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Primary Eye Care Associates - May 2018

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Primary Eye Care Associates - August 2018

2 cup hearts of palm, drained • Basil leaves, for garnish • Kosher salt and black pepper, to taste D

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Primary Eye Care Associates - December 2018

2 cup unsalted butter, melted • 2 teaspoons kosher salt, or more to taste • Pinch of freshly ground

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Primary Eye Care Associates - May/June 2019

green colorblind. While he might never have seen the actual color of his iconic red cardigan, it’s u

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Primary Eye Care Associates - March 2018

MARCH 2018 As a child, my sister, Monica, faced many complications with her eyesight. She was extrem

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Primary Eye Care Associates - July 2018

2 teaspoon lemon zest • 2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice • 1 teaspoon olive oil • Celery salt and fresh

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Primary Eye Care Associates October/November 2018

2 cup water until the sugar dissolves. 3. Raise heat to high and bring syrup up to 240 F, using a

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Primary Eye Care Associates - June 2018

2 cup broccoli florets • 1 handful kale, roughly chopped • 1 teaspoon dried Italian herbs • Salt and

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Primary Eye Care Associates - September/October 2019

2 lbs. heirloom and cherry tomatoes, roughly chopped • 2 scallions, thinly sliced DIRECTIONS 1. For

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Primary Eye Care Associates - January/February 2020

20 rule: After 20 minutes, look away at an object 20 feet away for just 20 seconds. The contrast bet

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Primary Eye Care Associates - March/April 2020

English-Ivy-Laundry-Detergent. 3. SAY GOODBYE TO PAPER TOWELS. Paper towels are a mainstay in Americ

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Primary Eye Care Associates - May 2018


As a business owner and a leader, I think it’s imperative to continue growing, because if I stagnate, those around me will suffer the most. The best way to grow by learning is through the wisdom of books. That is why I actively apply myself to reading. I read so I can educate myself, but what it really offers is the opportunity to teach others. I get the chance to impart tools and best practices that can change lives. I try to read about 50 or 60 books each year. That may sound like a lot, but I have jumped on the audiobook bandwagon at full speed. Whether I’m at the gym or dropping my kids off somewhere, listening to an audiobook allows me to absorb more information while doing tasks I already need to do. It’s a complete game-changer when it comes to reading, and I recommend it to everyone. How Reading Has Transformed My Life The Wisdom of the World Is in Books

accumulates, and sometimes it takes on a life of its own and becomes overwhelming. I would open the door to the office, take a look at the pile of stuff, and walk out.

The more I got into this book, however, the more I understood that you’ll never get to every single task that needs to be done, and that’s okay. You can make progress by prioritizing

the essential things first. The 80-20 rule states that 80 percent of your results come from 20 percent of your actions. Utilizing that 20 percent every day can help you make substantial inroads on complicated tasks.

Since reading this book, I’ve been able to clear out three months’ worth of piles in just seven days. I experienced a massive feeling of relief and accomplishment. It’s these kinds of tools that I love to show people, giving them the opportunity to have the same outcomes in their lives. If my life can benefit from reading, I want others to reap those same rewards.


“Eat That Frog!” by Brian Tracy has been an incredibly influential book that I’ve latched on to recently. Our lives are filled with a million and one things to do, and it can be downright overwhelming at times. The more we think about all our responsibilities, the more paralyzing it becomes as we try to tackle these tasks. For example, in a small office at my clinic, there’s a desk where everyone puts things. It’s my responsibility to take care of the pile that

In the last edition, I mentioned how my kids could quote “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill, and I have read it cover to cover at least three times. “The Science of Getting Rich” by Wallace D. Wattles has also been a significant influence in my life recently. By the titles, you would think that I’m obsessed with money, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. These books teach me how to better help my employees with personal-finance and wealth-building tools. I’m not an expert, but in my heart, I have a desire to serve the people closest to me. It may only be 20 percent of the information that gets to them, but that has the ability to change their lives completely. In this way, I do my best to ensure my business has a positive impact on people.

Until next time; Eye’ll see ya then!

–Steven Chander

(773) 492-6041 | 1

In this digital age, having a family board-game night every few weeks is a novelty. Putting away the electronics and having fun face-to-face with your kids is reason enough to make this a family tradition. But did you know that board games can also teach your kids valuable life skills? Here’s the best way to facilitate this learning as a parent. Get More out of Game Night Use Board Games as a Teaching Tool


Whether you’re new to a game or an old pro, it’s worth spending some time going over how the game is played. Not only will this help you teach your kids how to play a new game, but these rules also provide valuable insight into the skills the game teaches. Even games of pure chance, like Chutes and Ladders, can teach young kids motor skills, a sense of fair play, and what good sportsmanship looks like for both winning and losing. Does the game have rules for trading among players, like Monopoly or Settlers of Catan? These sorts of games are a great way to teach social skills. Does it offer multiple paths to victory, like Chess or Tokido? These games teach strategy and critical reasoning. Games like Pandemic require players to work together, teaching valuable teamwork and leadership skills.



It’s important to find games that fit your children’s abilities. Complex rules, small pieces, or mature content can make some games inappropriate for young kids. The first thing you should do is check the recommended age range on the packaging. This will help you find the best match for your kids.

While gameplay itself can be a great teacher, being a role model for your children during game night is the most important thing you can bring to the table. No matter their age, showing your kids how to lose gracefully, win magnanimously, and have fun no matter what are skills they will carry with them the rest of their lives.

