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Spotlight Branding - March 2022

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Spotlight Branding - March 2021

rotm 3 PRST STD US POSTAGE PAID BOISE, ID PERMIT 411 9624 Bailey Rd., Suite 27

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Spotlight Branding - February 2022

or end of your case process and asking for feedback on each part of the client’s journey. This will

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Spotlight Branding - March 2020

Free-Book and put in a request. When you’re finished reading, feel free to call our office and let u

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Spotlight Branding - January 2022

Spotlight Branding - January 2022 JAN 2022 (800) 406-7229 Your Time Is Valuabl

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Spotlight Branding - April 2022

linkedin-live for all of the details. We haven’t mentioned it yet, but LinkedIn is also a great way

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Spotlight Branding - May 2021

rotm 3 PRST STD US POSTAGE PAID BOISE, ID PERMIT 411 9624 Bailey Rd., Suite 27

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Spotlight Branding - April 2021

NL to schedule a call! Don’t Write Off Clients Who Have Left THOSE RELATIONSHIPS ARE STILL VALUABLE!

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Spotlight Branding - October 2020

NL to schedule a call! More Referrals. Better Clients. Higher ROI. 2 KICK INBOX CLUTTER TO THE CURB

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Spotlight Branding - October 2019

NL to schedule a call! More Referrals. Better Clients. Higher ROI. 2 THE SMART WAY TO HIRE WHY IT’S

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Spotlight Branding - December 2021

NL. STEP 2: EXAMINE YOUR TEAM. Does everyone on staff understand their job, want their job, and have

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Spotlight Branding - March 2022

MAR 2022 (800) 406-7229

Reach Your Network Easily — Even on the Road! With the Marketing Power of Podcasts

It’s a close contest, but my favorite spot in our office has to be the podcast studio. It’s a small, soundproof space tricked out with all of the latest equipment. Even better, it’s where I host episodes of two Spotlight Branding podcasts: Center Stage and Law Firm Marketing Minute . I have a ton of fun hosting, sharing marketing tips, and joking with our guests. Honestly, the only thing better than making a podcast is listening to one — and I’m not the only guy who thinks so. According to Convince & Convert:

percentage of folks 55 and up who listen to podcasts increased 18% over the last year , bringing the total up to 25% of seniors. Podcasts aren’t just for millennials and Gen Z anymore. No matter who your audience is, they’re out there listening. You have a huge opportunity to sneak your brand and your message into the daily routine of your clients, leads, and referral partners. Not only will your podcast get your name in front of them, but it will also show off your expertise and boost your reputation. You’ll also build a

valuable information library with every new episode. Months or years down the road, you can point people back to your podcasts to learn about you. Plus, if you decide on an interview show like Center Stage , you’ll be able to nurture your referrals and strategic relationships by inviting them on. Ultimately, the success of podcasts comes down to the fact that in a world where books and TV spots are dogs, podcasts are cats. They don’t require nearly as much attention from the consumer and they’re extremely rewarding. When you’re ready to start a podcast, our team is here to help. Until then, I’d

More than half of Americans listen to podcasts every month. The average weekly listener tunes in to eight podcasts per week.

“Ultimately, the success of podcasts comes down to the fact that in a world where books and TV spots are dogs, podcasts are cats. They don’t require nearly as much attention from the consumer and they’re extremely rewarding.”

And finally, my favorite:

More people listen to podcasts than have Netflix accounts. Yep, you read that right. According to Convince & Convert, 80 million people are podcast listeners and just 69 million are Netflix subscribers.

If your law firm doesn’t have a podcast yet, then you’re missing out on one of the best ways to reach new clients and referral partners. Think about it this way:

If you asked someone whether they prefer reading, watching TV, or listening to podcasts, it’s anyone’s guess which one they would choose. But if you asked them which of those they prefer to do while driving on a road trip , there’s no contest: Podcasts would win every time. They reach people in moments other media can’t. I’ve personally listened to podcasts while driving to work, lifting weights at the gym, cleaning my house, and working in my yard. At this point, maybe you’re thinking, “My demographic is the problem. They’re too old for podcasts.” Let me give you another statistic: The

recommend listening to Business Made Simple with Donald Miller, Online Marketing Made Easy with Amy Porter, the Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast , and of course, Law Firm Marketing Minute and Center Stage to get a feel for what a great podcast sounds like. Before long, I guarantee you’ll start to see the opportunities for your firm.

