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PT 360 - December 2019

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PT 360 - December 2021

4 tsp salt INSTRUCTIONS 1. Preheat oven to 350 F. 2. In a medium bowl, stir together flour, baking p

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PT 360 December 2018

2 cup heavy cream • 1 tablespoon unsalted butter • 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil • Salt and pe

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PT 360 September 2019

watch?v=uWGpbxbJ6_Y. R elax Part of your recovery should include massage to relax the aggravated are

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PT 360 November 2019

PT 360 November 2019 Getting you back to the life you want to live. 360 N ovember 2019 In Touch R

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PT 360 October 2019

PT 360 October 2019 Getting you back to the life you want to live. 360 O ctober 2019 In Touch HOW TO

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PT 360 March 2019

PT 360 March 2019 Getting you back to the life you want to live. 360 M arch 2019 In Touch THE

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PT 360 May 2019

2 medium onion, roughly chopped • 3 cloves garlic • 2 tablespoons chipotle peppers in adobo sauce •

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PT 360 February 2019

8-inch cubes. T ake A B reak ! 3 PRST STD US POSTAGE PAID BOISE, ID PERMIT 411 1215 S

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PT 360° August 2019

4 cup extra-virgin olive oil 2 tbsp sherry vinegar • Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste

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PT 360° April 2019

PT 360° April 2019 Getting you back to the life you want to live. 360 A pril 2019 In Touch C elebrat

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PT 360 - December 2019

Getting you back to the life you want to live.


D ecember 2019

In Touch

M agic M oments


Shelly Coffman

I love to break things down for maximum understanding, and comprehending how Disney creates and brings that magic to life is the real enchantment. About seven days in, I askedmy husband howmany times he had been to Disneyland in his youth. Two. He was the one who wanted to go on each ride four times, especially all of the latest and greatest rides. My tactical trip planning included a stop at the Tiki Roomwith DoleWhip, as well as the night show at each of the parks and character meet and greets. I knewmy daughter would remember the feeling of Disney more than the rides, and I wanted the reflection on the magic to be the predominant feeling. My husband wanted to do ALL the rides time and time again, but with each show, he was delighted and impressed. He wouldn’t have chosen those experiences for himself but couldn’t stop talking about howmemorable they were after. Watching somany families decked out in matching gear, teenage schoolmates all wearing their“ears’,”and grown ups excitedly doing character meet and greets, and in particular, the differently abled experiencing the magic with their loved ones, I realized that cultivatingmagic in our lives isn’t limited. Disney just provides an exceptional and efficient magic laser delivery system. My wish is that you choose the fantastic sometimes, the little“extra,”and the incredibly memorable experiences you’ll have. I know my daughter will look back on this forced march all over Disney with fondness and probably won’t remember that the insane step counts.

For a family vacation this year, we opted to pair

a busy conference in Orlando with a

DisneyWorld trip. Having never been to DisneyWorld

myself (and being the only one going to the conference), it sounded oppressively busy. We made the overly

insane choice of heading to Disney parks for eight days over a two-week period, with four days of conference in the middle. For me, it was survival mode from the get-go (and hadmany“Why didn’t we just go to Mexico?” moments). We spent somany park hours, and walked SOmany steps in those two weeks. Spending somany days meant we were able to go to each of the four parks more than once as well as a“bonus”Disney water park visit. We made it on each of the new, highly desirable rides (without having to spend hours in line) and were wowed each time. One of the rides we so great that we hoped to hit it twomore times during our stay. For this one special new virtual reality type ride, we were able to ride three times with some military-like planning. On the third ride, my daughter commented at the end that she had grasped how the ride worked, and how she pieced together what she understood about the machinations of the experience. Initially, I was a little sad she was taking apart the“magic.”But then, I realized she’s a lot like me. I hadWAY more fun on the scariest roller coaster the fourth time than I did on the first because I could see the inner workings and how they enhanced the ride experience.

A nd W hy Y ou S hould S tart

It’s no secret staying active is essential to your overall health. Sports like soccer, basketball, and football will get your blood pumping, but some sports offer more benefits than others. Here are just a few to consider if you want to blast your workout into the stratosphere. S quash Often crowned as the No. 1 healthiest sport, squash does it all. As you play, your body is in near-constant motion while you chase and hit a small ball around an enclosed court. Tests performed on 190-pound individuals showed that, in just 30 minutes, you can burn upward of 500 calories! You’ll also increase your aerobic fitness, boost your flexibility, and hone your agility. Squash also sharpens hand-eye coordination and concentration as you keep track of the ball. If squash were a superfood (there’s a pun in there somewhere), it’d even beat kale.

