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Spring 2017 Lifeline






Changing Minds, Changing Lives

Surrendered Plans Lead to God’s Provision

You Helped These Campers!


Word of Life Fellowship, Inc. 2017 Board of Directors OFFICERS: Mr. Donald H. Lough, Jr. President Mr. B. John Nelson Vice President/Treasurer Mr. Donald D. Kelso Secretary DIRECTORS: Mr. J. Raymond Adams Dr. John Barnett

It is amazing to see God’s hand at work in ways that can only be explained as supernatural! Whether it’s in the life of a young person who trusts in the Lord as Savior at camp or a student whose life is transformed through the study of the Word of God at the

Mr. Mark Berardelli Dr. Harry J. Bollback Mr. Andy Brown Mr. Bob G. Brown Mr. G. Robert Bulmer Mr. Roger Burdick Dr. Wendell Calder Mr. Kyle Davis Mr. Robert C. Doll, Jr. Mr. Andres Fernandez Paz

Bible Institute, I never get over the wonder of seeing God’s transforming power. I am also overwhelmed as I read ministry updates from Word of Life missionaries around the world who receive support from friends like you. I am reminded that the worldwide outreach of Word of Life is made possible because of your generous gifts. My heart is full of thanksgiving to God for you! I pray that as you read this issue of the Lifeline you will gain a fresh glimpse of what God is doing and that you will join me in praise to our wonderful Lord for His gracious goodness.

Mr. Cory J. Hansen Mr. Robert L. Horst Mr. Joseph J. Hunt

Mr. Alex Konya Rev. Phil Moser Mr. Roger Peace Mr. Bruce R. Peterson Mr. Jonathan Price Lt. Col. Walter Price, Ret. Mr. Brian Mark Smoker Mr. Kristopher Stout Capt. Dane C. Swanson, USN Ret.

This is the Lord’s doing; it is marvelous in our eyes. (Psalm 118:23)

Word of Life Fellowship, Inc. P.O. Box 600 Schroon Lake, NY 12870 (518) 494-6000 Lifeline is published by Word of Life Fellowship, Inc., Schroon Lake, New York, which is a nonprofit organization dedicated to reaching youth with the Gospel of Christ. Word of Life creates faith-defining experiences that give students and families the opportunity to encounter God and grow in their spiritual walk. Through Camps, Bible Institutes, Local Church Ministries and International Ministries, Word of Life is a catalyst for lasting life change and eternal impact. ©2017 Word of Life Fellowship

With much gratefulness,

Don Lough, Jr., Executive Director Word of Life Fellowship, Inc.


Word of Life | LIFELINE | SPRING 2017

Changing Minds, Changing Lives

As a student at Tennessee Temple University, Paul O’Bradovic saw Word of Life students around campus, but he wasn’t interested in getting to know them, and he wanted nothing to do with Word of Life. “I was very vocal against Word of Life. I worked in the youth department, but I would not work with Word of Life Clubs.” While Paul admits his dislike was a “me issue,” he couldn’t get past his feelings – until he felt a nudge from God to go on a Word of Life missions

“Recently, I did an orientation for a church in Vermont to explain how to run a Word of Life youth program…. The grandfather of one of the children’s leaders was sitting there. When I asked if he was working with the youth Olympian club, he said, ‘No. It’s what they do, and my wife works with them.’ I suggested that he could be the person the kids say their Bible verses to. The kids started teasing and saying that he was too grumpy. So, I said, go talk to Grumpy. Say your verses to Grumpy. Later, Grumpy’s granddaughter sends me a note saying how excited she is

because her grandfather is actually participating with these kids! Plus, he wants to start a Quiet Time study! He is actively involved in ministry for the first time! And he’s not a grumpy guy; he’s a great guy, and the kids love it.” As for Paul, he knows just how much his own opinion has changed about Word of Life and how much his life has changed since his obedience to God’s nudge to go on that first Word of Life mission trip. “I love telling people how God brought us here… and how much I trust Word of Life. I’m going to serve at Word of Life – where I never wanted to be – ‘but God’ [Ephesians 2:4]!” God’s Word truly has the power to change minds and lives! Today Paul serves as a daily encouragement for kids, something that brings so much joy to his life. We hope Paul’s and Grumpy’s stories encourage you to do the same for the kids in your lives and remind you of the wonderful, eternal investment you have when you invest in Word of Life’s missionaries and programs!

