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SIP 2017-18 draft v1.2

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SIP 2017-18 draft v1.2

At Abbey, children are at the heart of what we do. We will foster a love of learning and make learning fun. We will take sensible risks leading to memorable, challenging learning. We will help our children to learn to think, challenge and have confidence to shape their world. Our children will have a voice. We recognise that each child is unique and celebrate the successes of all. We will promote tolerance and mutual respect as part of a global community. We want all our children to thrive and lead happy, healthy lives.

AN OVERVIEW OF SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT PLANS FOR 2017-18.. Grey summary is hyperlinked to relevant section.

Raising Attainment and Pupil progress

Quality of teaching

Personal development, Behaviour and welfare


Leadership. Management and Governance

a . FP 1 – I-can AFL; Spelling; ICT (KI OFSTED)

a. Visualiser modelling; AFL; Planning notebook; 2-Primary Assess

a. BP 6 – Adult roles; CIL planning; outdoor resource accessibility

a . BP 1 Middle leaders subject leads; Abbey X teacher research; Governor link year group; peer QA cycle

a. BP 4. Daily activity; PE confidence; staff confidence

b. FP 2 Practical Mathematics and mastery application; AFL

e. BP 7 Curriculum delivery; % at ARE+;

b BP 5 SEN transition; LTS Emotion coaching

Parental workshops and curricular support for e- safety.

BP 3 – Life-skills; Foundation CDP; Resource storage

Link Governors: Laura Wheatley; Marios Hadjianastasis, Lisa Simmons

Link Governors: Laura Wheatley, Pam Eling,

Link Governors: Patrick Redmond; Jane Gowing; Clive Williams; Rob Hart

Link Governors: Jane Gowing; Miriam Atkins

Link Governors: Patrick Redmond; Laura Wheatley

Note: Governors linked either to the specific FP, BP or overarching headline area. Current situation as at May 2017.

Both schools are now OE 2 (Inf @ May 2013; Jr @ May 2015). Teaching is consistently good and progress is good across all key stages and rising at key stage 2. Behaviour is good and safety is outstanding. Leadership and Management is good overall with strengths in SLT & Governance. Safeguarding has been externally scrutinised by the LCSB and is outstanding; Financial audit has rated infants as ‘satisfactory assurances’; Juniors as ‘Outstanding assurances’; deficit recovered at infants and budget remains balanced. Infants due for building solution within three years; 50K annual investment for KS2 each and every year for three years; three-year budget within 5% of carry-forward. School has been awarded BSQM; AFPE; Music Mark; NAPTA; Sainsbury’s Gold; Speaker’s Award; PE Premium Award, ICT Mark, Coachmark. Expectations by Summer 2018 – Overarching outcomes statement.

In Y1,3,4,5 the proportion of children making expected and better than expected progress against the school’s own curriculum is 90%/35%.

In Y2 & Y6 the school’s attainment places us close to FFT 20 therefore in the top 20% of schools for progress.

In EYFS the GLD remains at national or above; the proportion of pupils making good progress against the school’s curriculum is 90%/35%

Pupil premium children attainment and progress match the non-pupil premium in-school group and diminish the difference to the national non-disadvantaged group or is rapidly improving.

Specific outcomes from ASP, post July 2017 outcomes assessment information:

Success criteria (measuring the desired outcomes) – see individual section plans

Additional possible avenues to share success – Basic Skills Quality Mark (BSQM); E-Safety 360 Quality Mark; ICT Mark; Inclusion Mark; Arts Mark; Investors in People; PSQM; Anti-bullying mark. Note: The ‘When’ column indicates the start time of most of the aspects The grid below shows where aspects will be returned to so that the SIP spreads developments across the academic year.











Month Number check




INSET 3 & 1






















Aspect number check







4 + 2 x INSET




Shading refers to when there will be staff meetings through the year. Blue indicate extended twilight in lieu of INSET Jan 2018. 2 x staff meeting in lieu parents’ evening Oct & Feb 4 x staff meeting transition scrutiny.

Focussed priority 1

ENGLISH Click here to return to the summary

What Will be different for the children?