–-Shelly Coffman

Continued on Page 2 ... 1

“ T he strength development you gain

... continued from Cover

R owing

also provides cross-training for spring and summer sports by targeting a wide range of muscle groups to keep your body in shape. Winter’s not for hibernating anymore! G ymnastics Don’t let Olympic gymnasts intimidate you — this can be a sport for everyone to enjoy. The strength development you gain from practicing gymnastics is, pound-for- pound, some of the most prolific. It almost exclusively uses body weight to build every part of your upper, lower, and core areas. It can drastically increase your flexibility and bone strength, which prevents injury. As an added bonus, the immense mental focus needed to practice gymnastics can improve your cognitive function. It’s the perfect sport for strengthening your body and mind! R ock C limbing Another sport you can enjoy in the great outdoors or at indoor facilities, rock climbing is also a high calorie-burner. Research found that a 155-pound person burns over 800

calories hourly while ascending

from practicing gymnastics is , pound - for - pound , some of the most prolific . “

You don’t need access to a body of water to reap the benefits of rowing. Most gyms are equipped with rowing machines that provide similar effects to being on the water, save for the fresh air and sunshine. Aside from contributing to weight loss and building muscle strength, rowing promotes healthy body composition, improves joint mobility, and has a low risk of injury when compared to other sports. Being low-impact and high- intensity means it’s great for longer workouts with little wear and tear on your body. C ross -C ountry S kiing Once you try cross-country skiing, you’ll wish it were winter all the time. At a whopping 1,100 calories burned per hour, it’s more than just an invigorating full-body workout. It improves your endurance, trains your body to move how it’s naturally designed to move, and, as a sport often practiced in groups and outdoors, promotes social engagement and stress relief. It

and nearly 600 calories hourly while rappelling. It naturally enhances and tones your muscles and combines

cardio and strength into a single workout as you pull and push your body against gravity. Like gymnastics, rock climbing also builds your mental strength as you literally puzzle your way to the top of a wall or rock face. If you want to shake up your workout routine, these activities are some excellent options to explore. They’ll boost your calorie burn, engage your brain, and let you socialize with like-minded peers. So, get out there, try something new, and have fun getting your body in the best shape ever.

T he J oy of a G ingerbread H ouse E verything Y ou D idn ' t K now A bout T his H oliday T radition

T he L argest G ingerbread H ouse

Of the many seasonal traditions that sweep our nation, few are as creative, delicious, and satisfying as building your

In 2013, the world record for the largest gingerbread house in the world was broken. The house, topping out at 21 feet and covering 2,520 square feet, was built by Traditions Golf Club in Bryan, Texas, to raise money for a local Level II trauma center. To construct the house, builders created a recipe that required 1,800 pounds of butter, 2,925 pounds of brown sugar, 7,200 eggs, 7,200 pounds of flour, 1,080 ounces of ground ginger, and a few additional ingredients. B uild Y our O wn ! While you don’t have to challenge yourself to beat the Guinness World Record, you can still have fun creating your very own gingerbread village. Starting your gingerbread house from scratch can be a fun activity for the whole family to enjoy. Give the kids a chance to mix the ingredients, roll out the dough, and set out plenty of candies and frostings to use, and remember to have fun! If you’re looking for unique gingerbread house ideas, take a look at 20 gingerbread house ideas at gingerbread-houses.

very own gingerbread house. Whether you’re

looking to create a simple table decoration or bake a tasty treat to nibble on, everyone can enjoy this holiday activity!

T he O rigins of G ingerbread

Ginger was first cultivated in ancient China, then traded into medieval Europe. There, Europeans incorporated it into culinary traditions and used it to bake cookies into elaborate shapes and works of art, including figures of animals and people. The gingerbread house first appeared in the early 19th century in Germany. Although historians don’t know an exact date, it’s speculated that it gained popularity around the same time that “Hansel and Gretel,” the popular fairy tale recorded by the Brothers Grimm, was published.

2 (503) 248-0360

Maybe you love the majesty of a winter’s morning, or maybe you just hate the treadmill. Whatever your reason is for wanting to run or jog outside in the dead of winter, remember to take the proper precautions before stepping out. Runners face challenges during the winter that they don’t face any other time of year. If you want to experience the winter safely, there are a few things to keep in mind. W arm up inside first . R unning in a W inter W onderland T ips for R unning and J ogging in C old W eather

well, such as wind, rain, and snow, when you’re picking out your running clothes.

