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Stubbins, Watson, Bryan & Witucky Co. - February 2022

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Stubbins, Watson, Bryan & Witucky Co., L.P.A. February 2019

or too much income. Isn’t there a way I can qualify? • • DEFINE ‘QUALIFIED’ Hiring for Hard Skills v

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Stubbins, Watson, Bryan & Witucky Co. - February 2020

3 cup apple cider 1 tsp apple cider vinegar • • • • • • 1 lb Brussels sprouts, halved

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Stubbins Watson Bryan & Witucky Co. - February 2021

2 cup vegetable broth 3 tbsp balsamic vinegar 2 handfuls arugula Salt and pepper, to taste Nutrition

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Stubbins, Watson, Bryan & Witucky September 2019

2 cup of pasta water. 2. In a large pan over medium heat, melt 2 tbsp butter. Add pepper and cook un

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Stubbins, Watson, Bryan & Witucky 2019

4 cup popcorn kernels 2 tablespoons flaky sea salt • 1 teaspoon black sesame seeds 2 teaspoons white

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Stubbins, Watson, Bryan & Witucky - August 2021

Stubbins, Watson, Bryan & Witucky - August 2021 THE LEGAL NAVIGATOR AUGUST 2021 SOAK UP THE SUN Augu

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Stubbins Watson Bryan & Witucky Co., L.P.A. - May 2022

4 cup roasted pistachios, chopped Directions 1. In a small bowl, combine balsamic vinegar, olive oil

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Stubbins Watson Bryan & Witucky Co., L.P.A. - June 2022

4 cup of the marinade. 3. Seal bag and massage marinade into the chicken. Chill in the fridge overni

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Stubbins Watson Bryan & Witucky Co. - March 2022

Thanks and see you next month! Continued on Page 2 ... 740-452-8484 • 1 ... continued from Cover Sit

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Stubbins Watson Bryan & Witucky Co., L.P.A. - April 2022

2 cups finely chopped pecans, divided Directions 1. Cook pie crust according to package instructions

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Stubbins, Watson, Bryan & Witucky Co. - February 2022



Hello everyone!

As you might know, we receive hundreds of emails on a daily basis. Sometimes interesting news stories get lost in the shuffle, but I wanted to share an excerpt of an email I received last month:

It’s hard to believe that “Forrest Gump” first hit big screens more than 25 years ago. The movie stars Tom Hanks as Forrest Gump, a simple-minded but good- hearted individual who unintentionally influenced important historical events. The movie did phenomenally well and won six Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Actor. Now, 28 years later, the movie is still seen on television and even spawned a successful restaurant chain, Bubba Gump, with locations in major tourist destinations across the country. While the story of Forrest is incredibly touching and brilliantly performed, the film has maintained its relevance for 25-plus years because of its many life lessons, like these four memorable moments. TRY NEW THINGS OFTEN. As humans, we are creatures of habit. We like to stick to regular schedules and do things that we find comfortable. When removed from our comfort zones, we can experience tremendous growth. In the movie, Forrest never backs away from trying something new. When he was recovering from a gunshot wound he sustained in Vietnam, he’s introduced to the game of Ping-Pong. He quickly discovered he was a natural and was eventually brought on board the All-American Ping-Pong team as part of the Ping-Pong diplomacy program. We can all learn from this example and do our best to try new experiences, food, and activities. You never know where your true talents lie. MONEY DOES NOT NECESSARILY BRING HAPPINESS. We’ve all heard that money does not bring happiness, but it’s a difficult concept for many of us to grasp. Throughout the course of the movie, Forrest earns a tremendous amount of money, but despite all that wealth, he still loses his mother 4 Life Lessons Learned From ‘Forrest Gump’ ‘Mama Always Said …’

Oldest WWII Vet Dies at Age of 112

The oldest WWII veteran, Lawrence Brooks, who was born in 1909, died yesterday, January 5, 2022. He was a native of Louisiana and served in the Army’s 91st Engineer Battalion during WWII. It was reported by The Associated Press that although his body was weak, his mind remained sharp until his death. The Associated Press asked Mr. Brooks what the secret of his longevity was, and he responded, “Be nice to people.” We should all follow Mr. Brook’s example!

