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Stratton & Reynolds - February/March 2022

Main Street Monthly 905 Old Cherokee Road, Lexington, SC 29072 • P: 803-358-7214 •


Welcome Attorney Kyra Murphy

The Newest Addition to the Stratton and Reynolds Family!

We are pleased to announce that we have added attorney Kyra Murphy to our firm. She has already been working with some of our clients over the past several months, so we thought it was definitely time to introduce her to the rest of our current and former clients. Kyra is focusing her practice in the areas of real estate closings and probate administration. Kyra was born and raised in Columbia, South Carolina, and graduated locally at Richland Northeast High School prior to obtaining a bachelor of science degree in sports and entertainment management at the University of South Carolina. She began her career in event and property management at the Township Auditorium and Colonial Life Arena where she had once-in-a-lifetime experiences such as attending an intimate concert by John Legend on her birthday. After moving to Florida, Kyra attended Florida A&M College of Law and earned her Juris Doctorate. She returned to South Carolina to her roots in Columbia to be near family and is a member of both the South Carolina Bar and the North Carolina Bar. Before joining Stratton and Reynolds, Kyra was practicing real estate law with another firm in Columbia. She is great at cultivating relationships with clients and enjoys the opportunity to advocate for and help her clients. Kyra is an active member of her church community at Rehoboth Baptist Church in Columbia and enjoys working with the Boys and Girls Clubs. Outside of work, Kyra loves to travel to her favorite places like Cuba, Belize, Turks and Caicos, Toronto, and Napa Valley, where she will try just about any new food.

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4 Health Benefits of Spring-Cleaning

Sunday, March 20, is the first day of spring — which means it’s time for some spring-cleaning. Did you know that cleaning is not just about tidying up a physical space? It’s also about improving overall well-being. Here’s how organization and cleanliness can help you in more ways than you might expect. Spring-cleaning reduces stress and depression. Tidiness and mental health are actually connected. Studies have found that having a clean home is directly correlated to happiness and your ability to focus. Anxiety can spike when laundry is piling up, items are strewn everywhere, and papers get scattered on various surfaces within the home. Clearing the clutter is a great way to boost your mood and increase those feel-good hormones. It prevents illnesses. Doorknobs, refrigerator handles, light switches, countertops, and remote controls are all things we touch many times a day. Cleaning anything that’s used often is one way to reduce the spread of germs. By keeping household surfaces clean, we help thwart the spread of viruses and illnesses. Spring-cleaning helps you breathe better. Spring often brings pollen that triggers allergies for many. But pollen isn’t the only thing to blame when people have difficulty

breathing. When dust and pet dander build up in your home, your respiratory system is greatly affected too. Deep-cleaning your air filters and vents can make breathing effortless — and it’s truly amazing how this can improve your well-being. It keeps you more active. Off the couch and on your feet! Even just running the vacuum and clearing the clutter from the dining room table will get you up and moving, which is healthy for your heart and body. This spring season, putting some elbow grease into your cleaning will benefit you in more ways than one. Trust me, you’ll thank yourself later!


When someone comes to us who has recently lost a spouse or loved one, they often tell us there are several things they wish their spouse or loved one had done. The first is, of course, to have updated their estate plan within the last couple of years. I think we all know this is important. However, the second major area of frustration is not knowing how to access the deceased person’s accounts and bills or how to contact their friends. Below are a few tips to help your family members avoid those frustrations. 1. First, be sure to keep an updated list of passwords handy. This can be accomplished, while still keeping those passwords secure, by making a written list that is regularly updated and kept in your home safe or safe deposit box at the bank, or by keeping a password-protected file on your computer with a full list of those passwords. Also, make sure to include the answers to the security questions that are sometimes required in addition to the password itself. Make sure the person you are trusting with this information knows how to get to it in an emergency. This should include both passwords needed to pay bills and those needed to access your email and social media accounts. We also recommend making sure the passcode to your phone is included in this.

2. Along with the list of passwords, it can be really helpful to have a list of all the monthly bills that need to be paid (mortgage, utilities, car payment(s), etc.), how to pay them and what day of the month they are due. We have had numerous cases where the spouse that handled all of this passed away and left the surviving spouse with no idea of exactly what needed to be paid and when, which can be very frustrating. 3. Finally, for those of you running businesses, keep in mind you need to do the same thing for these types of tasks that only you handle within your business. Be sure either a family member or trusted employee knows how to handle these tasks in the event you suddenly pass away. This will help ensure that everything continues to run smoothly even in the case of an emergency. These are just a few things to consider when planning for your family’s future. If you or a loved one have additional concerns or need to begin planning, feel free to call us to set an appointment so we can sit down and discuss your individual concerns.