trip. Paul went on that missions trip, and that single moment of obedience was the first step in his changed attitude toward Word of Life. Paul also knew he was being called into youth ministries; and there was no denying Word of Life was at the forefront of life- changing church curriculum. “I started looking at the Word of Life curriculum and realized that if I would invent a program this is what I would do.” While Paul didn’t join Word of Life after seminary, he did develop a relationship with Local Church Ministries (LCM) missionary, Ken Dady. As Ken poured into Paul’s life, Paul began to feel a familiar nudge, but this time it was to officially join the Word of Life team! So Paul became a part of Local Church Ministries where he currently facilitates curriculum development and leads a brand new program called Youth Ministry Internship. Now Paul gets to share about the life-altering Word of Life programs on a regular basis. What is a Youth Ministry Internship? Youth Ministry Internship (YMI) is a brand new program within Word of Life. This groundbreaking program gives students who want to be involved in children’s or youth ministry two years of training and hands-on experience at a local church, all while earning their degree. When an intern completes the YMI program, they will be fully equipped to work in full-time church ministry or lay leadership. We want churches that need youth

workers to say, “I need trained, dedicated youth workers, and Word of Life is the place to get them!” When young people are equipped to become strong leaders, they create a lifetime of impact. And when you support the training of a youth leader, you share the love of Christ not just to that youth worker but to the thousands of others to whom he or she reaches! To support programs like YMI, simply fill out the donation slip and return it to Word of Life.


Word of Life | LIFELINE | SPRING 2017

International Ministries UPDATE

Then to Him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom, that all peoples, nations, and languages should serve “Him.” – Daniel 7:14 (NKJV) Isn’t this wonderful news, friends? God does not discriminate! He is at work everywhere, and we know this to be true because we have seen His work through Word of Life teams and missionaries all around the globe! We love sharing these stories with you so you can see the life-changing impact your gifts make around the world. Thank you for your partnership! Nicaragua has just launched our first English For Life program in a Spanish-speaking country. This is a unique Discipleship Training Center that will use teaching English as a second language as a draw for both evangelism and discipleship.  Brazil will be celebrating 60 years of ministry this summer. Their traveling music and drama team (EMME) is preparing a musical depiction of the story of Harry Bollback and Harold Reimer reaching the Xavante tribe. They will be using this as a tool for evangelism during this anniversary year. Word of Life is officially expanding into Zimbabwe through our ministry in South Africa. We are projecting to start with three churches and two schools and are planning to have our first camp in August of this year! Hungary – The Word of Life Hungary Bible School held its annual Missions Conference in February. There were 235 people who attended from 20

different countries in Europe and beyond. Of these, 29 dedicated themselves to missions. The school’s faith promise offering was for the purchase of the new Word of Life ministry property in Paraguay. The total promised was $11,000!. Poland – Many of our ministries in Europe have had winter camps, with more than 1,000 teens hearing the Gospel. Here is a brief note regarding one winter camp in Poland: This was the first winter camp held at our new ministry center! During the camp, three people professed belief in Christ. Joanna and Matthew both live about 30 minutes away from our ministry center. When Joanna trusted Christ she called her mom and told her and then handed the phone to one of our team members. Joanna’s mom heard the Gospel, too, and since then has been out to church along with her daughter and has visited the Word of Life Poland ministry center several times! Norway – This summer a Lithuanian couple from the Bible School in Hungary will be doing their summer ministry in Norway, spending a number of weeks serving Baptist churches and youth ministries there. This is the first significant Word of Life ministry in Scandinavia in more than 20 years! Pray for the doors to continue to open to Word of Life ministries in Scandinavia. Argentina – Summer camps outside Buenos Aires just wrapped up with a great season of 3,044 total campers. Of those, 548 trusted Christ as Savior and 1,407 dedicated their lives to Him.


