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Rebound Rehab. Living Life Without Back Pain

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Rehab Advantage: Living Life without Back Pain

Rehab Advantage: Living Life without Back Pain N E W S L E T T E R A LIFE FREE OF BACK PAIN

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Advantage Rehab: Living Life Without Back Pain

Owner and a gradual return to activities, has been found to be much more successful to control back

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Living Life Without Back Pain

or buttocks. Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat 5 times. Exercises copyright of The above

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Living Life Without Back Pain

Living Life Without Back Pain Health &Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your

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Living Life Without Back Pain

sweatangels Exercise Essentials Try this simple exercise to keep you moving... PELVIC TILT While lyi

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Living Life Without Back Pain

18 10 Spots Available! $75 Value FREE! Special Offer For Former & Current Patients! We have set asid

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Motion Matters: Living Life Without Back Pain n° 312259 - Level Hard FIND OUT MORE BY VISITING WWW.MOTIONMATTERSPT.COM e codes below :

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Preferred: Living Life Without Back Pain

4 cup of grated cheese, toss again and serve in bowls, passing more cheese at the table. www.pptFL.c

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Roadside PT: Living Life Without Back Pain

Roadside PT: Living Life Without Back Pain P T N E W S L E T T E R ROA

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Renew: Living Life Without Back Pain

Renew: Living Life Without Back Pain N E W S L E T T E R I S S U E

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Rebound Rehab. Living Life Without Back Pain

The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring ForYour Body NEWSLETTER REBOUND FITNESS & REHABILITATION

Learn more about how Dr. Greg and the staff at Rebound Fitness & Rehabilitation can help you! SEE INSIDE: Living Life Without BACK PAIN It’s Time to Say Goodbye to Back Pain, Once and For All!

The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring ForYour Body NEWSLETTER REBOUND FITNESS & REHABILITATION

Living Life Without BACK PAIN It’s Time to Say Goodbye to Back Pain, Once and For All!

For some, back pain is a daily occurrence that dictates the way you live your life. Every movement, every motion is determined by the pain in your back. Standing, sitting, laying down, driving, walking or running — the pain persists. Inagespast,backpainwasdifficult to treat. Ifyouexperiencedbackpain,whether as a result of a work injury, trip-and-fall accident, or even just as a result of aging, the answer was almost always the same: head home, take a long rest, and give your back time to heal.This isn’t the way that things go anymore, and for several reasons. To start, the world isn’t as forgiving. Heading home and taking a long rest until your back is healed may work for some, but not for most. With deadlines and carpools and work schedules to keep up with, there needs to be an alternate solution to dealing with back pain that doesn’t require you to completely remove yourself from your responsibilities. What’s more, recent research indicates that resting may not actually be the ideal solution for long-termbackcare.Spending toomuch timeon thecouchoroffyour

feet can cause the back muscles to weaken and can even weaken bone strength. This could lead to more long-term issues with back pain — not fewer. Exercise, in general, is shown to increase strength and flexibility, supporting healthy muscles and bones, and therefore supporting ideal back health. Physical Therapy for Back Pain While rest and relaxation can help you overcome the immediate pain of a back injury,andmayevenbe recommendedbyyourphysician in theearlydays following an injury, it isnota long-termsolution.Physical therapyoffersa long-termsolution to back pain by using targeted exercises that focus on the cause of the pain. Through a combination of strength and flexibility training that focuses on muscle development and joint movement, physical therapy can address the underlying cause of the pain and significantly improve your quality of life.


3 How Physical Therapy Helps Anyone who has struggled with back pain can tell you plain and simple: When your back is hurting, there is no way to pretend that it isn’t. Simply going from sedentary activity to being active and healthy isn’t an option — at least not so easily. It takes time and effort, and when back pain is obstructing you from getting started, it requires help. Physical therapy can help you overcome back pain by giving you the knowledge and support necessary to help your back feel better, giving you the option to get off thecouchandpushyourself to reachnewgoals.Workingwitha licensedand experienced physical therapist ensures that you do not take on too much too quickly,but insteadareguided through theprocessofhealingwithgradualsteps. Are you suffering from back pain? Call Rebound Fitness & Rehabili- tation at 847.714.7400 or visit to find out how physical therapy can help! Schedule your appointment today! 8 1 6 3 4 5 9 7 9 7 5 8 • Prolonged engagement in sedentary behavior, including sitting at a desk for eight hours or more consecutive days of the week, or spending free time on the couch or otherwise relaxed. Aerobicactivityandstrength trainingexercisesactuallymake itpossible to reduce yourriskof injuryandto improveyourabilitytoovercomebackpainbystrengthening thevertebraeand improvingbloodflowandnutrientdisbursement throughout the back. When you are inactive, blood flow can actually become impeded, and this can have a negative effect on the overall health of your back and spine.

