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Premier Dental - April 2020

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Premier Dental - April 2021

Premier Dental - April 2021 PREMIER DENTAL N EWS L E T T E R EDITION 26 609.298.1124 WWW.BORDENTOWND

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Premier Dental April 2019

2 inches in diameter. Be careful to handle the meat as little as possible to prevent tough burgers.

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Premier Dental - April 2022

Premier Dental - April 2022 PREMIER DENTAL N EWS L E T T E R EDITION 37 609.298.1124 WWW.BORDENTOWND

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Premier Dental - September 2020

4 cup butter, melted 6 cups egg bread, cubed Directions 1. Preheat your oven to 325 F and grease an

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Premier Dental - March 2020

4 cup whole-wheat panko 2 tbsp Parmesan cheese 1 tbsp unsalted butter, melted 6 tbsp spinach pesto 2

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Premier Dental - November 2020

2 cups quick-cooking oats • 1 tsp baking powder Directions 1. Preheat oven to 350 F. 2. In a large b

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Premier Dental - August 2020

2 cup water or apple juice 2 tbsp hot curry powder 3 cups diced apples (peeled or not, your choice!)

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Premier Dental - January 2020

7 media exposure from TVs, computers, and smartphones, it feels like life is dominated by screens. C

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Premier Dental - May 2020

4 cup brown sugar • 1 tbsp molasses DR. HEMA GOPAL: 20+ YEARS IN PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE • 3 WWW.BORDE

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Premier Dental - December 2020

Premier Dental - December 2020 PREMIER DENTAL N EWS L E T T E R EDITION 22 609.298.1124 WWW.BORDENTO

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Premier Dental - April 2020




What Our Team Can Offer You and Your Smile ESSENTIAL VS. COSMETIC

Crowns: We strengthen teeth and restore full chewing ability when 50% of your natural tooth structure is gone. This applies to large fillings, broken teeth, and teeth that have undergone a root canal procedure. Crowns can also be used for cosmetic purposes. This will be covered in the next section. Implants, Bridges, and Partial Dentures: We offer all options for replacing missing teeth when only a few are missing. They restore your mouth to full chewing ability and bite balance. Full Dentures: We replace teeth when all teeth are missing. Dentures are a worthwhile and often necessary option for chewing and aesthetics. Extractions: This is self-explanatory. When a tooth is hopeless and cannot be saved, we remove it. Cosmetic Treatment These are elective procedures. They are performed mainly to make your teeth look good. Tooth Whitening: We lighten discolored teeth. I often recommend that patients try over-the-counter methods first. If this doesn’t work, we see whether an at-home or in-office treatment will do the trick. Tooth whitening does not work for everyone, and some people don’t see the results they expect. For these patients, sometimes veneers or crowns are the solution. Crowns and Veneers: We cover worn down, misshapen, misaligned, or discolored teeth with crowns or veneers made of porcelain. They are more durable and longer-lasting than other solutions, like bonding. Adult Orthodontics: We offer Six Month Smiles as well as Invisalign. These options fix gaps between your teeth and straighten crooked and crowded teeth. (See our insert for more information on Six Month Smiles!) Regardless of the treatment you need or want, we can help you. With our clinical expertise and attention to aesthetic detail, we can make you smile again. If you have any questions or want additional information about the above listed procedures, please give us a call. —Hema Gopal, DMD

The first person you greet every day is often the person staring back at you in the mirror. When you don’t like who’s looking back at you, you lose confidence, and that interferes with your work and social interactions. Because your smile is one of the first things people notice about you, it can be the one thing you’re most embarrassed by. That’s where we come in. At Premier Dental, we’re not just making sure your teeth function properly and are healthy—although that’s a big part of our job! We also want to give you a smile you can be confident about. To help you understand what we offer, I’mgoing to explain our treatment options. Essential Treatment These procedures are medically necessary treatments to eliminate pain, sensitivity, and decay and to restore teeth and improve your ability to chew and eat. Here are the services we provide: Exams and Cleanings: We examine the health of your gums, teeth, and oral tissues. Then, we remove plaque, tartar, and stains above the gums. Our aim is to catch cavities and other problems when they’re small. Waiting leads to increased pain, suffering, and a more expensive visit. Gum Therapy: We remove tartar and “bad” or destructive bacteria from beneath your gums. Bad bacteria cause inflammation and infection and destroy the jawbone. Gum infections have been linked to strokes, heart attacks, and other serious health issues. They also lead to halitosis (bad breath). Fillings: We remove the bad bacteria that is destroying healthy tooth structure. We then restore teeth to good health by filling the resulting cavity with a moldable acrylic called composite. Today, most people prefer composites as they are considered safer than silver fillings and are tooth-colored. Root Canal Therapy: We relieve the pain of a really bad toothache by removing infected tissue from inside the tooth. When a cavity is left untreated, it spreads until the nerve becomes infected. This leads to pain and swelling in the area. Root canal therapy removes the infection. The nerve is removed, the inside chamber of the tooth is cleaned and sterilized, and the canal is filled and sealed with gutta- percha, a rubber-like material.


