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Pittman_Physical Therapy is the Natural Pain Relief Solution

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ABS. Physical Therapy Is The Natural Pain Relief Solution

post-coronavirus. We continue to wish health and safety to all of our patients during this time. We

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Fit PT: How PT Is The Natural Pain Relief Solution


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TheraFit: How PT is the Natural Pain Relief Solution

4 teaspoon ground black pepper INGREDIENTS • 3 tablespoons red wine vinegar • 1 teaspoon honey • 1 t

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Lonoke PT. Physical Therapy Is The Natural Pain Relief Solu… Health &Wellness The Newsletter About Y

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Professional Care. Natural Pain Relief Solution

Professional Care. Natural Pain Relief Solution N E W S L E T T E R AFRAID OF TAKING PAIN MEDICATION

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Canyon Sports Therapy. Physical Therapy Is The Natural Pain…


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Premier Therapy. Natural Relief From Arthritis Pain n° 315994 - Level Hard

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Advanced PT: Natural Pain Relief

Advanced PT: Natural Pain Relief HEALTH & FITNESS The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Yo

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Rehab Access PT. Natural Pain Relief

small cucumbers • 1 tsp kosher salt • 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped • 2 scallions finely chopped •

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Nebraska: Discover Natural Relief For Back Pain

spinebook Offer valid for the first 25 people to schedule. Expires 7-16-17

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Pittman_Physical Therapy is the Natural Pain Relief Solution

The Pittman CONNECTION The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

Trick or Treat... How much truth is in that child statement of the year of 2020. I ama believer so I have to think that this is a test, a challenge, a way for something greater to come out of what has been...well, let’s just say, a crazy year. But, I don’t need to talk about that anymore. Y’all already know that. What I am excited about is FOOTBALL. College football. Pro football. High school football. Foster is playing 8th grade football. We were able to attend his first game. I hope they get to continue to play. Kids need sports. It was really exciting to watch them get back on the field. Baseball season is here as well. I have never been as excited about Fall Ball as I am this year. Maybe it has to do with the fact that we have been sports deprived for so long. What I amnot as excited about is the remote school. Man...we (and I know that we aren’t the only ones) have had a little bit of a rough go of it these first few weeks. The kids are finally settling down and getting the hang of it, but WOW. It was so tough for a little bit. I feel sorry for the kids and the teachers. I don’t get why private schools can go 5 days a week and public schools can’t, but, hey, that is just my quick thought. Not going to go there in this issue. Stone is a senior this year. He is trying to figure out what he wants to do andwhere he wants to go to school when he graduates. I don’t remember trying to figure out the rest of my life when I was 17 years old. We won’t talk about what I was doing or thinking about

when I was 17. I don’t envy him right now. Such a Big Boy decision. I am trying to just guide the process and not decide for him. But, man, this is tough. It was easier for Sophie. Her path was just drawn for her. I will tell you about our LA adventure in a bit. Brinkley is growing so fast. Tall, sassy, and full of energy, but still a cuddle bug. I am really enjoying the fact that she still wants to hang out withme. Even if I am just going to Costco. She is like, “can I go with you?” She is really excited about this dance season. Sophie choreographed her solo for the season. They have really bonded over the corona-break!! So the LA story. Sophie went back out there for a job. When she was getting ready to go to work, she went to her car and it had been broken into. The perps didn’t really take much. They stole the owners manual, the air compressor, and fix-i-flat that was in the trunk and the carpet out of the trunk. Why did they take the carpet you ask. I don’t really know...but the car wouldn’t start. Daddy to the rescue. I flew out the next day to make sure that she was safe, get the car checked out, and install a couple security cameras. Check and Check. We had a free day, so we went hiking in a cool canyon and then to the beach. It was good to get some one- on-one time. They say that you spend 90% of the time you get with your kids from 0-18 years old. I am thankful for every second that I get!! Happy Halloween, Jeremy