Word of Life | LIFELINE | SPRING 2017

SURRENDERED PLANS LEAD TO GOD’S PROVISION Jordan Bermudez has always been a planner. From starting a lawn care business at the age of 12 to graduating from the University of North Florida with a degree in Business Administration, he carefully planned every step he needed to take in order to be successful. Even while in college, Jordan worked at his father’s used semi-truck dealership with the goal of developing the business skills he would need to succeed after college. But something was missing he couldn’t plan for. “I learned a lot and gained a lot of experience. I had a lot of opportunities for growth and could have been making decent, stable money. But I didn’t feel at peace.” For the first time, Jordan wasn’t sure of his next steps; so, he spent the summer exploring his options and seeking wisdom from men he knew and respected. One of the men he called was Matt Losee, and that’s when all of Jordan’s plans changed. Matt and Jordan had grown up together in the same cul-de-sac – Matt had even shown Jordan how to throw a football – but Matt’s life had taken a different path, a path in ministry. At the time, Matt was the Counseling Coordinator at Word of Life Island Youth Camp, and Jordan was curious. “[I showed up at The Island and] was able to meet all the leadership … who were all handpicked Bible Institute students. They were really seeking out God and diving into His Word and just loving people.”

“I learned a lot and gained a lot of

experience. I had a lot of opportunities for growth and could have been making decent, stable money. But I didn’t feel at peace.”

In fact, they were so enthusiastic about God that Jordan at first questioned their sincerity. Could people really be that kind? Could they really love God that much? But as he got to know the Bible Institute students, he realized it was no act. “This is innately who they are. They just love God and love people, and it overflows into everything they do, everything they talk about and think about.” Passion like that is contagious, and Jordan knew he had some decisions to make – decisions that would likely move him away from his original plan of a life devoted to business and to serving God. “It was like God said, ‘Look, Jordan. I love your drive and motivation, but let’s see if you can actually trust me for once and take it one step at a time without


Word of Life | LIFELINE | SPRING 2017

We appreciate you partnering with us to create life-change all around the world! And to show that appreciation, we want to send you a free copy of The House That Jack (God) Built with your gift of $25 or more. This special book is the story of how Word of Life began, and we are republishing it with two brand new chapters! Simply check the box to receive your special gift when you send in your gift of $25 or more. A SPECIAL GIFT FOR YOU! knowing what the next five steps are.’” A few weeks (and a lot of prayer) later, Jordan took a huge leap of faith and applied to the Bible Institute. From that moment on, Jordan’s plans have been surrendered to God. “I knew God wanted me to draw closer to Him. And I couldn’t think of a better way than by coming to a place with no distractions, where the (main) focus is studying Scripture, surrounded by people headed in the same direction.” But applying and getting accepted to the Bible Institute was only the first step in Jordan’s walk of faith. Without a car, he didn’t have any idea how he would get there, and without any extra money, he didn’t have any idea how he could pay for it. “God just kept making it clear – ‘Trust me. I’m leading you here. I will provide.’” And provide, He did! Just two days before he had to leave for the Bible Institute, a friend called Jordan to tell him they would be blessing him with a car! And when his tuition payment came due a few weeks

