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Professional Equities - January 2019

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Professional Equities - January 2020

Professional Equities - January 2020 Insider Passive Residual Income THEULTIMATEPASSIVERESIDUAL INCO

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Professional Equities March 2019

Professional Equities March 2019 Insider Passive Residual Income THEULTIMATEPASSIVERESIDUAL INCOME T

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Professional Equities - January 2021

4 cup fresh parsley, finely chopped (817) 657-4080 • 3 INSIDE THIS ISSUE From the Desk of Bill PAGE

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Professional Equities February 2019

Professional Equities February 2019 Insider Passive Residual Income THEULTIMATEPASSIVERESIDUAL INCOM

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Professional Equities - December 2019

2 hours. 5. Remove from oven, and let stand for 20 minutes covered with foil. 6. Slice and serve wit

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Professional Equities April 2019

Professional Equities April 2019 Insider Passive Residual Income THEULTIMATEPASSIVERESIDUAL INCOME T

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Professional Equities November 2019

2-inch thick. Cut dough into small rectangles using a knife or pizza cutter. 4. Bake for 30 minutes,

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Professional Equities July 2019

4-inch-thick patties. Season patties. 5. Meanwhile, heat a cast-iron skillet to medium-high. 6. Ligh

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Professional Equities, Inc. - January 2022

3 cup olive oil, garlic, salt, parsley, mint, pepper, and lemon zest and juice and blend ingredients

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Professional Equities, Inc. September 2019

4 cup pecans, finely chopped • • • 3 tbsp all-purpose flour 2 tbsp maple syrup 1 tbsp lemon juice •

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Professional Equities - January 2019

Insider Passive Residual Income THEULTIMATEPASSIVERESIDUAL INCOME TM January2019 The


Bill Moist

3 BUSINESS INITIATIVES T o P ropel Y ou T oward Y our B est Y ear E ver

The above photo was taken whenmy daughter, Allison, and I were inTeasdale, Utah. Allison loves Alpacas and says they make her happy. Their fur is super soft whichmakes great sweaters and hats. Alpacas don’t have lower teeth, so they couldn’t hurt someone if they tried. As a result, herders will have a couple guard dogs to protect them. Alpacas can do no harm. That reminds me of self-storage. Self-storage has a low impact on the neighborhood where located. Most renters show up every couple years just to check on their property. Also, self-storage pays more in property taxes than services required. No kids live there so the school isn’t burdened. Not much police protection is required. One larger property I am familiar with pays more than $200,000 a year in property taxes. It has been estimated, the self-storage industry pays $7.6 billion in local property taxes each year. This is a major net gain for the taxing authorities where it is located.

It’s the time of year when business owners and their leadership teams sit down to draft up their plans and goals for the coming year. Some businesses use this exercise as a chance to nail down their trajectory, while others engage in the process simply because they feel they have to. If you fall in the latter camp, you could stand to devote a little more time and energy to determine how the coming year will look. After all, it’s hard to guide your teams forward when you don’t have a destination in mind. As a business owner, it’s up to you to set the tone for how the next 12 months will look for your organization. While every company’s goals will be unique, there are a few universal aims that will affect nearly every business in 2019. With that in mind, let’s take a look at three New Year’s resolutions that you should consider adopting. According to benefits-consulting company Hodges-Mace, millennial employee turnover costs the American economy upward of $30 billion per year. The number is so big because recruiting, hiring, and training new team members is an expensive and time-intensive process. Holding onto your talent matters regardless of the economic climate, but it’s especially crucial when the job market is strong. When good people walk out your doors during a talent shortage, you’ll struggle to replace them with candidates of equal caliber. Don’t assume that your staff’s eyes will never wander. According to Fortune magazine, 86 percent of currently employed workers are actively looking for better opportunities. To help keep valued staff in place, you need to provide them with competitive pay, appealing RESOLVE TO RETAIN EMPLOYEES

I wish you a happy and prosperous NewYear!

