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South Windsor Neck & Back - September 2018

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South Windsor Neck & Back -January 2018

South Windsor Neck & Back -January 2018 Spinal The COLUMN JAN 2018 860.644.2437 WWW.FUNCTIONFORLIFE.

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South Windsor Neck & Back - June 2018

2-inch loaf pans. Creambutter in electric mixer until light and fluffy, about 5 minutes. Cream in 2

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South Windsor Neck & Back - October 2018

2-pound purple potatoes sliced into small wedges Directions 1. Heat 1 tablespoon of olive oil over l

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South Windsor Neck & Back - July 2018

4 cup fresh cilantro leaves, chopped 8 flour tortillas 2 tablespoons peanut oil 1 red onion, chopped

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South Windsor Neck & Back - May 2018

4 cup hoisin sauce Iceberg, bibb, or butter lettuce leaves, rinsed and drained 2 teaspoons fresh gin

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South Windsor Neck & Back - April 2018

2 cup chicken broth Directions 3. Glaze pan with wine, and addminced garlic. Cook until the liquid i

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South Windsor Neck & Back - March 2018

2 cups of warm liquid in the eggmixture. Then pour the warmed egg liquid into the rice-milk mixture.

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South Windsor Neck & Back - December 2018

or crushedThin Mints. Cover the mixture and refrigerate it for two hours. Combine butter and cream c

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South Windsor Neck & Back - November 2018

4 cup heavy cream • Directions 1. Heat oven to 400 F. Add butter and oil to a large skillet onmedium

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South Windsor Neck & Back - February 2019

4 cup extra-virgin olive oil • • 1 pound ground pork • • • • 1 cup whole milk

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South Windsor Neck & Back - September 2018

Spinal The



Connected It’s All Putting the Puzzle Pieces of the Body Back Together

The other day, I had a patient come in with a tangled mess of issues plaguing his body. He was an IT professional at a small business, tapping away at a keyboard nearly all day every day. Apparently, he didn’t follow all that advice that’s come out saying that sitting is the new smoking, or read the research about how important the ergonomics of your workspace are to your overall health. His pain had originally developed in his neck and upper back after hundreds of hours of unknowingly craning his head to look down at his monitor. From there, the aches had crept into his arms, settling in after long periods of sitting and never really going away. It didn’t take long for those aches to morph into full-blown carpal tunnel syndrome, which was sometimes so bad that his arms would go to sleep while he was working. His head, too, had started to pound throughout the day. Basically, no matter what he was doing, pain was there, lurking in the back of his mind and generally messing up his whole life. Understandably, he had begun freaking out — after all, what is an IT pro supposed to do if they can’t type on a computer? But after hearing his long list of issues and examining him, I assured him that these were just the kinds of things we chiropractors treat all the time. He, like many patients who come in here, had no idea that his many persistent problems were all linked together in an interlocking web of dysfunction. And so, with the right treatment, they could be unraveled and addressed, almost all at once. First, I made a few adjustments to his shoulders to see what good we could do at the root of the pain. Steadily, I went through each problem area, trying to iron out the neural pathways that had become kinked from hours spent staring

at a computer screen. He came into the office once or twice a week, and as time went on, his issues began to subside. His shoulders stopped tensing up, and his neck lost those nasty kinks. After that, it was only a short time before his carpal tunnel began to diminish, and then disappear altogether. By

addressing his twisted spine, changes cascaded throughout his body, giving him the lasting relief he needed to continue doing the work he loved.

I couldn’t ask for a better career, but I do wish more regular folks understood one fact: Everything in the body is connected. Sure, you may have fallen and banged your knee, but in the process, you twisted your pelvis. Your lower back may be killing you, but it’s also likely the reason your legs are falling asleep. One issue almost always leads to another. Luckily, when the right person realizes what’s actually going on, puts all the pieces together, and takes steps to treat pain at the source, relief can start at one point and spread throughout your body. It just requires the patient to recognize that their body is all one, complex unit — muscles, bones, and tendons interlaced with the nervous system in a seamless and deeply complex web. –Dr. Chris Colby


“Relief today ... function for life!”