Further embedding the use of ‘I can’ stickers in cross curricular books will ensure that children can measure their own progress and achievement. Remaining stickers will indicate targets for future work, enabling children to set targets for themselves. This will lead to a greater focus for self and peer assessment. Improving the use of ICT in English lessons will raise the level of children’s engagement as lessons will be more varied and interesting. Children’s ICT skills will also improve and lead to a greater confidence with new technology. A greater focus on spelling will ensure that children will spell most words more accurately across the federation. Children will be able to apply their knowledge of spelling patterns in areas across the curriculum.

Targets – What we will achieve:

Success Criteria – How will we know we have achieved it?

1 – Consistent use of ‘I can’ statements/stickers in cross curricular books

1 – The use of stickers will accurately reflect the attainment/progress of children when writing independently.

2 – ICT is used effectively in different areas of English

2 – Through the regular cycle of QA, it will be clear that varied ICT opportunities are planned for and children can articulate this through pupil conferencing as evidenced through the new notebook format. 3 – Planning will show that spelling is a focus during T4W units where teachers will make more explicit reference to the application of spelling patterns/HFW/CEW. T4W texts will contain words that the children will have learnt as this will give them the opportunity to apply their knowledge in the T4W unit.

3 – Spelling is taught effectively across the federation

Book scrutinies will show that children are able to correct spelling errors using their ‘purple pens of power’

Staff will use the approach - learn it, use it, correct it! The proportion of pupils reaching ARE + spelling maths or exceeds the % ARE + tracker

Key People, including Leader.

Funding & resources.


Stickers, e-resources, staff meeting time





What We will do to achieve the targets: - A review will be conducted of current use of writing I-can statements – are we using the correct ones? Are there too many? A review of how stickers have been used – book scrutiny & discussion. Which books have they been used

MM/HL with input from all staff

By the end of September

SMT, QA, link Governor, HT

MM/HL with input from all staff

By the end of September

SMT, QA, link Governor, HT

Focussed priority 1

ENGLISH Click here to return to the summary

in? Where in the books have they been used? All classes will have stickers re-issued for the new academic year. Staff will have specific guidance for consistent usage in the new school year. Key leaders will review use and update guidance as part of QA cycle. Staff to be supported through bespoke CPD with planning more varied opportunities for children (e.g. relevant APPS for each year group, QR codes, school e-resources such as education city, purple mash etc…) Staff will be given allocated time in a staff meeting to review/revise T4W texts, ensuring that spelling patterns are reflected.


By the end of September By the end of September

SMT, QA, link Governor, HT


SMT, QA, link Governor, HT


SMT, QA, link Governor, HT


By the end of November

SMT, QA, link Governor, HT


By the end of November

SMT, QA, link Governor, HT

Staff will show spelling patterns/HFW/CEW used on planning

All staff

By the end of November

SMT, QA, link Governor, HT

ICT is used as a tool to develop ICT in English lessons

All staff

SMT, QA, link Governor, HT


Who evaluates?

How will they evaluate? Summative scrutiny

Who will outcomes be reported to? Phases, composite school report and summary for GB.

Using the broad range of monitoring evidence gathered across the school – 5 x ½ termly Planning scrutiny, Pupil Voice, Learning Walk, Lesson observations and book scrutiny.

SMT group & Link Governors

of range of monitoring

Focussed priority 2 What Will be different for the children?

MATHEMATICS Click here to return to the summary

Planning and assessment of mathematics.

Use of practical mathematics and consolidation of the CPA approach.

‘Mastery for All’ and Mastery with greater-depth from EYFS to Year6)

Targets – What we will achieve: All staff to understand what ‘Mastery’ and ‘Mastery with greater depth’ is for all children.

Success Criteria – How will we know we have achieved it? The proportion of children reaching’ mastery within each group mirrors that of national group of pupils at ARE at the end of KS1 and KS2.

The concept of mastery and its use is understood by all to be: fluency, reasoning and problem solving.

Extend ‘Finale Friday to Y5

The use of concrete, pictorial and abstract representations are further embedded into planning and used appropriately. All staff confident and competent in using the relevant resources for their specific age range and children. Examples are clear from notebook planner. Staff are able to plan CPA activities that ensure children can show ‘Mastery for all’ and ‘Mastery with greater depth’ using fluency, reasoning and problem solving in daily mathematics lessons. Examples are clear from notebook planner.

