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Spinal Stenosis, Don't Let it Stop You

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Nebraska PT_Don't Let Spinal Stenosis Stop You

2 of the marinade mixture on top, give it all a shake or stir, then allow shrimp to marinate in the

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Spinal Stenosis

Spinal Stenosis Health & Fitness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body “ Stand T

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Don't Let Spinal Stenosis Slow You Down

SUN LAKES 480.802.8730 GLENDALE 623.934.1154

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PTII: Spinal Stenosis

PTII: Spinal Stenosis Health&Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body “Sta

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Full Potential: Spinal Stenosis


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Centra Health: Spinal Stenosis

or the spinal cord itself. Symptoms can vary, but often include radiating pain in the back, buttocks

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PTII: Spinal Stenosis

PTII: Spinal Stenosis Health&Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body Why

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ReQuest: Relieve Spinal Stenosis Pains

HOWCAN SPINALMANIPULATION HELP? Your spine is a complicated structure of vertebrae, discs, joints, l

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KerrvillePT: Relieve Spinal Stenosis Pains

or the spinal cord itself. Symptoms can vary, but often include radiating pain in the back, buttocks

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iMotion PT_Helping With Spinal Stenosis

iMotion PT_Helping With Spinal Stenosis Health & Fitness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring

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Spinal Stenosis, Don't Let it Stop You

H e a l t h & F i t n e s s The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

Spinal Stenosis Don’t Let It Stop You According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, spinal stenosis is a silent epidemic. It is estimated that 2.4 million Americans will suffer from spinal stenosis by 2021. Spinal stenosis occurs mostly in people 50 and over, but can occur in younger adults with a history of arthritis. What is spinal stenosis? Spinal Stenosis refers to the narrowing of the canals in your spine that are formed by the vertebrae. This narrowing can impinge on the nerves exiting your spine or the spinal cord itself. Symptoms can vary, but often include radiating pain to the back, buttocks and even legs. Furthermore, weakness and poor balance in the legs can often occur, making it difficult to tolerate walking long distances and prolonged standing. Foraminal stenosis This is the most common form of spinal stenosis. It refers to the narrowing of the foramen canals on either side of the spine formed by the vertebrae above and below the segment. In each canal, spinal nerves exit the lower back to supply different parts of the pelvis and legs. With age and deterioration of the discs between the spine, the canals shrink in size and may also have bone spurs. This irritates the nerve roots, especially when the spine is extended. Sitting typically feels better, but standing and backwards bending increase pain. Is surgery needed? There is a big push towards fusion surgery for spinal stenosis and back pain. However, studies show that surgery should be a last resort, before conservative measures such as physical therapy are performed. In the vast majority of cases, surgery is not needed and people will have signifcant if not complete relief of their symptoms with physical therapy. Physical therapy targets the muscles and joints of the spine to build strength, improve stability of the spine and maintain the foramen as open as possible.

If you believe you have spinal stenosis symptoms, then call us today to speak with one of our expert physical therapists. Our SPINE program has helped thousands of patients successfully relieve their back and stenosis pain.

Top 4 Ways To Relieve STENOSIS

Spinal stenosis is a mechanical problem of movement in your body. While medication may help to numb the pain, it does not fix the underlying mechanical problem. Here are tips on how you can improve your stenosis and back pain symptoms:

1. ICE Icing at the low back area on the affected side helps to decrease the inflammatory process. Use a flexible ice pack with a moist thin towel to make it easier to tolerate the ice. Use for 10 minutes and off for 30 minutes. Make sure to check your skin often and stop if it becomes painful. Apply 2-3 times a day, especially after repetitive bending or standing activities. 2. Improve Hip and Spine Flexibility Restoring natural movement to the spinal joints, hip joints and sacroiliac joints, helps to relieve abnormal pressures on the sciatic nerve. It allows your body to move freely when doing normal everyday tasks and prevents injury and strains. Care should be taken when stretching to be gentle and work with your breathing. Never push through pain and avoid exercises that aggressively extend the spine. 3. Strengthening Your Core Your core muscle groups are the spinal muscles, abdominal muscles, pelvic and hip muscles. By doing exercises that combine these muscle groups together you can develop an internal corset that suports your spinal column. Gentle Pilates and core strengthening exercises are good, however, be sure to consult your physical therapist before starting exercises you are unsure of doing. 4. Manual Physical Therapy Hands on specialized manual physical therapy techniques restore the natural movements of the spinal, hip and sacroiliac joints. This helps to open the foraminal canals in the spine. Physical therapists are the unique medical professionals who are trained extensively in these types of techniques.

Do you want a natural solution to stenosis pain? Gain your freedom from pain medication and avoid costly surgery with physical therapy!

We can help you: Naturally relieve back or neck pain. Prevent aches and pains. Be more active with your friends and family.