later, he received a text message that another person wanted to give him $2,000 toward his school bill! “All I have to know is that He is in control. Apart from Him I can do nothing, but, with Him, I can do all things…. What I’m learning now at the Bible Institute will be an incredible springboard into any area of life I go into, whether that is ministry or career.” As he continues to learn and grow, Jordan is living in the blessing of walking in obedience. Though the Lord has drastically changed his plans, Jordan knows surrendering his plans to God and taking this step of faith has led him exactly where he needs to be. Today Jordan is finishing up his training at Word of Life and is preparing to enter ministry to share the Gospel with thousands of people who have never experienced Christ’s true love before. What an impact his life will have! But there are still many other students just like Jordan who need someone to invest in their lives and to encourage them to walk in obedience. You can be that miracle for a needy student! Your gift today not only helps students receive the ministry training they need, but it also sets them up for a future of reaching people all around the world with the eternal hope of the Lord!


Word of Life | LIFELINE | SPRING 2017

Memorials That Live To Serve Others

A gift to Word of Life to honor the memory of a loved one is such a thoughtful way to give tribute and, at the same time, provide the means to carry the Word of God around the world. For every memorial or honorary gift we receive, a letter is sent to the family of the person being remembered to let them know you care and have made a gift.

In Memory of: John Fogle Joel & Rachel Shelley Cheryl Schuch Charlie Bing

In Honor Of: Pauline Leonard Blanton Family Derek Overton

Larry Craver

John Venlet

Frank Finch Keith & Catherine Davis Dr. Gary Davis & Dail Mengelkoch Elaine Davis Donald & Kathryn Wolgemuth William & Donna Johnson Charles & Leverna Hufford Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Wyand Mrs. Jeri Dresbach Carolyn Reich Marilyn Marcucci Vickie Dunham Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Williams Lansing Bible Church Eric & Jill Groezinger Deborah Roggenbaum Bible Baptist Church Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Davies Lois Neidermyer Paul Sturgis Mr. and Mrs. Dale Grosvenor Bob & Joanne Heller Mrs. Dorothy Quinney

Delane W Craver

Miss Robin Brooks Mr. & Mrs. Dale Grosvenor Rick & Vi Brooks Mr. & Mrs. Howard Bowden Richard & Jane Krug Family

Arlene Samson

Mary Alice Middleton Mr. and Mrs. Richard Loray

Saundra Franklin William Dietsch Donald French Elizabeth A Austin Bill & Ruth Bailey Eugene Donovan Lesley Robbins Mary Louise Fett Vivian M Reitz Grace Cobain Richard Marcatos Donna Rooker

Don & Kathy Schilling

Rivertown Finance Douglas Bauerband Andrew Foster

Mackenzie Jane Yarosh Mr. & Mrs. James Mack Wilda Abshire Mr. Sylvanis Abshire William Jasper Burchell William & Margo Burchell Marilyn VanDuren Janet Hartt Lula Nemoto Janet Carrano James Crews Marie Corina Don & Cheryl Andrews Sylvia Ruth Erickson Bud & Florence Eckert Joseph G McQuillan Patricia Walsh & Family Genevieve Jones Jeanne Connors & Family Robert & Terry Wagner

Chad Matthews

Lynn Colaiacovo & Staff Robert & Norma Grove Ryan Grove Mrs. Lela Collins Julie Orlando Patrick, Chrissy & Brayden Murphy Jim & Judy Sechrist Alice Hudson Nicolai Rementov Jim & Bonnie Rowe Deborah Thompson Jonathan Price Family Lisa M McClure Kelly Baldwin Bobby & Helen Slaven

Lynn Dittmar Erik Ellefsen Paul & Julie Peachey Jean Hawkins Harold Buckwalter Spotswood Newlywed Connect Group Mr. & Mrs. Randy VanProoyen

First Baptist Church of Bristol PA

The Chester Olsons Jim & Maggie Mills George & Mary Duff Richard & Carol Ferris Charles Ong Kenneth Dobbel Danette & Cherith Shelley Thomas & Carol Coffey Ernest & Beverly Lindquist Robert Metzger Jay Stauffer Barbara Powell Helen Rohrer

