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Physical Therapy Doctor - April 2019

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Physical Therapy Doctor - May 2019

Physical Therapy Doctor - May 2019 718.747.2019 Hours of Operation: M 8-4pm | T 8-7p

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Physical Therapy Doctor - April 2018

4 cup fresh mint, plus more for garnish Salt to taste Pistachios for garnish DIRECTIONS 1. Place pot

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Physical Therapy Doctor - April 2020

2 tsp ground mustard DIRECTIONS 1. In a large bowl, combine mayonnaise, milk, parsley flakes, dill,

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Physical Therapy Doctor - November 2019

2-inch thick. Cut dough into small rectangles using a knife or pizza cutter. 4. Bake for 30 minutes,

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Physical Therapy Doctor - February 2019

2 cups strong espresso, cooled DIRECTIONS 1. In a large mixing bowl, use a whisk to beat together eg

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Physical Therapy Doctor - August 2019

2 tbsp agave nectar • 1 yellow onion, thinly sliced Salt and white pepper, to taste • DIRECTIONS EQU

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Physical Therapy Doctor - July 2019

4-inch rounds • • 1 bunch fresh mint leaves Salt, to taste • Equipment • • 1 block feta cheese,

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Physical Therapy Doctor - March 2019

4 teaspoon ground coriander Mint leaves, poppy seeds, and olive oil, for garnish 1 garlic clove, gra

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Physical Therapy Doctor - December 2019

Bass Production’s lesser-known works. Based on a story by L. Frank Baum, the author of “The Wonderfu

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Physical Therapy Doctor - January 2019

2 cup fresh mint leaves 1 avocado, cut into wedges Salt and pepper, to taste • DIRECTIONS 1. Heat ov

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Physical Therapy Doctor - April 2019

718-747-2019 Hours of Operation: M 8–4 p.m. | T 8–7 p.m. | W 9–2 p.m. | Th 8–7 p.m. | F 8–4 p.m. | Sat 9–12 p.m.

April 2019


Libraries, Reading, and the Joy of Parenting A STORY OF MAGIC

Many people may not be aware, but April 7-13 is National Library Week! I know it’s not exactly in the major leagues as far as holidays go, but it’s an important time in my book. I even helped out the Queens Libraries during my Eagle Scout Project in the late 1980’s by facilitating the assistance of my troop to help restock and organize their shelves. It was a great experience and one where I was really able to give back to the community. Now that I’m a father, I appreciate the value libraries have to offer even more — I’ve seen firsthand how much magic a book can bring to a family.

keep going. Sometimes I would … especially when I was just as eager to know what happened next.

I miss those days. It was one of those golden moments of parenting that you don’t fully appreciate until your kids grow out of it. Now they’re both busy with homework before bed, and I usually get to sleep before they do. But just because we’ve reached the end of that particular chapter in life doesn’t mean it wasn’t worth it.

Before my sons even learned to read, I was reading to them. It was our tradition every night — they’d climb into bed, and I’d play the part of

Thanks to those early nights escaping to the world of Percy Jackson, my kids have grown into avid readers. Granted, most of the books they go

storyteller before tucking them in. As they grew a little older, the books became more elaborate, and eventually, all three of us became hooked on the Percy Jackson series. For the uninitiated, “Percy Jackson and the Olympians” is a New York Times’ best-selling series of fantasy-adventure novels based on Greek mythology. The books follow the story of Percy

through now are for school, but they’ve never had a problem diving into reading assignments. Plus, with all the superhero movies these days, the three of us still have plenty of fantastic stories to bond over. After every Marvel release, we’ll be breaking down scenes together in minute detail.

“With plenty of action, mystery, and twists, the three of us flew through all five novels one bedtime at a time.”

