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Summer Collection 2015

London An atmospheric, moody sky prevails. The vignette of the scene drawing us in to the focal poin

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Masson Spring & Summer Collection | 2022

Masson Spring & Summer Collection | 2022 MASSON SPRING & SUMMER COLLECT ION | 202 2 Introducing our

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Evolve Collection


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Winter Collection

Peaky Blinders' characters to iconic city locations throughout the UK and further afield, from the H

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Hoxton Collection


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Spring collection

4 and ¾ of a length, shape, set of objects or quantity. We will also be concentrating on Statistics

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Basic Collection

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Bridal Collection

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tanks and cart • Kubota military-style diesel-powered generator, mfg. Japan, SN 789151 • Jensen pump

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Summer collection


29th April 2nd May 6th May 8th May 10th May 22nd May 22nd May 23rd May 24th May 3rd June 2nd July 2nd July 3rd July 8th July 12th July 15th July

Nursery re-opens Nursery closed Polling Day Bank Holiday

Minibeast Man Class Photo Day Ugly Bug Ball Nursery closes for Half Term Provisional whole school closure day INSET Day Provisional whole school closure day New Reception Parents meeting Transition Day– meet new teacher Nursery AM trip to Severn Valley Railway Nursery PM trip to Severn Valley Railway Friends of Abbey Summer Fayre Nursery Parent Consultations– Nursery closed Nursery closes for Summer

Please continue to help your child to recognise and write their own name. We will soon be sending out name cards written in the cursive font which we use in school. Please use the name card to help your child form the letters correctly. Please continue to encourage your child to look for numbers in the environment, count objects to 10 or beyond if able. Ask your child to start writing numbers and practise the correct number formation at home. When reading with your child, ask them lots of questions about the characters, setting and events. Can they predict what might happen next?

EYFS Summer 2019 Nursery

19th July

Reminders: 

Please ensure that all items of clothing and footwear are clearly labelled with your child’s name. Please return all library books on a Friday to allow your child to choose a new one. Thank You

Why not go on a minibeast hunt of your own?

Mrs S Gaxherri– Nursery Teacher Mrs A Gould– Teacher Mrs J Warhurst—LSP

Enjoy exploring the world around you by going on walks, looking for different modes

Mrs A Arif — LSP Miss R Lewis—LSA

The Federation of Abbey Infant and Junior School Abbey Infant School, Maurice Road, Smethwick B67 5LR

of transport, do some gardening together?

Phone: 0121-429-1689 Fax: 0121-469-1689 E-mail: [email protected]

Have fun!

EYFS In Nursery we follow the EYFSP, a copy of which is on our website. There are 17 areas of learning made up of 3 specific areas: Personal Social and Emotional Development, Physical Development, Communication & Language and 4 prime areas: Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World, Ex- pressive Arts and Design. The activities in nursery are designed to ena- ble children to develop across all of these are- as of learning. Children will become independent learners and make choices about their activities, balanced with an appropriate range of adult-led learn- ing.

We would like to welcome the new children to

our nursery! It has been lovely meeting lots of

new children and their families, they are settling

The World around us! Our over arching theme is ‘The world around us!’ Summer 1 will be –Marvelous Minibeasts and Summer 2 will be—Zoom! Through these topics we will be encouraging the children to be observant, ask questions, explore their surroundings and take care of living things. We will go on a minibeast hunt, watch the changes that occur within the natural world and hatch caterpillars to experience, first hand the life cycle of a butterfly! The children will be engaging in a variety of creative activities through music making, dance, cooking, craft and role play. They will be travelling far and wide on all sorts of transport. We may even go on a trip to the Moon or on a magic carpet ride! We will enjoy a range of planned, educational visits such as a visit from the Animal man and a trip to Severn Valley Railway. We look forward to sharing the final term with the children and their families in what looks like another very hectic but thoroughly enjoyable journey!

in really well. Well Done!


We will continue to encourage the children to

recognise and have a go at writing their own name.