The Pittman CONNECTION The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

Afraid of Taking Pain Medication? PHYSICAL THERAPY IS THE NATURAL PAIN RELIEF SOLUTION Asimplequestion, should you takeapill tomask your pain, or should you try to fix the underlying cause? It seems like almost every news broadcast these days features a story about a disturbing cluster of drug overdoses, with theword “opioid” prominently featured. So why are these prescription drugs -- which after all, are legal if they were prescribed to the user -- so much in the news these days? And what can you do if you’re torn between not filling your own prescription, versus seeking relief for your very real pain? Why Opioid Overuse Matters Both opioid prescription rates and deaths from opioid overdoses have quadrupled in the last two decades. Given these identical statistics, one can’t escape the obvious conclusion: Reliance on painkillers has gotten out of hand, and the consequences can be literally fatal. According to theCenters for DiseaseControl andPrevention (CDC), doctors now write so many opioid prescriptions each year that it translates to one bottle per adult living in the U.S.Of the 330,000 peoplewho died fromdrug overdoses in 2015, 50 percent involved prescriptionpainkillers. Just asominous is thediscovery that people who become addicted to prescription opioids are 40 times more likely to become addicted to heroin. Beyondextremephysical risk, over-relianceonprescriptionpainkillers can have other detrimental effects on your health. Withdrawal

symptoms can be harrowing. And while you’re still using them, opioids can lead todepression, which sets upa vicious cycle of self- medicating in order to feel better emotionally aswell as physically. How Physical Therapy Counters the Problem It’s important to get real about the reason people seek prescription painkillers in the first place -- the pain. These patients are not to be condemned for seeking relief for injuries, arthritis and other degenerativeconditions, or for post-surgical discomfort. At thesame time, however, it’s becoming increasingly obvious thatmedications likePercocet, Vicodin, Opana, andOxyContinareextremelyaddictive. Physical therapy, on the other hand, is so effective because it provides amulti-pronged attack to pain relief. First, therapists can help lessen the immediate pain through heat or ice therapy, lasers, aswell as low-pulse electronic equipment. Targetedmassage and gentle stretching also eases extreme discomfort when tension or stiffness is part of the problem. In addition, physical therapy works to eradicate the actual source of your pain. So, if weakmuscles aren’t supporting an aching body part, for example, your therapywill address this underlying cause. Flexibilitymovescanalsocontribute topain relief becausestiffening joints often exacerbate discomfort, or lead to over-reliance on nearby, overstressed muscles.

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When “PT” is Better than “Rx” It’s important to remember that not every prescription is bad or dangerous, and that you don’t have to “suck it up,” refusing all painkillers. But there are specific conditions under which the CDC recommends trying physical therapy first: • The pain has persisted for three months. After the 90-day mark, pain is considered chronic, meaning that painkiller use would also hit the dangerous 90-day mark. This can certainly lead to addiction. • The source of the problem is in the knees, back or hips, or stems from fibromyalgia. Physical therapy has proven especially effective in these situations. • The “risk vs. reward” question tilts more heavily toward “risk.” There are certainly diseases which cause intense pain and for which opioids help patients to function, or at least to remain comfortable. But when the condition could be better managed with physical therapy or other treatment, as opposed to addictive pills, the “reward” of taking the painkillers doesn’t merit the risk. Are you wondering whether your pain should be addressed with PT first? We will give you a thorough evaluation for your specific condition. Should our trained staff determine that

physical therapy can make a real difference in eradicating your pain, we’ll give you an honest timetable and a safe strategy to avoid prescription painkiller overuse.

Give Pittman Physical Therapy a call today at 901- 850-5246 today. We can help you get back to pain- free naturally!

What’s Been Happening Around the CLINIC! Who you will be for our next costume contest? Check out last year!