If you’re planning on braving the snow and frigid temperatures, try to spend 10–15 minutes warming up before you walk out your front door. Cold weather naturally tightens muscles and joints, so stretching your limbs in a heated environment is a good way to ensure maximum comfort and minimum risk of injury when you’re running in the cold. W ear shoes with traction . If your favorite running path is covered with snow and ice, you should consider finding a different route. But, if you can’t resist going down your beaten path, then you need to make sure your shoes are up to the challenge. If your running shoes have worn soles, then you’ll need to get a new pair with soles that will grip the ground better before stepping out on the ice. Regardless of how amazing your shoes are, remain vigilant about where you’re stepping. D ress down a layer .

Finally, if a day is particularly cold, snowy, or windy, don’t

force yourself outside for the sake of your health. Sometimes, a good

bowl of soup and a roaring fire can be just as physically satisfying as a run outside.

Yes, it is cold outside, but your body will naturally warm up as you run, just like it would with any other physical activity. Think of what you would normally wear to stay comfortable in the cold, and then wear one less layer when you’re running. Of course, you should keep other weather elements in mind as

Directions 1. Using either a food processor with a coarse grating disc or the coarse side of a

box grater, grate potatoes and onion. (If using a food processor, halve or quarter potatoes.) Once grated,

P otato L atkes F or the H oliday S eason • 2 large russet potatoes, scrubbed • 1 large onion, peeled and cut into quarters • 2 large eggs • 1/2 cup all-purpose flour • 2 tsp kosher salt • 1 tsp baking powder • 1/2 tsp black pepper • Safflower or vegetable oil, for frying Ingredients

wrap in a clean dish towel or cheesecloth to wring out as much moisture as possible. 2. Transfer to a mixing bowl and mix in eggs, flour, salt, baking powder, and pepper. 3. Heat a heavy-bottomed pan containing 1/4-inch of oil over medium-high heat. Use a heaping tablespoon to drop batter into the hot pan, working in batches. Use a spatula or spoon to form them into discs. Fry about 5 minutes per side, until deeply browned. 4. Transfer to a paper towel- lined wire rack to drain, and serve alongside applesauce and sour cream. 3


1215 SE 8th Ave., Ste. D Portland, OR 97214

Magic Moments The Healthiest Sports You Can Play Page 1 Building Your Own Gingerbread House Page 2 Tips for Running and Jogging in Cold Weather Potato Latkes Page 3 I nside T his I ssue

Why We Feel Physical Pain Page 4

W hat ' s the D eal W ith P ain ? A L ook at the M ost C ommon H uman A ilment

hurts to do so. Treating acute pain often involves protecting and encouraging

Saint Augustine once called physical pain the “greatest evil” known to man. If you think back as early as you can remember, you’ll probably recall painful episodes involving scraped knees and twisted ankles, among many others. While almost everyone can experience physical pain (more on that later), most of us don’t know a lot about the nature of pain. Experiencing physical pain is hardwired into our evolutionary biology, but not all types of pain are the same. Since almost all physical therapy treatment deals with pain, let’s take a moment to demystify the nature of the beast. W hy W e F eel P ain “At the most basic level,” states the Mayo

healing in the injured area while strengthening the surrounding muscles for added support. Chronic pain, which lasts indefinitely and can lack a clear cause, is a murkier subject. Chronic pain is undoubtedly real, but diagnosing and treating it requires more guesswork. Sometimes it is the result of an underlying condition, such as arthritis. In others, it is the result of damage to the nerves, a condition known as neuropathy.

can’t feel pain, you have to be constantly mindful not to do something that could permanently injure or even kill you. 2 T ypes of P ain Pain can be categorized in many ways, but one of the most useful distinctions is between acute and chronic pain. Acute pain occurs from an injury and subsides once that injury heals. In cases of acute pain, our brain tells us that part of our body is physiologically wounded and in need of repair. If we sprain an ankle, we know to avoid walking on it because it

Clinic, “pain begins when particular nerve endings are stimulated.” In other words, pain is a type of signal; it’s our brain’s way of communicating that something is wrong. The world is full of dangers capable of causing us serious, irreparable harm, and when we feel pain, we know to leave those dangers alone. A small percentage of people suffer from a congenital insensitivity to pain. While that sounds like a superpower in theory, it’s a nightmare in practice. If you

No matter how much or what type of physical pain you suffer, physical therapy can likely help get you on the path to feeling less of it.

4 (503) 248-0360