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Project One Brochure

Project One Brochure For transformation and change to be successful in your business, we believe in

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Project One Brochure_2020

Project One Brochure_2020 For transformation and change to be successful in your business, we believ

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Project One Brochure_2020

Project One Brochure_2020 For transformation and change to be successful in your business, we believ

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Project One Brochure

Project One Brochure For transformation and change to be successful in your business, we believe in

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Project One Brochure_2020

Project One Brochure_2020 For transformation and change to be successful in your business, we believ

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Project One Brochure

Project One Brochure THE KEY TO SUCCESSFUL CHANGE Everyday we see change. With so much pressure for

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Project One and Defence

Project One and Defence Project One and Defence Supporting transformation and change for over a deca

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Project One Telenet Delivering Digital

Project One Telenet Delivering Digital ENABLING DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION A customer value proposition

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Project One Brochure_2020_May Spreads Lo For transformation and change to be successful in your busi

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Project One Brochure_P001_0719

For transformation and change to be successful in your business, we believe in adopting these change principles...


Be ready for change: ensure your business is set up to deliver the scale of change required by identifying the support you need early to help your business on its change journey. Understand the leadership that you need: bring in key people who know what works and what doesn’t, they will help to navigate through challenges, getting things right from the outset to avoid failure. Focus on the outcome, not the process: choosing the right partner is critical to tailor the correct approach for your business and outcomes. Exploit your core capabilities: understand the areas which really differentiate your business and prioritise them to support your transformation and change efforts. Embed full business ownership: ensure full business involvement and understanding so that change is embedded for long-term success.

Everyday we see change. With so much pressure for change through digital evolution, regulatory change and evolving customer expectations, if you’re not keeping up it doesn’t take long to fall behind. Successful change brings incredible value to your business. Change contributes to cost saving, output efficiency and can accelerate your business to the forefront of its industry. With over twenty years’ global experience, Project One has led change across a vast number of industries and sectors, forging long-term, trusted partnerships with many household names.


sheffield forgemasters I N T E R N A T I O N A L



real change • real difference

AE France Germany Mexico Hong Kong Israel Malaysia Oman Norway Poland Romania Russia Singapore Canada Switzerland Hungary Ireland Austria Czech Republic Japan Sw ria Belgium Saudi Thailand south africa UAE France Germany Mexico Hong Kong Israel Malaysia Oman Norway Poland Romania Russia Singapore Canada Switzerland Hungar ia Czech Republic Japan Sweden Bulgaria Belgium Saudi Thailand south africa UAE France Germany Mexico Hong Kong Israel Malaysia Oman Norway Poland Romania Russia S ada Switzerland Hungary Ireland Austria Czech Republic Japan Sweden Bulgaria Belgium Saudi Thailand south africa UAE France Germany Mexico Hong Kong Israel Malaysi way Poland Romania Russia Singapore Canada Switzerland Hungary Ireland Austria Czech Republic Japan Sweden Bulgaria Belgium Saudi Thailand south africa UAE France xico Hong Kong Israel Malaysia Oman Norway Poland Romania Russia Singapore Canada Switzerland Hungary Ireland Austria Czech Republic Japan Sweden Bulgaria Belgiu and south africa UAE France Germany Mexico Hong Kong Israel Malaysia Oman Norway Poland Romania Russia Singapore Canada Switzerland Hungary Ireland Austria Czech n Sweden Bulgaria Belgium Saudi Thailand south africa UAE France Germany Mexico Hong Kong Israel Malaysia Oman Norway Poland Romania Russia Singapore Canada Swit ary Ireland Austria Czech Republic Japan Sweden Bulgaria Belgium Saudi Thailand south africa UAE France Germany Mexico Hong Kong Israel Malaysia Oman Norway Poland ia Singapore Canada Switzerland Hungary Ireland Austria Czech Republic Japan Sweden Bulgaria Belgium Saudi Thailand south africa UAE France Germany Mexico Hong Ko aysia Oman Norway Poland Romania Russia Singapore Canada Switzerland Hungary Ireland Austria Czech Republic Japan Sweden Bulgaria Belgium Saudi Thailand south afr nce Germany Mexico Hong Kong Israel Malaysia Oman Norway Poland Romania Russia Singapore Canada Switzerland Hungary Ireland Austria Czech Republic Japan Sweden B ium Saudi Thailand south africa UAE France Germany Mexico Hong Kong Israel Malaysia Oman Norway Poland Romania Russia Singapore Canada Switzerland Hungary Irelan Republic Japan Sweden Bulgaria Belgium Saudi Thailand south africa UAE France Germany Mexico Hong Kong Israel Malaysia Oman Norway Poland Romania Russia Singapor tzerland Hungary Ireland Austria Czech Republic Japan Sweden Bulgaria Belgium Saudi Thailand south africa UAE France Germany Mexico Hong Kong Israel Malaysia Oman and Romania Russia Singapore Canada Switzerland Hungary Ireland Austria Czech Republic Japan Sweden Bulgaria Belgium Saudi Thailand south africa UAE France Germany g Kong Israel Malaysia Oman Norway Poland Romania Russia Singapore Canada Switzerland Hungary Ireland Austria Czech Republic Japan Sweden Bulgaria Belgium Saudi T th africa UAE France Germany Mexico Hong Kong Israel Malaysia Oman Norway Poland Romania Russia Singapore Canada Switzerland Hungary Ireland Austria Czech Republ en Bulgaria Belgium Saudi Thailand south africa UAE France Germany Mexico Hong Kong Israel Malaysia Oman Norway Poland Romania Russia Singapore Canada Switzerland and Austria Czech Republic Japan Sweden Bulgaria Belgium Saudi Thailand south africa UAE France Germany Mexico Hong Kong Israel Malaysia Oman Norway Poland Romani pore Canada Switzerland Hungary Ireland Austria Czech Republic Japan Sweden Bulgaria Belgium Saudi Thailand south africa UAE France Germany Mexico Hong Kong Israel an Norway Poland Romania Russia Singapore Canada Switzerland Hungary Ireland Austria Czech Republic Japan Sweden Bulgaria Belgium Saudi Thailand south africa UAE F any Mexico Hong Kong Israel Malaysia Oman Norway Poland Romania Russia Singapore Canada Switzerland Hungary Ireland Austria Czech Republic Japan Sweden Bulgaria di Thailand south africa UAE France Germany Mexico Hong Kong Israel Malaysia Oman Norway Poland Romania Russia Singapore Canada Switzerland Hungary Ireland Austri public Japan Sweden Bulgaria Belgium Saudi Thailand south africa UAE France Germany Mexico Hong Kong Israel Malaysia Oman Norway Poland Romania Russia Singapore C tzerland Hungary Ireland Austria Czech Republic Japan Sweden Bulgaria Belgium Saudi Thailand south africa UAE France Germany Mexico Hong Kong Israel Malaysia Oman and Romania Russia Singapore Canada Switzerland Hungary Ireland Austria Czech Republic Japan Sweden Bulgaria Belgium Saudi Thailand south africa UAE France Germany g Kong Israel Malaysia Oman Norway Poland Romania Russia Singapore Canada Switzerland Hungary Ireland Austria Czech Republic Japan Sweden Bulgaria Belgium Saudi T th africa UAE France Germany Mexico Hong Kong Israel Malaysia Oman Norway Poland Romania Russia Singapore Canada Switzerland Hungary Ireland Austria Czech Republ en Bulgaria Belgium Saudi Thailand south africa UAE France Germany Mexico Hong Kong Israel Malaysia Oman Norway Poland Romania Russia Singapore Canada Switzerland and Austria Czech Republic Japan Sweden Bulgaria Belgium Saudi Thailand south africa UAE France Germany Mexico Hong Kong Israel Malaysia Oman Norway Poland Romani pore Canada Switzerland Hungary Ireland Austria Czech Republic Japan Sweden Bulgaria Belgium Saudi Thailand south africa UAE France Germany Mexico Hong Kong Israel an Norway Poland Romania Russia Singapore Canada Switzerland Hungary Ireland Austria Czech Republic Japan Sweden Bulgaria Belgium Saudi Thailand south africa UAE F any Mexico Hong Kong Israel Malaysia Oman Norway Poland Romania Russia Singapore Canada Switzerland Hungary Ireland Austria Czech Republic Japan Sweden Bulgaria di Thailand south africa UAE France Germany Mexico Hong Kong Israel Malaysia Oman Norway Poland Romania Russia Singapore Canada Switzerland Hungary Ireland Austri THE PROJECT ONE story We are one of the fastest growing global change management consultancies, operating in over 30 countries. As referenced by our ranking of 24th out of the 200 fastest growing companies in the Sunday Times International Fast Track, 2019. Project One specialises in leading complex change. With our extensive global experience and insight across a range of i dustries and sectors, we work hard to d liver exceptional transformation and change management consultancy services, building long-lasting partnerships along the way.