321 Farnsworth Avenue Bordentown, NJ 08505






If your child is between 3–5 years old, you’ve probably noticed that they’re becoming a lot more talkative. By the time children are 4, they can usually speak in 5–8-word sentences. That makes this age range the perfect time to get your child interested in reading. However, this can raise a lot of questions. For starters, the question of how to get your child interested in reading is almost more important than when you do it. You may wonder how much time you should spend reading with them, how intensive reading time should be, and if you should make everything involving words and letters into a reading lesson. While the answers to these questions will vary from child to child, there’s one goal that every parent should strive for when teaching their child to read: Above all, help them enjoy it. When your child starts kindergarten, learning to read will be a part of the curriculum. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to teach them to read earlier, though. If your child loves to read, it can make their learning experience much more enjoyable. WHEN SHOULD YOU TEACH YOUR CHILD TO READ? And How Should You Do It?

Have you ever walked through a park and seen a plastic bottle or wrapper lying on the ground? If so, did you pick it up and properly dispose of it? You might not have realized it, but in that moment, you took a small step toward keeping your community — and, by extension, America — beautiful! April is Keep America Beautiful Month, and folks who celebrate aim to help each community in every state stay clean and green. Created by the nonprofit organization Keep America Beautiful, this holiday offers a perfect opportunity to roll up your sleeves and work to better the place you live in. Here are three ways to show your appreciation for a green America this month. Volunteer for the Great American Cleanup. This event is one of America’s largest community improvement programs, with hundreds of thousands of people participating each year. In 2019, over 550,000 volunteers participated in the GAC to bring natural beauty back into their communities. 2020 marks this event’s 22nd year, and you can be a part of it this month! Volunteer your time with a local Keep America Beautiful affiliate or another community improvement program close to home. Do your part to clean up your parks and spread awareness today. Start plogging. If you’re passionate about staying active and cleaning up your neighborhood, then this is the perfect activity for you! Plogging combines jogging and picking up litter, which takes care of your health and keeps your community clean. Anybody can do it: Just throw on your running shoes, grab a bag, head out the door, and pick up any stray bits of trash you see on your morning jog or evening walk. Improve recycling through education. An important goal during Keep America Beautiful Month is to spread awareness about recycling. There are various ways to educate those around you about recycling and encourage them to do their part. At work, for example, you can volunteer to lead a recycling initiative by printing off guides and fostering discussions on why recycling is so essential. At home, you can make a commitment with your family to fulfill the three R’s of recycling: reduce, reuse, recycle. DO YOUR PART TO KEEP AMERICA BEAUTIFUL AND MAINTAIN GREEN LIVING SPACES FOR EVERYONE

There are plenty of ways to help your child enjoy reading from an early age. One is to simply

read to them and make storytime fun. If the pig goes oink or the mailman has

a funny, nasally voice, bring those features to life. You can also have your kids help you with daily

tasks that require reading, like making a to-do list or shopping at the grocery store. When they’re helping you and having fun, it won’t feel like learning at all!

Finally, the best way to make reading enjoyable

for your children is to enjoy it yourself. Your kids watch what you do, and if they see you enjoying a good book, they’ll want to read even more. Reading opens up the world to them, and with your help, nothing will dull their

To discover more ways to participate in Keep America Beautiful month, visit their website at today!

love of learning.


2 • 609.298.1124


What’s the oldest library in America? It’s an easy question to ask, but it has an unexpectedly complicated answer. Before the Industrial Revolution generated greater interest in public services, a library’s function and purpose varied widely. Several libraries in the United States claim to be the country’s “first,” but for different reasons.

libraries throughout the colonies to encourage the spread of the Anglican Church. Not surprisingly, most of the libraries’ holdings were theological.

A Few More Firsts

During the 1700s, a few more “first” libraries were established. In 1731, Ben Franklin and a few others started the first subscription library in the United States. Members of subscription libraries could pay to buy books or borrow them for free. In 1757, 60 men founded the Library Company of Burlington in New Jersey, and Thomas Rodman received a charter from King George II to operate the business in 1758. The library still operates under that charter today. The Library of Burlington was the first library to operate out of its own building after a prominent resident donated the land in 1789.

Colleges and the Clergy

Some believe Harvard University hosted the first library in the United States. Harvard was the first university in the United States, founded in 1636, and clergyman John Harvard seeded the library with a 400-book collection. Soon after, however, Thomas Bray, another clergyman, began establishing the first free lending

By the People, for the People

In 1833, just as the Industrial Revolution was picking up steam, the Peterborough Town Library was founded in Peterborough, New Hampshire, at a town meeting. It was the first tax-supported free public library in the United States and in the world. Not long after that, the Boston Public Library, known as the “palace for the people,” became the first municipal public library in the country. The Boston Public Library was also the first library to have a space specifically for children.

Out of all the “first” libraries in the country, these are the most probable progenitors of most libraries today — even if they weren’t exactly “first.”



