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Smart Real Estate Coach - April 2019

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Smart Real Estate Coach - June 2019

2–3 hours. 3. Let meat rest for 15 minutes. If desired, serve alongside grilled veggies. 3 855-667-7

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Smart Real Estate Coach - May 2019

Smart Real Estate Coach - May 2019 WICKED SMÄRT MONTHLY 855-667-7336 05

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Smart Real Estate Coach - March 2019

Smart Real Estate Coach - March 2019 WICKED SMÄRT MONTHLY 03.19 855-667

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Smart Real Estate Coach - January 2019

riding. I then went on to the University of Rhode Island, where I was the Captain of the URI IHSA eq

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Smart Real Estate Coach - February 2019

Smart Real Estate Coach - February 2019 WICKED SMÄRT MONTHLY 02.19 855-

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Smart Real Estate Coach - September 2018

Smart Real Estate Coach - September 2018 WICKED SMÄRT MONTHLY 09.18 855

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Smart Real Estate Coach - October 2018

Smart Real Estate Coach - October 2018 WICKED SMÄRT MONTHLY 10.18 855-6

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Smart Real Estate Coach - November 2018

Smart Real Estate Coach - November 2018 WICKED SMÄRT MONTHLY 11.18 855-

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Smart Real Estate Coach - December 2018

Smart Real Estate Coach - December 2018 WICKED SMÄRT MONTHLY 12.18 855-

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Kimberly-Vincent Luxury Real Estate - April 2020

239-444-8298 The Best New Way to Buy and Sell OUR HIGH-TECH RESPONSE TO COVID-19 These last few mont

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Smart Real Estate Coach - April 2019

WICKED SMÄRT MONTHLY 855-667-7336 04.19

‘TODAY IS THE FATHER OF TOMORROW’ Planting Seeds for Success

One of my favorite old adages, “Today is the father of tomorrow,” essentially means that those who plan wisely today gain wisdom to make fruitful decisions in the future and the good fortune to reap benefits previously sown. Because our entire team here at Smart Real Estate Coach values our Associates’ abilities to plan for the future, we fundamentally believe that a person who thinks only of their life in the present tense isn’t accomplishing all they can to set themselves up for success down the road. As farmers and gardeners all across the country prepare for spring temperatures, they understand the principle of planting now to be able to harvest later better than anyone. But the best of them will tell you that the key to this system is how cyclic it is — even after you harvest all of your crops, the work doesn’t stop. To continue the cycle, you must fix your eyes on the next planting season and adequately prepare. From a business, financial, and investment perspective, this notion is just as true. We don’t believe in get-rich-quick schemes and never have. Our own collective

experiences have taught us that you can’t simply hope for growth; you have to plant seeds for it in the years prior to be able to reap success later on. Then, even after you experience growth, you still need to continue planting seeds to prepare for the future. The cycle doesn’t stop. Two of the most important seeds our team plants every year come in the form of events: our Business Scaling Secrets event, scheduled for April 4–5, and our Quantum Leap System (QLS) live event, scheduled for Sept. 18–20. We purposefully slate these functions in spring and fall to maintain our pattern of sowing and reaping, and in the consecutive years we’ve hosted events, we’ve experienced exponential growth. For example, we have hosted this QLS event every year since 2016. The event initially started in a basement with only 19 people, and by the next year, 47 people had signed up to attend — we’re anticipating 125–150 in attendance in 2019. Attendees — existing and prospective Associates as well as successful investors throughout the U.S.

— will add to their knowledge of buying and selling on terms and be able to access new legal forms and negotiation tips. These takeaways will help them multiply their profits with ample new opportunities. The growth our events have sustained since their early days stems from the continuous preparation and hard work of our team, speakers, Associates, and students successfully doing deals who attend. While our past functions have supplied attendees with lead sources, goal timelines, word-for-word scripts, and trade secrets, we know that both of the events scheduled for 2019 will be even more helpful. If you want more information about our events or need some guidance planting your own seeds for success, be sure to check or QLSLive. com. You can also go to our website at Hope to hear from you soon!

-Chris Prefontaine



Published by The Newsletter Pro

How Bill Reich Became Part of Our Coaching Team THE RESULTS O Over the last two years, one of our High 6 Associates, Bill Reich, has demonstrated his ability to follow, buy, and sell on terms using our successful and lucrative approach. He has had so much success doing his own deals that we’ve invited him to join our coaching team! We are all so excited to have him aboard. Regarding his experience, Bill explains, “Joining the Smart Real Estate Coach team is ironic because, for years, I always told myself that I never needed a coach or mentor; I was smart enough to figure everything out on my own. As my entire career is earmarked with error after error, I realized that it’s never too late in life to learn important lessons.


