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Risk Services of Arkansas - August 2018

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Risk Services of Arkansas - August 2019

Insurica: Jack Ramer. You may recall that we featured Jack in our November 2018 edition of this news

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Risk Services Of Arkansas - August 2021

Risk Services Of Arkansas - August 2021 SPECIALIZING IN YOU Agriculture Ministries Education Environ

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Risk Services Of Arkansas August 2017

Risk Services Of Arkansas August 2017 SPECIALIZING IN YOU Agriculture Ministries Education Environme

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Risk Services of Arkansas - August 2020

Risk Services of Arkansas - August 2020 SPECIALIZING IN YOU Agriculture Ministries Education Environ

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Risk Services Of Arkansas - August 2022

ordinance coverage that can better protect them in these challenging market conditions.” If you have

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Risk Services of Arkansas - September 2018

Insurica for so long, and we look forward to his many contributions to come. 2 • •

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Risk Services Of Arkansas - April 2018

Risk Services Of Arkansas - April 2018 SPECIALIZING IN YOU Agriculture Ministries Education Environm

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Risk Services Of Arkansas November 2018

Insurica is full of seasoned insurance professionals, to say the least. All told, we have well over

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Risk Services of Arkansas - March 2018

Risk Services of Arkansas - March 2018 SPECIALIZING IN YOU Agriculture Ministries Education Environm

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Risk Services Of Arkansas - February 2018

Risk Services Of Arkansas - February 2018 SPECIALIZING IN YOU Agriculture Ministries Education Envir

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Risk Services of Arkansas - August 2018

SPECIALIZING IN YOU Agriculture Ministries Education Environmental Hospitality







Health Care




A Man of Drive, Integrity, and Humility


I remember once I was going through a real rough patch personally, but our business was doing really well. Out of the blue, Cecil called me and told me that he knew things were difficult right then and he wanted me to get away on a Caribbean vacation with the expenses on him, and if I needed someone to take care of my kids while I was gone, he would make sure that was taken care of too. He obviously didn’t have to do that; he was just my boss. But he was like that for plenty of people, not just me. He treated everyone with kindness and respect, and he lived his life with genuine compassion in the midst of his never-ending drive for success.

was a half-decent salesperson, but I was only 33 years old — I felt like I barely knew anything. But here was this really savvy businessman taking a big gamble by offering me what I thought was the opportunity of a lifetime. Of course, I took it right away. I am still extremely grateful to him for seeing something in me and giving me my chance. Luckily, we managed to pull off a turnaround that would lead to the Houston office ultimately becoming the largest and most profitable office in the group in 2012. Cecil was really a unique guy. He was extremely confident, yet consistently humble. He didn’t take himself too seriously and he was always quick with self-deprecating humor. He was the kind learn from your mistakes. The main thing he instilled in people like me was the need to take action, to always be moving forward, and to ask questions when we didn’t know something. Whenever I was stumped or struggling, I knew I could give Cecil — probably the busiest guy I’ve ever known — a call, and he’d help me work it out. He was so humble and funny that, even though he was already enormously successful, he remained easy to approach and generous with his time and resources. of leader who created an environment where you don’t fear failure, where you’re allowed to take chances and

A lot of us have a mentor that we look up to, somebody who’s guided us along our path and helped shape us into the people we are today. For me, there are a few individuals that have had an outsized influence on my life, but among all of those amazing people, one stands out. At the beginning of my career, one man saw my drive and potential and decided to give me a shot. Little did I know that this incredible opportunity would change the course of my life. That man was Cecil Ray Jr., Chairman and CEO of the second insurance agency that I worked for. Though he passed away almost four years ago, I think of him often. It was the early ’90s. I was fresh out of the military and still adjusting to civilian life. I’d been working at the Houston branch of one of Cecil’s Dallas/Fort Worth-based insurance operations for about a year, and despite persistent efforts to bring up the numbers, this particular branch was failing. It was time for new leadership. Cecil fired the previous manager of our branch, a very experienced guy in his late 50s, and mulled over what could be done to salvage the operation. Noticing my military officer background (one that he himself shared), my sales figures, and the fact that I was dedicated to my job, he offered me the job of turning the office around. I think he called it a “Hail Mary”... Really, he didn’t call it that, but I knew that was exactly what it was. Frankly, I was stunned. It’s important to note that, at this point, I was only three years into my insurance agency career and had just begun to find my feet in the field. Sure, I

He was the kind of leader who created an environment where you don’t fear failure, where you’re allowed to take chances and learn from your mistakes.”

