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PT 360 - February 2022

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PT 360 February 2018

PT 360 February 2018 Getting you back to the life you want to live. 360 F ebruary 2018 In Touch

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PT 360 - February 2020

4 cup peanut butter for 30 seconds, then drizzle blend dates and sea salt until dough can be formed

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PT 360 - February 2021

PT 360 - February 2021 Getting you back to the life you want to live. 360 FEBRUARY 2021 In Touch HOP

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PT 360 February 2019

8-inch cubes. T ake A B reak ! 3 PRST STD US POSTAGE PAID BOISE, ID PERMIT 411 1215 S

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PT 360 - April 2022

hate relationship with spring. I love the return of the sun, extended daylight, flowers in bloom. AN

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PT 360 - July 2022

3 cup sugar, orange zest, and orange juice. Cover and refrigerate for 45 minutes. 2. In a medium bow

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PT 360 - June 2022

2 hours, until bubbly. 5. Garnish with chives and scallions before serving. 3 PRST ST

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PT 360 - March 2022

PT 360 - March 2022 Getting you back to the life you want to live. 360 MARCH 2022 In Touch

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PT 360 - May 2022

3 cup raw, sliced almonds “A winner is a dreamer who never gives up.” Nelson Mandela DIRECTIONS 1. I

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PT 360 - August 2022

knees, and balance. Mycobacterium vaccae, which is a bacteria commonly found in gardening soil, can

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PT 360 - February 2022

Getting you back to the life you want to live.



In Touch


Happy February! Like everyone, omicron is weighing on us in a multitude of layers. I was looking back over my previous newsletter articles over the last number of years I’ve been writing them, and the perspective does seem a world away. Our new world, that we are all both so tired of and getting used to, adds a layer of “stuff” to our everyday everything. That said, it does seem that the things that bring us joy these days feel less accessible, and more work to get to. There are many joyful moments, but fewer joyful days. It led me to think about a thing I talk about in my professional life A LOT: leapfrogging. Joy can come in any number of very small ways that we often don’t even pay attention to — a moment of quiet and delightful, steaming cup of tea, morning kisses from the fur kids, a silly joke that hits your funny bone just right. These moments are filled with joy, but we often miss them because we let them sift through our hands quickly, like sand, instead of holding onto them like small rocks that we can keep and touch later. Leapfrogging is a thing I like to talk about when explaining what PT recovery actually looks like. It is not a straight line pretty much ever. Our treatment is a point where you usually feel a good bit better. Then you go back to work, or lift groceries, or move funny just that ONE TIME, and the pain bites, and things are worse, and the brain then catastrophizes (“I am NEVER going to get better. I am ALWAYS going to have to deal with this.”) As we all know, never and always are hyperboles of the adverb world, and definitely do not communicate reality (even when you are arguing with your partner, and you are obviously right). With regards to joy, it’s just the same. Small joy is still JOY. I try to examine what in my life is bringing me satisfaction and happiness, and what is not. Most often, those things are not things, but moments that connect and leapfrog throughout the day. Morning belly rubs with my epically lazy dog Nova. Seeing my kiddo’s joy over some teacher recognition for

hard work. Hearing from a patient about a new previously unattainable accomplishment. Hot honey on anything. Those all add to my bucket, and I try to store them and fill my bucket, and not let them sift rapidly through my fingers to be forgotten like they never existed. Remember the things that are feeding your soul and lift you up, and let go of the ones that weigh you down. Your brain is really, really good at pointing out the valleys or cliffs that you drop into, and tells you that’s the destination, but it is WRONG. My wish for you is that you notice the small joys, and hold onto them, like a well-worn stone in your pocket, that you reach back for, and add to. In those times when it feels like joy is just plain missing, know that you are not paying good enough attention. Look harder. The warm sun on your face, a big hug, a belly laugh, joy runs alongside us everyday. We just have to reach out to touch it. 1

The Power of Love

Love Really Can Be a Drug

It’s crazy to think that being head over heels, madly in love with someone can benefit your body in the same way that broccoli can, but it’s true! Science has proven that being in love comes with myriad health benefits. Fewer colds and natural pain control? Yes, please! Love triggers the “feel good” hormone, dopamine. When you first fall in love — and the butterflies are flying uncontrollably — dopamine is at very high levels, and mentally, you’re happy, healthy, and positive. As the relationship matures, oxytocin, also known as the bonding hormone, blends with dopamine and reduces stress. We all know that stress can lead to a number of health complications, so the less stress, the better! New research has found that just being around someone you love can act as a natural pain reliever. Research has also determined that married people complain less about headaches and back pain. When your mind is happy, your immune system is stronger, making you less prone to getting a cold or stomach bug. Some research has even shown that happily married couples live longer than those who are not happily married. The hormone vasopressin helps to control your blood pressure. Being in love releases vasopressin into your body, keeping your

blood pressure at a healthy level. Both your heart and lungs are also impacted by the love you have for another.

If you aren’t in love, you can still reap the benefits through a strong and healthy social support system. When you have friends who bring you joy and happiness, even just a hug may help to release positive hormones and keep your health on track. Take time to invest in positive relationships to keep your heart and body healthy and happy, both literally and figuratively.

So, what are you waiting for? Let the love flow!


