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PT 360 NEWS APRIL 2018

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PT 360 - April 2020

3 cup extra-virgin olive oil • Salt and pepper to taste • 6 beets, peeled and quartered Directions 1

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PT 360 - April 2022

hate relationship with spring. I love the return of the sun, extended daylight, flowers in bloom. AN

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PT 360 February 2018

PT 360 February 2018 Getting you back to the life you want to live. 360 F ebruary 2018 In Touch

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PT 360 December 2018

2 cup heavy cream • 1 tablespoon unsalted butter • 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil • Salt and pe

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PT 360 June 2018

2 cup cilantro • 1 clove garlic • 2 tablespoons olive oil • Juice of 1 lime • 2 teaspoons honey FOR

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PT 360 January 2018

PT 360 January 2018 Getting you back to the life you want to live. 360 J anuary 2018 In Touch

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PT 360 August 2018

high-volume workouts stimulate muscle protein synthesis (the process by which muscle is built) more

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PT 360 October 2018

PT 360 October 2018 Getting you back to the life you want to live. 360 O ctober 2018 In Touch N ot J

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PT 360 September 2018

2 red onion, thinly sliced • 1 cucumber, sliced into rounds • 20 basil leaves, chopped • Salt, to ta

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PT 360 May 2018

8 at 6:00 pm L imited to first 20 registrants 3 PRST STD US POSTAGE PAID BOISE, ID PE

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PT 360 NEWS APRIL 2018

Getting you back to the life you want to live.


A pril 2018

In Touch

S pring F orward !

elliptical or treadmill for some outdoor jogs, grab a friend for an outdoor tennis match, or don a wetsuit for a spring paddle on the river. It’s time to come out of hibernation, get a big dose of fresh air, and re-energize your workout routine — or maybe even find something new that you love! comfort foods and happy hours to walks and picnics in the park can energize your spirit and friendships. Apple almond butter sandwiches and a river walk sound good to anyone? I know it sounds refreshing to me! I know my own spring revitalization will allow me to further hone my passions, focus on my goals, and take stock of my progress. And the warm weather and beautiful flowers make everything more engaging and just plain fun — accompanied, of course, by a heavy dose of antihistamine and decongestant. I hope your spring moves you forward! Shelly Coffman Even revitalizing your social routines to shift away from

Spring has sprung! If you’re like me, you have a love-hate relationship with spring. I love the flowers in bloom — and I hate the flowers (and everything else) in bloom! My ability to enjoy the outdoors is tempered by the fact that being outdoors makes me feel miserable, and my allergy symptoms continue for hours after I fold and go back inside. Here in the Pacific Northwest, retreating indoors when the weather is just starting to feel palatable again goes against every fiber of my being! out new ideas, reading new books, and purging the things or ideas that aren’t loved or aren’t working. I even take time to evaluate my social and work schedules to see what is maybe not serving me or my family well. It’s a good way to re-evaluate and make choices with my time that align with my goals of improved health and fitness, better community, and feeding my body and mind well. It’s also time to swap those warming and nourishing soups for some delicious and nutrient- dense salads. Swap the indoor Since I have to stay indoors so much, I like to take the opportunity to do a spring refresh by purging clutter — not just the house, but also my mind, trying

When hitting the gym or sweating through another exercise class loses its appeal, you might feel like there’s nothing left to do. You want to stay fit, but you don’t have the enthusiasm you once had, and the thought of dragging yourself to the gym is no longer motivating. Don’t throw in the towel yet, though. It might be time to try something different. Why not join an adult sports team? There are some surprising benefits to adult sports teams. Of course, sports will keep you physically healthy, but they can also keep you fit mentally. Unlike rote exercise, sports keep your mind active as you think through strategies before and during the game. Doesn’t that sound more stimulating than grinding out another mile on the treadmill or another set of reps on the bench? Sports leagues are also a great way to meet people. Creating a social circle is immensely beneficial to your mental and emotional health. You’ll have a new group of friends, and the team aspect of the sport creates long- lasting connections. Being part of a team also holds you accountable. You can’t miss the big game when the team is counting on you. T he B enefits of A dult S ports T eams

–-Shelly Coffman

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Continued from cover ...

On top of revamping your social life, team sports can add some much- needed variety to your daily or weekly routine. Competing against and working with other adults with whom you share at least one interest will make you forget you’re even working out in the first place.

or as part of a team, and ask for more info on any leagues that sound promising. Another method is to do a quick internet search of teams in your area. You’ll be shocked by how many options there are. Don’t let inexperience scare you off. Many adult sports teams encourage people of all skill sets to join, and most offer a variety of experience levels to meet the needs of newbies and veterans alike. If your main goal is a fun workout, there’s a casual league out there for you. If you’re seeking the thrill of competition, opt for something a little more serious. As you participate in the sport of your choice, you’ll have opportunities to advance to the higher levels so you can stay in shape and continue to challenge yourself. If you’re stuck wondering which sport you’ll enjoy most, here are a few popular choices to consider.