–TC and Chasity

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Spring Fever Enjoy WarmWeather While Stuck Indoors


The weather is warming up, the sun is out — and you’re trapped inside. Most of us have jobs that leave us stuck indoors during spring’s prime midday hours, and it’s easy to feel like you’re missing out on the season’s best parts. Unfortunately, your boss probably won’t give you the day off just because of the gorgeous weather. So, we’ve compiled the next best thing — some tips to enjoy the season as much as you can while also getting your job done. Bring the outdoors in. When the weather is nice, open as many curtains and blinds as possible. The natural light will warm up the room and brighten your mood. While you’re at it, try opening the windows and positioning yourself near one. If you can’t be outside, the spring breeze on your face is the next best thing. Plants decrease stress, and having them on your desk might also trick your brain into feeling less cooped up. Take a break. You’ve still got to work, but that doesn’t mean you can’t sneak in a few minutes outdoors. Use your break for an outdoor stroll; if possible, you can also walk or bike to work. At the very least, park farther away to give yourself time to enjoy the weather. Volunteer to do a coffee run, pick up lunch, or take out the mail — you’ll be an office hero while catching some rays at the same time. Try working outside. If your boss will allow it, there’s probably some opportunity to do a bit of work outdoors. Meetings and conference calls might offer your best option. For in-person meetings, your coworkers will also likely relish a chance to take it outdoors. In the event of a conference call, you won’t need to convince anyone else — grab your laptop and go! It’s not the same as enjoying the weather while you’re off the clock, but it’s a lot better than being cooped up inside.

We are happy to assist our clients with all of their real estate needs. From new home purchases to refinances, we are eager to assist you, your friends, or your family at either our Lexington office or our Aiken office. If you or someone you know is looking to move in the next couple of months, or wanting a lower interest rate with a refinance, please let us know. –Chasity, TC, and Jeff

Easy March Madness Chili

Inspired by

With any luck, these tips will help you make it to Friday with your sanity intact. And luckily, the weekend is always just around the corner.


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2 lbs ground beef 2 tbsp chili powder

2 16-oz cans diced tomatoes

1 tbsp Creole seasoning

2 16-oz cans small red beans 2 8-oz cans tomato sauce

1 tsp ground cumin


1. In a deep pot, brown the beef, stirring often. 2. Once beef is cooked, add chili powder, Creole seasoning, and cumin, cooking for 1 minute. 3. Stir in diced tomatoes, beans, and tomato sauce and bring the mixture to a boil. 4. After the mixture boils, reduce the heat to low and let chili simmer for 15 minutes. 5. Serve with toppings of choice, like cheese, sour cream, or chives.

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Call Now! 803-358-7214


905 Old Cherokee Road Lexington, SC 29072

Inside this Issue

Kyra Murphy Tackles Real Estate and Probate PAGE 1 Get Healthy While Spring-Cleaning! PAGE 2 Document Your Pertinent Information PAGE 2 Easy March Madness Chili PAGE 3 Enjoy Spring Weather — Even FromWork PAGE 3 Packing Tips to Save Your Back, Wallet, and Sanity PAGE 4

Leaving on a Jet Plane?

3 Essential Packing Tips

Many people are considering traveling this spring for the first time since the pandemic started. A lot has changed since 2020, but packing for vacation remains a hassle, and baggage fees haven’t gone anywhere. Here are some essential tips to keep your load as light as possible — physically and mentally. Make a list. It’s just as easy to forget things as it is to overpack. Solve both problems at once by creating a packing list in advance. Consider in detail what you’ll need, and put it in writing. As each item gets added to the suitcase, check it off. Writing everything down creates a system to prevent leaving anything behind. And when it’s all on paper, you’re more likely to notice that you probably don’t need that many pairs of sandals. Use your personal item for extra storage. Airlines generally allow travelers one carry-on bag and one personal item. The dimensions allowed vary by airline, but the general rule of thumb is that the personal item needs to fit under the seat in front of you. Don’t bring a small purse or a laptop bag when you can take a large tote or backpack. With the extra room, you can avoid checking another bag. Never check essential items. Lost luggage is the worst way to start a vacation, but it happens. If your luggage is misplaced, you

probably won’t get it back that same day. So, you need to pack all essential items, like prescription medications or glasses, in your carry-on bag. Some experts even recommend tossing an extra shirt or pair of underwear in your carry-on in case your bag gets lost. You’ll be glad to have them if something goes awry. Packing smart will make for a less stressful journey. You can kick back, relax, and enjoy the trip knowing that everything you need is right there in your suitcase, and everything you don’t need is safe at home.

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