To read articles about this amazing “supercentenarian” click on the following: living-world-war-ii-veteran-dies-lawrence-brooks veterans/2022/01/05/oldest-us-world-war-ii-veteran- dies-at-112-in-new-orleans

So, if you see a Veteran this month be sure to thank them for their service. Have a great month!

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... continued from Cover

LIFE IS LIKE A BOX OF CHOCOLATES. To put it simply, tomorrow is never guaranteed. We can make all the plans in the world only for something to happen and our plans fall apart. When you open a box of chocolates, you get a variety of flavors but can’t tell what they are until you bite into them. Life is very similar. We don’t know what each day will necessarily bring us when we wake up. Sometimes we just have to dive in and be ready for whatever opportunity presents itself. Over the past 28 years, “Forrest Gump” has left a lasting impact on viewers from multiple generations. Each time you watch it, you may pick up yet another life lesson. By watching the movie with an open mind, you’ll learn the importance of compassion and optimism and the power of love.

and the love of his life, Jenny. When he faces these traumatic events, he’s completely grief-stricken, and no amount of money can bring back the people he loves. BE OPTIMISTIC EVEN WHEN THINGS GET TOUGH. During the movie, Forrest never gets pessimistic, regardless of the situation. One of the greatest examples of Forrest’s intense optimism comes from his relationship with Lieutenant Dan. Dan was wounded in Vietnam but was saved by Forrest. Dan develops a pessimistic outlook on life because he did not die on the battlefield and became an amputee. Forrest continued to support him for years. When they went into the shrimping business together, things started to look grim, but Forrest never dropped his optimism. They were soon gifted with an abundance of shrimp after a hurricane. It’s an important reminder to always try to find the silver lining in any bad situation, no matter how dire it appears.

ABOVE-THE-LINE DEDUCTIONS If your biggest refund comes via the standard deduction, you can still claim additional tax money back. With “above-the-line deductions,” you don’t have to itemize. If you contribute to a health savings account (HSA) or individual retirement account (IRA), you might be eligible for an additional deduction. People who pay student loan interest, teachers who purchase school supplies, or individuals who pay alimony can also claim these costs above the line. EARNED INCOME TAX CREDIT People with low to moderate incomes can claim the earned income tax credit (EITC), but about 1 in 5 eligible taxpayers fail to do so every year. Some taxpayers don’t realize they qualify; others (mistakenly) decide not to file taxes because their income is below the IRS’ filing threshold. Whether you’re eligible for the EITC will depend on your income and household size, but those who qualify can reduce the amount of taxes they pay by $500–$6,000 and receive a larger refund check. This year, don’t leave any money on the table. You earned it, so it should go in your wallet. But taxes can be tricky. If your situation is complicated or you don’t know where to start with filing, see a tax expert. Don’t Dread Tax Season Get Your Biggest Refund in 2022

No one likes tax season, but the 75% of taxpayers who receive refunds every year appreciate the extra cash. However, many people inadvertently overpay their taxes and lose out on money they’re legally owed. Don’t let that happen to you — make sure you get your maximum refund by paying attention to the following factors. ITEMIZATION One of the most crucial decisions you’ll make when filing your taxes is taking the standard deduction or choosing to itemize deductions. Due to recent tax reforms, more people should take the standard deduction than in previous years — TurboTax and the IRS estimate that about 90% of taxpayers will get more money back by choosing the standard deduction. But if you have hefty state or local taxes, pay large amounts of mortgage interest, or donate large amounts to charitable organizations, it’s worth the time to determine if itemizing will get you a larger refund.

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The Value of the Constitution 3 REASONS THE CONSTITUTION EXISTS

by the federal government. Washington could then use the canal as a form of transportation into the rest of the continent. NO JUDICIARY OR EXECUTIVE BRANCH There was only one branch for Congress, and each state had one vote in order to get laws passed. If Congress wanted to pass any laws, they needed 9 out of 13 states in order to approve it. Requiring this high majority made it difficult to pass any legislation. The Constitution divided the government into branches and gave certain powers to each branch, known as checks and balances. The first attempt at a constitution — the Articles of Confederation — failed, but with some adjustments and ratifications, the Constitutional Convention created the document we still use today.