Have more energy. Feel better at work.

Mention or Bring in This Coupon Today For a FREE Stenosis Pain Screening

Offer valid for the first 25 people to schedule. Expires 11-29-16. CALL TODAY: (316) 283-7187

Patient Results

I am a completely different person!

I’m thankful for your commitment with me! “I was in significant pain prior to surgery and immediately following. Within 3 weeks I could see progress and was encouraged. My biggest motivation to regain my maximum usage of left arm/shoulder was to help Gordan - my husband. The Advanced Physical Therapy staff has been exceptional. Appointments are prompt, friendly staff, and very caring. I’m thankful for your commitment with me to regain my left arm. BIG thanks to Morgan!!!” - J.H.

I had a successful recovery!

Exercises designed by Neil Trickett, Dec 16 2014 — Page 2 of 2

“I have been in major pain for more than five years. I did not know how much it restricted me. But now APT has given me my life back. The people around me say I am a completely different person, (even my kids and mother.) I thank you all for helping me get back to life. I could not have done it without your care and knowledge.” - K.S. Child's Pose Preparation:

“After my total knee surgery, I enrolled in Advanced Physical Therapy. After 14 sessions and the help of two therapists I had a successful recovery. I recommend this facility to anyone who is serious about getting their life back to normal.” - J.C.

Lumbar Segmental Extensi Preparation: Stand with good posture. Find a neutral spine. Execution:

Practice News

Kneel on the floor, buttocks over heels.


Quite An Accomplishment Recently we celebrated Randy graduating from therapy. Randy came to Advanced Physical therapy in a wheel chair. He was unable to walk. Eventually they figured out that it was the medicine that was causing him to digress. Once he stopped the medicine he slowly started progressing. The goal was to have Randy walk his daughter down the aisle with a walker. His daughter was married June 18th. Unfortunately, Randy was unable to walk her down the aisle because they had just laid newly sodded grass down. He was however able to dance with her and was able to dance with just a cane. Randy said, “I would never have been able to walk if it weren’t for Morgan or Stef. I have been with many other physical therapists, but I should have just started here at Advanced Physical Therapy. Thanks to them I am out of the wheel chair and able to walk.” Before Randy left he said, “I feel like a kid going to college. It feels like family here.” Great job Randy! We are going to miss you and look forward to you stopping by to grab a cup of coffee and/or to just let us know how you are doing. Success Story: “When I came to Advanced Physical Therapy I was in a wheel chair, too weak to do much of anything. They worked out a plan to get me stronger and slowly we worked together to achieve my goal. Everyone treated me like family. Morgan was my therapist and she was great, always pushing me. Stefanie was my PTA, together we worked through every movement, she never gave up on me. Today I’m happy to say I am walking out with the help of my cane. Goodbye wheelchair! Do what I did, come here first, you won’t regret it! Thank you everyone

Stretch arms forward far as you can. Let head and trunk sag to the floor and hang heavy. Keep buttocks over heels. Relax.

Bend backwards in a very controlled Think about moving joint by joint. Do n t push into pain. R turn to the start position.

at Advanced Physical Therapy.” Physical Therapy Month October is Physical Therapist month so in honor of that please look for all events we have going on including: dressing up for Halloween on Monday, October 31st, pumpkin decorating contest, “guess how many” game, and much more.

Gift Card Winners! We would like to announce our gift card winner for wearing his t-shirt, Luke McGaugh. We will start up our t-shirt contest again in the Spring time. Congratulations Luke!

Luke McGaugh

Exercise Essential Try these pain relief exercises:

Great For Back Pain

CHILD’S POSE Kneel on the floor, buttocks over heels. Stretch arms forward far as you can. Let head and trunk sag to the floor and hang heavy. Keep buttocks over heels. Relax. Repeat 6 times. Think about moving joint by joint

Direct Access One of our patients was happy to learn about direct access. “I was so excited to learn that I didn’t have to go to my doctor before I went to Physical Therapy. It saved me money and I was able to get to my recovery sooner. APT was able to get me in within 48 hours and I saved time and money by not having to wait for a doctor’s appointment.” - S.L. Direct access refers to the ability of patients to be evaluated and treated by a physical therapist without being referred by a doctor or other healthcare practitioner. If you feel you have a problem that may benefit from the skilled services of a physical therapist, you may be able to refer yourself to physical therapy for treatment. If you have any questions regarding this or need to schedule an appointment, please call us at 316-283-7187 . We would love to answer any questions you may have about direct access/self-referral. Start


Great For Hip Pain Buttocks over heels, stretch arms


LUMBAR SEGMENTAL EXTENSION Stand with good posture. Find a neutral spine. Bend backwards in a very controlled manner. Think about moving joint by joint. Do not push into pain. Return to the start position. Repeat 5 times. Start position