His funeral, held in a big Baptist church in downtown Fort Worth, was completely packed. It wasn’t just my life that had been changed by the man; he had a tremendous impact on his church, on all the leaders of his various companies, and on pretty much everyone who spent any time with him. And though I certainly miss him these days, I try to live my life with the same humility, empathy, and commitment to keep moving forward, no matter what. Cecil would expect nothing less.

–Brad Johnson

President, Risk Services of AR Specialized Insurance Programs for Specialized Industries. • • 1



“Can you give me a hand?” Asking for help is a simple request. Most people do it every day, whether they’re getting a second opinion on a paint color or asking a stranger to hold the elevator. Asking for help is important; the ability to work as a team is one of mankind’s greatest strengths. But if the act of asking for help is so essential in our lives, why do entrepreneurs have such a hard time with it? This struggle often comes from pride, the idea that if you admit you can’t do it all, then you can’t do anything. But this mindset often leads to ruin. In a survey by 99 Design, most entrepreneurs claimed the worst mistake they ever made wasn’t a poor financial decision or bad planning — it was simply not asking for help early in their careers. Having to ask for help isn’t a sign that you’re unable to achieve what you set out to do. In fact, when you ask for help in business, you may find you’re able to achieve more . This is because asking for help is a form of networking. You’re actively reaching out to experts, learning how other people solve problems, and broadening the awareness of your name and brand at the same time. If you struggle to ask others for help when you need it, start by changing your mindset. You don’t have to do it all; you’re just one person, and sometimes one person needs to delegate tasks to others to get more done. Asking for help is also easier when you know what you want to ask for. If you are overwhelmed by a big project, take a moment to write down your goals for that project, along with a list of action steps and resources needed to get there. Then think about who you can reach out to in order to tackle these steps. If you’re still uncomfortable with asking for help, make a point of helping others when you can. Being helpful changes the way you perceive receiving help and builds a positive reputation with others. When you are viewed as being helpful, other people want to help you in return. Asking for help means admitting you can’t do it all alone. But why should you have to? Doing it all alone can be pretty lonely, and asking for help means you have a team to support you wherever you go.

One of the Best Account Managers in the Biz

At Risk Services/Insurica, we pride ourselves on delivering the highest standard of service to every one of our clients. Every member of our team is personally invested in the work we do — which may be why a few of us have stuck around here for decades, and why many of our clients have been with us for nearly as long. Karen Payne, who’s been in insurance for more than 40 years — half of that time spent at Risk Services/Insurica — perfectly embodies this spirit of service. She loves getting the best deals for her clients and ensuring that they’re never left out in the cold without all key assets insured. “My favorite thing about the work I get to do every day is just taking care of the clients. Making sure they’re satisfied with the results and that they’re really getting what they pay us for is consistently rewarding,” she says. “At the end of the day, all that matters is that what the client needs done gets accomplished in the most efficient way possible.” “People entrust us with their assets, their buildings, personal property, and their liability,” she adds. “I get pleasure out of assuring them that they’re in good hands and in doing everything I can to protect all they’ve worked so hard to build.” Anybody who knows Karen knows how reliable and genuinely invested she is when it comes to the well-being not only of her clients, but of other people in general. It’s one of the reasons she’s proud to work with Risk Services/Insurica. “We may be stationed in a relatively small community, but we handle accounts all across the state,” she says. “It’s all because of the reputation we’ve developed for being a top organization and for truly caring about what happens in our clients’ lives and businesses.” Like Sherry Burgener, who was featured in last month’s employee spotlight, she cites “integrity” as one of the main reasons she’s stuck around with us so long.

And we’re glad she has. We’re lucky to have someone as compassionate and hardworking as Karen on our team, and our clients are too!

2 • • Specialized Insurance Programs for Specialized Industries.