David & Camille Fitzgerald

Marshall Wells First Baptist Church, Woodstock GA Virginia Tuley Scottsdale Bible Church Ruthann Mason Garland Leonard Blanton Family

Dale Flynn

Harry & Bonnie Marcus David & Ruth Church

If you would like to make a gift in honor or in memory of someone, please send your gift and the name of the person being remembered to: Word of Life Fellowship, Inc., P.O. Box 600, Schroon Lake, NY 12870. The amount of your gift will not be disclosed when we acknowledge it to the person’s family. Ease Your Heart and Mind Peace of mind is an often sought-after and underachieved state. As Christians, we know peace of mind ultimately comes through the intimate knowledge of and complete trust in God who meets “all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19). Have you considered, though, that God may use you and the decisions you make today to bring that peace of mind and heart to your family after you are gone? Through a well-designed plan, you will have the satisfaction of knowing the goals that are important to you in this life will continue to be pursued through your family, your church, and the ministries you care about for years to come. Word of Life works with a trusted ministry partner, PhilanthroCorp , to provide customized financial planning as a free service to you. PhilanthroCorp helps believers think through issues of stewardship and financial planning from a Biblical worldview. This simple and confidential

Did you know that you can also dedicate a room at The Word of Life Lodge in honor or in memory of a loved one? For more information, contact John Nelson at 518-494-6217 or [email protected].

process will allow you to clearly articulate your desires in order to accomplish God’s purposes for your legacy.

When surveyed, three times more people stated “peace of mind” as the number one benefit to completing a financial plan… greater than security, tax advantages or any other benefit. The satisfaction of knowing the goals that are important to you in this life will continue to be pursued after you are gone provides a sense of completeness and satisfaction to ease your heart and mind. Whether you feel your assets are large or small, PhilanthroCorp can help you create or update your plan. Eliminate the nagging worry and stress of the unknown about your financial plan by contacting PhilanthroCorp at: (800) 876-7958 . As a result, you will experience peace of heart and mind knowing you have been faithful with all God has given you, now and in the future.


Word of Life | LIFELINE | SPRING 2017


There is no denying camp changes lives! Story after story comes in telling of young lives that have been transformed at one of our camps. And because of your generous financial support of our Life Change Camper Fund scholarships, every year hundreds of needy students are able to attend camp! Thank you for investing in children and teenagers.

“Before camp, I knew I needed to read my Bible, but I had lots of doubts and had very little desire or motivation to open up my Bible or pray very often. This week the speakers and my counselors have influenced me to have more faith in God. This amazing week would not have been possible without your help. For that, I thank you.” – Faith 

“Thank you so so so very much for letting me experience such a wonderful opportunity. If I had not been blessed with this scholarship, I’m not sure I would ever know the true meaning of being a Christian. I am forever grateful. I have been saved here.” – Hannah

Give the Gift of Camp Every summer, more than 10,000 children and teens hear the Gospel at one of our camps. Let that sink in for a minute, because it’s a big number. Ten thousand (10,000!) young students are hearing the Good News – some for the very first time! No doubt, camp is designed to be a fun, exciting adventure of a lifetime; but when eternity is at stake, it’s also serious business.

For more than six decades, Word of Life camps have provided hope and a refuge for hurting students. And in a safe, caring environment, they are free to have fun and make new friends while participating in amazing, high-energy activities. But with trusted counselors and dynamic Biblical teaching, they also are challenged to make serious decisions that affect not only their lives now but also their eternity. Sadly, not everyone can afford to attend one of these life-changing camps. Will you be the one to make a difference for one of these students? Your gift will be an investment that will return eternal dividends in the life of someone who desperately needs to hear about God’s love for them. To invest in a camper you can make an online contribution by visiting .

Word of Life Fellowship, Inc. P.O. Box 600 Schroon Lake, NY 12870 (518) 494-6000

To find out more visit us at