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Robinson Dental - December 2021

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Robinson Dental - December 2020

2–2 hours or until a skewer leaves the cake clean. 6. Use “handles” to remove cake from pan and cool

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Robinson Dental - February 2021

4 cup strawberry fruit We hope these tips help you with the next step in your dental journey! If you

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Robinson Dental - September 2021

X‑rays. Your dentist will give you the first tray and talk more about proper use and maintenance. Yo

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Robinson Dental - November 2021

2 can pumpkin purée • 6 oz cream cheese, softened • 3 tbsp sugar • 1 tbsp pumpkin pie spice DIRECTIO

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Robinson Dental - April 2021

2 tsp cayenne pepper • 1 large head of broccoli, cut into florets DIRECTIONS 1. Preheat oven to 425

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Robinson Dental - October 2021

acidic drinks and snacks you consume to save your enamel. Despite all your effort, are you still get

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Robinson Dental - June 2021

2 cups water. 4. Refrigerate 4–8 hours until tea reaches your desired strength. Strain and serve ove

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Robinson Dental - August 2021

2- inch cubes • Sea salt, to taste DIRECTIONS 1. In a small saucepan, sauté spices and herbs in the

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Robinson Dental - May 2021

2 cup green peppers, diced • 1 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil • 3 cloves garlic, peeled and minced • 1

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Robinson Dental - January 2021

or an extraction. Not only that, but this trend will also cause financial and physical burdens becau

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Robinson Dental - December 2021

Dental Digest WAYLAND •899 Reno Drive •Wayland, MI •49348 •269-509-4155

COOPERSVILLE •502 W. Randall St. •Coopersville, MI •49404•616-384-4129


Hi everyone! I’m Samantha Baer, and it’s an honor to be speaking with you all this month! I’m a registered dental assistant at our Coopersville location, and I’ve been working alongside our doctors during procedures for the past six years. When I first started, I was just an intern out of dental assisting school. We had only three doctors and four assistants (including myself) in our practice. Now, that number has more than doubled with six doctors and 10 assistants. It’s been a lot of fun to see our growth throughout the years, especially because I still work with the same assistants I started with! It makes a huge difference to work with people you genuinely like, who make the work days much more enjoyable. You get to learn and grow together, and I still look forward to that every day. Although dental assisting school taught me a lot, many things aren’t taught at school — and I wouldn’t have realized that without working in the field with Robinson Dental. It’s surprising just how much new information we learn at work every single day, whether it’s from new research, unique patient cases, or the incredibly smart people around us.

The most rewarding part of my job is definitely helping a patient transform their smile, educating patients to improve their oral health (which helps overall health), and helping people when they are in pain to feel better. And I’m not alone — all my peers at Robinson Dental love educating our patients to keep them healthy. Although not everyone loves going to the dentist, we try our best to make it a fun, educational experience because we love making people smile! “Although dental assisting school taught me a lot, many things aren’t taught at school — and I wouldn’t have realized that without working in the field with Robinson Dental.” Outside of work, I enjoy traveling, hiking, fishing, and other outdoor activities, and I like reading and playing with my two dogs. My favorite travel spot — and the most beautiful place I’ve ever seen — has been Zion National Park in Utah. The views everywhere you looked were breathtaking, and the hikes

For example, not everyone realizes this, but teeth are important to more than just your oral health. Your mouth is covered in bacteria, and that bacteria can enter your bloodstream through infections in your gums. Flossing and

brushing daily absolutely help manage the impact of bacteria, but missing on your oral hygiene appointments can create unnecessary problems beyond oral health. Bad oral hygiene can contribute to cardiovascular disease and diabetes, and some research even suggests that gum disease affects brain health and increases the risk of Alzheimer’s. Thankfully, most

were challenging and unique. The Narrows hike was my favorite; for this hike, you wade upstream through the river that’s about 20–30 feet wide, sometimes waist deep, between 300-foot canyons. I recommend that everyone visit; even if you aren’t into hiking, there are many other options to explore or scenic drives to take! Thanks so much for reading, and if you stop by our Coopersville location, don’t hesitate to say hi! Have a very merry holiday season!