real change • real difference

Discover the power of our change partnership

We pride ourselves on being able to offer bespoke solutions to our customers. Marrying together our breadth of experience with a true understanding of your challenges and needs, our approach will be unique and right for you. Whether you need support, full implementation or recovery, we can lead you through that journey.

What to expect from us

why choose project one

Our attention to detail

• Practical, insight-led expertise, bringing the right level of engagement and structured thinking for your business. • A team of experienced leaders in the change management space, navigating your path to success. • A hands-on approach to leading your transformation and complex change, working directly with you, not doing it to you. • A shared commitment to achieving your business objectives through pace, flexibility and collaboration. • The right fit for your business. • The human touch, personalising the programme process for your goals.

We are change experts, who make the complex, simple. Our customers choose us as their trusted partner, to lead business-critical change and transformation programmes. Whether you are a large organisation needing support with complex change or an ambitious business undergoing enterprise- wide transformation, our experienced team will work shoulder-to-shoulder with you, every step of the way.

As well as in-house change leaders, we provide a dedicated Director to offer oversight, governance and bring the best of Project One know-how and experience. We deliver clear, outcome-orientated team assignments and believe that communication is crucial in delivering complex change. As a result of this, our assignment reporting provides regular, clear observations on outcomes and commercial indicators. We also deliver a robust review framework through monthly checkpoints.



real change • real difference


Exceeding your expecta tions

DeliverING change

Why we are different

We help ambitious organisations to change, thrive and grow. • Independence: we offer an independent perspective, that best serves your needs. • Know-how: our experienced view helps you to achieve your goals. • Vision and leadership: we shape your programme to be the very best. • Clarity: we create focus and understanding across your business. • Expertise: we are a specialist change and transformation consulting business.



e r

As specialists in change, we offer an end-to-end service, working alongside you at every stage of your change journey.

• Shaping Change: translating strategic ambitions into clear change plans.

• Delivering Change: ensuring change is set-up for success and remains on track, delivering the required business outcomes.

• Enabling Change: improving your own organisation’s change capability.

• Information Management: using >Page 1 Page 2-3 Page 4-5 Page 6-7 Page 8-9 Page 10-11 Page 12-13 Page 14-15 Page 16-17 Page 18-19 Page 20

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