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Professional Equities, Inc. - October 2020

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Professional Equities, Inc. October 2019

2-inch pieces Directions 1. Heat oven to 275 F. 2. In a large mixing bowl, fold together pretzels, s

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Professional Equities, Inc. - October 2021

Professional Equities, Inc. - October 2021 THE ULTIMATE PASSIVE RESIDUAL INCOME TM The Passive Resid

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Professional Equities, INC - February 2020

4 cup peanut butter for 30 seconds, then drizzle peanut butter on top of balls. Freeze balls for ano

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Professional Equities. inc. - June 2020

Professional Equities. inc. - June 2020 Insider Passive Residual Income THEULTIMATEPASSIVERESIDUAL I

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Professional Equities, Inc. September 2019

4 cup pecans, finely chopped • • • 3 tbsp all-purpose flour 2 tbsp maple syrup 1 tbsp lemon juice •

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Professional Equities, Inc. - February 2021

4- inch pieces (parsnips, turnips, carrots, butternut squash, Brussels sprouts, etc.) • 1 red onion,

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Professional Equities, Inc. - January 2022

3 cup olive oil, garlic, salt, parsley, mint, pepper, and lemon zest and juice and blend ingredients

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Professional Equities, Inc. - March 2022

or peace, you might surprise yourself with how meaningful and fulfilling your company’s content, mar

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Professional Equities, Inc - November 2018

4 cup celery, diced Directions 1. In a large stock pot, bring salt, sugar, and 4 cups water to a boi

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Professional Equities, Inc. - April 2022

Professional Equities, Inc. - April 2022 THE ULTIMATE PASSIVE RESIDUAL INCOME TM The Passive Residua

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Professional Equities, Inc. - October 2020



Bill Moist

RV sales drive higher in response to COVID-19. Americans are seeking alternatives to traditional travel, including airlines, hotels, and resorts. The RV Association research released in June reported 46 million Americans planned to take a RV trip within the following 12 months. Eleven percent of the people surveyed wanted to buy an RV within that period, and 14% wanted to rent an RV. Dealers and rental marketplaces say RV demand outpaced supply. Also, many Americans who are tired of being cooped up are purchasing boats at a feverish pace, causing some manufacturers to struggle to keep up. RVs’ and boats’ dramatic sales increases are attracting attention in the self-storage industry. Storage operators report increased demand for RV and boat spaces. “It’s a good niche for these times,” said Mike Mele, Vice Chairman of Cushman &Wakefield. “We’re seeing a ton of interest from buyers. But the owners of these facilities know they’ve got something that’s good, and they’re very reluctant to part with it,” he said. Victor Mendiola, owner and principal of Plano, Texas-based Promesa Investments LLC, is reaping the benefits of the pandemic-inspired RV and boat phenomenon. Mendiola said Promesa’s 23-acre RV and boat storage facility — Covenant RV & Boat Storage in Celina, Texas — became fully occupied in June. Prospective renters, roughly 90% of whom are new to RV or boat ownership, are now on a waiting list. We are thrilled to be in boat and RV storage niche during this upswing in demand. If you want to learn more, request a FREE chapter of our upcoming book: “CLOSELY GUARDED SECRET TO BECOMING A CAREFREE SELF STORAGE INVESTOR” at


Halloween is a time to enjoy the things that send a jolt of fear through our bodies. Nothing brings out the spirit of All Hallows’ Eve like putting on your favorite horror flick, dressing up in a terrifying costume, or heading to your local haunted house. Haunted houses have been one of the most popular October activities for decades. In the U.S., haunted houses were first created to keep young people from“running amok.”Boys were known to take to the streets on Halloween and cause mischief with harmless pranks like scaring pedestrians, ding-dong ditching, or even stealing neighbors’ gates. However, after the Great Depression, their antics grew more serious. Halloween of 1933 is often referred to as “Black Halloween”because hundreds of teenage boys went on a rampage across the country, flipping cars and sawing off telephone poles. In order to redirect these boys’ actions, many communities began setting up activities for them to participate in, such as Halloween parties, costume parades, and haunted trails or houses. However, this wasn’t the world’s first haunted house appearance. In the 1800s, London’s Marie Tussauds wax museum had a frightening display of decapitated figures from the French Revolution, dubbed the Chamber of Horrors. In 1915, a British company built one of the earliest haunted houses, which featured demonic screams, shaking floors, and dim lighting. Since then, the allure of haunted houses has taken the world by storm, appearing in countless countries, cities, and communities. Haunted amusement rides and houses from all over the globe draw thousands of guests each year, but Japan is known for some of the most frightening haunted houses in the world. One of the country’s most renowned haunts is the Labyrinth of

