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Premier Dental - August 2022

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Premier Dental August 2019

2 red onion, diced • Juice of 1 lime • Kosher salt, to taste Directions 1. Heat a cast-iron skillet

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Premier Dental - August 2021

4 cup extra-virgin olive oil For the salad: • 1 head romaine lettuce, chopped • 1 cup grape tomatoes

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Premier Dental - August 2020

2 cup water or apple juice 2 tbsp hot curry powder 3 cups diced apples (peeled or not, your choice!)

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Premier Dental - February 2022

4 cups coffee, canola oil, and eggs. Beat on low for 30 seconds, then on high for 2 minutes. 2. Preh

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Premier Dental - January 2022

3 cup olive oil, garlic, salt, parsley, mint, pepper, and lemon zest and juice and blend ingredients

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Premier Dental - April 2022

Premier Dental - April 2022 PREMIER DENTAL N EWS L E T T E R EDITION 37 609.298.1124 WWW.BORDENTOWND

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Premier Dental - June 2022

4 cup of the marinade. 3. Seal bag and massage marinade into the chicken. Chill in the 4. fridge ove

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Premier Dental - September 2020

4 cup butter, melted 6 cups egg bread, cubed Directions 1. Preheat your oven to 325 F and grease an

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Premier Dental June 2019

2 lb.), peeled • Pinch of cayenne pepper, plus more to taste Directions 1. In a small saucepan, heat

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Premier Dental July 2019

4-inch- thick patties. Season patties. 5. Meanwhile, heat a cast-iron skillet to medium-high. 6. Lig

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Premier Dental - August 2022





When the pandemic began in March 2020, it immediately created a void. The opportunity to meet indoors with friends was closed. Now, in the summer of 2022, it’s still risky to meet indoors without masks. I found myself relying on YouTube to enjoy life and engage myself. It provided countless hours of entertainment and took away all the boredom. YouTube is the most popular video platform out there. It’s simple to use and membership is not required. YouTube makes it easy for content creators to share their content on a platform with a large audience. Consequently, there is a wide range of materials to view. They have product reviews, channels to learn hobbies and skills, language tutorials, fitness and exercise classes, music and movies, cooking channels, gaming channels, and more. YouTube has it all. The first-ever video uploaded to YouTube was in April 2005. Since then, YouTube has grown dramatically. It has more than 1 billion viewers today and is the second most popular search engine after Google. I’ll focus on two ways in which YouTube has changed the world. YouTube for Education YouTube has now become the go-to destination for self-education. Want to learn how to code, how to speak in public like Tony Robbins, or how to play tennis like Roger Federer? It’s available for free on YouTube. There are channels dedicated to covering virtually any topic under the sun. From educational talks to documentaries, to

do-it-yourself videos, the opportunities for learning are limitless. Who hasn’t heard about Khan Academy and its educational videos on science and mathematics? They provide free world-class education for anyone. Today, the Khan Academy has 15 million registered students in 190 countries and has been endorsed and supported by numerous philanthropic organizations as well as Fortune 500 firms. While Khan is perhaps YouTube’s biggest success in the field of learning, the platform is saturated with instructional videos. There are YouTube tutorials for playing chess or doing carpentry, learning to play the guitar, or figuring out how to fix something at home. It’s easy to see the appeal of YouTube: instead of pouring over an instruction manual which is often difficult to understand, you can just watch someone show you how to do something. You even have the option to replay the video if you did not grasp something. Increasingly, traditional educational establishments have embraced YouTube, too. Universities around the world have experimented with video-based learning via massive open online courses or MOOCs. Coursera and edX have exploded in the past decade. Some of the best universities now offer online courses which have gained acceptance among recruiters and corporations. While there has been some debate over whether the availability of lectures online devalues universities, almost everyone agrees that video tutorials have a role to play in teaching.

