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Pool Rules 2021

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pool rules

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Pool Rules 2021



The pool hours are 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Monday through Sunday.

No one may enter the pool or pool area except when a lifeguard is on duty.

The Pool Manager has the authority to close the pool. A “POOL CLOSED” sign will be posted at

the pool gate when the pool is closed.

All persons entering the pool area must register at the gate with the attendant.

All non-members entering the pool are subject to a guest fee, which will be charged to the

member’s account. Members assume full responsibility for their guests.

Each member is allowed 12 guests each calendar year upon payment of appropriate guest fees.

No individual guest may utilize the pool more than six times per calendar year.

A fee per guest will be charged to the member. A program relative to payment of fees for baby-

sitters and/or nannies is available by contacting the Club office.

A responsible person must accompany children under 10 years of age while in all pool areas.

Parents assume full responsibility for their children in the pool and pool area. No child may enter

the main pool until he or she has passed the swimming test, unless accompanied by a

responsible person. Further, all children entering the main pool must be toilet trained.

A responsible person must supervise a child using the youth pool at all times.

No food will be permitted in the pool area. Beverages taken into the pool area must be in non-

breakable containers. No smoking will be allowed on the deck immediately surrounding pool.

Persons using the pool must be properly attired. Bathing suits must be worn. Tennis togs,

cutoffs, etc., are not considered appropriate swim attire.

Rough games, horseplay, running, etc., will not be permitted in the pool or pool area. Flotation

devices may be used in the shallow end of the pool with permission of the Pool Manager.

The lap lane is to be used by lap swimmers only, when necessary