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Retirement Planning Strategies August 2018

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Retirement Planning Strategies - August 2019

Retirement Planning Strategies - August 2019 Give us a call! 303-922-4304 Hou

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Retirement Planning Strategies - August 2020

May Lose Value. Securities offered through Cabot Lodge Securities LLC New York, NY 10281-- Member FI

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Retirement Planning Strategies - August 2021

21. Michael Is Rocking Through Retirement PAGE 2 Going Back to School Later in Life Summer Vegetable

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Retirement Planning Strategies January 2018

how-throw- twelfth-night-party. 4 | 303-922-4304 Published by The Newsletter Pro . www.NewsletterPro

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Retirement Planning Strategies September 2018

2 red onion, thinly sliced • 1 cucumber, sliced into rounds • 20 basil leaves, chopped • 1 small loa

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Retirement Planning Strategies July 2018

2 red chili (such as Fresno) or jalapeño, thinly sliced DIRECTIONS 1. Heat grill to medium. 2. Brush

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Retirement Planning Strategies April 2018

3 cup plus 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil • Kosher salt • Freshly ground pepper • 2 garlic clo

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Retirement Planning Strategies December 2018

Retirement Planning Strategies December 2018 Give us a call! 303-922-4304 Hou

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Retirement Planning Strategies June 2018

2 cup cilantro • 1 clove garlic • 2 tablespoons olive oil • Juice of 1 lime • 2 teaspoons honey •

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Retirement Planning Strategies February 2018

2 cups water • 1 cup evaporated milk • 1 cup confectioners’ sugar • 3 cups all-purpose flour • 1 cup

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Retirement Planning Strategies August 2018

Give us a call! 303-922-4304 Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. M-F




1 Denver Federal Center Building 45, Entrance E-9, Room 1050 Lakewood, CO 80225

Four Faces and Four Sources of Inspiration

If you’re a regular reader of this newsletter, you already know that I’m a huge fan of our National Parks. We’re so lucky to have a government agency devoted to preserving natural and historic locations throughout the country. I could go on and on about our National Park Service, but this month I wanted to try something a little different. One of our nation’s most amazing sculptures is the Mount Rushmore National Memorial — If you’ve never seen it, I highly recommend checking it out. Looking up at the four massive carved faces of Mount Rushmore — George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Teddy Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln — inspires so many powerful emotions. Aside from the astonishing workmanship, it makes me consider the lasting contributions of these four presidents. With that in mind, I’d like to share a little bit about how these figures have influenced me, what I’ve learned from them, and why they deserve to have 60- foot versions of their faces towering over South Dakota. “selflessness” is the word that immediately comes to mind. Washington understood innately that the success of our country was more important than any one man. Upon winning the Revolutionary War, Washington could have seized all the power he wanted. He was, after all, the nation’s hero. Instead, he resigned his post as commander-in-chief. GEORGE WASHINGTON When I think of our first president,

After he was unanimously elected president, Washington molded the office to represent the ideals in which he believed. He resigned voluntarily (and to the chagrin of many of his colleagues) after two terms as he believed it was important that no one person stand above the office. In all aspects of his life, he put the common good over personal power and status. THOMAS JEFFERSON As somebody who works in the financial sector, I’m very fond of one of Jefferson’s axioms: “Don’t spend money before you have earned it.” Jefferson was a man who did not lack for eloquence. Some of his most famous sayings include: “He who knows best knows how little he knows,” “Whenever you do a thing, act as if all the world were watching,” and “Where the press is free and every man able to read, all is safe.” Oh, and he was also the principal writer of The Declaration of Independence. communication. He wrote and spoke with care and passion. While we are swimming in today’s rushed, uninformed text, Jefferson’s thoughtful discourse is a buoy worth holding onto. TEDDY ROOSEVELT The most recent face on Mount Rushmore did a great deal to spur conservation efforts in our country. He also authored more than 30 books, initiated the Panama To me, Jefferson is the perfect embodiment of the power of