Service Spotlight

Body Tempering Body Tempering is a soft tissue treatment technique that involves the use of a weighted steel cylinder to apply deep and heavy pressure along the length of a muscle. As an alternative to traditional stretching, foam rolling, and deep tissue mobilization, the Body Tempering technique’s deep pressure provides neurological inhibition of tight or spasming muscles. It also helps release adhesions, enhance mobility, eliminate trigger points, and relieve pain. Body Tempering is beneficial for athletes and for muscle recovery. Not only can Body Tempering help in the recovery of soft tissues after exercise,

You Could WIN Our Monthly Raffle!

it can also be used prior to exercise in order to reduce the risk of injury. At Pittman Physical Therapy, the treatment is used for conditions suck as piriformis syndrome, tight hamstrings/ calves, limited shoulder motion, ITB syndrome, knee pain, upper trap pain, and more.

Test out your knowledge to be entered into our monthly raffle; simply email your trivia answers to [email protected] .

1. What popular toy was invented in 1958 by Arthur K. Melin and is still widely used today?

2. In what country is the Great Sandy Desert located?

3. How many arms does a squid have?

4. What are baby sharks known as?

Want to learn more about Body Tempering and how it can help you? Call us at 901-850-5246 today.

5. Boo Boo is a companion of which cartoon character?

6. How many symphonies did Beethoven compose?

Source: enhancement-proposed-mechanisms/

PATIENT SPOTLIGHT "Pittman Physical Therapy has been there since the beginning of my injury adventures. Recently, I attended a basketball camp with my team at Briarcrest and dislocated my knee. Previously, Pittman had helped me recover from a foot surgery, so of course I went straight to them to help me with my knee recovery. I tried not to have surgery, but if I wanted to play Basketball my sophomore season, Dr. Biggers and my PT said I would have to have surgery. I was told that I would have a 6 month recovery, but with the help of my physical therapists and the hard work I put in, I fully recovered in 4 1/2 months. I worked with Mallory, Jeff, Tessa, Maranda, and a few other people in the practice. I will forever be thankful for the hard work they put into helping me play the sport I love most." Gracyn Steed RACYN TEED Armando ARMANDO and my PT said I would have to have surgery. I was old that I would h ve a 6 month r covery, bu with the help of my physical therapists and the hard work I put in, I fully r cover d in 4 1/2 months. I worked with Mallory, Jeff, Tess , Maranda, nd a few oth r ople in the practice. I will fo v r be thankful for the hard work they put into helping me play the sport I love most." Gracyn Steed GRACY TEED Armando came to us with trouble bending his knee, making even just working day to day painful. But after some awesome physical therapy with Brad, Armando says he’s back in the swing of hings, having met his goals and had is concerns heard. Armando had a simple answer when we asked what he would say to someone on the fence about physical therapy: DO IT! We definitely agree! Thanks for choosing Pittman Physical Therapy. PATIENT S OTLIGHT "Pittman Physical Therapy has been there sinc the beginning of my injury adventures. Recently, I att nded a basketb ll camp with my te m at Briarcrest and dislocated my kne . Previously, Pittm n ad helped me cover from a foot surgery, so of course I went straigh to them to help me with my kn e recovery. I tried not to ave surg y, but if I wan ed to pl y Basketball my s phomore season, Dr. Biggers

PA IENT SPOTLIGHT "Pittman P ysical Therapy has been there since the beginning of my injury adventures. Recently, I attended a basketball camp with my team at Briarcrest and dislocat d my kne . Pr viously, Pittman had helped me recover from a foo surgery, so of course I went straight to them to help me with my knee recovery. I tried not to have surgery, but if I want d to play asketball my sophomore season, Dr. Biggers and my PT said I would have to have surgery. I was told that I would have a 6 month recovery, but with the help of my physical therapists and the hard work I put in, I fully recovered in 4 1/2 months. I worked with Mallory, Jeff, Tessa, Maranda, and a few other people in the practice. I will forever be hankful for the hard work they put into helping me play the sport I love most." Gracyn Steed GRACYN TEED