–Samantha Baer

dental diseases are completely preventable, but most patients don’t realize that.



How to Wake Up Refreshed The Type of Sleep You Get Matters!

Are you getting enough shut-eye but still feeling groggy when you wake up? The type of sleep you get matters, and a sleep schedule can help ensure you’re cycling through all the stages of sleep your body needs. Sleep is broken up into four different stages. During the first stage, which only lasts about 5–10 minutes, your body is softly drifting off, and as your brain slows down, your breathing and heartbeat slow as well. When you transition to the second stage, you become less aware of your surroundings, your eye movements cease, and your body temperature drops. Moving into the third stage, your body will drift into a deep sleep, where you will not be awakened by small noises and your muscles are completely relaxed. In the fourth stage, your body is in a deep, restful state. In stages three and four, you’re getting REM sleep, which is when your body is in its deepest sleep, and your breathing, heart rate, and temperature all reach

the lowest level. In these stages, your body is able to fight sickness, begin repairing itself, and commit information to memory. During REM sleep, which occurs about 90 minutes after your head hits the pillow, your body is completely relaxed, and you begin to dream. Throughout the night, you will progress through these stages of sleep multiple times, but usually not in a perfect sequence. You will likely be in each stage of sleep about 4–5 times per night, and one cycle typically lasts about 90–110 minutes. Too much or too little REM or non-REM sleep can affect the quality of your sleep and how refreshed you feel. Quality sleep is important to make sure you are recharging your body, strengthening your mind and immune system, and prioritizing your health. If you never achieve deep sleep throughout the night, sleep deprivation sets in, and you won’t get the proper rest you need to recover.

By setting a sleep schedule, you can make sure you are hitting the hay each night at a reasonable hour and allowing yourself to properly cycle through the different stages of sleep. Be sure to clear your mind before tucking yourself into bed and make sure your bed is comfortable to promote the best possible sleep — your body counts on it!


Yes — More Than You Think

One of the greatest gifts anyone can receive is a new, infant family member. However, for all present and future mothers, it’s important to know that your oral health can take a turn for the worse during pregnancy. There are a variety of contributing factors including your fluctuating hormones, changes in dietary habits, and others. Here’s what you need to know. Gingivitis and Periodontitis According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 60%–75% of pregnant women will experience gingivitis. Luckily this is an early stage of gum disease, the effects of which are reversible. However, periodontitis (an advanced gum disease) can actually lead to bone deterioration and tooth loss. Tooth Decay Pregnant women also have a higher likelihood of getting cavities in addition to gum disease. Due to morning sickness, vomiting is more common during pregnancy, and this brings up stomach acid that eats away at teeth. Another contributing factor is changes in diet and eating habits, which are extremely common and to be expected during pregnancy. This can expose teeth to sugary and acidic foods that people weren’t previously eating but are now craving.

Because your teeth are at a heightened risk for decay, you should try to avoid foods that are worse for your teeth. These include carbohydrates (like crackers, potato chips, and white bread); all hard, chewy, and/or sour candy; carbonated beverages; dried and citrus fruits; and anything pickled. Your Joints and Jaw Throughout pregnancy, your joints are one of the many body parts affected by hormonal changes, and this includes your temporomandibular joint (TMJ) which connects your jaw to the rest of your skull. You may experience jaw stiffness, tenderness, pain, and/or difficulty chewing. If your teeth feel loose or like they’re wiggling, don’t panic. This could be the result of your joints and ligaments loosening up, but it’s always a good idea to check with your dentist to identify the cause. Consulting your dentist and letting them know you’re pregnant — and what you’re experiencing — is the most important thing you can do when encountering any of these situations. Depending on your specific needs, seeing your dentist more than once every six months may be worthwhile so they can help you keep your teeth and gums healthy.


