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Risk Services Of Arkansas - March 2021

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Risk Services Of Arkansas - March 2020

Risk Services Of Arkansas - March 2020 SPECIALIZING IN YOU Agriculture Ministries Education Environm

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Risk Services of Arkansas - March 2018

Risk Services of Arkansas - March 2018 SPECIALIZING IN YOU Agriculture Ministries Education Environm

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Risk Services Of Arkansas - March 2022

or peace, you might surprise yourself with how meaningful and fulfilling your company’s content, mar

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Risk Services of Arkansas - March 2019

Insurica risk consultant Ryan McClafferty’s approach to sales. As he puts it, “I don’t want my clien

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Risk Services Of Arkansas - April 2021

Risk Services Of Arkansas - April 2021 SPECIALIZING IN YOU Agriculture Ministries Education Environm

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Risk Services Of Arkansas - December 2021

Risk Services Of Arkansas - December 2021 SPECIALIZING IN YOU Agriculture Ministries Education Envir

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Risk Services Of Arkansas - June 2021

Risk Services Of Arkansas - June 2021 SPECIALIZING IN YOU Agriculture Ministries Education Environme

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Risk Services Of Arkansas - October 2021

Risk Services Of Arkansas - October 2021 SPECIALIZING IN YOU Agriculture Ministries Education Enviro

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Risk Services Of Arkansas - August 2021

Risk Services Of Arkansas - August 2021 SPECIALIZING IN YOU Agriculture Ministries Education Environ

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Risk Services Of Arkansas - September 2021

Risk Services Of Arkansas - September 2021 SPECIALIZING IN YOU Agriculture Ministries Education Envi

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Risk Services Of Arkansas - March 2021

SPECIALIZING IN YOU Agriculture Ministries Education Environmental Hospitality



March 2021

Health Care








How One Alternative Plan Tries to Mitigate Damage From COVID-19

T hese days, you’d be hard pressed to find a point of view coming from the media that wasn’t politicized or biased in some way. While it’s pretty much impossible to have a completely unbiased point of view, it seems like more and more media outlets on both sides of the political spectrum aren’t even trying to report in a way that’s free of bias. Instead, many of them are using biases to capture viewers, regardless of whether the information they share is true or even complete. Unfortunately, that sense of not knowing fact from fiction has become evident in the means by which we continue to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. For about the past year, I’ve watched as governments, in the interest of stopping the spread of COVID-19, have implemented varying levels of restrictions and precautions on businesses and activities outside of the home. In many states, these restrictions, though perhaps well-meaning, have meant the death of thousands of small businesses across the country. Now, I can understand the desire to use government policy to “follow the science,” as I’ve heard some officials say, and fight the virus. However, I also want to say that my heart goes out to the people who’ve been told that their means of providing for their families now cannot happen — I hope and pray that every business finds a way to survive this pandemic. Frankly, I will never understand how the government can dictate that

I want to be clear that I’m not saying that I profess to knowwhether the Great Barrington Declaration is right or wrong. One thing that I will say, though, is that its writers and several of its signatories are highly educated and experienced. They’re doctors and medical professionals from Harvard, Oxford, Stanford, and a number of other prestigious institutions around the world. So, while there are several prominent organizations and individuals, such as the head of theWHO, that would just as soon denounce the contents of the Great Barrington Declaration, it doesn’t seem right or fair to me to just dismiss these highly educated people who are trying to “follow the science” and keep the insanity of politics out of it. All this is to say that, unfortunately, even when it comes to how best to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe and provided for during this pandemic, we need to intentionally dig for the honest truth. As someone in the risk management business, I liked how the Great Barrington Declaration advocates managing the risks to the vulnerable and minimizing the collateral damage for the rest of society. That said, I wouldn’t begin to advise anyone as to what to believe about what’s best for their individual situation. Ultimately, I think that decision should be left to each person to decide on his or her own.

some businesses are considered “essential” while others are not, and therefore face bankruptcy. To me, all businesses are essential. That’s why when I stumbled across the Great Barrington Declaration (, its contents intrigued me. The Great Barrington Declaration is a statement written and affirmed by a handful of medical professionals that details a more risk-based approach to combating the virus. It was released to the public on Oct. 4, 2020. Its supporters advocate for fighting the virus by placing restrictions that focus on the most vulnerable parties — such as nursing home residents, medical staff, and people with preexisting conditions — while letting young, healthy people go about their lives unhindered.

Specialized Insurance Programs for Specialized Industries. • • 1


Succeed in Business With the Right Strategies R emember the musical, “How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying”? Ralph Macchio goes from the mailroom to the boardroom by not accomplishing anything in his career other than kissing up to the right people. But, for entrepreneurs, kissing up to the boss won’t help much! If you want to succeed without really trying when you’re running the show, you need to focus on these six things instead. 1. Retain and Maintain Customers. How much money do you lose each month in customer churn? What about employee churn? This is a big issue and a major reason businesses don’t scale. Check out the book “Stop Losing Customers’’ by Shaun Buck. A section dedicated to calculating churn discusses why it matters for your business and how you can save a massive amount of money once you know the number and work to lower it. 2. Market to Convert Leads. You need marketing that generates quality leads and a sales process that converts those leads to customers for your business. This is much easier said than done, and I get that. The fundamental items your business needs are: • Lead generation of quality prospects • A customer-relationship-management system that allows you to keep track of, nurture, and follow up with leads • A sales process that includes long-term nurture and follow-up as well as the ability to close a deal

While many charities take necessary precautions to protect themselves from >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4

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