Back to School Nutrition Tips

Ensure Your Kids Drink Plenty of Water Dehydration can lead to a system overload. Our thinking becomes cloudy, energy diminishes, cell activity becomes sluggish and elimination becomes stagnant. Sending your kids to school with 1-2 water bottles daily is one of the easiest and healthiest options. Adding freshly squeezed lemon and lime can add flavor and aids in digestion. Make Sure Children Get Enough Sleep Growing children need sleep, although they will beg to differ with you! It is vital to their mood, behavior and attention. Children aged 6-13 need about 9-11 hours of sleep a night. To help your children get a good night’s sleep, help instill a regular bedtime routine, ensure the TV, computer, video games and cell phone are out


of your child’s bedroom and that the room is as dark as possible. Essential oils, such as lavender, can help to release tension and allow for relaxation as well. The lunchtime sandwich may be the standard option, but let’s face it: Slapping the same smears onto bread — day after day, week after week — can leave kids and parents a little bored. Here’s our suggestion for a healthy nut-free, sandwich- free lunch! Hummus and Pita Plate Nine out of 10 kids love a good hummus—why not make it the star of the show? Pack with things like: Salami, hard boiled eggs, olives, carrots, baby tomatoes, apple slices and grapes (note that dipping is easier and less messy if you pack the hummus in a separate container). Whatever your child loves will work!

Now with more tools to help you recover quickly!

See Our New Website at It’s easy to schedule your appointment online!

Leo came to us with shoulder pain and was having a hard time even just lying on his side. But we’re happy to report that after some superb therapy with Maranda Mackey and Troy Brunson, he’s all smile smiles and zero pain! Leo says that if you’re on the fence about physical therapy

It’s a challenge, but you’ve got to put in the work to feel better.

We definitely agree Leo! Thanks for choosing Pittman to help you get your health back on track.


Check our our website at for more great testimonials from our patients!

Try these exercises to help maintain a healthy body Exercise Essentials


HAMSTRING STRETCH - WALL Loosens Tight Hamstrings and Increases Mobility

Helps with Lower Back Pain

While lyingonyour sidewith your arms out-stretched in front of your body, slowly twist your upper body to the side and rotate your spine. Your arms and head should also be rotating along with the spine as shown. Follow your hand with your eyes. Hold for 20 seconds repeat 3 times on each side.

Lie on the floor in a doorway. Rest your leg against the wall. Scoot through the doorway until you feel a stretch up the back of your thigh. Hold for 6 seconds then repeat 10 times on both sides.

Exercises copyright of

Not all exercises are appropriate for every person. Please consult with a healthcare provider before starting.

Who do you know that needs our help?

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Do You Have Friends/Family Unable to Do the Following? 9 Move without pain 9 Bend & move freely 9 Balance confidently & securely 9 Sit for long periods of time comfortably 9 Walk for long distances 9 Live an active & healthy lifestyle

Share the Benefits of Pittman Physical Therapy! Has Pittman Physical Therapy helped you live a better life? Let others know how much we can help them, too! Scan the QR codes below with your smartphone camera to quickly link to Facebook and Google and leave a review! Mont ly Raffle! C H E C K - I N O N F A C E B O O K D U R I N G Y O U R A P P O I N TM E N T L E AV E A G O O G L E R E V I EW L I K E O U R F A C E B O O K P A G E F O L L OW T H E S E S T E P S T O E N T E R : Monthly Raffle! C H E C K - I N O N F A C E B O O K D U R I N G Y O U R A P P O I N TM E N T L E AV E A G O O G L E R E V I EW L I K E O U R F A C E B O O K P A G E F O L L OW T H E S E S T E P S T O E N T E R :

Referral Club: Thanks to our patients for referring a friend or family member!

Laura McCay Rohith Maniyedath Jennifer Durley

Laura Gambrell Bridget Thornburg Emily Thornburg

If you know someone suffering with aches and pains, give the gift of health. Refer them to Pittman Physical Therapy today. Pass along this newsletter or have them call us directly to schedule an evaluation! You will get your name in our next newsletter and you could win a $20 gift card! WIN A $20 GIFT CARD