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RSC Read & Publish scheme

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RSC Gold

Gold Registered charity number: 207890

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RSC Select

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Salix Scheme Brochure

Salix Scheme Brochure Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page

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Salix Scheme Brochure

Salix Scheme Brochure Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page

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The Read - Newsletter 2022

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Can Back Scheme

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UTC (UK) Pension Scheme - SIP - 2021

or UN Principles of Responsible Investment. In selecting, monitoring and reviewing their investment

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2021 UTC (UK) Pension Scheme Member Newsletter

22 tax year on page 14. And finally, near the back of this newsletter, we’ve included the regular co

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Carrier (UK) Pension Scheme - SIP - 2021

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RSC Read & Publish scheme

Read & Publish Can we achieve a sustainable flow of quality open research? When research is openly available, it can be disseminated more widely, aiding and accelerating vital discovery. We are advocating an open future that works for everyone by strengthening debate, encouraging transparency, and improving choice throughout the publishing process. The Royal Society of Chemistry’s Read & Publish scheme helps both authors and institutions gradually tip the balance of their publishing output towards open access, making the process easier, more sustainable, and financially viable.

Fundamental questions Elemental answers

Registered charity number: 208790

How does Read & Publish work? Read & Publish lets corresponding authors at institutions publish gold open access (OA) in Royal Society of Chemistry hybrid journals and provides perpetual access rights to the entire journal portfolio.

Author submits a paper

Paper is accepted (after the peer-review process)

We recognise corresponding authors by email domain

We let the author know they can publish OA via their institutions Read & Publish agreement

Paper is published OA

Monthly and annual reports are provided to each institution showing the number of articles counted against the agreement

Author completes a licence

The benefits For researchers

All extra costs for publishing in hybrid journals covered

Publishing OA maximises the visibility of your work

Choose either a CC-BY or CC-BY NC licence

For institutions

Automatic identification of corresponding authors means reduced admin

Perpetual access rights to our entire journal portfolio

Makes publishing open access the default choice for authors

Read & Publish pricing

Reading fee

Publishing fee

Transition discount

Total price

Your version of Read & Publish will be priced according to your publishing output and the RSC’s output as a whole, so will vary between institutions. Because it takes time to adjust when changing from a subscription-based model, you will get a discount built in to your agreement to help with this.