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ROC Physical Therapy April 2019

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ROC Physical Therapy July 2019

ROC Physical Therapy July 2019 JULY 2019 916.983.5611 WE’D LIKE TO INTRODUCE OUR NEW RECEPTIONIST, J

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ROC Physical Therapy, February 2019

4 cup dried cherries DIRECTIONS 3. Once melted, pour chocolate into a baking sheet lined with parchm

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ROC Physical Therapy May 2019

2 cup gluten-free rolled oats • 1–2 tablespoons olive oil • 3 916.983.5611 Published by The Newslett

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ROC Physical Therapy October 2019

ROC Physical Therapy October 2019 OCTOBER 2019 916.983.5611 NO ONE FORGETS THEIR FIRST CAR HOW I BEC

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ROC Physical Therapy September 2019

watch?v=uWGpbxbJ6_Y. Relax Part of your recovery should include massage to relax the aggravated area

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ROC Physical Therapy November 2019

2 tsp Worcestershire sauce • 1 cup milk DIRECTIONS 1. In a medium frying pan, brown ground beef and

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ROC Physical Therapy June 2019

4 cup toasted hazelnuts, coarsely chopped • Mint leaves, for garnish • Parmesan cheese, preferably 1

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ROC Physical Therapy March 2019

4 teaspoon ground coriander • Mint leaves, poppy seeds, and olive oil, for garnish • 3 916.983.5611

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ROC Physical Therapy January 2019

4 cup onions, chopped • 2 cloves garlic, minced • 1 sprig fresh rosemary • 2 tablespoons extra-virgi

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ROC Physical Therapy - December 2019

2 lb green beans, ends trimmed DIRECTIONS 3. Meanwhile, heat a small saucepan to medium-high, and wh

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ROC Physical Therapy April 2019

APRIL 2019



Here at ROC Physical Therapy, we have an amazing team readily available to help our patients on their journeys to recovery. One person who keeps our operations running smoothly is Karen, our office manager. Thinking back on her two years with us, Karen explains, “Ever since my first day at ROC PT, I’ve found my role to be extremely enlightening and joyful. I learn something new every day. Prior to joining my current team, I was a clinic manager of both a large cardiology group and a plastic surgery group, and while I liked working in those fields, working in a physical therapy office has brought me so much more joy.” elsewhere), I came into this space with fundamental knowledge of the process. Despite that, I never anticipated how much true joy this job would bring into my life — both from seeing patients improve and in witnessing the relationships Matt shares with them.” While there are many areas of her life that foster joy, one of Karen’s biggest reasons for smiling (outside of the office, of course) is her golden retriever, Jack Murphy. “I just didn’t “Because I was a physical therapy patient (not in this office but

think our newsletter readers could be properly introduced to me,” says Karen, “without knowing a little something about Jack.” Karen and her significant other, Tim, have had the good fortune of raising Jack Murphy since he was just six weeks old. “One day, Tim’s daughter surprised him with this adorable, fluffy little puppy. Tim, being the ultimate Chargers fan, opted to name him Jack Murphy to commemorate the sports editor and columnist for whom the team’s stadium was named then.” Regarding their feelings about a surprise puppy in the house, Karen recalls that it was “certainly love at first sight,” and in the six years since they first met Jack Murphy, he has become an integral part of their family. Karen says, “Playing fetch, going on walks, and splashing around in the water are his favorite pastimes. In fact, Tim and I know that we couldn’t ever put in a pool because we wouldn’t be able to keep Jack out of the water. That dog would swim for days if he could!” In addition to the more prototypical pet pastimes, Jack Murphy has an interesting (and entertaining) habit that distinguishes him from other

dogs. “Every single morning when Jack comes inside, he starts searching the house for socks. He will gather up 7 or 8 of them in his mouth at once and then come up and ‘talk’ to us with a mouthful of socks!” Karen explains that the sock-collecting habit started when Jack was a puppy. “He just always had an affinity for socks. If we forget to leave a few out for him to find, he gets frustrated and won’t stop searching until he finds one. Now, we tend to scatter the same few around each morning. We sit there having our morning coffee with Jack posted up on the floor next to us, proud of his morning finds. It’s become one of our favorite daily activities!” The next time you see Karen around the office, be sure to ask her about the furry sock-loving friend who brings such immense joy into her life. You surely won’t be disappointed!