BUDGET IS NOT A 4-LETTER WORD Financial Freedom Starts With a Plan

You can’t go anywhere with your finances unless you have a budget. Your wealth may increase, but without a plan for that cash, you’ll always be bound by limitations. If you don’t have a budget, then you are still working for your money instead of having your money work for you. I’m not a financial advisor or money guru by any means, but I love helping people understand Dave Ramsey’s methods better, and I do whatever I can to give people the tools they need to live financially free

with a budget. You might be able to wake up every day and just wing it, but that’s a surefire way to end up in a financial ditch. Latching your finances onto a viable plan will help you get where you need to go quickly and safely.

If you’re worried about how eye care may fit into your financial plan, reach out to us. Our goal is to

The first step to create a budget is to understand that it doesn’t limit what you can do with your money. Budget is not a four-letter word, though it is often treated as such. This mindset influences many individuals’ personal-finance approach, but a budget doesn’t confine you. It empowers you to take control of your money! A budget allows you to harness your financial prowess to benefit your future. Think about it this way: Would you go on a road trip without knowing where you were going? Would you take that trek off-road? No, you’d use a GPS and follow the right highways to get where you wanted to go. It’s the same

provide all of Chicago with high-quality and affordable eye care.

Contact us today, and we’ll help you with your eyes and your budget.



Win an iPhone X!

If you haven’t heard about our referral contest, you are missing out, because we are giving away a brand-new iPhone X! This is, without a doubt, the hottest product Apple has made in recent years. With facial recognition, lightning-fast processing speeds, and an out-of-this-world camera, it’s one of the most impressive digital devices on the market. Putting your name in the hat for this drawing is very simple. For every patient you refer to our clinic, you receive five entries to win. Your referred patient doesn’t need to receive vital services, either. Any of our offerings they use will earn you entries. Our objective isn’t to gouge your contacts for money; we merely want to expose our practice to as many individuals as possible. This allows us to do what we love to do most — help others.

with the opportunity to receive proper eye care. Our practice’s reach is limited. We use our marketing abilities to the fullest, but we still can’t get to every person in the Chicago area. Who in your neighborhood could use an eye exam? Do you know someone who needs eye care but who lives in an underserved community? This referral contest is our opportunity to finally help the people closest to you. If you’re interested in more information, reach out to our clinic today. Eyesight is one of the most pivotal of all the senses. We don’t want anyone to be forced to struggle with poor vision. This contest gives you the opportunity to help others and win a new phone in the process. At Primary Eye Care, we can’t think of a better win-win for our patients.

We love running referral contests because it gives our patients the chance to go into their communities and provide others


Grilled Skirt Steak WITH ASPARAGUS

INGREDIENTS • 1 1/2 pounds skirt steak • 2 tablespoons canola oil • 1 pound asparagus

• 2 teaspoons crushed red pepper • Salt and pepper to taste • Grated pecorino Romano cheese

DIRECTIONS 1. Heat grill to high. Season room-temperature steak with salt, pepper, and 1 tablespoon oil. Any oil with a high smoke point, such as canola, will work. 2. Trim bottom inch of asparagus. Season with salt, pepper, and remainder of oil. 3. Cut steak into four portions and grill for 3–5 minutes per side, depending on desired doneness. Skirt steak is thin and will cook quickly. 4. Let steak rest for 10 minutes. While it’s resting, grill asparagus for 6 minutes, turning once. 5. Sprinkle cheese and crushed red pepper on asparagus. Serve alongside steak.

Inspired by Food Network

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(773) 492-6041

5460 S. Archer Ave. Chicago, IL 60638

Inside This Issue

Start Reading, and You’ll Never Stop Growing PAGE 1 What Board Games Can Teach Your Kids PAGE 2 Do You Have a Budget? PAGE 2 Win a Brand-New iPhone X PAGE 3 Grilled Skirt Steak With Asparagus PAGE 3 Gear Up for Grilling Season PAGE 4

GET YOUR GRILL ON 2 May Holidays, 2 Reasons to Grill

Is there anything more American than grilling a burger outside on Memorial Day? This year, there’s another reason to fire up the grill that weekend: In addition to being Memorial Day, May 28 is also National Hamburger Day! Enjoy this delicious coincidence by heating up the grill, gathering the fixings, and making one of these tasty burgers at home.

red peppers and arugula for flavor and texture. If you want to get extra fancy, pour a bit of balsamic reduction over the patty before adding the toppings.



For a delicious veggie burger even meat eaters will love, use a portobello mushroom as your patty. Remove the stems, then marinate the mushrooms for 15 minutes in a mixture of 1 tablespoon red wine vinegar, 3 tablespoons olive oil, and a clove of minced garlic. Season the shrooms with salt and pepper, then place them on the grill just as you would any other burger. Gruyere cheese is the perfect creamy topping, and you can use grilled focaccia bread topped with garlic aioli. As you bask in the late spring weather and the inviting smell of delicious food this Memorial Day, take a moment to remember the Americans who gave their lives so we could enjoy these freedoms, and thank those who served.

Nothing beats the American classic: a seasoned beef patty, a slice of cheddar cheese, a squirt each of mustard and ketchup, a layer of crunchy lettuce, some thinly sliced onions, and a couple of zesty pickles. For a homemade touch, make the pickles yourself by soaking cucumbers in a brine of vinegar, dill, and salt.


Take your patty to the next level with a Mediterranean twist. Mix feta cheese and garlic into your ground beef before forming your patties. Serve it on a grilled ciabatta bun topped with marinated