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Pezzano Mickey & Bornstein - April 2020

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Pezzano Mickey & Bornstein April 2019

2 cup of cooking liquid. Return pasta and veggies to pot. 3. In a large skillet, heat olive oil to m

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Pezzano Mickey & Bornstein April 2018

2 teaspoon crushed red pepper 2 cups broccoli florets 3 tablespoons olive oil 1 pound ground turkey

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Pezzano Mickey & Bornstein, LLP - February 2020

4 cup parsley Directions 1. In a skillet over medium heat, melt 2 tbsp of butter with 2 tbsp of oliv

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Pezzano Mickey & Bornstein - July 2020

4 cup parsley leaves, chopped Directions 1. In a small bowl, combine salt, pepper, Italian seasoning

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Pezzano Mickey & Bornstein October 2018

4 cup organic pumpkin purée 2 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice (or substitute with cinnamon and ginger) D

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Pezzano Mickey & Bornstein May 2018

2 pounds skirt steak 2 tablespoons canola oil Salt and pepper to taste Grated pecorino Romano cheese

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Pezzano Mickey & Bornstein LLP November 2019

3 cup shredded leftover turkey • 3 tbsp leftover cranberry sauce Directions 1. Coat inside of each b

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Pezzano Mickey & Bornstein, LLP September 2018

2 red onion, thinly sliced • 1 small loaf French bread, cut into 1-inch cubes (6 cups) 3 tablespoons

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Pezzano Mickey & Bornstein LLP October 2019

3 cup dry milk powder Directions 1. Heat oven to 275 F. 2. In a large mixing bowl, fold together pre

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Pezzano Mickey & Bornstein May 2019

4 tablespoon dried thyme Directions 1. Heat your grill to medium-high. 2. In a bowl, combine all ing

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Pezzano Mickey & Bornstein - April 2020

APR 2020

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but then my neuroses got the better of me, and I decided this might not be the time to take a trip anywhere. So I pondered, “What would be the next best thing to traveling?” As I thought about my disappointment in not going on the trip, I started to reminisce about all of the places I have been. Then, I started looking at photographs of some of my past trips, and that became an adventure in and of itself. Many of my travel photos are probably like those of most people, pictures of interesting architecture, famous landmarks, and beautiful scenery. You would think those would be the photographs that, when I close my eyes, take me back to all of the places I have been. But I discovered those photographs did not evoke the most pleasurable and vivid memories. Instead, the photos that were totally unique to me helped me recreate the travel experience. The photograph someone took of me in the Dead Sea in Israel instantly made me recall the amazing experience of floating in the water. A picture of my two daughters at DisneyWorld just a fewmonths after they came here from Russia at 8 years old instantly brought back the frustration of them crying and whining about having to wait in line for every ride! As I looked at a picture of Leyla in Martha’s Vineyard, posing along with the life-size statues at Field Gallery and Sculpture Garden, I could hear how hard we all laughed as she tried to recreate a somersault. I sawValeria’s photos of the chocolates and pastries we ate during our trip to Paris, and my mouth watered as I recalled how we marveled at just howmany varieties there were and how we didn’t know what to pick.

I love to travel. Whenever I have the opportunity to get away, I always have difficulty deciding whether to revisit some of my favorite places or venture to new destinations. Although I’ve always found Japan intriguing, it wasn’t necessarily on my list of places to go until an interesting opportunity presented itself. As some of you know, my daughter Leyla is a professional wrestler. A fewmonths ago, she received an invitation from StardomWrestling in Japan to visit for three months to wrestle. Of course, I saw it as an opportunity not only for Leyla but also for me and my other daughter Valeria. As luck would have it, Valeria’s spring break would be during Leyla’s visit to Japan so, after spending hours on the internet researching hotels, attractions, etc., I booked what promised to be an amazing 10-day trip to Tokyo and Kyoto. And then COVID-19, commonly known as the coronavirus, happened. Once they raised the alert level in Japan from Level 1 to Level 2, I decided this was not the time to visit Japan (getting Leyla home is another story).

pictures of the well-known landmarks in any country in the world, but you can’t find any pictures that will become your unique memories. On my future trips, I will take fewer photos of buildings and scenery and more of the people I’mwith experiencing the things that make the trips unique — the things that will make us chuckle when we think back to that event, the things that will frustrate us but will become the stories we tell the most when we come home, or the things that we were too scared to do but did anyway and gave us something to boast about.

At first, I thought Valeria and I should just book a domestic flight, perhaps to somewhere warm,

This is the real reason we travel, and these are the memories to preserve.

