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South Windsor Neck & Back - January 2019

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South Windsor Neck & Back -January 2018

South Windsor Neck & Back -January 2018 Spinal The COLUMN JAN 2018 860.644.2437 WWW.FUNCTIONFORLIFE.

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South Windsor Neck & Back - February 2019

4 cup extra-virgin olive oil • • 1 pound ground pork • • • • 1 cup whole milk

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South Windsor Neck & Back - September 2018

2 medium onion, finely chopped 1 medium carrot, finely chopped 1 cup water 1 cup grated fontina chee

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South Windsor Neck & Back - June 2018

2-inch loaf pans. Creambutter in electric mixer until light and fluffy, about 5 minutes. Cream in 2

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South Windsor Neck & Back - October 2018

2-pound purple potatoes sliced into small wedges Directions 1. Heat 1 tablespoon of olive oil over l

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South Windsor Neck & Back - July 2018

4 cup fresh cilantro leaves, chopped 8 flour tortillas 2 tablespoons peanut oil 1 red onion, chopped

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South Windsor Neck & Back - May 2018

4 cup hoisin sauce Iceberg, bibb, or butter lettuce leaves, rinsed and drained 2 teaspoons fresh gin

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South Windsor Neck & Back - April 2018

2 cup chicken broth Directions 3. Glaze pan with wine, and addminced garlic. Cook until the liquid i

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South Windsor Neck & Back - March 2018

2 cups of warm liquid in the eggmixture. Then pour the warmed egg liquid into the rice-milk mixture.

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South Windsor Neck & Back - December 2018

or crushedThin Mints. Cover the mixture and refrigerate it for two hours. Combine butter and cream c

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South Windsor Neck & Back - January 2019

Spinal The


860.644.2437 WWW.FUNCTIONFORLIFE.COM The First Step Offering More Wellness Options for Our Patients

T his past November, I had a revelation about my health. Even as a medical professional, I’m not immune to the tendency to put my health on the back burner, and like most of the medical community, it’s difficult for me to notice my own poor health when I’m so focused on helping my patients. However, I had begun to feel more lethargic, and regular activities were leaving me tired and breathless. It had been a few years since I’d adhered to a regular fitness routine, but I knew I had to start as soon as possible. Despite the holiday season looming on the calendar, I jumped into a fitness routine. It may seem like strange timing, but if I figured that if I could devote myself to a workout routine and healthful choices during a time of great temptation, then I could succeed during the rest of the calendar year. Besides, the holidays are only a handful of days throughout the year; I could indulge one day and return to focusing on my well-being the next. I joined a program at the local gym, Synergy Massage & Fitness, and I now spend about a half hour to 45 minutes a few times per week focusing on my strength and core integrity by doing a combination of yoga, core training, and flexibility movements. It gives me a nice, short check-in with myself, and it’s focused on my needs and goals. Within a few weeks of starting this regimen, I began to notice a difference. I was more agile, and my balance was being restored. My energy was heightened, but the best part of my improvement wasn’t immediately visible. Over time, I began feeling better because of the work I was putting into my body — and that’s a feeling I want to extend to my patients.

Starting this January, we are partnering with Synergy to offer our patients classes and programs that are geared toward their needs and fitness goals. We know that recovering from an injury or learning to live with better spinal health is an adjustment (chiropractic pun intended), but we also know your commitment to a healthy back translates to a desire for an overall healthier body. This partnership has been in the works since this fall, and we’re excited to see the results and watch our patients accomplish their goals. In 2019, we’re also looking to extend our health and wellness offerings to include nutritional assistance. We’re in the process of completing our research and development on how this will fit with our patients, but we know it’s the best way we can help them continue to advance. As I’ve been learning through my time at Synergy, the key to achieving your personal goals is to take each step as it comes. You have to start slow and build up to your goals, setting micro-goals along the way. Our society has recently placed a lot of focus on the quick fix. Consumers crave instant results for the products they buy, and companies are molding their strategies around this idea. Unfortunately, your health isn’t the same. Just how years of torment or unhealthy choices may have led you to where you are today, an improvement in overall health is a slow, careful shift in your focus. And it all starts with the first step. -Dr. Chris Colby


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“Relief today...function for life!”