The podcast studio might just become your favorite place, too.




Chris Clark opened Clark.Law in September 2016 and has been growing ever since. When his old firm didn’t have much of an online presence, Chris made sure that having a premium online brand was at the top of his priority list. After doing his research, he chose us. He started as a true solo, with his wife working as a part-time paralegal. But even as a solo, Chris wanted to convey to current and potential clients that he had 15+ years of sophisticated business and intellectual property experience, ranging from entrepreneurs to major universities to Fortune 500 companies. He had a clear vision, and Spotlight Branding helped him bring it to life with a website, e-newsletter, blog, and social media services. Since working with us, we have helped Chris grow to a six-person team that has seen continuous revenue increases in each year since the firm opened. How a Simple Online Presence Helped a True Solo Turn Into a Legal Powerhouse

Self-Empowering Motivation Is a ‘Shortcut’ 2 Scientific Methods to Stop Forgetting

Why do we supplement our diets with omega-3s and do puzzle games to strengthen the health of our brains? The most important reason is to prevent memory loss. However, in order to enhance our memory and lessen the instances of forgetting both big and little things, these brain-based strategies can help! NO. 1: AIM FOR MASTERY, NOT RELATIVE PERFORMANCE. When losing weight, some people find it helpful to stop checking Facebook or Instagram to prevent self-comparisons. Similarly, your brain forgets what’s important when you compare your performance to others. Researchers at Nagoya University in Japan have found that mastery- approach goals (i.e., developing your own competence) enhance memory of newly learned material, whereas performance-approach goals (i.e., comparing yourself to others) can create “tenuous connections” in memory. The authors concluded the study by saying, “Motivation factors can influence inhibition and forgetting.”

So, it might be time to ask yourself: What motivates you to learn new things, and how can you change your approach? NO. 2: ASK WHY. A 2016 study from the European Journal of Social Psychology found that thinking more abstractly can actually reduce memory issues. The study examined how levels of “construal” (examination and interpretation) can affect memory, and their results suggested that “abstract thinking can eliminate retrieval-induced forgetting because of relational processing, demonstrating the roles of the levels of construal on memory inhibition.” In other words, if you know the “how” and “why” behind things you intend to remember, you’ll be more likely to remember them. If you’ve been forgetful lately, maybe it’s time to rethink how you approach new information — according to researchers, a new source of motivation or critical thinking mindset could make all the difference!

More Referrals. Better Clients . Higher ROI.


7 Foolproof Ways to Create Engaging Content PART 4: THE ‘INSPIRATION’ METHOD

If you’ve read the first three installments in this series, you probably already feel like a content creation expert. You know how to use the “Top 3” method, the “One Thing” strategy, and the “Success Story” hack to rivet your readers and make coming up with blogs, podcasts, and social media posts easy. This month, we’re back to add another tool to your arsenal: the “Inspiration” method. This tip is just as easy to execute as the others. In fact, it might be the simplest one yet. All you need to do is gather a list of the things that inspire you — including books, podcasts, motivational quotes, news stories, and mindset tricks from mentors and friends — and pick an item on that list. Then, use your blog or podcast as a vehicle to share that inspiring thing and why you feel it’s helpful and impactful. It really is that easy. As an entrepreneur, you probably already have a folder or list of inspirational things lying around that you can draw from. Maybe you keep that list for yourself but never thought about sharing it. Well, now is the time! This strategy works because it showcases your passion. Excitement and motivation are contagious, and other people pick up on them! If you’re inspired by something law- or business-related, even better.