–Bill Moist

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Cover story, continued ...

companies that rise and fall with the market from those that excel no matter the broader economic climate. Here’s a word of caution: When looking for weaknesses, don’t let them overwhelm you or turn you into a pessimist. If your company is doing well, you can fix inefficiencies without making them life-or-death issues. That’s the advantage of proactively solving these problems rather than waiting for them to metastasize. There are countless resolutions that will help spur your business to greater heights in 2019. While these are excellent starting points, they’re by no means a black-and- white guide to the best resolutions. You know better than anyone else what will help your business this year, but you have to take the time to think about it and express it throughout your company if you want maximum results. AND THESE ARE JUST THE START

says Brad Sugars, founder of ActionCoach. “It’s something that’s truly unique. It grabs people’s attention. It can’t be easily copied. And it offers a clear-cut, marketable benefit to your customer.” Understanding and communicating your USP will increase your chances of attracting new customers this year. This one is especially important for businesses that are doing well. If you’re struggling, you already know to look for problem areas and attack them before they cause too much damage. But if you can analyze those weaknesses while you’re growing, you could stop a downturn before it starts. Too many business owners use growth as validation that they’re doing everything correctly. The truth is that no business — not Amazon, not Google, nobody — is firing on all cylinders all of the time. Taking the time to assess where you’re weak when you’re feeling strong is what separates the RESOLVE TO LOOK FOR WEAKNESSES

benefits, and a sense of career and personal development. Focus on creating programs that reward tenure and make employees feel acknowledged and appreciated. Otherwise, you can expect to spend large chunks of the year rehiring for roles that have been left vacant. In today’s marketplace, it’s almost impossible for your company to offer something your customers can’t get anywhere else. Every product in the world is just a few clicks away, so articulating what makes your company different is a matter of defining your values. If you haven’t already formulated a unique selling proposition (USP), the time to start is now. A USP provides customers with a brief, compelling snapshot of what makes your business different than your competitors. “Think of a USP as your secret sauce — the special ingredient your business uses to prevent becoming a ‘me too’ company,” RESOLVE TO DIFFERENTIATE YOURSELF

SGT. FIELDY COMES HOME Reuniting Brothers in Arms

Fieldy continued to protect soldiers and civilians by tracking down IEDs, Caceres worked tirelessly to make sure he could bring Fieldy home when his service was over. Military working dogs can be adopted by former handlers, law enforcement, or qualified civilians when they retire. After three years apart and a total of four tours served, Sgt. Fieldy was reunited with Caceres. In 2016, Fieldy received the K9 Medal of Courage Award, and in 2018, he won the American Humane Hero Dog Award for his service. “These dogs are out there with us,”said Caceres when he and Fieldy accepted the Hero Dog Award.“The dangers we face, they face them too. They deserve to be recognized. We ask so much of them, and all they want is to get petted or play with a toy. They’re amazing animals, and Fieldy is just an amazing dog. I can’t begin to express the gratitude I have for him.” If you are interested in supporting our nation’s working dogs or would like to adopt a retired working dog yourself, you can learn more at

There are around 2,500 military working dogs currently in service, and their efforts help save the lives of countless soldiers and civilians every day. One of these brave military dogs is Sgt. Fieldy, an 11-year-old black lab who was trained to locate the No. 1 threat in Afghanistan: IEDs. Sgt. Fieldy was deployed to Afghanistan with his handler, Cpl. Nicolas Caceres, in 2011. Early in their deployment, their vehicle struck a pressure plate while they were on patrol. Fieldy and Caceres were all right, but one of the other Marines in their company was badly injured in the explosion. The injured Marine could not be evacuated by helicopter until the landing zone was secured. Fieldy found another IED in the area and alerted Caceres. The bomb was quickly disarmed, and the injured soldier was taken to safety. This wasn’t the only IED Fieldy found. His sharp nose and dedication helped save thousands of lives. After his deployment, Caceres returned home, but Sgt. Fieldy served several more tours without him. While

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“Survival vitamins” are even more critical to your health, and the symptoms are noticeable when you’re deficient. For instance, the main symptom of vitamin C deficiency is scurvy, which causes weakness, soreness, and a number of skin issues, including bruising. It usually takes about a month of vitamin C deficiency before symptoms show.

New research suggests that you aren’t getting the key vitamins and minerals you need to live a longer, healthier life.

A 10-year study published in October 2018 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences identified several “longevity vitamins” as necessary to living a healthier, longer life. These are

Vitamin K deficiency, on the other hand, can be tougher to diagnose. Vitamin K is essential in forming blood clots. When your body doesn’t get enough vitamin K, excessive bleeding can occur. The vitamin is also needed to produce an enzyme that promotes better blood flow. Over time, low vitamin K levels in the body increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

vitamins and minerals that can keep chronic diseases such as heart disease, certain types of cancer, and dementia at bay. Researchers classified the following as “longevity vitamins”: vitamin D, vitamin K, carotenoids (alpha carotene and beta carotene), astaxanthin, ergothioneine, pyrroloquinoline quinone, quinine, taurine, lutein, zeaxanthin, and lycopene.