3 WAYS TO GET WHITER TEETH The Egyptians created a whitening mix in order to achieve whiter teeth, and today we still whiten our teeth, though maybe not with the same techniques! Stained teeth are a common problem many people deal with. Luckily, many techniques have been created in response to the high demand for teeth-whitening techniques. These trends are quick and easy, and they won’t break your bank! Whitening Gels Whitening gels are available as an effective over-the-counter product for mildly stained teeth. If you have significant staining, the whitening gel may not be strong enough to remove dark stains, and your teeth may be lightened unevenly. Hydrogen Peroxide Most chemical whitening substances usually contain hydrogen peroxide. You can use it on its own on your teeth. Although this substance acts more quickly when used on teeth, the substance breaks down quicker and loses potency in less than an hour. If you are looking for a short-term solution, hydrogen peroxide is the way to go. Pro tip: You can purchase hydrogen peroxide in a spray bottle and spray it on your toothbrush before brushing your teeth. Only use this method occasionally because it can wear down the enamel on your teeth if used every day. Oil Pulling A newer trend in whitening teeth, oil pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic practice of swishing or pulling oil through your teeth. Coconut oil is most commonly used for oil pulling because it contains lauric acid. Why oil? The premise is that swishing oil in your mouth will pull out dirt and bacteria from your teeth. The oil doesn’t kill the bacteria, though, so don’t give up on brushing your teeth! Now Trending: A Beautiful, Clean Smile





Crispy Fish With Brown Butter Sauce

Inspired by

Want to enjoy the decadence of the holiday season without adding too much to your waistline? Swap red meat for fish and serve this delicious, easy dish. INGREDIENTS

Despite its history, this ancient remedy doesn’t have any long-term studies. However, it might be useful if you want to give it a try!

If you have any questions about what is staining your teeth, or if you want more suggestions on how to whiten your teeth, call your favorite Robinson Dental location and make an appointment today!

• 1 tbsp olive oil • 4 5-oz Chilean sea bass or salmon fillets, skin-on • Salt and pepper, to taste • 6 tbsp unsalted butter, cut into pieces

• 1/2 cup blanched hazelnuts, chopped • 2 tsp lemon juice • Lemon wedges, for garnish


1. In an unheated skillet, add oil. Season fish with salt and pepper, then add to skillet (skin-down). 2. Heat the skillet to medium and cook for 4 minutes. With a spatula, press each fillet down, rotating between fillets every

flip and cook for another minute. Remove the fish. 3. Wipe the skillet clean and return to medium heat. Add the butter and hazelnuts. Heat, swirling continuously, until butter foams and browns. Remove from heat. 4. Stir in lemon juice and season to taste. Pour over fish, garnish, and serve with salad.

few seconds. When the skin begins to crisp, stop pressing and cook 8–10 minutes, then



502 W. Randall St. Coopersville, MI 49404


Inside THIS ISSUE 6 Years Later, I’m Still in Love With My Job


Get the Most Out of Your Sleep Can Pregnancy Affect Your Oral Health?


From Coffee Stains to Pearly Whites Crispy Fish With Brown Butter Sauce


Decorate Your Gingerbread House Like a Pro



One of the most popular holiday traditions has become making and decorating gingerbread houses. The tradition began in Germany in the early 1800s and originated from Grimm’s “Hansel and Gretel.” Some shy away from the idea of making their own gingerbread house, but have no fear — if the Germans did it in the early 1800s, so can you! To simplify things, many gingerbread houses come with baked pieces and a full decorating kit. This helps you have more time for the best part: the actual decorating! Each kit usually comes with fun candy and icing, so you can make something really kick-butt for the holidays! Icing will be your best friend. Think of it as the yummy glue that holds everything together while also acting as a colorful trim for your gingerbread house. However, because it’ll keep the house from falling, be sure to use a lot!

M&Ms are certainly a must-have for anyone decorating their gingerbread house. Not only are they delicious, they make for cute, little accents all over the house and yard.

Mini cookies of your choice may also make a deliciously good-looking roof. Try layering them up for a dimensional look! And, for extra pizazz, strategically place mini candy canes throughout the yard and on either side of the front doors and windows. If you want to get really detailed, try using actual candy bars as fire logs in the fireplace. Just be sure to store your gingerbread house in a cool area so nothing will melt! Whether you prefer a simple gingerbread house or a flashy one, any and ALL candy can be used! Get decorating and be sure to have a bite of candy along the way!

Spice drops also make for a great trim and “roofing,” just use icing to hold them in place. Alternate between colors or use a variety to make your house really pop.