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Whenmost people think of Pilates, they think of the exercise trend that was the butt of a hundred ’90s sitcom jokes. In reality, this systemof stretches and workouts is a great option for people of all ages looking to stay active, tone their muscles, and improve their balance, all withminimal space and equipment requirements. One need only look at the history of Pilates to understand how this century-old discipline has helped shape exercise science today. Unlikely Beginnings The man for whom the Pilates system is named, Joseph Pilates, was no stranger to health challenges. Born in Germany in the late 19th century, Joseph suffered fromboth asthma and rickets, making any formof physical activity difficult. But rather than shy away from exercise, he enthusiastically followed his father into gymnastics, later picking up bodybuilding andmartial arts. Instead of being held back by his body, Josephmade it his life’s mission to help

far as training ScotlandYard officers in self-defense after moving to England in 1912. Then the FirstWorldWar broke out. Despite having worked closely with English law enforcement, Joseph’s nationality was enough to land him in an internment camp alongside fellowGerman citizens. As the world was consumed by the bloodiest conflict it had ever seen, the young fitness instructor did what he did best: He helped those around himget stronger and healthier.

Knowledge ThroughAdversity In this internment camp, the system that would eventually become Pilates was developed. Because of the constraints of

captivity, Joseph had to devise exercises that didn’t rely heavily on equipment and could be performed in tight, confined spaces. To this day, Pilates remains one of the most flexible, scalable fitness methods around.

himself and others live healthy lives. Eventually, he would begin developing his own fitness theories.

The techniques first developed by Joseph Pilates are still practiced today, helping thousands of people develop their core postural muscles, gain better fitness, and improve their balance. As a result of his forward-looking techniques and steadfast spirit of personal development, Joseph Pilates remains an inspiring figure in the world of physical fitness.

Light in aDark Time Joseph became a known quantity in the fitness world, going as

THE Synergy WAY It’s that time of year again— the weather is cold, the days are short, and you know that snuggled warmly in your home is the best place to be. You have the post-holiday blues because you ate toomuch, and now your clothes don’t fit. Everywhere you look, there is another fitness expert encouraging another NewYear’s resolution. You know this is the best time to address your physical fitness and get a great deal on it, but youmay be unsure of which route to choose. Most people have misconceptions about what they need to do to be able to attain their fitness goals. The first step is to ask yourself how committed you are to getting results. Exercise is not a temporary solution to a healthy lifestyle— it is an ongoing habit that requires dedication and commitment. There are a million excuses to quit when you first begin a journey toward a healthy lifestyle, but if youmake your goals your priority, you won’t quit this time. Once you’re ready to commit, it’s time to find the right place to work out. A large gym with equipment spread around, mirrors everywhere, and people doing their own thing can be intimidating. This type of gymwill give you all the tools you need, but you still need to learn proper technique, form, and what heart rate parameters are right for you. Youmay be savingmoney up front on this type of conditioning, but youmay have expensive medical bills after a potential injury. The best way to get the results you are looking for —with accountability and education— is to find a personal trainer. When looking for a personal trainer, do your research, because they are all different. A personal trainer should be able to educate Fitness Routine

you in a way that sets you up for success. Meet with your trainer one-on-one to see if they are a goodmatch for you, because if you don’t fit with your trainer, you will not see the results you really want. A studio like Synergy Fitness is a great place to start an exercise routine. If you are looking for a relaxed environment with no judgment, no ego, and—best of all —no mirrors, this is the place for you. Synergy Fitness’philosophy is to help those looking for a healthy, strong, and confident body with personal trainers who take time to educate andmotivate clients, pushing them in positive ways that change their lives. Many clients training at Synergy see a significant improvement in their lifestyle and create positive habits that stick. A strong body is a healthy body, so step out of hibernation and into Synergy! Call Synergy Fitness at 860.432.590 for your free consultation. Your body will love you for it.



“Relief today...function for life!”

Why You Should Be Incorporating Chiropractic Care into Your Workout Regimen

Your ADVANCE Athletics

Whether you’re hoping to run a marathon by the year’s end or working your body up to walking a mile without pain, taking on a new fitness plan can be frustrating and difficult, but ultimately, it’s worth it. Give yourself the best chance for success in 2019 and include chiropractic care in your fitness routine. Not only will you smash your goals, but as the following research points out, your body will thank you. Prevention and Recovery Your spine is an interstate connecting your body together, so any negative and positive impacts on your back and neck can send shockwaves throughout your body. Studies have shown that not only can regular chiropractic adjustments help you recover faster from an injury, but this care can also help you prevent injury. The science behind this is obvious: Chiropractic care is designed to strengthen your spine, translating to a stronger body for recovery or action. Professionals Use It Top athletes rely on the care and expertise of chiropractors to invigorate their bodies for optimal performances on some of the world’s largest stages. Teams from the NFL, MLB, NHL,

and NBA have a chiropractor on staff, and Olympic athletes have regular access to chiropractic care. If chiropractors are a vital piece of athletic performance for these athletes, their expertise can certainly help the student-athlete, weekend warrior, and post- athletic hobbyist looking to start up again. Perform Better Professional athletes don’t just rely on chiropractic care to help them feel good; they also know that regular adjustments will help them perform better. Chiropractic methods have been linked to better performance across a wide variety of athletic disciplines. The work chiropractors do increases flexibility and promotes spinal strength. Additionally, chiropractors are experts on your spine and can monitor your performance and suggest changes in your routine and methods to give you the best chance for success. Make 2019 your best athletic year yet by incorporating regular adjustments into your routine. See how South Windsor Neck & Back can help you achieve your goals by calling 860.644.2437 or by visiting .