Prepare for the Storms to Come


Without flood insurance , any damage sustained by a flood will come right out of your pocket. If your business suddenly starts taking on water (literally), it can quickly rack up bills that will be almost impossible to pay. With this in mind, most business owners should at least consider a comprehensive flood insurance plan to protect them from the worst. Flood insurance premium quotes vary from area to area based on the type of coverage, your location and flood risk, the design and age of your building, and other factors. But luckily, with the partnership between the NFIP and private insurance companies, prices are heavily regulated, and you can expect to see similar prices regardless of which firm you use. What you won’t get from another firm is the experience and attention of the Risk Services/Insurica team— we are dedicated to ensuring you get exactly the flood insurance you need. If you’re considering a flood insurance policy, give us a call at 501.666.6653 today , and you’ll be able to rest easy knowing your property is protected.

Almost one year ago this month, the country watched helplessly as Hurricanes Harvey, Maria, and Irma devastated the southwest United States and islands across the Atlantic, destroying homes, leveling businesses, and causing irreparable damage to lives and property. It was the costliest hurricane season in history, tallying up $282.16 billion in damage and putting a tragic end to thousands of lives. It was one of the most horrific series of events in most of our lifetimes, and while we honor the memory of those who battled for their lives in the midst of the storms, we should also take heed and brace ourselves for the vicious storms that will inevitably come again. While hurricanes may be exceedingly rare in Arkansas, that doesn’t mean we don’t see our fair share of serious weather events. Heavy rains and the occasional tropical storm can cause severe flooding. In fact, according to the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), floods are the number one weather-related disaster in the state. And as the weather becomes more erratic year after year, it’s more important than ever to be prepared.


Have a Laugh!

Specialized Insurance Programs for Specialized Industries. • • 3

1501 Mart Dr. Little Rock, AR 72202 501.666.6653


INSIDE This Issue

Brad Johnson on His Mentor, Cecil Ray Jr. page 1

Meet Karen Payne Why Is It Hard to Ask for Help? page 2 The Importance of Flood Insurance Sudoku page 3

Jay Abraham’s Simple Guide to Success page 4

THE PROFOUND SIMPLICITY OF ‘Getting Everything You Can Out of All You’ve Got’

summations within these pages. Instead, Abraham uses direct, approachable language to outline clear, actionable steps to get you to “recognize the income- and success-increasing connections that are all around you.”

Jay Abraham’s “Getting Everything You Can Out of All You’ve Got” is one of those evergreen business books every entrepreneur should pick up at some point. Rather than latch on to fleeting business trends or the gimmicks of the early dot-com era, Abraham, a business coach who has spent his entire career solving problems and fixing companies, re-examines the basics of business. By returning to and interrogating the building blocks of growth, he is able to deliver the sort of timeless wisdom most business authors only dream of being able to capture. What makes “Getting Everything You Can” stand out is the simplicity of the ideas it presents. In fact, Abraham’s central thesis is that our tendency to overlook or dismiss the mundane, everyday aspects of our business is what keeps us from seeing its real value. As Abraham puts it, “You are surrounded by simple, obvious solutions that can dramatically increase your income, power, influence, and success.” Finding those solutions is what “Getting Everything You Can” is all about. What makes Abraham so successful as a business coach for small companies and international brands alike is his practical, methodical approach, which shines through in this book. You won’t find banal platitudes or sweeping

With this workmanlike approach, “Getting Everything You Can” breaks down success in business into its component processes: attracting new clients, increasing the average size per sale of a client, and boosting client retention. These three aspects of success, according to Abraham, hinge on your ability to leverage a “unique selling proposition,” or USP. Put bluntly, a USP stems from the aspects of your business that make it stand out from the competition — what you bring to the table that others can’t. Identifying a USP sounds like a simple-enough concept, but as Abraham explains, business owners are often blind to the real value of their company. Seeing what truly makes your brand unique requires looking at old problems in new ways and fundamentally shifting your perspective on the basics of

running a business. Finding solutions hidden in plain sight is no easy task, but “Getting Everything You Can Out of All You’ve Got” is committed to getting you there.

4 • • Specialized Insurance Programs for Specialized Industries.