It’s also critical that you avoid flowers treated with pesticides. Since flowers are already so delicate, washing them isn’t an option. Any attempt to wash away the toxins will likely destroy the flower. Instead, only eat organic flowers. Furthermore, only eat flowers you cultivated yourself or that came from a trusted source. Never pluck flowers at nurseries or along roads or trails — you never know what those flowers have been exposed to. Pick flowers when they are at their peak. You want to harvest them just before full bloom. Additionally, harvest flowers during the coolest time of day, which is usually in the morning or evening. Picking flowers during hotter times of day will cause them to wilt quickly. As you harvest them, be sure to avoid breaking or mashing them, as wilted flowers are not pleasant to eat. S occer is one of the most popular adult sports. Soccer does require a lot of physical activity — games are usually 90 minutes long, during which you will have to run up and down a large field. But you won’t need to buy a ton of equipment. B asketball is another perennial favorite for adults. It can be played casually at a park with a group of friends or competitively in a league. Both can get pretty intense when the game heats up! K ickball is a sport that requires less physical involvement than soccer or basketball, but it’s definitely fun. If you think an adult kickball league will be hard to find in your area, think again. They’re growing in popularity every year. When the gym seems like a bore, a sports team can be just what you need to pick your motivation back up. Get out there and enjoy the thrill of playing on a team!

The prospect of actually looking for a local team to participate in can be daunting. Don’t worry,

though — the process is actually pretty simple. Start by talking to your co-workers.

Learn about any sports they’re involved in, either through sponsorship

A F lowery F east for the S enses W hat Y ou N eed to K now A bout P lanting E dible F lowers

Snapdragon — This vibrant little flower has a slightly bitter edge. P erennials Baby’s breath — The mild, sweet flavor of these white to pink flowers pairs great with dessert. Daylily — If you want a savory flower, the light summer squash taste of the daylily is for you. Tulips — This popular flower is indeed edible. When picked at just the right time, it’s mildly sweet.

Flowers are the jewels of the garden, and they can add beauty and color to your home. But did you know that many flower varieties also taste great? This spring, add a few edible flowers to your garden. After appreciating their beautiful blooms, you can harvest them and use them in a fresh salad, a unique stir fry, or as accents to an elegant dish at your next dinner party. Here are some of the best edible flowers. A nnuals Garland chrysanthemum — Used in a number of Asian dishes, this flower is mildly spicy. Pansy — From violet to pink to yellow, this flower pops, and it’s slightly sweet. Signet marigold — This flower comes in a variety of warm colors, and it leaves the palate with a hint of citrus.

Violets — Another violet to pink flower, this one has a tangy or sour flavor.

When you plant flowers to harvest for culinary purposes, there are a few things to keep in mind. For one, if you have allergies (especially pollen allergies), do not eat flowers, as you may experience symptoms.


(503) 248-0360

HIIT IT: A n A ction -P acked W orkout in H alf the T ime

YOU CAN TRY THIS WORKOUT AT HOME. Since there’s little to no equipment involved, HIIT can be a great workout to try at home. There are many HIIT programs you can follow on YouTube fitness channels or sites like Invite a friend to join. If you prefer a group atmosphere, many gyms have classes that incorporate HIIT principles for a fast-paced fat-burning workout.

HIIT promises an effective workout in under an hour, and it ranked third in the American College of Sports and Medicine’s worldwide survey of top fitness trends from 2017. What’s HIIT all about? One of the biggest fitness crazes to take gyms and backyards by storm in the last few years, high-intensity interval training, better known as HIIT, packs a lot of punch into a short amount of time. Unlike weightlifting and grueling gym sessions, HIIT is designed to burn fat in a minimum amount of time. Each interval in a HIIT workout is designed to push you to the max for a brief period of time — “short bursts of very hard work,” explains SELF magazine. Intervals may be as short as 20–90 seconds, enough time to make you breathe really hard (and burn a lot of fat) if you’re going all-out. Another key component of HIIT is resting between intervals so you can be ready to kick it up again in 20 seconds. Ready to do a HIIT workout of your own? Here are a few tips. YOU CAN HAVE TOO MUCH OF A GOOD THING. While there are many benefits to this workout, it shouldn’t be your only exercise, and doing it too often will actually prevent you from making progress. Trainer and exercise physiologist Franci Cohen recommends trying HIIT three days a week with moderate cardio days between to allow your body time to recover and get back up to speed for your next workout. In addition, consult your doctor before beginning a new workout program to make sure it’s safe for you.

HIIT MAY HAVE HEALTH BENEFITS BEYOND BURNING FAT. A study by the International Journal of Epidemiology found that women who did intense activity for just 1–2 minutes a day reduced their risk for osteoporosis.

P ea S oup MINT

T ake A B reak !

With the beautiful spring weather, peas will soon be ripe enough to slip out of their pods. In honor of the season, this recipe pairs peas and pearl onions with mint to make a refreshing soup.


• 3 pearl onions, diced • 3 tablespoons olive oil • 6 cups fresh or frozen peas • 5 cups vegetable stock

• 3/4 cup fresh mint, plus more for garnish • 1 tablespoon agave nectar • Juice of 1 lemon • Salt to taste • Pistachios for garnish allow mixture to cool for 5 minutes. 3. Put the mixture in a blender. As you blend, add mint, agave, lemon juice, and salt. 4. Once blended, pour into a bowl, garnish with mint and pistachios, and serve!


1. Place pot on stove over medium heat. Add olive oil. Add onions and cook until translucent. 2. Add peas and stock. Cook until peas are just tender and still bright green. Remove from stove and



1215 SE 8th Ave., Ste. D Portland, OR 97214

Spring Forward! Sports Aren't Just for Kids! Page 1 The Tastiest Flowers for Your Garden Page 2 What HIIT's All About Spring Greens Soup Page 3 How Physical Therapy Can Prepare You for Surgery Page 4 I nside T his I ssue

G et the M ost O ut of S urgery W ith "P rehabilitation "

Though the research on prehabilitation is steadily expanding, displaying benefits for all kinds of conditions, the current >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4

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