With barbecues, trips to the pool, and indulging in refreshing beverages on the patio, summer is full of relaxation and fun. But those heart-pumping, muscle-building trips to the gymmay have become less frequent during the warmer months. If your workout routine went on its own summer vacation, here are three strategies to get back to it. 1. Find something you like to do. Maybe part of the reason your fitness routine took a break was because you didn’t enjoy doing it. If that’s the case, re-evaluate your options. There is no superior formof exercise, and there are plenty of options to align with your preferences. If you couldn’t get enough of hiking in national parks over the summer, join a hiking group in your community. If you prefer being on a team, look for a local adult league for your favorite sport. 2. Set yourself up for success. You would go to that 5:30 p.m. boot camp class, but it’s right in the middle of your daughter’s dance practice. Getting to the gym is half the battle, somake it easier on yourself by preparing in advance. Find a facility with a schedule that easily fits yours. If you’re planning to work out in the morning, set your clothes out the night before, and choose an energetic song for your alarm. If there’s a class after work, consider leaving an extra set of gym clothes at your office so you’ll never have an excuse not to go. Summer Did Your Workout Routine Take a Vacation? Jump Back in With These Strategies

3. Make your workout an unavoidable part of your day. It’s tempting to join your coworkers for happy hour, especially when that outdoor patio is just around the block from your office. But what if it were that easy to get to the gym? Look for facilities that are on your commute, near your work, or close to home. If it’s easy to get to, you’ll be more likely to go and still have time for that drink afterward. It may take time tomake your workout routine a seamless part of your life, but implementing some of these strategies will make it easier andmore enjoyable. You might even find yourself looking forward to back-to-the-gym season!

Posture Evaluation AND

Chiropractic Exam


Is Your Backpack Making the Grade?

FREE Exam Saturday, Sept. 15

The beginning of a new school year invites a lot of discussion of the word “back.” You say “back to school,” and “pack your backpack,” but few people stop to consider the effect that this time of year has on one of the most overworked parts of their bodies: their actual backs! That’s why our team here at South Windsor Neck & Back wants to offer free posture and backpack evaluations this month. With all the crisp, clean notebooks, freshly sharpened pencils, and dense, word-filled books weighing down your backpack this fall, our chiropractors want to make sure that those school supplies aren’t ruining your posture and that you are maintaining a healthy spine. So, be sure to clear your schedule from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 15. You can expect a posture check, a backpack size-up, and open discussion with parents. Additionally, our clinic will be providing some healthy snacks for you, as well as some great lunch recipes that you and your family can put to use this school year.

10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Each student that comes will be checked individually, so bring your family, friends, relatives, and teachers, and make sure they bring their backpacks along with them!



“Relief today ... function for life!”

The Problem With Heavy Backpacks

Your Child’s Shoulders A WEIGHT ON

The kids are back in school, and you know what that means: relief that you don’t have to keep them entertained every moment of the day mixed with the stress of shuttling them to a huge number of sports practices and extracurricular activities. But for your kid, the hardest part of school won’t be their first algebra test — it’ll be the 30-pound backpack warping their spine throughout the semester. In 2009, Consumer Reports ran a study on how extra-durable backpacks were affecting the amount of weight young kids were carrying. They discovered that, between the second to fourth grades, most kids’ workloads weighed around five pounds. But by sixth grade, backpack weight ranged from 18 pounds all the way up to a whopping 30. It should be pretty obvious that if you lug around a massive weight on your back every day, you’re going to end up with some back issues. This goes double for kids. It’s recommended that kids don’t wear backpacks that are more than 10 to 20 percent of their weight. So, if an average 12-year-old boy weighs

91 pounds, his backpack should be no more than 9.1–18.2 pounds — and preferably toward the lighter end of that spectrum. Of course, kids today are under more strain than ever, lugging around denser and more serious textbooks than we did when we were young. Because they’re forced to weigh themselves down day in and day out, it’s important to address the issue before it becomes serious. Regular chiropractic adjustments can go a long way in preventing back pain and injury in patients of all ages, no matter how heavy their load may be. By assessing their particular body structure and guiding the spine and bones toward proper alignment, your child’s anatomy will have the support it needs to foster healthy growth and development for years to come. Don’t let heavy backpacks diminish your child’s well-being. Call South Windsor Neck & Back today at 860.644.2437 and give your child the help he or she needs to avoid pain and injury well into the future.

