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SportAndSpineTherapyOfMarin_Determining the Origin of Pain

N E W S L E T T E R R E S T O R E . M A I N T A I N . E N H A N C E . NOVEMBER 2019


ALSO INSIDE: • What You Should Consider Before Physical Therapy • Staff Spotlight: Mike Mottola • Healthy Recipe: Roasted Brussel Sprouts & Carrots • Service Spotlight: IASTM • Exercise Essentials


N E W S L E T T E R R E S T O R E . M A I N T A I N . E N H A N C E .





Sometimes you can immediately identify the cause of pain when it starts. For example, a new pair of shoes may cause a sharp pain in your heel, or an old chair at work may cause your back to grow sore and uncomfortable as time goes on. But there are other situations in which pain develops, and the cause of the pain is unclear. Different types of bodily pain can tell you different things about your body and overall bodily health. Sometimes, a pain in your arm or your leg may have little to nothing to do with an actual issue in your arm or leg. Physical therapists are like well-trained detectives when it comes to identifying the causes of pain. A physical therapist knows the way that the nervous system works, making it possible to identify the potential causes of pain, even if the pain is manifesting itself in an unusual or seemingly inexplicable way. Whether you are suffering from pain in your head, your back, your neck or anywhere else in your body, working with a physical therapist can help you find the relief you are looking for. Physical therapists are trained in identifying and treating the cause of your

pain, giving you the opportunity to shift away from the ongoing use of pain medication and instead find relief from your pain with a series of strategies that include stretching, muscle building and flexibility training. Understanding Your Pain When you meet with a physical therapist to understand where your pain may be coming from, one of the first things you’ll do is have a conversation about your pain. How long you’ve been experiencing pain, where it developed and how the pain manifests itself are all very important distinctions that can help shed some light on what may be causing your discomfort. You can find the cause of your pain and the solution. Contact us today at our nearest location (San Anselmo: 415-457-4454 or Novato: 415-898-1311) to request an appointment, or visit our website for more information at


Here are a few things you may want to consider before heading into physical therapy: • Consider exactly where the pain occurs in your body, and research what thedifferentpartsof thebodyarecalledso thatyoucanhavean accurateandhelpfulconversationaboutyourpain.Forexample,back pain has a lot of different differentiations, and lumbar pain (which is in the lower back) is frequently caused by factors different fromwhat would cause upper-back or neck pain. • How does the pain feel when it develops? Is it a lingering ache? Is it a sharpstab? Is itmoreofatinglingfeeling?Eachofthesesensationsare actuallyassociatedwithdifferenttypesofproblems,sodescribingyour pain appropriately may be helpful in determining the best treatment methods for your body’s needs. • What do you think may be causing the pain? Of course, it happens that a pain will develop, and you are dumbfounded as to why, but more often than not, there is something that you think could be influencing it. If the pain started around the same time as a change in environment or life circumstances, then it is worth telling your physical therapist about the association. Further Considerations Another thing to consider about your pain is whether or not it develops atparticulartimesofthedayoryear.Thereareplentyofsituationswhen someonebegins toexperiencepainwhen theweatherstarts tochange, and it turns out that the pain is a result of arthritis and inflammation. There are other situations in which the pain will develop as a result of prolonged sitting or the opposite — such as when things get crazy at home or at work, and you find that you are not getting as much sleep

asusual.Consideringanychanges inyourdailyhabitsorenvironmental factors can be very helpful in determining what is causing your pain. Regardless of where your pain is, how long you’ve been dealing with it, or how intense the pain feels, the smart thing to do when pain develops is to speak with a physical therapist. Working with a physical therapist can help you finally get a step ahead of your pain, finding treatment options that are designed to provide you with long-term relief instead of temporary relief frommedication. Contact us today (San Anselmo: 415-457-4454, Novato: 415-898-1311) to learn more about physical therapy and how we can help you recover from your pain.

