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Robinette Law - May 2022

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Robinette Law - May 2021

2 cup green peppers, diced • 1 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil • 3 cloves garlic, peeled and minced • 1

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Robinette Law - May 2020

4 cup butter, softened 5. • • • 6. 7. • 8. 304-594-1800 • 3 Referrals are Our Best Compliment! Call

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Robinette Law May 2019

Robinette Law May 2019 obinette Reporter Local: 304-594-1800 24 Hour Help: 304-

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Robinette Law - July 2022

3 cup sugar, orange zest, and orange juice. Cover and refrigerate for 45 minutes. 2. In a medium bow

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Robinette Law September 2019

4 cup pecans, coarsely chopped • 2 tbsp maple syrup • 1 tbsp lemon juice • Directions: 1. Heat

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Robinette Law - January 2020

7 to assist passengers, while others host animal visits every few weeks or months. These days, regul

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Robinette Law - July 2020

2 tsp garlic, minced 2 lbs assorted vegetables, trimmed and halved (asparagus, mushrooms, red onion,

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Robinette Law - November 2020

4 cup plus 2 tbsp sugar Directions 1. In a medium saucepan, heat the orange juice, water, and sugar

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Robinette Law - March 2020

4 cup butter, melted 304-594-1800 • 3 Referrals are Our Best Compliment! Call Now To Speak to An Att

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Robinette Law March 2019

3 cup canola oil 4 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted • Directions 1. In a small skillet over mediu

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Robinette Law - May 2022


obinette Reporter Call 24/7: 304-594-1800 Advertising Material

May 2022


Jeffery L Robinette

HOW TO OVERCOME STRESS — TOGETHER If You’re Stressed, Don’t Fight It Alone

Traveling for Memorial Day Weekend? Keep Alert and Buckle Up

The National Safety Council (NSC) estimates that approximately 415 people will lose their lives this Memorial Day weekend in fatal car accidents. More than 40,000 more will seek medical attention for injuries suffered in crashes. Whatever your plans are, you can expect traffic to be at its worst, and with this comes drivers who are in unfamiliar territories and those who may be behind the wheel after having too much to drink or are fiddling with their phones. To get to your destination safely, it is crucial to avoid drinking and driving as well as speeding and distracted or drowsy driving. Also ensure that you and your passengers wear seat belts while traveling.

I know the past couple of years of the pandemic have been isolating and stressful for many. Unfortunately, this is bad news in more ways than one: Developing chronic stress can lead to increased risk of heart disease, heartburn, and many other health problems. So, keeping stress low is crucial as we age. Have you been experiencing tension headaches, back pain, indigestion, heart palpitations, poor concentration, indecisiveness, crying, irritability, or edginess lately? Don’t ignore the symptoms of stress — even if you’ve maintained a healthy lifestyle, stress might be taking a weighty toll on your well-being. But, luckily, you don’t have to seek stress relief all on your own. You might think it’s easier to keep stress to yourself, but that’s not true. In fact, it’s usually easier to manage if you allow friends, family, and even community relationships to help you through it. I have five tips for you on how to do just that. No. 1: Start or join a walking group (or another active hobby). Finding people to stay fit with can be one of the most helpful ways to relieve stress on a regular basis. Not only do you get fitness into your day, which can help improve your current and long-term flexibility, balance, and health, but you also spend time with a group of people who are interested in doing the same thing. You might be surprised by how easy it is to start a conversation and get to know people in walking groups! If walking isn’t your thing, try out other fit group activities like Pilates, yoga, golf, or tennis.

Allow extra time for traffic slowdowns and stand-stills due to construction or accidents.

Stay safe friends, enjoy your long weekend, and please drive responsively!

-Jeff Robinette

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No. 2: Make time to share a laugh. Laughter isn’t just the best medicine — it’s a personal antidote you can share with your friends and family! Would it surprise you to know that laughter has huge benefits for stress relief and overall health? It releases endorphins, stimulates your organs, and releases tension in your body. Ask friends and family to watch funny movies, tell jokes, or share hilarious stories. Likewise, don’t be afraid to try and make someone else laugh. Even a good-hearted attempt might be enough to get the laughter flowing. No. 3: Take a break from the routine. Of course, we don’t want to surrender our healthy habits, but stepping away from our typical routine when we’re stressed can sometimes work wonders. In times of stress, we’re more

likely to lose our cool, say harsh things, break down into tears, or shut down all communication. We may also be tempted to keep to ourselves, but remember that winding down doesn’t automatically mean you have to be alone. You can always “break away” by getting coffee with an old friend or reconnecting with family members you haven’t spent time with in a while. No. 4: Share a meal with good company. Whether it’s with family, friends, or fellow members of a church community, find ways to sit down and share a meal with people you care for. Not only does it feel good to be nourished together, but it’s one of the oldest ways human beings congregate, begin long discussions, allow chances to vent, and connect with one another. No. 5: Take an art class. We’re all a little vulnerable when we release our inner artist and take the chance to paint, color, or sculpt away our stress. That’s why art classes are an awesome way to meet new people and connect. Vulnerability allows us to see new perspectives of people and ourselves. You can even take art classes with current friends and family! It’s a great chance to pause a busy lifestyle, relax your mind, and do something creative. Every human being experiences stress, even those who appear the most carefree. If you’re stressed this month, just remember you’re never alone. I hope these ideas will inspire you to take action.

Could It Solve the Organ Donor Crisis? Meet the Regenerative Operating Room

You might think: What?! According to Dr. Michael McPhail, a biomedical engineer and research associate at Mayo Clinic in Arizona, bringing together tissue engineering, biomaterials, regenerative medicine, robotics, 3D printing, and imaging could have a transformative effect on the entire practice of medicine. For example, a 3D image of the healed jaw could be created for someone with a jaw defect, and manufactured bone, guided by medical imaging and real-time optical sensors, could be created to help the jaw regenerate to its pre-injury appearance. Dr. McPhail and his team expect that these tools could enable less invasive surgeries while improving outcomes. Researchers are still working to realize this unique cohesion of emerging technologies into real daily care, but plenty of modern medical facilities use a version of this. For example, the Cosmetic Center at Mayo Clinic in Arizona uses 3D-printed models to rebuild facial features after debilitating effects of disease, cancer, or traumatic injuries. Patients can even try on a new nose or chin before undergoing surgery. It’s only a matter of time before a regenerative operating room can build bones and even organs.

In the recent past, while looking for dates on Tinder, you might’ve noticed an image of a celebrity with an “organ donor” icon next to their photo. By swiping right, instead of contacting the celebrity, users were given the option to register as an organ donor. While this might seem like an unlikely partnership, the truth is that many health organizations worldwide are desperate to find organ donors. According to, 17 people die every day because they’re simply waiting for an organ transplant. Being on an organ waitlist is a terrifying experience for individuals and families. However, a new vision for operating rooms might have the answer, because — thanks to 3D printing — it’s growing closer to reality.

3D Printing of Organs and Bones

We don’t have the capability to do this yet, but we promise there is a reason to be excited. Recently, a concept for a regenerative operating room won the Blue Sky competition at the Society of Manufacturing Engineers conference. This operating suite would double as a manufacturing room for the 3D printing of organs, bones, muscles, and cartilage.

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Is Ordering Takeout Wrecking Your Finances?

Whether you need a break, a window of time to socialize, or want to enjoy the thrill of a good deal, there are definitely ways to meet these needs in a budget-friendly way. Try doing the following:

Statistically speaking, as a U.S. adult, it’s likely that you eat at restaurants five times a week or more, but even if it’s cheap fast food, it might be doing more damage to your personal finances than you think. >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4

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