Ingredients Bacon Cheddar Warm Up With

Potato Soup As Jack Frost continues to nip our noses in the Northeast, there’s nothing more comforting than a hearty bowl of soup. This recipe pairs well with toasted breads or sandwiches and reheats well. We encourage you to make a large batch and save some for the next time you need a warm, comforting meal this winter!

• • • •

1/2 cup chopped onions 1/2 cup chopped celery

2 14.5-ounce cans chicken broth 4 tablespoons butter 4 tablespoons flour

• • •

2 cups water

• • • •

1 tablespoon dried parsley 1/2 teaspoon white pepper

1 pint whipping cream

3 slices of bacon

• •

12 ounces sharp cheddar cheese, shredded

1 teaspoon paprika

5 cups diced peeled potatoes

Seasoned croutons for garnish


7. Cook the roux over low heat, until it becomes a yellow-blond color. Set mixture aside. 8. Add water, whipping cream, and roux to the cooked potato and broth mixture, continuously stirring until it thickens. 9. Stir in cheese, chopped cooked bacon, parsley, pepper, and paprika. 10. Cook on low until the cheese melts, stirring continuously. 11. Serve with a few croutons for a garnish, and settle in for a warm night in!


Chop onions and celery. Don’t cut these too fine.

2. Render bacon until cooked. Use a slotted spoon to remove the bacon and place on a paper towel. Chop bacon into bite-sized pieces. 3. Sauté the onion and celery in the rendered bacon fat in a large skillet. 4. Add potatoes and broth, and bring mixture to a boil. 5. Reduce heat, simmer, and cover for 15–20 minutes or until potatoes are tender. 6. Melt 4 tablespoons butter in a small skillet and add flour to make a roux.


“Relief today...function for life!”




1330 Sullivan Avenue South Windsor, Connecticut 06074

Inside This Issue

1 2

More Wellness Offerings in 2019

The Origin of Pilates

Get Healthy and Educated


Chiropractic Care for Athletes

Colby’s Kitchen: A Hearty Soup for Winter Why Start the New Year in Winter?


The month of January kicks off by welcoming the new year — there are countdowns, fireworks, and of course, the ball drop in a freezing-coldTimes Square. But why? Why do we start our calendars whenmuch of the U.S. is in the dead of winter?Why January? The short answer is Julius Caesar and Roman politics. The calendar had long been a political tool in Rome. Depending on who was in power, Roman pontifices would add or subtract entire weeks from the year, manually adjusting the term limits of elected officials. As you could imagine, this caused a lot of chaos, because months frequently slipped out of time with the changing seasons. After becoming emperor, Julius Caesar brought about some much-needed reforms. Inspired by the Egyptian solar calendar, Caesar fixed the Roman year at 365 days and instituted the leap year to keepmonths aligned with the solstices. He moved the new year from the spring to the day that elected officials traditionally began their year-long terms, Jan. 1. January? The Origin of New Year’s Day WHY

and subsequent rulers, the Roman Empire expanded its reach, carrying its calendar with it. While much of Europe adopted Caesar’s calendar, NewYear’s Day remained a hot-button issue for centuries. Thanks in part to the spread of Christianity and to the colder conditions in Northern Europe, there was a lot of resistance to the January start date. Religious leaders saw it as a pagan holiday, andmuch of Europe chose to restart the calendar on March 25, during the Feast of Annunciation. Much of Catholic Europe officially recognized Jan. 1 as the start of the new year after Pope Gregory reformed the solar calendar again, correcting certainmathematical errors made in Caesar’s day. There were still holdouts, however. In fact, England and its American colonies continued to celebrate NewYear’s Day in March until 1752. So there you have it —we were very close to having our fireworks celebrations in lovely spring weather. Ultimately, the ubiquity of the Gregorian calendar won out, as the demands of our increasingly interconnected worldmade a shared calendar a necessity. So if you struggle to start your NewYear’s resolutions this winter, blame Julius Caesar.

This choice carried spiritual significance, since January was named for Janus, god of doors and gates. What better month to celebrate new beginnings? Under Caesar



“Relief today...function for life!”

Published by the Newsletter Pro •