TAKE a Break

Angie Colby’s Sausage and Broccolini Risotto

We knowhowhard it can be to find time to get dinner ready once the kids are back in school. Fortunately, Angie has a delicious, healthy recipe you canwhip up in no time!


• •

3 tablespoons unsalted butter

• • • • • • •

1 cup Arborio rice

1 bunch (about 8 ounces) broccolini, roughly chopped 12 ounces sweet Italian sausage, casings removed

1 clove garlic, minced 1/3 cup dry white wine

2 cups low-sodium chicken broth 1 14-ounce can diced tomatoes

• •

1/2 medium onion, finely chopped 1 medium carrot, finely chopped

1 cup water

1 cup grated fontina cheese


1. Heat oven to 450 F. On stovetop, melt 1 tablespoon of butter in an ovenproof pot over high heat. Add broccolini and stir-fry 3–4 minutes until tender. Transfer broccolini to plate and set aside. 2. Add sausage, onion, and carrot to pot and brown the meat. Add rice and garlic and cook for 1 minute. Add wine and cook until evaporated. Add chicken broth, tomatoes, and water. Cover pot and bring to a boil. 3. Move pot to oven and bake for 15 minutes. Once rice is tender, remove pot from oven and add 2 tablespoons of butter and fontina cheese. Stir vigorously until creamy, then mix in broccolini. Serve hot and enjoy!

Football Touchdown Quarterback

Barbecue September Harvest Apple Students Homecoming

Autumn Equinox LaborDay


“Relief today ... function for life!”




1330 Sullivan Avenue South Windsor, Connecticut 06074

Inside This Issue

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The Intricate Connections of the Human Body 3 Fitness Strategies for the Back-to-School Season Bring Your Backpack for a Free Checkup Heavy Backpacks Cause Injury; Chiropractic Can Help. Angie’s Sausage and Broccolini Risotto 3 Tips to Help Organize Your Crazy Life



School has started. Youth sports are in full swing. Work is crazy. Food has become more about necessity than enjoyment. All of this can only mean one thing: Fall has begun. The crazy schedules this time of year can make it tough for parents to keep their heads on straight; making it through the insanity sometimes feels more like survival than life. But there are tactics you can employ to turn the tide and find more time for yourself. Tag Team There’s no reason to try to do everything on your own. The phrase “It takes a village to raise a child” exists because managing the stressors of life requires help. A great place to start is by establishing car pools with a parent group you trust. You can alternate drivers weekly, which provides the opportunity for you to focus your attention on other priorities — or if you’re lucky, have some freedom. The Right Tool for the Job Technology makes organization easier and more accessible than ever. By using a tool like a shared calendar, you can coordinate the entire family’s schedule so you Crazy Schedules? Manage Your Kids’ Need a Personal Assistant to Try These 3 Tips Instead

never miss a beat. And apps like Mealime and MealBoard give you the ability to whip up food that is cost-effective and delicious. Teamwork Makes the Dream Work While you’re busy trying to rally the troops at soccer practice, the scene at home resembles a horror movie. Laundry is piling up, food is spoiling in the fridge, and the dust bunnies around the house now have names. Housecleaning is a part- time job in its own right. The only way to stay on top of duties around the house is to work together. A chore chart with clear responsibilities is a great place to start. Whether you have one child or eight, everyone is capable of pitching in. You can have all the organizational abilities in the world, but the best way to manage life’s madness isn’t by directing day-to-day tasks; it’s by managing stress. Instead of using these tools to control life, look at them as a way to free up time so you can decompress and enjoy the things you love.



“Relief today ... function for life!”