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or bed. Browse sites like Chewy and Build-Basic to learn how to make your own! Raised Food Bowls Rai

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4 cup fresh parsley, finely chopped • 8 chicken thighs or drumsticks, lightly salted • 1 tbsp olive

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Robert C. White & Company - June 2020 R E N T A L READER YOUR 860.613.6290 WWW.ROBERTCWHITE.COM JULY

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3 cup canola oil 4 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted Directions 1. In a small skillet over medium

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4 cup pecans, finely chopped • 1 tsp vanilla extract • Fresh fruit of your choice 1. In a sturdy sau

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2 avocado, pitted, peeled, and thinly sliced • Cherry tomatoes, halved • Sriracha hot sauce (optiona

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2 tsp fresh chives, minced Directions 4. Mix mashed yolks with mayonnaise mixture. Spoon or pipe the

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4 cup tightly packed fresh basil leaves temperature reads 165 F, about 4–6 minutes per side. Grill t

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4 cup of the marinade. 3. Seal bag and massage marinade into the chicken. Chill in the fridge overni

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Robert C White & Company - November 2021




THERE ARE NO TURKEYS IN TURKEY But There Is Plenty to Be Thankful For

• I am thankful for our team at RCW ... They work so hard to get great results for you, and they live our values each and every day! • I am thankful for our tenants …

There are NO turkeys in Turkey …

Well, there are now, but originally, there were no turkeys in Turkey.

The bird we eat on Thanksgiving is an exclusively North American animal. It is found in the wild only here, and it evolved here. So, how did it get its name? Well, no one knows for sure, but language experts have a theory. During the 1500s, when the American bird made it to Great Britain, they arrived with merchants from the East, primarily from Constantinople. These merchants brought the birds over from North America (most likely from present-day Mexico where they were being domesticated). The Ottoman Empire was at the height of its power at this time, and the British used a lazy shorthand for new goods being brought in from the region. They used “Turkey” as an adjective for items from traders from the East. For example, Persian rugs were called “Turkey rugs” and Indian flour was called “Turkey flour.” Hence, originally the American bird was called “Turkey coq” or rooster. Eventually it shortened to just Turkey as it gained popularity in England. Interestingly, turkeys were not on the menu for the first Thanksgiving that the Pilgrims had (lobster and venison were, though) and did not become a staple of America’s favorite eating day until the mid- 1800s. There are really interesting back-stories to both factoids, but I’ll save them for another day. While the origin of the name for our famous bird is unclear, what is crystal clear is that Thanksgiving is a time of thankfulness — a time to take stock of our blessings. I shared in the past that I keep a gratitude journal. I started a couple of years ago and have kept it up (with a few interruptions). I find it a really quick and simple way to remember the good things that are happening in my life, both big and small. To recognize Thanksgiving and what it represents, I will take some liberty and change my “gratitude” journal into a “thankfulness” journal.

Personally, I have had bad ones in the past, and I understand that a good tenant is literally gold. And we have so many great ones! It is a pleasure to serve them on your behalf. • I am thankful for our vendors ... They quote, repair, maintain, and assist. They come through when there is an emergency and help guide us to the right choices for you. Without our vendors and partners, we would not be able to serve you well. • I am thankful for you most of all .... You put your trust in us. You hold us to a high standard, which we appreciate and try to exceed. You give us the benefit of the doubt when we make an honest mistake. You share a little of your life with us, and the team loves getting to know you better. You are the reason we are here and do what we do every day. Thank you for your trust and continued loyalty. It means the world to all of us. You won’t find turkeys in Turkey!

With a grateful heart,

P.S. We wanted to share that we are putting the finishing touches on a new partnership where we donate a meal for every time a tenant pays rent on time. Just a little way we can both do good and encourage the behavior we all want. P.P.S. Turkish traders knew that the American bird was not from their land. What do they call “turkeys” in Turkey? Interestingly, they are called “hindi,” which translates into “Indian.”


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Football and Thanksgiving: A Match Made in Marketing Heaven

Termites can be subterranean, meaning they appear from under the foundation and usually show no signs of their presence until extreme damage has been done. Here’s why you should include termite pest control service in your agenda this fall. No. 1: Many homeowners do not discover termite damage until it’s too late. As mentioned, there are many breeds of subterranean termites in America that aren’t seen on the surface very often. They burrow underground and get into your foundation that way. Usually, homeowners will discover the damage left behind while remodeling or tearing a wall open. It can cost thousands of dollars to replace the wood and infrastructure. Keep in mind that not all remodeling is done under ideal financial conditions. Sometimes, it happens after a pipe bursts or flooding takes place. Termite control may seem like an unnecessary cost, but it will ultimately save you a lot of money, especially when you need it most. No. 2: Buildings have many openings that a professional will spot right away. Professionals will always know what to look for, including a building’s natural openings. Termites like to live in moist conditions, and while they can be subterranean, openings make it much easier for any type of termite to infest your home. While you can implement preventive measures for discouraging termites from eating away at your home sweet home, the best way to prevent infestation is with termiticide in all the right places.

