some pet-friendly goodies they’re sure to love!

Ithaca, Greece If you want to chart your own odyssey, make your final stop Odysseus’ home, the island of Ithaca. Covered in lush greenery and quaint villages, Ithaca is a wonderful place to relax at the end of your trip. Visitors can enjoy their morning coffee by a seaside cafe before lounging on a secluded beach for the rest of the day. It’s no wonder why Odysseus fought so hard to get back to Ithaca!


• • •

2 large eggs

• •

1/2 cup dried cranberries 3–4 tbsp coconut flour

1 1/2 cups almond flour

1 tbsp coconut oil

With dozens of other islands to explore, the Mediterranean is the perfect place to plan your own odyssey —minus the mythical monsters, of course.



Heat oven to 325 F.

2. In a small bowl, beat eggs and set aside. In a separate bowl, com- bine almond flour, coconut oil, and cranberries. Pour in eggs and mix together with your hands until wet dough forms. 3. Mix in 1 tbsp of coconut flour at a time until dough easily forms into a ball. 4. Roll out dough on floured surface and cut with bite-size, heart- shaped cookie cutters. Transfer to cookie sheet lined with parch- ment paper. 5. Bake for 15–18 minutes or until treats are crisp. 6. Remove from oven and let treats cool completely before serving.

Inspired by Pretty Fluffy



1031 Kacena Road, Hiawatha, IA 52233 319-743-0554

Mon–Fri: 8 a.m.–6 p.m. (Closed Fridays from 12:30–2:10 p.m. for teammeetings) Sat: 8 a.m.–12 p.m. Sun: Closed

Inside This Issue

How Brad Met Stacey



To Love All Animals



BLACK Our Irreplaceable Cat Lady 50% BLACK

Valentine’s Day Treats Your Dog Will Love!



Your Epic Adventure Awaits

Stop and Smell the Roses






Science Wants You to Stop and Smell the Roses


In a 2008 survey conducted by the National Trust in Britain, children were more likely to correctly identify a Dalek from“Doctor Who” than a barn owl. Likewise, a 2010 Kaiser Family Foundation study of 8–18-year-olds in the U.S. found that the average youth spends more than 53 hours a week engaged with entertainment media. These statistics, coupled with growing concerns that children are spending less time outdoors, are leading to terms like “nature deficit disorder” and global initiatives to get kids outside. Why is contact with the outdoors so important? Researchers are answering this question by studying the benefits of time spent in nature. One benefit is that outdoor time helps kids understand boundaries and learn how to assess risk. As naturalist, author, and broadcaster Stephen Moss puts it, “Falling out of a tree is a very good lesson in risk-reward.”Not to mention, time in nature may help improve focus for hyperactive kids. In one national study of youths by the University of Illinois, participants’ attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms were reduced after spending time in a green setting versus a more urban one. This may be due to the fact that natural environments call upon our “soft fascination,” a less exhausting type of focus than what is required by urban environments. Emotional benefits were discovered too, including reduced aggression, increased happiness, and improved self-esteem.

Beyond just getting outside, the type of contact we have with nature also matters. Visits to nature centers and watching “Planet Earth”are two ways to experience the outdoors. But research points specifically to the importance of free play in the natural world: unstructured outdoor time when children can explore and engage with their natural surroundings with no curriculum, lesson, or activity to complete.

Ever notice how kids are fascinated by the simplest things? A child visits a rose garden, but before they even get to the flowers, they become captivated by a leaf on the ground or an ant crawling on their shoe. Children are born naturalists. These are the moments we need to recapture. Take a page out of that kid’s book, and as the saying goes, stop and smell the roses —or leaves or ants —with no checklist and no plan, just time spent playing outside.

Contact us! 319-743-0554