Inspired by


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1/2 tsp ground mustard

• • • • •

1/2 cup mayonnaise

Salt, paprika, garlic powder, and pepper, to taste

2 tbsp milk

1 tsp dried parsley flakes

• •

12 large eggs, hard-boiled

1/2 tsp dill weed

Fresh parsley, minced, and paprika for garnish

1/2 tsp fresh chives, minced



Mix mashed yolks with mayonnaise mixture. Spoon or pipe the mixture back into the egg whites. Garnish with fresh parsley and paprika. Refrigerate before serving.


In a large bowl, combine mayonnaise, milk, parsley flakes, dill, chives, mustard, salt, paprika, garlic powder, and pepper. Mix well and set aside. Cut eggs lengthwise and remove yolks carefully to preserve egg whites.


Solution on Page 4




In a small bowl, mash yolks.







1 A Treatment Plan for Every Issue


Keep America Beautiful Fostering a Love of Reading in Your Child


The History of Libraries in America Easy Deviled Eggs


Did You Spot These Movie Easter Eggs?

DID YOU SEE IT? 3 of Hollywood’s Best Movie Easter Eggs

This April, many kids will search excitedly for Easter eggs, but aside from the holiday treat, the term “Easter egg” has a fun alternate meaning when it comes to media. In this context, an Easter egg refers to a hidden surprise or message, and people often enjoy trying to find as many as they can. This spring, turn on some of these classic movies and see if you can spot a few of Hollywood’s Easter eggs yourself.

treacherous storm sinks their ship. Three years later, their eldest daughter, Elsa, is coronated, and guests arrive at the castle. If viewers scan the crowd of visitors, they will see Flynn and Rapunzel from the 2010 Disney movie “Tangled.” (Notice the time difference?) The theory, confirmed by filmmakers, is that Elsa and Anna’s parents were traveling to Flynn and Rapunzel’s wedding. The connections continue with claims that the shipwreck in “The Little Mermaid” was their ship, and some even think that Tarzan’s parents were actually Anna and Elsa’s parents, who survived the wreck.

Hanks and Leonardo DiCaprio, created just that. The movie follows the life of Abagnale, who briefly appears in the movie himself to arrest DiCaprio, who plays a young Abagnale. Today, Abagnale serves as a security consultant and teaches courses for the FBI.

Indiana Jones and Han Solo Teaming Up

No movie franchises are as prolific as George Lucas’ “Star Wars” and “Indiana Jones,” but they also share another Hollywood connection. Both series feature Harrison Ford, who plays Indiana Jones and Han Solo, and the franchises make references to each other, including hieroglyphics in “Indiana Jones” that feature R2-D2, C-3PO, and Princess Leia, as well as a club named Club Obi Wan. Though “The Empire Strikes Back”was filmed before “Indiana Jones,” Lucas had Ford in mind for his next great story and gave Han Solo a bullwhip in reference to Indy’s famous go-to tool.

Disney Royalty’s Family Tree

Frank Abagnale Arresting ‘Himself’

At the beginning of Disney’s “Frozen,” released in 2013, Elsa and

At 15 years old, Frank Abagnale Jr. started his career as one of the U.S.’s most prolific con artists. Abagnale scammed the government out of money, impersonated pilots and doctors, and swindled banks, making his story seem like a Hollywood plot. In 2002, “Catch Me If You Can,” starring Tom

Anna’s parents leave to journey across the ocean. Their destination

is unknown, and sadly, a


4 • 609.298.1124

6 Months to a Gorgeous Smile? Get Started on Yours Today With Our April Special! Does this sound familiar? 1. You hide your teeth behind your hand or lips because you’re embarrassed. 2. You’re tired of looking in the mirror and seeing crooked or misaligned teeth. 3. You want to fix your smile, but you’re worried about the cost, time, and equipment. If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, Premier Dental has a plan for you! Our office provides Six Month Smiles, a teeth-straightening regimen that takes six months to push, move, and realign your teeth! See how it worked for Cyndi.

Patient Testimonial

Sounds great, right? Now is the time to get started. We have a special offer on Six Month Smiles this April! Learn more below. What: Six Month Smiles Actions: Teeth are gently nudged into a healthier position in just six months with clear aligners or clear braces. Who: Six Month Smiles is designed for adults with molars and without periodontal issues. Benefit: Gain confidence and improve your social life and career with a better smile. The end result of the six month program is a healthier, more beautiful smile you no longer have to hide! Special April Offer: This month, you and your friends and family can enjoy a FREE consultation for Six Month Smiles! Our Premier Dental Team will determine if Six Month Smiles is the ideal regimen for you, and we’ll walk you through the process and your options. Financing is available for qualified patients.



“Dr. Gopal has changed my life in such a positive way with Six Month Smiles. I have a million-dollar smile! I can’t thank the Premier Dental team enough.”

–Cyndi R

Enjoy this special opportunity while it lasts! Learn more and get started with Six Month Smiles by calling Premier Dental at 609-298-1124.

321 Farnsworth Ave. Bordentown, NJ 08505 |