Videos from TED showcase some of the most amazing speakers and thinkers of our time. It’s accessible to anyone for free, not just to those that can afford the $5,000 price tag to attend a conference in person. I’ve personally used YouTube to learn how to use specific software (like Excel), figure out advanced features on the iPhone, look up things on science and medicine, and play recordings of luminary speakers like Steve Jobs. YouTube for Music YouTube has become everything for music: an archive, a teacher, and a platform for streaming new music. Music isn’t scarce anymore. There once was a time when we needed to buy records or tapes or CDs to listen to music. We don’t need to do that anymore to find or listen to our favorite tunes. A quick YouTube search helps you find exactly the type of music or the specific song you’re looking for. YouTube has a huge archive of songs which pretty much ensures you’ll find them in seconds on your desktop or device, no matter where you are. You can download more than just the audio too! We get all the fringe parts of the music: music videos, promos, and live performances. When I’m at home, I use YouTube to listen to music. In fact, I’ve created a file with about 250 linkages of pop songs I like! It’s fair to say YouTube has made our lives more interesting and put so many more things at our fingertips.













–Peter Gopal




Choosing Joy Every Day 3 Ways to Foster a Positive Attitude

In today’s society, we are faced with

be searching for a silver lining. You can find a positive in any situation, but you’ll have to put in the effort to flip your perspective.

tragic stories and upsetting information, no matter where we turn. This can quickly lead us to a negative mindset where we believe things can’t be fixed and will only get worse, so it’s even more important now to establish a positive mindset. Though it might be easier to bury your head in the sand,

Keep a gratitude journal. When we think about gratitude and thankfulness, our minds usually think about Thanksgiving. But we don’t need to wait for a special day to show gratitude. Things happen to us every day that we should be grateful for. If you’re struggling to acknowledge your blessings, keep a gratitude journal and write a few things you are thankful for each day. Over time, that thought process will seep into your daily life. Surround yourself with positive people. The people we associate with play a huge role in our mental well-being. If you’re constantly around people who put you down or tell you that you can’t accomplish certain things, you will feel worse about yourself — or even believe them. You need to block the negative people from your life and surround yourself with those who think optimistically.

fostering positivity in your life will provide you with many benefits.

But doing so is easier said than done. If you’re unsure where to begin, try out some of these methods to help you get started.

Focus on the silver lining. When something bad or unfortunate happens, we are quick to think about the negatives and how they will impact us in the future. Instead, we should

Establishing a positive mindset in today’s world may be difficult, but it is not impossible if you develop a strategy and follow through with it.


4 WAYS TO STOP BAD BREATH Nobody wants to have bad breath, but reports say that over 80 million people suffer from chronic bad breath. If you struggle with bad breath or worry about developing it at some point in your life, you can do a few simple things to prevent and fix bad breath. And what better time to kick bad breath to the curb than on National Fresh Breath Day, Aug. 6. You can get started with these four tips. Brush your teeth and tongue. It’s no secret that brushing your teeth is an important part of dental hygiene, but it also helps prevent bad breath. Brushing at least two times a day will help remove plaque and food debris from your teeth. Don’t forget about your tongue, either! Bacteria can build up on the rough surface of your tongue, so the entire surface needs to be brushed to improve breath. Floss and use mouthwash. Another important habit you need to incorporate is flossing. Flossing helps remove food debris from spots your toothbrush can’t reach, which helps to remove odor-causing bacteria. Additionally, mouth rinse really only masks bad breath for a while. Instead, did you know that rinsing with green or black tea can suppress the growth of bacteria that causes bad breath? Give it a try.

Visit your dentist. It can be difficult to figure out where your bad breath comes from, especially if it’s chronic. If you notice your breath worsening, you should schedule an appointment with your dentist so they can evaluate your symptoms. You may have an underlying condition causing your bad breath. Use sugar-free gum or mints. Many people turn to gum or mints when they need a quick solution for bad breath, but choosing the wrong product can lead to worsening effects over time. If you use gum or mints, choose a sugar-free option. They will help stimulate your saliva, which will help wash away food debris.