–Bill Moist

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Fear, located at the amusement park Fuji-Q Highland. Not only is it one of the scariest haunted houses in the world, but it’s also one of the largest. The Labyrinth of Fear is set up in a former hospital, and it takes about 40 minutes to walk through the two-story building from start to finish. Japanese people and visitors can usually enjoy these frights year-round. During a typical summer, many cities across Japan open haunted houses for the sheer enjoyment of visitors who travel from all over to get their scares in early. However, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, many businesses had to shut down across the country this summer, and things were looking bleak. However, there was one production company, Kowagarasetai, that did not give up. Kenta Iwana, a Kowagarasetai producer, decided the company could still offer a haunted house while practicing safe distancing by setting up a drive-thru haunted house. Although this may sound dangerous at first, the car itself remains stationary throughout the production. In this attraction, guests sit in a car and watch as horror opens up around them— zombies crawl across the hood of the car and press their faces against the windshield, and visitors can hear the shrieks of terror through the radio as an unlucky soul is trapped outside. This new and innovative way to enjoy these annual frights could be just what everyone needs this Halloween.

No matter what’s in store for the spooky holiday this year, be safe, have fun, and enjoy Halloween!

through your process step by step and introduce the prospective clients to your team. People do business with people they like, and when you showcase your culture on video, clients will feel that connection, even if they can’t be there in person. Direct Mail Campaigns Withmore people at home and school platforms converting to the digital sphere, universities have a greater opportunity to directly target students. In the past, mailers would typically hit the junk pile at parents’homes. However, universities are using this opportunity to improve the design of their materials andmail out more appealing brochures and other packets they’d typically hand out on campus. You Try It: Mail has become more important than ever, but you need to stand out in a direct mail campaign. Play with the design of your typical mailers and consider adapting your e-newsletter to a print one. As Texas A&M’s director of social media Krista Berend explained in a June 2020 AMA article, “Our world is dominated by screens.” Engaging with your clients through the mail that goes directly to their homes —without targeted ads drowning out your message — is a much more intimate way to grab their attention. THE OL’COLLEGETRY How University Recruitment Tactics Can Get You More Customers

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed howwe do a lot of things, but few institutions have been as shaken by this global event as education. When it comes to college recruitment, universities have had to become creative with their sales techniques for prospective students—and it’s paying off. Here are two pivots universities have made and how you can cash in on the action, according to the American Marketing Association (AMA). CollegeTours Students typically lead tours throughout the hallowed halls of the university and end with presentations, Q&A sessions, and conversations with experts. Since having to convert to online tours, universities have been able to target a wider demographic. More students can tune into a live tour without having to travel, and administrators and professors who may not have had time for previous tours can offer their expertise with prerecorded presentations. You Try It: Part of landing a sale is connecting with your prospective clients. What better way to do that than introducing what you have to offer in a virtual tour? Create a video of your team walking clients

You can learn other recruitment tactics at

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Meet Winter, a 4-Legged Hero of Vaccine Research

her antibodies fought off both infections. Llamas have also helped out with research for HIV and influenza. It turns out llama antibodies are smaller than the ones found in humans, which makes it easier for them to wiggle into the tiny pockets in virus-carrying proteins. This superpower gives them the ability to“neutralize” viruses, including COVID-19. Studies are now showing that using these llama antibodies in humans could potentially keep coronaviruses from entering human cells as well. At least two separate llama studies have shown the effectiveness of these antibodies on coronavirus infections. This summer, a team of researchers from the U.K. discovered that llama antibodies “have the potential to be used in a similar way to convalescent serum, effectively stopping progression of the virus in patients who are ill”when given to those patients in a transfusion. They also suggested that a cocktail of llama and human antibodies could be even more successful at temporarily blocking the virus. Studies of the latter are in the works, and scientists around the world have their fingers crossed for success. In the meantime, Winter will continue peacefully grazing in Belgium, unaware that she just might play a role in saving the world.