government and the states had separate money. This separation made trade between states and other countries extremely difficult. Due to different currencies, Congress couldn’t print out money for the entire country to use. Fortunately, the Constitution established a common currency for all states and also allowed Congress to coin money and regulate its value. THE ERIE CANAL Within the Articles of Confederation, each state managed the territory that lies within their state lines. George Washington wanted to use the Erie Canal as a form of transportation but couldn’t because the canal was in New York territory. He needed permission from New York in order to use the canal. But with the development of the Constitution, the Erie Canal was managed

Within the Articles of Confederation, Congress didn’t have the power to enforce laws and was only allowed to collect funds from each state. State governments held the majority, which made the federal government weaker. This led to states fighting over territory, war pensions, and taxation, all of which could potentially destroy the country. These issues led to the Constitutional Convention of 1787, which helped create the Constitution that we have today. You might be surprised to learn that a body of water — and other concerns — helped draft the document. SEPARATE STATE CURRENCIES Unlike today, the Confederation Period didn’t have a common currency. The federal Take a Break!

Mediterranean Stuffed Chicken Breast

Inspired by


• 2 chicken breasts • 2 oz mozzarella, cubed • 2 canned artichoke hearts, chopped • 4 tsp sun-dried tomatoes, chopped

• 10 large basil leaves, chopped • 2 cloves garlic, chopped • 1/2 tsp curry powder • 1/2 tsp paprika • Salt and pepper, to taste


1. Preheat oven to 365 F. 2. Cut a slit lengthwise to create a pocket in the middle of each chicken breast. Place the breasts on a baking sheet. 3. In a medium bowl, combine the mozzarella, artichoke hearts, tomatoes, basil, and garlic. 4. Divide the mixture in half and stuff each chicken breast pocket. Using toothpicks, seal the edges of the pockets. 5. Season the chicken with curry, paprika, salt, and pepper, then bake for 20 minutes or until the chicken reaches 165 F. 6. Remove the toothpicks and serve with rice, potatoes, salad, or roasted vegetables!

Sweetheart Tiger Valentine Violet

History Lunar Pink Presidents

Beads Chocolate

Festival Football

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StubbinsWatson Bryan &Witucky Co., L.P.A.


59 N. 4th St. Zanesville, Ohio 43701

Mon–Thu: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Fri: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.


INSIDE THIS ISSUE From the Desk of Mike Bryan PAGE 1 Life Lessons to Learn From ‘Forrest Gump’ PAGE 1 How to Get Your Biggest Tax Refund PAGE 2 How the Erie Canal Helped Form the Constitution PAGE 3 Take a Break PAGE 3 Mediterranean Stuffed Chicken Breast PAGE 3 Eat Smart While Abroad PAGE 4

Enjoying some food abroad? It can be tough to feel like the odd one out, and restaurant etiquette can vary widely across country borders. Here are five things to keep in mind while exploring the cuisine in new places! CHINA While eating food in China, don’t stick your chopsticks into your meal straight upward. It brings a curse of bad luck since it reminds those in the Chinese culture of the incense that burns at funerals. It’s also bad luck in many other Asian cultures for similar reasons, including Japan and Korea. When setting down your chopsticks, let them rest on the rims of your rice bowl or on the table. CHILE With the exception of bread, in Chile, you must use utensils for everything you eat! It’s considered bad manners to eat with your hands. Even french fries and pizza are eaten with a knife and fork. EGYPT It’s never acceptable to refill your own beverage while in Egypt. It’s customary to allow someone else to do it. When your neighbor’s glass is half-empty, refill their glass, and they’ll return the favor! 5 TIPS FOR EATING AT RESTAURANTS IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES

ENGLAND Port — a sweet wine that originates from Portugal — is enjoyed in a very specific way in England. It must be continuously passed to the left side of the table until the bottle is finished. If the port is not passed, it’s impolite to ask for it. Instead, someone can ask the person who has it, “Do you know the Bishop of Norwich?” Once they reply they don’t know him, the response goes, “He’s a very good chap, but he always forgets to pass the port.” ITALY In Italy, it’s considered a cardinal sin to ask for cheese when it’s not offered to you. If you want to blend in with the locals, don’t ask for extra cheese on your pasta or — even worse — seafood!

We hope these tips help you on your next journey abroad! Bon appétit!

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