Canal project, busted trusts, and was an avid big-game hunter. Theodore Roosevelt had no trouble getting the most from life. How did he manage to juggle all of these pursuits while becoming the country’s youngest-ever president? It all comes down to his almost superhuman drive and time management. His zest for tackling every endeavor is something I strive to emulate. Can we all be as insanely productive as Teddy was? Probably not, but we can learn from his example. ABRAHAM LINCOLN There isn’t enough space here for me to detail everything I admire about Lincoln. It was difficult to narrow down the topic I wanted to write about, because Lincoln was so remarkable. But one of my favorite characteristics about him is that he was a self-made leader. Lincoln was born in a one-room log cabin and emerged from the humblest of origins. He never went to law school but instead studied to pass the bar on his own. He lacked the august heritage and privileged schooling of many of his peers, but it didn’t deter him from achieving his potential. “Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other,” he once said, and he lived by that advice his whole life. –Ann Vanderslice | 1

Published by The Newsletter Pro .


Did you know fencing is making a comeback? No longer just for heartsick gentlemen of the Regency era, fencing is increasingly being taught in public schools, displayed in the pages of popular indie comics, and practiced among seniors. Plenty of baby boomers are picking up swords, or “sabers” — and it’s not because they’re preparing to fight dragons. Exercise is important no matter your age, but some activities are more beneficial than others. Research published in the journal Psychology of Sport and Exercise (PSE) suggests activities defined as “open-skill sports,” like fencing, can do more to improve brain health than “closed-skill sports.” OPEN OR CLOSED? The difference between an open-skill sport and a closed-skill sport lies in the dynamic We’ll let you in on a little secret: We’ve always had big plans for Carol Tresco. Since joining Retirement Planning Strategies in 2014, Carol has contributed a great deal to our firm. She spent 36 years working for the federal government as an HR specialist, so she intimately understands the needs and challenges of our clients. For most of her career with us, Carol has helped out in a part-time capacity, but we finally convinced her to expand her role into a full-time position in client services. “Since going full-time, my life has become a heck of a lot more active,” Carol says. “I love being able to continue to provide the one-on-one service I did in human resources. Sometimes, clients I meet here are people I’ve crossed paths with during my time in government. It means a lot to be able to help them plan for their futures.” Since moving into her new role, Carol has taken on more administrative duties in addition to her

nature of the activity. Going for a jog is great for your heart health, but your body is doing the same thing during the entire workout. This makes it a closed-skill sport. The same goes for swimming; you might have different strokes to choose from when you jump in the pool, but your brain is focused on repeating the action while doing your laps. Open-skill sports require players to respond to unpredictable circumstances in unpredictable ways. Fencing is a great open- skill sport because, while you have to learn the right way to hold the saber and move your body, you also have to think on your feet and react quickly to your opponent’s attacks. Researchers from the Foro Italico University of Rome believe that it’s the required adaptability that makes open-skill sports previous role. “The new responsibilities add diversity to my workload and keep me on my toes,” she notes. Even though she’s clocking 40 hours a week now, Carol still has time to spend keeping up with her two dogs, a schnauzer named Libby and a dachshund named TJ. One of Carol’s favorite hobbies is crocheting. “I have done some coverlets and tons of pillows,” she says. “My house is full of pillows that I’ve crocheted.” She’s also an avid reader and enjoys taking weekend trips up to Blackhawk. From the first moment we had a full-time opening, we knew we wanted Carol to step into it. We’re so grateful that she’s accepted an expanded role with Retirement Planning Strategies. We can’t wait to see what she does over the coming months.

so good for your brain. You challenge your body with complex motor movements and your mind with fast decisions. In the study from PSE, the researchers reported that “the open-skill athletes used less brainpower to do the same thing than the closed-skill exercisers did.” OTHER OPEN-SKILL SPORTS? If fencing isn’t your thing, there are plenty of other great open-skill sports, including tennis, badminton, basketball, and racquetball. What are you waiting for? Swing by your local rec center and find out what

open-skill sport will be your new favorite pastime!

Congratulations Carol Tresco


Congratulations, Carol! You deserve it.

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Published by The Newsletter Pro .