Looking back at all the joy my kids and I got out of reading together and the ways that joy has continued

Jackson, the young son of Poseidon, as he and his friends try to save the world from titanic forces of destruction. With plenty of action, mystery, and twists, the three of us flew through all five novels one bedtime at a time. It got to the point where my kids would actually go to bed earlier so we’d have more time to read! And of course, I was always sure to spice things up with some voice acting! As different characters spoke, I’d play gods, monsters, and middle schoolers — quickening the pace of my sentences as the tension ramped up. It must have been an all-right performance because my boys would be at the edge of their beds in excitement. When I’d reach the end of a chapter and close the book for the night, they’d howl in protest and ask to

to light up our lives, you can’t tell me books aren’t magical. Stories can have a profound impact on a child’s life, even before they learn to read, making access to books and reading programs critically important. As we celebrate the great service libraries and their workers do for our community this month, consider ways to support the great institutions we have right here in Queens. You can visit Foundation.QueensLibrary.Org to learn more about how you can play a part in passing on the joy of reading to the next generation.

Here’s to the storytellers,

–Dr. Robert Morea 718-747-2019 ▪ THEPTDOCTOR.COM ▪ 1

Published by The Newsletter Pro

I S I T O K A Y T O S K I P B R E A K F A S T ?


Sometimes you skip breakfast simply because you don’t have time to eat. Other times, you skip breakfast because nothing really appeals to you. This is a common occurrence for many people across the country. But when you skip breakfast, you may find that you feel just fine. It begs the question: Is breakfast really that important? Do you need to eat breakfast? It depends. Most people can skip breakfast and be totally fine. They’ll make it to lunch without skipping a beat. It all comes down to how you feel . Some people need breakfast or they’ll have to deal with mood swings — often referred to as being “hangry” — caused by low blood sugar. A healthy breakfast can stabilize your mood, helping you feel more positive, energized, and focused throughout the morning. We can, however, bust the notion that breakfast is the “most important meal of the day.” This phrase was used to market breakfast cereal in the last century. In reality, it doesn’t mean anything. The most important meal of the day is whichever meal you get the most out of, whether it’s nutritional value, enjoyment, or both.

Having a healthy, protein-rich breakfast does come with benefits, though. It gives you energy for the day and helps you avoid scrambling to find something to eat a couple hours later when hunger sets in. All too often, skipping breakfast (or having a carb-heavy breakfast) leads people to raid the vending machine or make unhealthy food choices they wouldn’t ordinarily make. Along these same lines, skipping breakfast may encourage you to eat more later in the day at lunch or dinner. You may think you’re saving calories, but over the course of a day, you can end up consuming more calories than if you had simply eaten breakfast. With so much research on the subject of breakfast, one thing is clear: You should eat when you feel hungry. You don’t have to live by the conventional wisdom of “three squares a day.” When you listen to your body, you’ll feel better for it!


Hear What Our Clients Are Saying!

“Regarding my shoulder, I can now put my coat on, raise my arm over my head, and place plugs into sockets — all without pain.

“I can now put my coat on, raise my arm over my head ... and all without pain”

“Regarding my knee, the exercises have helped me to improve and move with no pain, but certain movements are difficult. However, the improvement is tremendous. “Absolutely the very best. From the moment I started here, the staff has been so courteous and they just try to help you in every way possible. Of course, Michael is extraordinary, and I am so happy he is my therapist.”

–Mary A.H.

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Sudoku Train Your Brain With