If you made New Year’s resolutions for your health, there’s a good chance “eat better” is on the list, including adding more omega- 3s to your diet. These fatty acids have a whopping 17 health benefits, such as fighting heart disease and Alzheimer’s — that’s probably why doctors often recommend them. Omega-3s have a ton of functions. For example, they create a phospholipid layer of cell membranes to help give cells structure. There are a lot of these fatty acids in your brain and eyes, and they are critical for the cognitive development of babies, as well. Omega-3s can also improve

source of omega-3s is fish; so what if you don’t like the taste of seafood or have an allergy? Here are some substitutions to consider. 1. You can add chia seeds, hemp seeds, flaxseeds, and walnuts to your meals to get the needed nutrients. They are great additions to granola, oatmeal, salads, smoothies, or when mixed with milk or yogurt. You can even put them on toast with peanut butter. 2. Edamame and kidney beans are also good substitutions. Boil or steam edamame and put them in your salads or side dishes. Kidney beans are a popular side dish as well and can be used in curries, stews, or rice. 3. If you’re looking for new cooking oil, soybean oil can replace vegetable or olive oil. You can also use it as a salad dressing. 4. Eating mixed greens such as kale and spinach is beneficial as well. These greens can be sauteed with soybean oil for even more benefits. 5. If you need more of an omega-3 boost or are experiencing high levels of inflammation, there are supplements you can explore like krill oil, cod liver oil, fish oil, and algae oil .

your heart health by reducing the amount of inflammation you experience. Just as omega-3s are important for the beginning of life, they’re equally important to help you maintain good health throughout your life as well. The most popular

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with your loved one. Maybe you’ll spot a shooting star you can wish upon while you’re out there! Hit up a drive-in movie. If you’re looking for a way to be extra comfy while still sitting outside, a drive-in movie is the best destination! The best part about a drive-in is that you can view both new and old movies as well as bring your own snacks and drinks. If the weather permits and if you have a truck, you can load the bed with blankets and pillows and have a cozy night while watching a movie. These date night ideas are perfect for Valentine’s Day, but they don’t have to be limited to just the holiday! You can also consider these for any date that you have with your significant other. Nothing brings couples closer like being together with nature. You, Me, and the Great Outdoors 3 OUTSIDE DATE NIGHT IDEAS

Did your significant other leave it up to you to come up with a romantic date idea this Valentine’s Day? Luckily for you, there are tons of date activities that are easy and affordable for you to enjoy with Mother Nature. While the possibilities are endless outside, here are three popular outdoor date ideas! Watch the sunset. Sunsets are intuitively romantic: The sun paints the sky in calming reds, pinks, and purples, creating a beautiful backdrop. While watching the sunset, you and your partner can have a romantic picnic with the sky in view. Or you can embrace the scenery with your other half and create memories you both will never forget. Go stargazing. If you live in the city, stargazing is a good chance to escape for the night and get away from the light pollution in the city. If you already live in a location where you can easily see the stars, take advantage of the peaceful privacy


Inspired by

This succulent chicken stuffed with cheese, artichokes, and sun-dried tomatoes is impressive on the plate but easy in the kitchen! Our recipe makes 2 servings.


• 2 chicken breasts • 2 oz mozzarella, cubed • 2 canned artichoke hearts, chopped • 4 tsp sun-dried tomatoes, chopped

• 10 large basil leaves, chopped • 2 cloves garlic, chopped • 1/2 tsp curry powder • 1/2 tsp paprika • Salt and pepper, to taste pocket. Using toothpicks, seal the edges of the pockets. 5. Season the chicken with curry, paprika, salt, and pepper, then bake for 20 minutes or until the chicken reaches 165 F. 6. Remove the toothpicks and serve with rice, potatoes, salad, or roasted vegetables!


1. Preheat oven to 365 F. 2. Cut a slit lengthwise to create a pocket in the middle of each chicken breast. Place the breasts on a baking sheet. 3. In a medium bowl, combine the mozzarella, artichoke hearts, tomatoes, basil, and garlic. 4. Divide the mixture in half and stuff each chicken breast 3


1215 SE 8th Ave., Ste. D Portland, OR 97214


Leaps And Bounds ... Page 1

Health Benefits of Being in Love Swap Fish for These Substitutes! Page 2

Include Mother Nature in Your Next Date Mediterranean Stuffed Chicken Breast Page 3 Improve Your Health With Fitness Trackers Page 4

Improve Your Health With Fitness Trackers

Over the past decade, wearable technology has seen an incredible boom. Wearables like Fitbits and the Apple Watch used to be nothing more than glorified step counters. Since their debut, though, fitness trackers and wearables have gone through various updates that have made them essential to the fitness community as a whole. This is because wearing a fitness tracker can add great benefits to your lifestyle and can even improve your daily life. Heart Rate A built-in heart rate sensor is possibly the most vital feature available in almost every wearable device and fitness tracker. There

are many exercise machines that track your heart rate, but those are only useful if you know your resting heart rate. With a fitness tracker — whether you’re sleeping, sitting, running, or exercising — you will know exactly what your heart rate is and what’s normal for you. This is important because it will help you notice irregularities so you can better understand your heart health. Sleep Monitoring Many fitness trackers give you insight into your sleep routine and will even track your movements so you can find out if you were tossing and turning all night. Others go further by detecting your body temperature, heart rate, and energy expenditure. You can use this information to create a sleep schedule that works for you or make any adjustments to your sleeping conditions if they are preventing you from getting a good night’s sleep. Future Updates Fitness trackers and wearable devices are still a relatively new technology. Tech companies are continually updating them and introducing additional features. For example, new wearables that are hitting the market can track blood sugar, which could be incredibly beneficial to those with diabetes. Wearable tech will continue to evolve — only time will tell what features and functions companies will unveil next.

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