If you want to live a healthier and longer life, make sure your diet includes these longevity vitamins and minerals. They can give you a significant advantage when paired with a healthy diet and exercise so you can enjoy many more years with your loved ones.

Take a Break! Some of these vitamins and minerals may sound familiar. Lycopene, for example, is another carotenoid. It’s found in tomatoes and other red fruits and is a powerful antioxidant. In fact, many longevity vitamins are found in fruits and vegetables, but we often don’t eat enough of these foods.


2 cups cornflakes

8 slices brioche, 1/2-inch thick

2 tablespoons unsalted butter

1/4 cup creamy peanut butter

2 cups mixed berries

2 large eggs

Powdered sugar, to sprinkle

1/8 cup heavy cream

Maple syrup, for serving

2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract


4. In a large skillet over medium heat, melt 1 tablespoon

1. On a large baking sheet lined

with wax paper, place 4 slices of brioche and spread 1 tablespoon of peanut butter on each. Cover with remaining slices, creating sandwiches.

butter. Once melted and up to temperature, add sandwiches, cooking on one side until golden and crisp, about 2–3 minutes.

5. Return sandwiches to baking

2. In a pie plate, beat eggs with cream and vanilla. In another, coarsely crush the cornflakes. 3. Lightly soak sandwiches in the eggmixture, then dredge in cornflakes, pressing to adhere. Return to baking sheet.

sheet, add remaining butter, and repeat on other side.

6. Top sandwiches with berries, sprinkle with powdered sugar, and serve withmaple syrup.

Recipe Inspired By Delish

(817) 657-4080 • 3

INSIDE THIS ISSUE From the Desk of Bill PAGE 1 3 Resolutions Every Business Should Make in 2019 PAGE 1 What Happens to Military Service Dogs? PAGE 2 Are You Taking Your Longevity Vitamins? PAGE 3 Take a Break PAGE 3 Peanut Butter and Berry French Toast PAGE 3 3 Wives’ Tales That Are True PAGE 4 Professional Equities, Inc. BILLMOIST'S



401 N. Carroll Avenue Ste. 166 Southlake, TX 76092 (817) 657-4080

MOM REALLY DOES KNOW BEST 3 Wives’ Tales Proven True

about pregnancy. Many are solely based in intuition, but a few that sound odd have proven to be true. In 2007, a study done by Johns Hopkins attempted to debunk the myth that heartburn during pregnancy would mean a hairy baby at birth. Instead of proving it wrong, they found that 82 percent of women with severe heartburn during pregnancy gave birth to hairy babies. Turns out the hormones that cause heartburn in pregnant women also affect fetal hair growth. Did you ever look at your mom with skepticism when she would predict rain because her knees hurt? If so, you might owe your mom an apology, because there is a scientific connection. The drop in barometric pressure that’s common during storm weather causes pain in arthritic joints. JOINT PAIN PREDICTS THE WEATHER

“Make a face like that, and it’ll stay that way forever.”You may have heard something like this from Mom’s book of wisdom. Maybe you never disputed the idea that mother knows best. But as you grew up, it slowly became clear that hair doesn’t grow back faster and thicker if you shave it, cracking your knuckles doesn’t cause arthritis, and gum doesn’t stay in your stomach for months after you swallow it. After a whirlwind of wives’ tales over the years, many common claims have been put under scrutiny. Wives tales have been known as pseudoscience and blind intuition, but even as many were disproved, some surprisingly proved to hold weight. Here are three wives’ tales that have proven to be true.


can actually be more effective than over-the- counter flu medications. Some studies show that regular consumption of raw garlic lessens the likelihood of getting a cold, so if you feel a tickle in your throat, try a clove before you open the medicine cabinet.

For decades, moms have professed the healing properties of garlic, suggesting it can cure colds

and help the body fight sickness. It turns out they were absolutely right. Garlic has antiviral properties that strengthen the immune system and nutrients that help combat illnesses. The effects of garlic


It’s hard to list wives’ tales without bringing up one

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