How to Boost Your Retirement Funds


Having money saved is crucial for adults aged 50 or older who plan to retire in the near future. Some people are prepared for

retirement, having saved a sufficient amount throughout their lives. However, there are people who, despite having tried to save, come up short in their retirement funds. This can send them into a panic. Women account for the largest percentage of people who don’t have enough money in their retirement savings by the time they reach the age of 50. A survey produced by the nonprofit Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies shows that many women who reach retirement age will not have adequate funds to support themselves. Despite having a higher savings rate, the average amount women have saved at the age of 50 is about $35,000, compared to $120,000 for men. What’s the reason behind this? According to the survey, women often have a large gap in their financial savings at some point in their lives. They are more likely to work part time or stop going to work to take care of family members in need. By working

less, women tend to earn less money, which prevents them from putting away sufficient funds for their retirement. This also affects whether or not they are covered by their employer’s retirement benefits, since most employees are required to work full-time in order to receive any benefits. If you’re nearing retirement age, don’t fret — you still have options available to you. If you’re working, look into your company’s retirement plan, especially if they offer a 401(k). According to the IRS, those who qualify (i.e., someone who joins the plan and is 50 years or older) can contribute up to $24,500 a year. To learn more about what options are available, it’s crucial you speak to a planning specialist. By working with someone who understands retirement, you’ll create a solid plan and ensure that you successfully enter and enjoy your retirement.

Train Your



Inspired by Bon Appetit magazine


• 2 pounds mixed tomatoes, sliced • 1/2 cup hearts of palm, drained • Basil leaves, for garnish • Kosher salt and black pepper, to taste

• 4 boneless, skinless halibut fillets, about 5 ounces each • 1/4 cup olive oil, plus extra for drizzling • 1 lemon


1. Lightly oil grill grates and heat grill to medium. 2. Grate 1 teaspoon lemon zest onto halibut fillets. Drizzle with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. 3. Grill halibut, turning just once, for about 5 minutes on each side. 4. In a mixing bowl, combine tomatoes, hearts of palm, juice from lemon, and oil. Season with salt and pepper. 5. Garnish salad with basil. Spoon salad over grilled halibut. Serve.

Published by The Newsletter Pro . | 3

Give us a call! 303-922-4304 FAX: 303-416-4358 Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. M-F


303-922-4304 •

PO Box 260787 Lakewood, CO 80226-0787

issue INSIDE THIS Looking up at History PAGE 1

Fence Your Way to Better Brain Health PAGE 2

Carol Tresco Goes Full-Time PAGE 2 Women and Retirement PAGE 3 Summer Grilled Halibut PAGE 3

Safe Sailing This Hurricane Season PAGE 4

BOOK A CARIBBEAN CRUISE Safe Sailing This Hurricane Season

After last year’s devastating storm season, would-be tropical travelers are undoubtedly hesitant about purchasing those discounted plane tickets to the Caribbean Basin. No one wants to face a possible evacuation during their vacation — or worse, be forced to weather a hurricane at a beachfront resort. If you want the most bang for your buck while enjoying the turquoise waters of the Caribbean this fall, consider booking a cruise. Cruise-ship travel is a fun and adventurous way to explore any time of year. After all, what could be more magical than a floating hotel room where you fall asleep in one country and wake up in another? This charming mobility is also what makes cruise travel the safest option for visiting the Caribbean and the coast of Mexico this time of year. SAFETY AND SAVINGS Much like resorts and airfare, cruise lines discount their Caribbean fares significantly during peak hurricane season, from August to October. However, unlike a traditional hotel, these massive ships have the luxury of navigating out of a storm’s path with ease. For all their ferocity, hurricanes move slowly across the Atlantic and have

relatively predictable trajectories. Meanwhile, modern cruise ships carry the most sophisticated weather-tracking instruments, allowing them to bypass even small storms and inclement weather. FLEXIBILITY IS A MUST The flipside of this ability to dodge storms is the fact that your ship may not be able to stick to its original itinerary. You may have to anchor at an island you weren’t expecting to or miss out on seeing a port you were supposed to visit. If you have your heart set on seeing a specific location, cruise travel this time of year may not be for you. But if you are simply looking for a safe, affordable vacation to a beautiful region, then it doesn’t much matter which white-sanded beach you wake up to next. While unpredictable weather will always be a concern for any vacation, the safety and variety cruises offer make them great options for anyone looking for a Caribbean getaway before the holiday season. So if you have a flexible schedule and a healthy sense of adventure, it’s time to call your travel agent, pack your sunscreen and bathing suit, and head to paradise!

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