-The Team at ROC PT

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Everyone knows that walking is healthy for us, but not very many people have the chance to stretch their legs. With a busy schedule, you might not have the luxury to get up earlier and get a quick brisk walk in. But that doesn’t mean routines can’t be changed. Walk to Work Day is an unofficial holiday that encourages people to walk more in their daily lives. Finding the time to walk for 30 minutes a day can help you lose weight, reduce the chance of heart disease and diabetes, and improve emotional and mental health. A LITTLE HISTORY Walk to Work Day takes place on the first Friday of April every year and has been celebrated since 2004. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services promoted the holiday with enthusiasm as a way to counter the alarming rise in obesity and health issues throughout the country. Since its debut, Walk to Work Day has been picked up by people, businesses, and organizations across the world to inspire people everywhere to exercise more. OBSERVING THE HOLIDAY To celebrate Walk to Work Day, simply slip on your walking shoes, grab a portable breakfast, and head out the door! Be sure to bring an extra

outfit and shoes with you as walking in high heels, dress shoes, and/or dress attire can be uncomfortable. For people who don’t have the time, try taking a short walk around the workplace during breaks or lunch. Getting in a 15-minute walk during the day will help you feel more refreshed and ready to get back into the grind. You can also invite other coworkers or friends to walk with you. OTHER MODES OF TRANSPORTATION Although Walk to Work Day encourages people to walk, there are other ways to get to work without having to drive. Biking is an excellent means of transportation and can be helpful for people who might have a longer commute. If you don’t own a bike but are still in need of a quick transport between two locations, you can hop on an electric scooter. These scooters have appeared across America over the past year or so and have proven handy for individuals needing to get from point A to point B quickly. Walk to Work Day offers a perfect chance to change up your routine for a more active lifestyle. Let this holiday be the first step in many that will come!


Today, a startling number of Americans suffer from opioid addiction. According to a report published in the Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology, more than 4 percent of U.S. adults misused prescription opioids in 2018. Prescription drugs can lead to enough tragic overdoses on their own, but as the physical aspects of addiction set in and prescriptions dry out, addicts desperately turn to more serious drugs like heroin and fentanyl. Opioid addiction is indiscriminate; it can strike anyone of any social class, race, gender, or economic standing. This is one reason the overprescription of opioids over the last two decades, coupled with a more recent flood of street opioids, led to more than 70,000 deaths in 2017. In an effort to stem the tide of opioid- related deaths, the CDC issued a set of

new recommendations to doctors in 2016. They questioned the effectiveness of opioids for the management of chronic pain and encouraged physicians to instead focus on physical therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and other nonopioid pharmacologic options for long-term intervention. Studies show that physical therapy may have the potential to dramatically reduce opioid reliance, abuse, and overdose. In one 2017 study published in the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, researchers discovered that, in cases where doctors referred patients suffering from low back pain to a PT as a first-line treatment, the odds that the patient ended up needing an opioid prescription decreased significantly. Other studies have also reinforced the same trend for treatment

post-surgery: When physical therapy is the first recommendation, patients tend to use fewer opioids and actually spend less on treatment in the long run. The evidence seems clear: If patients follow the recommendations of the CDC and consider physical therapy before taking pills, they substantially lower their risk of dependence on and abuse of prescription drugs. Of course, you should always follow the advice of your doctor, but consider requesting a referral to PT first — it’s just a safer, more consistent, and less expensive option. And who knows? It might just save your life!