Zucchini Corn Fritters

Inspired by


• 4 cups shredded zucchini • 1/2 cup corn kernels • 6 green onions, chopped • 3 garlic cloves, minced • 1 1/4 cups chickpea flour

• 1 tsp dried thyme • 1 tsp each salt and pepper • 1 tbsp olive oil • Vegan nacho cheese, black beans, salsa, and avocado for toppings

In today’s day and age, we could all use a little bit more money in our pockets, but it can be difficult to know where and when to cut back to increase savings. Oftentimes, we spend our money on smaller things throughout each week and then wonder where our paycheck went. If you want to start saving more, you must make some lifestyle changes. Below, you will find three easy-to-implement ways to keep more money in your wallet. Adjust your diet. How many times a week do you eat at a restaurant or get coffee from your local coffee shop? While it might not seem like much when you’re spending $3–$7 at a time, it can add up quickly. Cook more meals at home and prepare your coffee before you leave the house so you aren’t tempted to stop and get some on your way to work. You can also meal prep to remove your temptation to eat lunch at a restaurant. Utilize the 30-day rule. When you want to make a purchase that costs more than $100, do you buy it right then or wait so you have time to really decide if you need the product? If you act immediately, chances are that you’ve bought some things in the past that you never even used. Take some time to think about your purchasing decisions when buying an expensive item. If you still believe you want or need the item after 30 days, then there’s a good chance this is something you’ll use. Stick to your budget. If you feel like you’re always short on money, you should take some time to figure out exactly where your money is going. You’ll then need to create a budget so you aren’t spending money on unnecessary purchases. The most important part of managing your budget is sticking to it. Make a list whenever you go to the store — and don’t stray from it. Keep More Money in Your Wallet WITH THESE MONEY-SAVING TRICKS

• 2 tsp ground cumin • 1 tsp dried oregano


1. In a large bowl, combine all ingredients except oil and toppings. Stir until well combined and let rest for 5 minutes until a batter forms. 2. In a large skillet, warm the oil over medium heat. Scoop 1/4 cup of zucchini mixture into the skillet. Cook for 3–5 minutes, then flip. Cook for another 3–5 minutes until fritter is golden brown. Repeat with the remaining batter. 3. Serve topped with nacho cheese, black beans, salsa, and avocado.

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How YouTube has Changed Our Lives

Dealing With Negativity? Try These 3 Things! How to Prevent Bad Breath Keep More Money in Your Wallet Zucchini Corn Fritters



Comparing the WaterPik and Floss

For decades, brushing and flossing have been promoted as a vital daily dental routine. Everyone claims they floss every day to their dentist, but it’s safe to say some days you definitely forget. The traditional floss has been around for a while, but we have an alternative: the WaterPik. Not sure which one is more effective? Let’s take a look at both options. Then you decide. Traditional Floss Dental floss has always been a crucial part of dental hygiene. Floss scrapes each surface of the tooth to remove plaque and food particles from teeth and gums. You can maneuver the string between your teeth and control the pressure you use. Swiping between every tooth in this manner reduces the chance of plaque buildup and bacteria. Floss does have a few disadvantages — some areas of the mouth are difficult to reach and it can cause minor bleeding if not done regularly. Regardless, flossing is an efficient way to remove excess food from your teeth. Grocery stores or pharmacies sell it inexpensively, and it’s quick and easy to use. The WaterPik This water-flossing product uses a direct stream of pressurized water to massage the gums and push food away from the teeth. It’s great for people who Treat Your Teeth With Care FLOSS LIKE A BOSS

have braces, dental implants, or crowns because they won’t have to struggle to get around those obstacles. The WaterPik can also be an alternative for people who have arthritis or have difficulty working with regular string floss. You can get into those hard-to-reach areas and clean the tight spaces between teeth. Water flossers can be on the pricey side and need a space for storage. It’s not as versatile as floss since it requires electricity and water, so it’s difficult to use outside of the home. But overall, it’s easy and flushes away plaque and bacteria as you use it. Nothing is more flattering than a gorgeous, healthy smile, but taking care of your teeth and gums is about more than just looking good. Both water flossing and traditional flossing are great techniques to prevent gum disease and keep your pearlies looking white.