Ensure the consistent use of practical resources in daily mathematics lessons using the appropriate resources for specific children and year groups. (From EYFS to Year 6) using the CPA approach (Concrete, pictorial, abstract). Ensure that planning, assessment grids, NCETM assessment, cross curricular mathematics ensure that the NC mathematics is covered with enough depth and revisiting.

NCETM mastery material supports the school’s I-can statements.

Cross-curricular mathematics planned for and evidenced by:

1 example of cross curricular in Autumn term 2 examples of cross curricular in Spring term. 2 examples of cross curricular in Summer term.

Key People, including Leader.

Funding & resources.





What We will do to achieve the targets: -

Mastery for all and Mastery with greater depth. Staff meeting to share ideas and research of Mastery and what it looks like. (Especially EYFS) Evaluation of stepping stones from ELG to start Autumn 1 Year 1. Planning and assessment for ‘Mastery of Mathematics’ Staff meeting/ workshops to re-evaluate the Abbey assessment grids to match all aspects of NC.

NR All teaching staff including LSP

SMT, QA, link Governor, HT

All staff

By the end of September

SMT, QA, link Governor, HT

NR Reception staff and Year 1 staff.

By the end of September

SMT, QA, link Governor, HT

SMT, QA, link Governor, HT

Phase meetings

SMT, QA, link Governor, HT

Focussed priority 2

MATHEMATICS Click here to return to the summary

The use of mathematics targets to be revised. (Should they be weekly or termly?) Workshops to help deliver cross-curricular mathematics ideas. (including Outside mathematics Learning) CIL and Forest Schools, and a Mathematics week) Staff meeting on how to use the NCETM mastery document and school assessment sheet to plan and assess alongside NC. Staff meeting to consolidate the CPA approach to mathematics in all year groups and topic areas. Workshops/phase meetings on the use of Apps in iPads (Guidance on mathematics apps) Audit resources for measurement e.g. scales and buy appropriate ones. Practical Mathematics/CPA approach

NR (and other experts within school AP Forest school)

By the end of November

SMT, QA, link Governor, HT

All staff NR

By the end of November

SMT, QA, link Governor, HT

SMT, QA, link Governor, HT

All staff NR

SMT, QA, link Governor, HT

All staff

By the end of March

SMT, QA, link Governor, HT


By the end of March

SMT, QA, link Governor, HT

Staff meeting to share ideas that Jack Hartman physical mathematics.

All staff NR

By the end of March

SMT, QA, link Governor, HT


Who evaluates?

How will they evaluate? Summative scrutiny of range of monitoring

Who will outcomes be reported to? Phases, composite school report and summary for GB.

Using the broad range of monitoring evidence gathered across the school – 5 x ½ termly Planning scrutiny, Pupil Voice, Learning Walk, Lesson observations and book scrutiny.

SMT group & Link Governors

Background Priority 1

LEADERSHIP & MANAGEMENT Click here to return to the summary

What Will be different for the children?

Further develop the role of aspiring middle leaders to apply their skills to improve one or more subject areas.

Develop the role of governors so that more time is spent with staff beyond the leadership team to check, challenge and support through first hand observation, aspects of school provision.

Develop the use of Abbey QA to consistently use staff beyond the leadership group to support continual school improvement

Develop the use of Abbey X – teacher research to trial innovation within the classroom; link to the continuation of coaching.

Targets – What we will achieve:

Success Criteria – How will we know we have achieved it?

Use of time limited TLR to develop the leadership and accountability of aspiring middle leaders for subject aspects.

Governors allocate link year groups and are known to all staff within that group. First hand observation, dialogue, support and challenge increase and is evidenced through link governor visits. GB SEF is sharp, evaluative and based on first hand observation. Each QA cycle involves one team member from each year group so that the QA cycle is done ‘with’ and team colleagues can articulate to others the evidence for and exemplification of both food practice and areas to improve. Staff are empowered to try our research based TLA ‘experiments (Abbey X)’ to Inform, extend, challenge and shape practice in the future. Evidenced by simple proposal form, plan and impact measures linked to pupil progress >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 20 Page 21 Page 22 Page 23 Page 24


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