–Wendy Bornstein

The takeaway frommy little trip down memory lane is that you can go on the internet and find | 1

Published by The Newsletter Pro •


property provided water for all the cattle and wildlife in the area. Since the sale, the stream had become frothy and discolored, and the animals that drank from it were sick, malformed, or dead, including 153 of Tennant’s 200 cows. When Bilott stumbled upon a letter from DuPont to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the real horror story began to emerge — one that went far beyond the boundaries of Tennant’s farm and into the drinking water of every American. The letter mentioned a mysterious chemical called PFOA, and Bilott requested documentation from DuPont to find out more about it. However, the company refused, so Bilott requested a court order. Soon, dozens of disorganized boxes filled with thousands of 50-year-old files arrived at Bilott’s firm.

Rob Bilott never should have agreed to represent Wilbur Tennant’s case.

The cattle farmer had presented evidence of the strange malady plaguing his cattle to lawyers, politicians, and veterinarians in Parkersburg, West Virginia, but no one took Tennant’s case seriously.

in the mess of documents, but soon, his time as an environmental lawyer helped him see the bigger picture. It became clear that DuPont had orchestrated a massive cover-up regarding their use of PFOA. PFOA is used in the manufacturing of Teflon, and the company had knowingly exposed workers and the Parkersburg water supply to it. Bilott filed a class-action suit as a medical monitoring claim on behalf of the people of Parkersburg, and, as of 2011, a probable link between PFOA and six health conditions, including two types of cancer, has been found.

But when Bilott saw the evidence for himself, it was clear that something was wrong.

The videos and photographs Tennant had collected showed cattle with patchy fur, growths and lesions, white slime coming from their mouths, and staggering gaits. Tennant told Bilott that the abnormal behavior and physical deformities had started after his brother Jim sold his property to DuPont, a chemical company with a big presence in Parkersburg. Jim’s property bordered on Wilbur’s, and a stream running from Jim’s

He was worried he wouldn’t be able to find anything incriminating or even conclusive Because of the medical monitoring claim, plaintiffs can file personal injury lawsuits against DuPont. So far, 3,535 people have. If it weren’t for Bilott and Tennant, the public might have never known the dangers of PFOA. DOYOUR PART TO KEEP AMERICA BEAUTIFUL And Maintain Green Living Spaces for Everyone

jogging and picking up litter, which takes care of your health and keeps your community clean. Anybody can do it: Just throw on your running shoes, grab a bag, head out the door, and pick up any stray bits of trash you see on your morning jog or evening walk.

to better the place you live in. Here are three ways to show your appreciation for a green America this month.

Have you ever walked through a park and seen a plastic bottle or wrapper lying on the ground? If so, did you pick it up and properly dispose of it? You might not have realized it, but in that moment, you took a small step toward keeping your community — and, by extension, America — beautiful! April is Keep America Beautiful Month, and folks who celebrate aim to help each community in every state stay clean and green. Created by the nonprofit organization Keep America Beautiful, this holiday offers a perfect opportunity to roll up your sleeves and work



This event is one of America’s largest community improvement programs, with hundreds of thousands of people

An important goal during Keep America Beautiful Month is to spread awareness about recycling. There are various ways to educate those around you about recycling and encourage them to do their part. At work, for example, you can volunteer to lead a recycling initiative by printing off guides and fostering discussions on why recycling is so essential. At home, you can make a commitment with your family to fulfill the three R’s of recycling: reduce, reuse, recycle. To discover more ways to participate in Keep America Beautiful month, visit their website at today!

participating each year. In 2019, over 550,000 volunteers participated in the GAC to bring natural beauty back into their communities. 2020 marks this event’s 22nd year, and you can be a part of it this month! Volunteer your time with a local Keep America Beautiful affiliate or another community improvement program close to home. Do your part to clean up your parks and spread awareness today.


If you’re passionate about staying active and cleaning up your neighborhood, then this is the perfect activity for you! Plogging combines

Published by The Newsletter Pro •

2 | (908) 293-7330


Few things change faster than the internet, and how we connect with the internet is constantly evolving. When it comes to wireless capabilities, fourth-generation (4G) networks have been the norm for 10 years. But 4G couldn’t meet demands forever, and there’s already talk of a fifth-generation (5G) network taking center stage. So, what makes 5G different from 4G, and how will it affect consumers and their internet-enabled devices? Simply put, 5G is the fifth generation of wireless technology that enables mobile devices like cellphones and stationary devices like desktop computers to send and receive >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4

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