There are a lot of different reasons that back pain can develop. Even when you breakdown injuries,whether fromoveruseorathleticpursuits, therearedifferent problems that can develop. Sprains and strains are common, but so are issues with the vertebrae, blood flow, and even concerns regarding the spinal nerves. You might be amazed to discover the different factors that could be influencing your back health. Such as: • Your personal level of physical activity, including how often you exercise and the intensity of your typical workouts. • The types of shoes that you wear, in addition to how frequently you walk in different types of shoes, particularly shoes that lack support or those with high heels.

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Exercise of the Month Try this movement to relieve back pain.

Blackened Chicken & Avocado Sauce

n° 31

Ingredients • 4 (4 oz) chicken breasts


9 7

• 2 tbsp blackened seasoning • ½ cup plain, Greek yogurt • ½ avocado • 1 tsp lemon juice • ½ tsp garlic powder • ⅛ tsp salt • 2 tbsp green onions, thinly sliced

4 6 5 3 8 1 7


5 6 3 7

3 7 5 4

Directions Place the chicken breasts and blackened seasoning in a large resealable bag. Seal and shake a few times to evenly coat the chicken. Lightly coat a large skillet with nonstick cooking spray and heat over medium-high heat. Add the chicken and cook until cooked through, 4-6 minutes per side. Meanwhile, in a food processor, combine the yogurt, avocado, lemon juice, garlic powder, and saltandpulseuntilsmoothandcreamy.Toserve, topeachchickenbreastwith 2 tablespoons of the creamy avocado sauce and garnish with ½ tablespoon green onions.


Supine Leg To Chest Lie flat on your back with both knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Bring your knee up towardyourchestashighasyoucan.Useyour arms to gently pull your knee further. Return to the starting position, then repeat 6 times.

Relieves Wrist Pain

1 2


Play on your mobile these puzzles and find their solut n° 318548 n° 310547


GRANT BRANCH IV "I started going to Rebound Fitness when I was a freshman in high school. I was an oversized athlete with chronic ankle and knee pain. My parents tookme tomanydoctorsandphysical therapistsonly to receive temporary relief. Rebound Fitness had a unique approach to resolving the chronic pain I was experiencing. The physical therapist used high speed video to capturemymovements inslowmotion.Thisallowedmyphysical therapist to see the muscle imbalances in my lower body and create a custom strengthening plan for me. Within a few weeks I was virtually pain-free. After the physical therapy was over, I worked with the performance trainer to keep me pain-free. Rebound Fitness gave me a competitive edge. As a result of the physical therapy and the performance training from Rebound Fitness, I played high school football for four years, three of which were on varsity, injury-free. I earned an athletic scholarship to Eastern Illinois University and continued to play at a high level and pain- free. Currently, I am working with the athletic trainers at Rebound Fitness before I try out for the NFL." Call Rebound Fitness & Rehabilitation today at 847.714.7400 to see how physical therapy can get you moving again!

Print sudoku

3 8



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Coupon Corner

Fun & Games: Sudoku

548 - LevelHard

n°310547 - LevelHard



3 1

FREE 15MIN. DISCOVERY SESSION CALL TO SCHEDULE TODAY! 666 Dundee Road, Unit 1002 Northbrook, IL 60062 (847) 714-7400 We Look Forward To Hearing From You!

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n° 315994 - LevelHard

Offer valid for the first 20 people to schedule. Expires 5-30-19

The classic Sudoku game involves a grid of 81 squares. The grid is divided into nine blocks, each containing nine squares. The rules of the game are simple: each of the nine blocks has to contain all the numbers 1-9 within its squares. Each number can only appear once in a row, column or box.

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