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ACTIVE SEARCHING FOR ACTIVE PASTIMES FINDING THE RIGHT TIME TO GET YOUR CHILDREN INTO SPORTS Whether you were the star player or the kid who picked flowers in the middle of the field all game, almost everyone has memories of being on a sports team when they were young. Some lose interest over time and pursue other activities, while others find they really enjoy their sport, maybe have a real talent for it, and continue playing until they are young adults. Whatever the case, parents should take a couple of factors into consideration when determining if their child is ready for sports. If they begin playing too early, it might turn them off to the sport before they really understand it. It could also result in premature wear on muscles and bones that prevents them from playing their sport later on. Most experts believe that the proper age for introducing your child to sports is somewhere between 6 and 9 years old. When they are younger than 6, it is important for them to be

active, but their motor skills are not yet developed enough to play most competitive sports. Trying to get them to understand this fact at that age might only make them frustrated with the sport and make them dislike it before they can even give it a try. Even when children are between the ages of 6 and 9, they might not be ready for sports that require higher forms of coordination, like football or hockey. Instead, try sports like T-ball, soccer, or karate. They won’t be ready for more intensive sports until they are 10–12 years old. If your child does not seem to enjoy team sports, you might see if they may like more individual sports, like running or swimming. Their personality can be just as significant as their age when it comes to choosing the right sport. Some children might not show interest in organized sports at all. If your child does not seem interested in any sports,

even though they are old enough to understand the rules and are coordinated enough to play, you might want to consider other activities, like art or music classes. Still, it is essential that they are active for at least an hour every day, no matter their interests. Sometimes kids will get frustrated with the sports they play (even if they like playing them), and they might want to quit. If your child doesn’t seem to like the sport you signed them up for, encourage them to at least finish out the season. They might just need a little more time to warm up to it. However, if they still aren’t enjoying it at the end of the season, help them find other activities that they might like better. Ultimately, when a child is ready to play sports, it is important to stay in tune with what brings them joy and what keeps them mentally and physically healthy.



Inspired by Food & Wine magazine


• 3 bunches radishes with greens attached • 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil

3. Once removed from oven, return skillet to stove. Over medium heat, stir in butter and add greens. Cook until they are wilted, about 2 minutes. • Salt and pepper, to taste • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter • 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice


1. Heat oven to 500 F. While heating, trim radishes and wash greens. Pat both dry using a paper towel. 2. In a large ovenproof skillet, heat oil over high heat until shimmering. Season radishes with salt and pepper, add to skillet, and cook until lightly browned, about 2 minutes. Transfer entire skillet to oven rack and roast for 15 minutes.

4. Finish with lemon juice and

additional salt if desired. Serve immediately.

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(916) 983-5611


1635 Creekside Dr STE 101 Folsom, CA 95630










Sometimes you skip breakfast simply because you don’t have time to eat. Other times, you skip breakfast because nothing really appeals to you. This is a common occurrence for many people across the country. But when you skip breakfast, you may find that you feel just fine. It begs the question: Is breakfast really that important? Do you need to eat breakfast?

It depends. Most people can skip breakfast and be totally fine. They’ll make it to lunch without skipping a beat. It all comes down to how you feel . Some people need breakfast or they’ll have to deal with mood swings — often referred to as being “hangry” — caused by low blood sugar. A healthy breakfast can stabilize your mood, helping you feel more positive, energized, and focused throughout the morning. We can, however, bust the notion that breakfast is the “most important meal of the day.” This phrase was used to market breakfast cereal in the last

century. In reality, it doesn’t mean anything. The most important meal of the day is whichever meal you get the most out of, whether it’s nutritional value, enjoyment, or both. Having a healthy, protein-rich breakfast does come with benefits, though. It gives you energy for the day and helps you avoid scrambling to find something to eat a couple hours later when hunger sets in. All too often, skipping breakfast (or having a carb-heavy breakfast) leads people to raid the vending machine or make unhealthy food choices they wouldn’t ordinarily make.

Along these same lines, skipping breakfast may encourage you to eat more later in the day at lunch or dinner. You may think you’re saving calories, but over the course of a day, you can end up consuming more calories than if you had simply eaten breakfast. With so much research on the subject of breakfast, one thing is clear: You should eat when you feel hungry. You don’t have to live by the conventional wisdom of “three squares a day.” When you listen to your body, you’ll feel better for it!

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