The Interesting Methods They Use to Fight Predators

Many trees and plants are beginning to bloom, which means that they will soon have to ward off various predators. Most animals have a fight-or-flight response when faced with a dangerous situation, but plants can’t run or physically fight the dangers they face on a daily basis. However, what they lack in claws and teeth, they make up for in chemical and mechanical defenses. EXTERNAL DEFENSES Many of us are familiar with thorns, prickles, and spines, which are all examples of a plant’s physical defense. But many other plants’ physical defenses are not as obvious. Trees protect themselves with thick, hard-to-eat bark, which is comprised of a natural polymer called lignin. Leaves are often coated in a natural wax, which deters most insects and pathogens. Some leaves have trichomes, which are sharp, hair-like features that stab or prick insects’ legs as they try to land or walk on its surface. Trichomes often also release toxins that can cause irritation and inflammation. Some plants contain microscopic, sharp crystals that puncture and inject chemicals into an animal’s mouth once they’ve bitten it. INTERNAL DEFENSES When a plant’s external defense fails, its internal protection takes charge. A plant lacks an immune system; instead, each cell is programmed to defend against any foreign object that comes in contact with it. If an insect or disease attacks the plant, the plant will thicken its cell walls with waxy plating, close its leaf pores, and kill off sections of itself to preserve the whole plant. Plants also have unique chemicals that are deadly to insects and microbes, some of which we use today as seasonings, medicine, or drugs. In addition to toxic compounds, plants can release hormones into the air that warn neighboring plants or even attract other insects to kill would-be attackers.


Being mentors in the real estate business, we always encourage both prospective and existing Associates to ask questions regarding any aspect of buying and selling on terms. Like anything else in life, learning a new trade takes time. Initially, the systems may seem far more complex than they actually are. That’s where our coaches come in. Here’s one of our most frequently asked questions with feedback.


If you’ve been listening to my podcast at SmartRealEstateCoachPodcast. com for a while now, you know that I like it when our guests take us behind the green curtain and share their story, their insights, and the

If you’ve decided to plant a garden this year, take some time to find out which natural defenses your plants wield.


REAL REAL ESTATE “Before finding Chris, I felt so inundated with resources that I didn’t know where to start. While I’d been in investment and commercial real estate, buying and selling on terms is its own niche, so I spent a year taking courses, watching webinars, and going to lectures. I spent thousands of dollars. It was like trying to take a sip of water from a fire hose. It wasn’t until I started working with Chris and his team that I felt like I could breathe again! Over time, I’ve found that I can be my own worst enemy because I often have a hard time looking at the big picture. Chris has helped me get out of the way of my own successes and taught me the value of outsourcing so I can put my focus where it needs to be. “One of the aspects that I love most is Chris’ overarching adherence to the principles he teaches, one of them being ACAA: take Action, then Critique, then Adjust, then take Action again. It’s a simple method based on making small adjustments, but it’s been overwhelmingly helpful for me and several other Associates I’ve mentored. My biggest hope as a new coach is to let future Associates learn from the mistakes I made and point them in the right direction for their own successes. “My suggestion to anyone who comes across Smart Real Estate Coach and doesn’t feel ready to take advantage of the information and tools being offered is to let go of the fear and just do it! If you want to succeed in this business, I honestly can’t think of a better way than what they’ve created.” RNER YOU HAVE QUESTIONS. WE HAVE ANSWERS.





DIRECTIONS • 12 ounces pasta, ideally fusilli • 1/2 pound broccoli florets • 2 carrots, shredded • 1 yellow bell pepper, cut into strips • 1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil • 4 cloves garlic, thinly sliced • 1 pint cherry tomatoes, halved • 1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes • 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese, ideally Parmigiano-Reggiano • Kosher salt, for pasta water and to taste 1. In a large pot, liberally salt water and bring to a boil. Add fusilli and cook according to package directions. Add broccoli, carrots, and bell pepper during the last 2 minutes of cook time. 2. Drain the pasta and veggies, reserving 1/2 cup of cooking liquid. Return pasta and veggies to pot. 3. In a large skillet, heat olive oil to medium heat. Add garlic and cook until translucent and golden, 30 seconds. Add tomatoes, red pepper flakes, and 1 teaspoon salt. Cook until tomatoes are wilted, about 2 minutes. Stir in reserved pasta water. 4. Add tomato mixture to pasta pot, stirring to coat evenly. 5. Divide into bowls, top with Parmesan cheese, and serve.

decisions they made to get where they are today. But you might be surprised to find out that prior to hosting my own show, podcasting was a bit of a foreign concept to me — I knew how it worked, but I didn’t know how big of an impact it would have on both my credibility and my ROI. Having your own show can grow your reputation as an expert in this space. Through every single episode, you’re able to position yourself to boost credibility, add a personal touch, and differentiate yourself from others in the investment arena. Owner financing — in which you’re buying and selling on creative terms as an investor — is a major growth opportunity, and a podcast can surely help with that.

partners. What about banks that want to be in front of your buyers and your sellers? What about private lenders who want to be in front of your >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4

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