People want to work with a lawyer who is excited about their firm, the law, justice, and being a good person. That attitude has a gravitational pull that will bring you more clients and referrals. Plus, if something inspires you, odds are it will inspire your readers/listeners, especially your referral partners who are in the same position you are as business owners. Want to hear more content creation tips? Stay turned to our newsletter for Part 5 in this series next month.


FEATURED EPISODE From Our Newest Podcast, Center Stage

You want to step up your graphics game. Maybe you want a killer Instagram presence, or maybe you just need help crafting a series of pamphlets for your office. Regardless of your graphic design needs, a company like Design Pickle could be your answer. Unlike websites like Canva where you’re left to your own graphic design skills (or lack thereof), Design Pickle gives you a dedicated graphic designer that you can use as much and as often as you’d like. Design Pickle does a great job with vetting talent and matching you with a skilled designer who can create anything from Instagram graphics to posters. We’ve utilized Design Pickle for many of our in-office projects, including personality profiles, posters, and core value graphics that we have displayed all around our office. If you’re thinking about adding a part-time, remote resource for your team that can help you take your graphic creation to the next level, check out Design Pickle. Learn more at DESIGN PICKLE Have a Dedicated Designer at Your Fingertips!

If you’re looking for more great resources to drive your business forward, take a look at this episode from our newest podcast, Center Stage .

Episode 050 — Implementing EOS with Cesar Quintero

The Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) is a fantastic tool that can help businesses of any size align themselves to achieve their goals (it can also help you figure out what those goals are!). Our guest this week, Cesar Quintero, is an EOS implementer and helped us get EOS up and running here at Spotlight Branding. He joins us to talk about EOS and how you can get started. If you want more referrals, better clients, and higher return on investment (ROI) on all your marketing, call us today at (800) 406-7229 to schedule a consultation!

Listen to this episode and find even more at and subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Pandora, Spotify, or over a dozen other platforms!

Want more tools for your law firm? Visit



9624 Bailey Rd., Suite 270 Cornelius, NC 28031

(800) 406-7229


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The Reputation-Building Power of Podcasts

Success Story: Clark.Law

Are You Forgetful Lately?

Foolproof Strategies for Creating Content: Part 4


Resource of the Month: Design Pickle

An Episode From ‘Center Stage’


5 Steps to Success on TikTok

5 STEPS TO BOOST YOUR FOLLOWER COUNT So, Your Firm Is on TikTok — Now What?

A year ago, the hottest marketing question for lawyers was, “Should my firm be on TikTok?” Today, that’s a given, and there’s a new question making firms everywhere scratch their heads: “How can I make my TikTok account a success?” First, get over any lingering TikTok stereotypes you might have. Yes, this platform started out as a tool for teenagers lip- syncing and shimmying in their parents’ basements, but Instagram started as a selfie-sharing app — and look at the marketing power it has now! TikTok has 1 billion active users (just behind Instagram’s 1.4 billion) and they spend almost an hour per day on the platform. The app’s tween beginnings don’t make it a less effective marketing tool.

Third, approach video content on TikTok just like any other content you create for your firm. Use the tools we’ve given you each month in our “7 Foolproof Ways to Create Engaging Content” series as a launch pad (see Page 3 for Part 4) and film 60-second videos answering client questions, sharing things you’re passionate about, or explaining legal concepts you deal with all the time.

Fourth, when you’re creating these videos, be yourself! You don’t need to invest in a video studio or even a tripod to get started. Just whip out your cellphone when inspiration strikes and share your thoughts in an authentic, conversational tone, as if you’re talking to someone right in front of you. Last but not least, don’t forget to leverage your TikTok videos in other areas. Repost them to your Instagram account and Facebook feed to get the most value out of your efforts. We can’t guarantee you’ll go viral and amass a million followers the second you post, but with these five tips in your back pocket, you’ll set yourself up for TikTok success.

Second, check out the accounts of lawyers who are already killing it on TikTok: The Pot Brothers at Law; Port City Attorney; Law By Mike. All of these law firms have hundreds of thousands of followers — and they don’t do trendy dances. They just show up, give their followers useful legal information, and display their expertise.

More Referrals. Better Clients . Higher ROI.