Last year, 30.3 million people tuned in to watch the NFL’s Thanksgiving showdown between the Washington Football Team and the Dallas Cowboys. For those Americans (and probably for you if you’re reading this article), football is as essential to Thanksgiving as turkey and stuffing — but why? As it turns out, there are two answers to that question. The first is that games have been played on the holiday for almost as long as it has officially existed. Thanksgiving became a holiday in 1863, and just six years later, the third American football game in history was played on it. According to SB Nation, the Young America Cricket Club and the Germantown Cricket Club faced off in that inaugural Thanksgiving game in Philadelphia, and football has been played on Thanksgiving pretty much ever since! When the NFL was founded in 1920, the Thanksgiving game was official from the get-go. The second reason we watch football on Thanksgiving is more about money than tradition. In 1934, a Detroit Lions coach, George A. Richards, decided that in order to attract more fans, his team would make a point to always play on Thanksgiving when most people were off work. To sweeten the pot, he committed his radio station (an affiliate of the NBC Blue Network) to broadcasting the Thanksgiving game live on 94 different stations across America. This idea was a hit from day one! According to Sporting News, the long-unloved Lions “not only sold out the stadium, they also had to turn people away at the gates.” In 1966, the Dallas Cowboys signed on to play every Thanksgiving, too, for similar publicity reasons. Since those early days, football-themed traditions have flourished in American families. Apart from watching games on TV, one of the most popular is organizing a pre-turkey game of family touch football a la the sitcom “Friends.” (Its famed episode “The One With the Football” aired Nov. 21, 1996.) If you’ve never organized a game, this could be your year! To get started, Google “Scott’s Family-Friendly Touch Football” and click the first link.

Plus, if you maintain the pest control’s warranty by paying an annual renewal fee, any infestation or re-infestation can be re-treated at no additional cost to you. No. 3: You’ll have peace of mind that your home is safe. The holidays are a stressful time — the last thing you want on your mind is the potential for a termite issue. Don’t sweep this one under the rug, because termites cause issues that always come biting back.

Thanks for reading our little PSA, and we hope you’ll consider giving your local pest control company a call!

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3 Tips for a Merrier Time

The holidays are right around the corner, and while many people can’t wait to eat turkey and swap presents, others only see stress on the horizon. Especially for those hosting parties, between decorations, big dinners, excited kids, and visiting family, it can all feel overwhelming. If celebrations are happening at your house this year, here are three tips to lessen the strain and keep up the holiday cheer.

Recharge First

Don’t Expect Perfection

Ensure you’re rested and recharged before the holidays by taking time to relax, getting enough sleep, and engaging in activities that make you feel good. When you’re rushing to get everything done, it can be tempting to skip self-care routines, but that will cost you in the long run. Your daily exercise and other health activities keep you balanced and ready to face challenges head-on.

The sooner you let go of the idea of a “perfect” holiday, the sooner you’ll be able to have a happy one. Face it: Something will go wrong. Whether it’s an overcooked dish, a child throwing a temper tantrum, or your uncle talking politics at the dinner table, nothing will ever go just how you planned. So, embrace the imperfections. Whether you’re celebrating this year with a group of two or 20, holidays can be a stressful time — but they don’t have to be. With these tips, your festivities may not be picture-perfect, but they will be a lot of fun

Get Started Early

Holidays always arrive faster than we expect, so begin preparing early. If shopping for presents is a pain point, don’t wait until the last minute. Decorate earlier than you need to — or better yet, get the kids to do it for you. There’s only so much cooking you can do ahead of time, but ensuring you have all of the equipment and nonperishable ingredients you need a few weeks in advance will reduce both your workload and anxiety.



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• 1 whole turkey, thawed • 2 cups chicken or vegetable broth

• Salt and pepper to taste


1. Preheat the oven to 450 F. 2. Remove packaging and giblets from inside of the turkey. 3. Place the turkey in a broiling pan breast-side up and rub it with salt and pepper. Pour the broth around the turkey. 4. Place the pan in the oven and turn the temperature down to 350 F. Turkey should cook for 12–15 minutes per pound, typically 3–4 hours. 5. Remove the turkey from the oven every 45 minutes and baste it with the broth. 6. Once finished, let the turkey rest for 15–20 minutes before carving and serving.



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57 DODGE AVE., STE. 107 NORTH HAVEN, CT 06473 860.613.6290




There Are No Turkeys in Turkey


Football and Thanksgiving: A Match Made in Marketing Heaven

Why You Should Call Termite Control


Lowering Holiday Stress

Roasted Turkey


I n 2021, Dining Rooms Got a Makeover


Interior decorating experts have been asking for a while: Are dining rooms out of style? The holidays are all about sitting down and eating with our loved ones, but it’s not often that an entire room is dedicated to dining anymore. However, thanks to the pandemic, the once dying dining room is seeing daily use again — and the key is relaxation, comfort, and versatility. You probably don’t want your dining room to be just for dining anymore, so consider a convertible dining table. For big holidays, it’ll seat over 12 people, but, for regular use, it’ll seat four. You can then utilize the free space as a coffee or tea station, an exercise area, a reading nook, or a comfy space to watch TV and relax. Plants and small décor can liven up the space and make it feel cozier.

We hope you consider how to create your own beautiful, convertible dining space to make it more versatile in your home!

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