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, people have turned to their four- legged friends for help and comfort. In Nebraska, an 11-year-old girl and her pony, Peanut, cheered up nursing home residents through their windows this spring, while in Pennsylvania, an award-winning golden retriever named Jackson starred in videos that kept thousands laughing. Pets like these have given the national mood a boost, but another four- legged critter deserves just as much recognition. Her name is Winter, and she’s the 4-year-old llama whose antibodies could help us beat the coronavirus. At this point, you’re probably thinking, “Llamas? Really?What will these scientists think up next?”But in fact, Winter wasn’t an outside-of-the-box discovery during the COVID-19 vaccine scramble. Llamas have been helping scientists battle viruses for years. That’s because, along with her fuzzy brown coat and long eyelashes, Winter has a unique virus treatment hidden in her blood: llama antibodies.

According to The NewYork Times, Winter has participated in past studies for both SARS and MERS —diseases also caused by coronaviruses — and

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These adorable chocolate-dipped strawberry ghosts will be the stars of your Halloween party!


16 oz white chocolate, chopped

24 strawberries

1 package mini dark chocolate chips


1. In a microwave-safe bowl, heat the white chocolate at 50% power for 30 seconds. Remove it and stir, then repeat the process until melted. 2. Lay out a sheet of parchment paper. 3. One by one, dip the strawberries into the melted white chocolate and set them on the parchment. Allow the extra chocolate to pool to form a “tail” effect. 4. Before the chocolate coating fully cools, add three mini chocolate chips to each berry to form two eyes and a mouth. 5. Let chocolate set, then serve your spooky snacks!

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INSIDE THIS ISSUE From the Desk of Bill PAGE 1 Get Your Fear On PAGE 1 2 College Recruitment Tactics You Can Use in Your Business PAGE 2 Could a Llama Save Us From COVID-19? PAGE 3 Take a Break PAGE 3 Spooky Strawberry Ghosts PAGE 3 Keep Your Face Masks Safe and Clean PAGE 4 Professional Equities, Inc. BILL 7CF



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to sanitize disposable face masks. This claim is untrue. As stated previously, disposable face masks cannot be cleaned. However, fabric face masks, especially those made of cotton, can be washed with the rest of your laundry. Run them through the washing machine with hot water, then tumble dry on high heat. If you are sensitive to perfumes, use an unscented laundry detergent. ‘Is it safe to hand-wash face masks?’ Since fabric face masks need to be washed after each use, running a wash cycle just to clean a couple of masks can feel pretty wasteful — like doing a load of laundry only to wash the socks you wore yesterday. The Johns Hopkins Medicine website states that you can hand-wash your face masks if needed. Use hot, soapy water to wash your masks, scrub the mask for at least 20 seconds, and dry on high heat in your dryer.

In the span of a fewmonths, face masks went from being something Americans only saw in hospital settings to an itemwe can’t leave home without. Since everyday use of face masks is still relatively new in the United States, here are some answers from Johns Hopkins Medicine to common questions regarding the proper care and cleaning of your face mask. ‘How often should I cleanmy face mask?’ Disposable, surgical face masks cannot be cleaned. Johns Hopkins recommends throwing surgical masks away when they are “visibly soiled or damaged.” If you wear a reusable fabric face mask, then you should wash your mask after each day of use to help prevent bacterial growth. ‘What’s the best way to cleanmy face mask?’ Earlier this year, a video circulated on social media claiming that you could use a rice cooker

‘Where should I store my cloth face masks when I’mnot wearing them?’ Put used cloth face masks directly into the laundry basket when you arrive home to ensure they get cleaned in a timely manner and to prevent you from accidentally spreading germs. Have a sanitized place designated to store clean face masks only. Avoid putting face masks in your pocket or purse. Face masks are supposed to help keep us all healthy. Follow these tips to make sure your mask doesn’t become a petri dish.

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