M A I N T A I N EXERC I SE ESSENT I ALS TRY THIS EXERCISE TO RELIEVE PAIN Soft Tissue Release Take a sock (or towel) and a tennis ball to perform this exercise. Place the tennis ball in the sock. Drape the sock over your shoulder so the tennisball isagainstyourupperback inaplacewhereyou have a tight muscle or localized pain. Now, lean against the wall so the ball presses directly on the affected area. Apply as much pressure as you can tolerate and so you can breathe comfortably. Hold it against that spot for 30 seconds to 2 minutes, or until the pain dissipates. You can roll your back up and down and side to side against the wall to create a self massage effect. Always consult your physical therapist or physician before starting exercises you are unsure of doing.

Redeem This Coupon for a PHYSICAL THERAPY CONSULTATION FREE • Shoulder Pain • Knee Pain • Problems Walking • Sports Injury • Post Operation Pain We can help you find the source of your pain and the relief you need! Call us today! Are you suffering from: • Lower Back Pain • Arthritis • Sciatica • Neck Pain • Headaches





Mike graduated from Utica College in upstate New York in 2010 with his DPT. After passing his national board exam, he traveled as a contracted PT to Texaswhereheworkedinavariety of settings including pediatric outpatient, adult outpatient with focus on neurological and orthopedic populations, and home health pediatrics. Mike then made his way to the west coast in 2011 working for Kaiser San Jose home health and then Professional Health Care at

IASTM, or Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization, is a manual technique our physical therapists can perform using a plastic or metal tool or “blade.” Your therapist can perform IASTM using a variety of pressures and speeds to help healing and inflammation, facilitate a contraction (turn a muscle on), or inhibit a muscle (turn a muscle off). Instrumentseffectivelybreakdownfascial restrictions (connective tissue that goes all over the body) and scar tissue. The design of these instruments provides the therapist with the ability to find damaged areas and allows the therapist to treat the area with the appropriate amount of pressure. Some of the Most Common Conditions Treated:

Home, before choosing to make Marin County his home. With a sports background including baseball, swimming, cycling, and triathlons, Mike has an understanding of what it takes for an athlete to get back to their optimum performance following an injury.Currently,Mike isamemberoftheTamalpaisMastersSwim Team,andcompetes intheXterraTriathlonSeries inTahoe.When he is not racing, you can find him on the local trails riding with his wife and Australian cattle dog. At Sport and Spine Therapy of Marin, we value our patients and are dedicated to providing the highest quality of physical therapy services as we treat the whole patient, not just the specific injury. Schedule an appointment today by giving us a call! San Anselmo: 415-457-4454 | Novato: 415-898-1311

• Post-Surgical and Traumatic Scars • Myofascial Pain and Restrictions • Muscle Imbalances • Sprains/Strains

• Tennis and Golfer’s Elbow • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome • Neck Pain • Plantar Fasciitis • Tendonitis

Wondering if IASTM is right for you? Contact Sport and Spine Therapy to learn more about the wide range of physiotherapy services we offer.



INGREDIENTS • 3/4 lb. Brussels sprouts, trimmed and halved • 2 largecarrots,peeledandsliced into 1/2” pieces • 2 tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil • 1 tbsp. balsamic vinegar

• 1 tsp. chopped rosemary leaves • 1 tsp. chopped thyme leaves • Kosher salt • Freshly ground black pepper


• 1/2 c. toasted pecans • 1/2 c. dried cranberries

DIRECTIONS Preheat oven to 400°. Scatter vegetables on a large baking sheet. Toss with oil, balsamic vinegar, rosemary, and thyme. Season with salt and pepper. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes, until the vegetable are tender, shaking the pan halfway through. Before serving, toss roasted vegetables with pecans and cranberries. In a large bowl, toss vegetables with oil, balsamic vinegar, and herbs. Season with salt and pepper. This dish is perfect for your Thanksgiving vegetable side dish. Recipe/Photo Credit: vegetables-recipe

WE CAN HELP YOU FIND RELIEF. GIVE US A CALL, TODAY! San Anselmo: 415-457-4454 • Novato: 415-898-1311