SAFE GARDENING T IPS Keeping You Happy, Healthy, and in Your Garden ‘Tis the season for gardening! While you’re getting ready to get out into your garden once again, it’s important to be aware of the small aches and pains that can come with it. There are a few ways you can avoid getting stiff and store while you’re out in your garden. WARMING UP Before you start your garden project, be sure to stretch or take a short walk to warm up. Getting your limbs and muscles moving before you do any activity will decrease the chances of injury, aches, and pains. MOVE AROUND Staying in one position for a long time can cause muscles to tense and ache. If you experience pain in your back from leaning over, take a break from what you’re doing and stretch. You can also switch to a different gardening task that doesn’t require the same position or use the same muscles. USING PROTECTIVE GEAR While kneeling can cause pain in your knees along with your back and legs, you can protect them by wearing knee pads or by kneeling on a gardening pad. To avoid kneeling too much, consider growing plants in elevated containers, such as boxes on a wall or fence. TAKING BREAKS It’s crucial that you allow your body to take a break from strenuous activity so that you can recuperate. Get up and stretch, have a snack, or spend a few minutes relaxing before you tackle your project again. Make sure to plan out your day so that you work in short bursts with plenty of time to step away for a few minutes every couple of hours. BODY MECHANICS Gardening often requires a lot of heavy moving or lifting. Be sure to use proper body mechanics if you’re picking something up or moving heavy materials or tools. Remember to lift with your knees instead of your back and to turn your body as a whole as opposed to twisting your knees or spine when you’re moving something. Even with all the precautions in the world, accidents, soreness, and pain are still bound to occur. If you’re experiencing any discomfort while you’re gardening, physical therapy can help. Physical therapists work to strengthen your body to lessen the pain you’re feeling, helping you get back on your feet and back into your garden in no time.

Recipe of the Month:

Inspired by


This super easy stir-fry is the perfect weekday dinner. It manages to pack a ton of flavor using just a handful of ingredients.


• • • • •

3 slices bacon

3 cloves garlic, coarsely chopped

2 bunches spinach

1 teaspoon crushed red pepper Salt and black pepper, to taste


1. Heat a large skillet to medium. 2. While skillet is warming, cut bacon into squares.

3. Cook bacon until fat is rendered and bacon is almost to your desired doneness. If desired, you can remove bacon fat from skillet and replace with 1 tablespoon oil. However, keeping the fat is recommended for flavor. 4. Add garlic and cook for 1–2 minutes. 5. Add spinach and crushed red pepper and stir-fry for 10 minutes. 6. Season with salt and pepper, and serve.

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212-73 26th Ave. Bayside, NY 11360

Hours of Operation: M 8–4 p.m. | T 8–7 p.m. | W 9–2 p.m. | Th 8–7 p.m. | F 8–4 p.m. | Sat 9–12 p.m.


Libraries, Reading, and the Joy of Parenting Should You Skip Breakfast? Hear From Our Clients Easy Bacon and Spinach Stir-Fry Safe Gardening Tips

The Importance of Rain to the Survival of Cultures

Dancing to Bring the Rain The History and Cultural Significance of Native American Rain Dances to send rain for the crops. Tribes such as the Hopi, Navajo, Pueblo, and Mojave perform rain dances often. An old Cherokee legend says that the rain is filled with the spirits of past chiefs, and the rain is an indication of their battle with evil spirits beyond the natural world. One interesting fact about rain dances is that both men and women — not just men — participate in the ceremony. Dancers wear special regalia, sometimes including headdresses, masks, body paints, and jewelry. What is worn varies from tribe to tribe, but turquoise is very important in rain dances for many tribes and is often incorporated into the jewelry. The rain dance regalia is not worn at any other point or for any other purpose during the year, and participants dance in a zigzag pattern, unlike all other dances, which feature a circular motion. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, when the U.S. government was relocating Native Americans all over the country, they banned the practice of many ceremonial dances on reservations, sometimes including rain dances. However, rain dances continued undercover: Native Americans simply performed the ritual as a different, unbanned ceremony. The dances and the traditions continued, and today many tribes still perform rain dances, even if only in reverence for their heritage.

While traditions and dances vary between Native American tribes, many of them feature rain dances. Because water is essential to life, and because many tribes lived in agrarian societies, these dances were important rituals, pleas for the survival of the tribe for another season. These dances have existed for hundreds of years, and many tribes still perform them today. Rain dances are notably common in the Southwestern U.S., where the dry climate means water is scarce and every bit of rainfall is essential for survival. Generally, rain dances are performed to ask the spirits or gods

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Published by The Newsletter Pro