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Single Page Summary.FairElectionsFoundation


Our Non-Partisan Mission To restore the reality and the perception that elections in the United States are fair, > Through state-wide public referendums and legislative action, institute the 10 FAIR ELECTIONS AssuRANCE PRINCIPLES (FEAP} as the consensus benchmark upon which to measure the integrity of election laws and practices in the U.S.A. > To establish FEAP Certification by a non-partisan Board of Directors as the recognized independent verification of the integrity of a state's election law and practices. As important as:

-- GENERALLY ACCEPTID ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES (GAAP) were to assuring accounting integrity 80 years ago, -· UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES STANDARDS {UL) were to assuring the safety of electronic products,

Note: Like many long-trusted "Standards" or "Guiding Principles," GAAP and UL were created by independent non-profit organizations - not the government, not politicians. Similarly, FEAP Principles are the product of an independent non-profit foundation, THE FAIR ELECTIONS FOUNDATION - not government, not politicians. Step 1: Build Awareness To employ and deploy resources with proven effectiveness in Public Relations, Social Media, Print & Broadcast Media, Web Marketing, Direct Mail, and Special Events, Specific messages include: > Unless we act now, the faith that Americans had in their elections as recently as 25 years ago will not be restored. > As the world's oldest surviving Democracy, we have repeatedly witnessed that once nation's elections are viewed as lacking integrity, the result is a slippery slope at the bottom of which is authoritarianism. > We owe our children, grandchildren, and those come after the same country we were born into - a Democracy confident in the integrity of its elections. (Prior to year 2000, the last disputed U.S. Presidential Election was in 1886! Since then, three have been disputed: Bush/Gore, Trump/Clinton, Biden/Trump,) Step 2: Unite the Majority and Topple the Status Quo Ih�.r:n�'.. Q.f citizens in every state - regardless of their political persuasion - are civic-minded, They recognize that confidence in the fairness of elections is essential to the Democracy upon which our Republic stands. But, in every state there will be a vocal minority opposing laws that are based on Fair Election Principles. This minority includes: > Political Party Activists (to gain or retain their party's advantage in their state) > Career Politicians (to hang on to their seats in the legislature in perpetuity) > Ideological Zealots (who are OK with an unfair election if it serves a "greater good") > Consultants ("hired guns" who make their living exploiting weaknesses in election laws) > Special Interests (to exploit weak laws to give an advantage to candidates that serve their organizational or business interests) Note: This minority won't give up without afight. It will not be thefirst time that powerful interests are defeated by �Q.�.mgi'lritl'..CJ! Americans who put fundamental fairness above self-interest. The FEAP Stipulation FEAP Certification requires all 10 Principles be equally affirmed in the state's law. FEAP stipulates that new election law introduced to better affirm one FEAP Principle cannot diminish the affirmation of another principle. For example: Assume that a new law is introduced to affirm the Principal of ACCURACY, but the new law also negatively impacts the Principle of voter ACCESSIBILITY. FEAP stipulates that the new law must include a compensatory provision that raises the level ofACCESSIBILITY to at least the level it was prior to the change in law.