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Roz Marketing Strategies - July/August 2021

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Roz Marketing Strategies - September/October 2021

bootcamp this summer in Healdsburg, California, adjacent to Sonoma, CA. This trip was mostly for wor

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Roz Marketing Strategies - November/December 2021

her inventory and sent to appeals, thereby halting ALL enforced collection and deal with the case at

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Roz Marketing - May 2021

summit, contact our concierge Ruthie at [email protected], or call our offices at 888.670.030

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Roz Marketing Strategies September/ October 2018

her like just another number. For more detailed information on how to easily implement this system,

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Roz Marketing - January/February 2021

FEBRUARY 2021 888.670.0303 WWW.ROZSTRATEGIES.COM As seen on... Don’t Be in the Sales Prevention Depa

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Roz Marketing - March/April 2021

summit, contact our concierge Ruthie at [email protected], or call our offices at 888.670.030

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Roz Strategies JULY AUGUST 2018

austin QUESTIONS? CONTACT: Becky: [email protected] or Sue: [email protected] “I’m a CPA a

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Roz Strategies - March/April 2022

summit, contact our Concierge Ruthie at Ruthie@RozStrategies. com, or call our offices at 888-670-03

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Roz Marketing September 2017

now! 888.670.0303 • 5 S H O U T Michael recently spoke at the Florida Society of Enrolled Agents (FS

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Roz Marketing March 2018

2 days of hardcore implementation and demonstration on how to get more tax resolution prospects to r

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Roz Marketing Strategies - July/August 2021

Why Aren’t You Giving Your Clients Hope?

The Roz Report



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Know Your Marketing Metrics

Make a Mistake, Make a Pivot

Sometimes, even the best-laid plans go wrong. That reality hit me a few weeks ago when Roslyn and I tried out a new marketing strategy we learned about called a Quiz funnel during one of our mastermind group meetings we attended. We purchased the program and developed a quiz we named “Discover What Your No. 1 Tax Practice Growth Killer Is.” The concept was pretty simple: Accountants and tax preparers would find the quiz on YouTube or Facebook, take it, and at the end of the quiz, if they gave us their email address, we would send them their results letting them know what their results were and what was holding their practices back and also invite them to join our “5 Day to 5K Tax Resolution Challenge.” I can’t tell you how excited I was about this quiz. The guy who created the program shared so many success stories that

Michael andDave rehearsing for the “5Day to $5K Tax Resolution Challenge.”

Roslyn and I were sure it would be the best thing since sliced bread for our business. I spent hours on the project with our digital marketing team to get it launched. There were five possible quiz results, and I filmed a 10-minute video and wrote up a 10-page report for each one. I even thought that if the quiz was a success, I could pass the formula on to our tribe to help themget more clients the same way. It was going to be a huge win, and I couldn’t wait to press the“Go”button. Finally, the day came! Feeling totally gung-ho, we launched the quiz on Tuesday, and…killed it 48 hours later. It

Some people might have felt discouraged, or worse, stayed with the quiz instead of cutting their losses sooner. But I don’t look at this as a failure at all. In fact, I learned a great deal from the quiz disaster. It reminded me of two things. First, no matter how experienced you are in business, you will still make mistakes! You’re not immune to putting out duds, and neither am I. What matters most is that we catch those mistakes early and cut our losses while we can. Second, to succeed in business, you need to know your marketing metrics. I know Roz Strategies’ key performance indicators (KPIs) like the back of my hand, and it’s a good thing I do. Since I knew we usually

To succeed in business, you need to know your marketing metrics.

performed terribly! Out of every 100 people who landed on the quiz’s welcome page, fewer than one person joined the“5 Day to 5K Tax Resolution Challenge.” I couldn’t believe how flat the quiz had fallen, but I made the call to kill it right away.

have a 55%–60% conversion rate on landing pages for our launches and webinars, I realized right away how terrible

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Published by Newsletter Pro •


How many times have you stopped yourself from moving forward on a decision you really wanted to take because the little voice in your head was telling you all sorts or scary reasons why you shouldn’t? I hear all the time about why someone doesn’t follow their dreams. Just recently, I spoke to a friend of mine who shared how her daughter and husband, who have three children (and didn’t have any when they purchased their house), had outgrown their home and wanted to move to a bigger one. Her daughter lives in a neighborhood where the prices have gone through the roof, so she could sell her house and buy exactly what she wants in a different but desired area. The problem is, my friend explained, that she’ll pay more in property taxes. It’s not that her daughter can’t afford the property taxes — it’s that they’ll be higher than what she’s paying now. It made me think, “Does that mean your daughter will never move? Property taxes are only going to go up, so if she doesn’t want to pay more now, it will even be higher later.” My friend’s story made me think of one of my Roz-isms: “Don’t let fear be your guide.”Yes, we need a little fear in our lives. Like years ago, when Michael and I sold our house and invested some of the money in our company Roz Strategies, I didn’t let fear stop us frommaking that decision, but I let fear stop us from Michael joking that we should go to Las Vegas and bet it all on the roulette table.

Instead of making fear-based decisions, I say dig deep and let intuition be your guide. I have an intuitive nature, and I’ve learned the more I use it, the stronger it gets. There’s also part two of fear-based decisions. I call those the “other people in your head” fears. That’s when you’ve made a decision to move forward, share it with others, and someone tries to talk you out of it. Like you’re not supposed to move forward with your idea because they don’t think it’s a good idea. There are a lot of times where I’m not sure about what decision to make, and plenty of times, I ask people for their opinion. But once I make up my mind about what I want to do, I don’t care what you think, and you’re not getting in my head to tell me otherwise. In 1998, when Michael started his tax resolution company, no one thought it was a good idea. Some people actually said it was bad or stupid idea. They asked Michael, “How are you ever going to get paid from people who owed tens of thousands of dollars to the IRS?” I told Michael to stop telling people what he was doing, that I believed in him, and the rest is history! A few years after that, some of those naysayers actually apologized to him. When you tap into yourself and tune others out, you give yourself permission to follow your own path in life. When we put on our first Success Summit in 2016 in San Antonio, I was so excited to put on

an event. Other entrepreneurs we knew said it wasn’t a good idea, that people won’t spend money to fly somewhere, then pay for a hotel, and blah, blah, blah. But I didn’t care what they said because I had a vision. I thought maybe I could get 35 people to show up. I also asked the hotel planner if there was a bigger room available in case more people purchased tickets. We ended up selling that event out, and 140 people attended, and last year, 500 people attended our virtual event. That doesn’t mean when I make a decision all goes well. There’s always going to be a risk involved in pursuing something new. It’s uncomfortable, it’s messy, and you can’t predict the outcome. But as my mother always said, “Nothing ventured, nothing gained.” So, here’s my question to you: What is the little seed in your mind of what you want to pursue in your life? Don’t be so quick to walk away from it and don’t let others talk you out it. Believe in yourself and follow

your intuition, not your fears, because you have the ability to figure it out andmake whatever that “thing” is you want to do become a reality.

Instead of making fear-based decisions, I say dig deep and let intuition be your guide. I have an intuitive nature, and I’ve learned the more I use it, the stronger it gets.

–Roslyn Rozbruch

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No Records, No Problem!

You have a prospective independent contractor/1099 client who needs help with his IRS issue, and he needs to file delinquent 1040 tax returns. He has not filed in years. He then tells you he does not have any records, receipts, or even bank statements! The first thing you need to do is get retained and get his tax transcripts and wage and income (IRP) >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8

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