WIN A VISA GIFT CARD Whoever has the most “check in’s” at Advanced Physical Therapy in Hesston or Newton on Facebook wins a Visa giftcard. Check in today! Think about moving joi t by joint Exercisescopyrightof

The Ideal Protein Weightloss Method

Shining Star: Keep The Glow Going! Ideal Image, LLC, of Newton helps their clients address and accomplish their health goals, regarding weight loss and weight management. This newsletter issue features yet another remarkable client account of that. Health includes our ability to manage, the best we “learn” how, our physical emotional, intellectual and spiritual wellness. A big step up, in the physical department, is our metabolic protocol by Ideal Protein ( . Clients are educated and coached for success in weight reduction and maintaining that awesome ‘glow’! Common concerns among Ideal image Clients is, “How do I stay on my weight loss protocol at restaurants?” Many restaurants have options, even if they are not listed on the menu, allowing clients to avoid temptations which destroy weight loss progress. Suggestion: ask the server for alterations • Replace sandwich bread with lettuce • Remove sugary sauces and seasonings off of meats • Order salad and other vegetables that active Ideal Protein clients are allowed in place of french fries, i.e. (Be mindful that if a client has lost the pounds and is maintaining their weight, that the lifestyle shift to lower fat/carbohydrate food combinations is the most recommended option.) Most restaurants will be more than happy to accommodate you. Enjoy the client letter that follows and attend a free information workshop, Monday Nov. 7th, 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. at the Advanced Physical Therapy location at 2311 S. Kansas Ave., Newton, to learn “how to shine!” RSVP: 316-772-1369 for the workshop. Bruce Harr’s Story As long as I can remember I have been overweight all my life. Throughout my life I have tried various diets but the end result has always been the same. I would be able to do fairly good for a short while and may even be able to lose some weight. But then I would hit a plateau and get discouraged. Then not long after that I would just go back to over eating and the weight would just come right back. My weight was the classic Yo-Yo syndrome. Finally, I just pretty much had given up even trying to do anything about my obesity. I had basically resigned to the fact that it was just who I was....“the short fat guy.” However, due to the employer’s advising, I knew that I needed to do something but I also knew it wouldn’t do me much good to go see a doctor because I already knew that the doctor would just tell me what I already knew... I needed to lose weight! So I started looking into various diets but wasn’t finding any plan that I was liking. Then I was at a conference and saw an acquaintance that was not eating the food. I started talking to him and he told me about the Ideal Protein program and how it had done so well for him. I was interested in everything he told me so he gave me the contact information. I contacted Dixie and attended the informational clinic. I really liked what Ideal Protein had to offer. My only drawback was the cost. I thought about it for a while and discussed it with my family and finally decided that you just cannot put a price on your health. The amount that the program costs over what you would already be spending for groceries that you would normally be buying is a very small price to pay for good health. The benefits far outweigh the cost! So I started the program and now it is 9 months later and I have reached my goal losing just over 100 pounds. I started the program weighing 249.8 lbs. and am now 146.8 lbs. and I am enjoying much better health than I can ever remember having before! We just had our annual health screening at work again and the proof is in the results below:

September 2015

September 2016

Blood Pressure

124/84 248 lbs



148 lbs





43 19

25 54

N/A 437 109



49 78


You will notice that the LDL (bad cholesterol) has a “N/A” last year. The reason that it was not available was because they told me whenever the triglycerides are over 400, their machine cannot calculate the LDL. So who knows how high it actually was? Amazingly the only issue I was really having before was a lot of heartburn. I would have to sit up in my recliner just to get some relief from the heartburn. But since I have lost the weight, I have had NO heartburn at all. Outside of the heartburn I wasn’t experiencing any other symptoms but I know that I was destined for serious health issues if I would not have done something about my weight! And the Ideal Protein program has been a wonderful way to do it.

I definitely would recommend this program to anyone that is needing to lose weight. The IP products are delicious and a very sensible and healthy way to lose the weight. Then the weekly visits and the support you get from your coach is outstanding and keeps you focused on your goal. This has to be a change in your lifestyle and your eating habits! You have to determine that you are going to stick to it, and then you will successfully achieve your goal! GOOD LUCK!

Dixie Pomeroy, RN, BSN Weight Management Consultant

Bruce Before Ideal Protein

Bruce After Ideal Protein


2311 South Kansas Avenue Newton, KS 67114

Somewhere in this newsletter are 2 misspelled words. When you find them call 316-283-7187 to be entered into a drawing for a chance to win a $25 gift card.

CALL TODAY: (316) 283-7187 Hesston Wellness Center 701 S. Main • Hesston, KS 67062 Phone: 316.283.7187 • FAX: 316.283.7189 Newton Location 2311 S. Kansas • Newton, KS 67114 Phone: 316.283.7187 • FAX: 316.283.7189

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