We will be starting the Talk 4 Writing approach

which will encourage the children to learn a short

story by heart through actions. This will provide

them with a visual and kinesthetic prompt for

writing. The Talk 4 Writing approach works

Children will have free access to both the in- side, outdoor and all-weather areas.

extremely well across the school; by introducing it

at this stage in the year it will prepare the children

Timetable 8.30-8.45/12.20- 12.35 Doors open 8.45-8.50/12.35- 12.45 Gates closed/ Register 8. 50- 9.10/12.45- 1.05 Group Time 9.10- 10.30/ 1.05- 2.25 Child Initiated Learning 10.30-10.40/ 2.25- 2.35 Tidy up 10.40-11.00/ 2.35- 2.55 Fruit & Milk 11.00- 11.20/2.55- 3.15 Phonics

for an easier transition into Reception. We will be

describing minibeasts, labelling parts of their

bodies, talking about their habitats and reading

lots of non-fiction texts.


We will continue to recognise 2D shapes, colours

and numbers. We will provide opportunities for

number recognition, counting and number rhymes

daily. The children will be making minibeast pictures

The Federation of Abbey Infant and Junior School.

using shapes. They will be sorting and classifying

minibeasts and will measure and compare ‘creatures’

by length/ height. The children will be encouraged

Phone: 0121-429-1689 Fax: 0121-469-1689 E-mail: [email protected]

to start recording numbers and will practise

number formation.

KEY DATES Monday 6th May

May Bank Holiday

Wednesday 8th May

EYFS Minibeast Man

Friday 10th May

Infant School Class Photo

Tuesday 21st May

FS2 Disco

Wednesday 22nd May

Ugly Bug Ball EYFS Finale

Friday 24th May

Inset Day

EYFS Summer 2019 Reception

Monday 3rd June

Back To School

Tuesday 2nd July

Abbey Transition Day

Wednesday 3rd July

EYFS Severn Valley Railway

Monday 8th July

EYFS Severn Valley Railway

Friday 12th July

FOA Summer Fayre

Monday 15th July

EYFS Severn Valley Railway

Tuesday 16th July

FS2 Parents Evening

Monday 22nd July

Inset Day

Termly Targets:

Mathematics I can select the correct numeral to represent 1 to 5, then 1 to 10 objects. I can find the total number of items in two groups by counting them all I can add/subtract two single digit numbers and count on or back to find the answer. Reading I can hear and say the initial sounds in words I can segment the sounds in simple words and blend them together. I can read and understand simple sentences and common irregular words. Writing I can hear and say the initial sounds in words I can segment sounds in simple words and blend them together I can write sentences which can be read by myself and others.

RS Miss Supple—Class Teacher Miss Gornal—LSP RA Miss Saghir—Class Teacher Mrs Jones—LSP RB Mrs Bhatoe/Mrs Appleby—Class Teacher Miss White—LSA

The Federation of Abbey Infant and Junior School Abbey Infants Maurice Road, Smethwick B67 5LR

Maths In Reception, children will be learning about doubling/halving/sharing and part, part whole linking it to our topic work about Our World. We will revisit addition and subtraction, using maths word problems. Understanding of the World Children will listen and respond to stories from various religions in RE and will develop ICT skills through appropriate activities using the Interactive Whiteboard and Ipads, such as creating their own Mini- beasts or vehicle. They will consider charac- teristics of Mini-beasts and different forms of transport in our world. Children will be looking at what makes people and environments so special and how to care for them. Expressive Arts & Design Children will continue to build a repertoire of songs and dances through interactive music sessions. They will develop their imagination through role play opportunities in the ‘Bug Garden’ and ‘Zoom!’ areas and will use a variety of materials and resources to build a wormery, a bug hotel and make traffic light cakes,

Physical Development Develop their fine and gross motor skills through; fine motor activities pencil control, tracing, threading, manipulating materials such as play dough, independently fastening coats, buttons, zips and shoes. Gross motor activities will include - PE: core strength and co-ordination activities; outdoor play; riding scooters and bikes; parachute games; jumping, running, travelling and relay games/races.

In Reception (FS2) the curriculum is divided into three prime areas of learning and four specific areas. Your child will experience a variety of fun activities that are equally planned for throughout the topics.

The 3 Prime areas are:  PSED 

Communication & Language

Physical Development

The 4 Specific areas are:  English  Maths 

Throughout the topic – ‘Our Land,’ the children will….

Understanding the World Expressive Arts and Design

PSED Discuss how to make others feel better if they are worried or frustrated, take part in circle time activities based on supporting one another to achieve a goal and their transition to Year 1. They will discuss how it feels to achieve and demonstrate things that they can do well

English The children will engage in a range of texts during Talk 4 Writing sessions, Guided Read- ing sessions, individual reading and shared class reading.

whilst developing the skills to become independent learners.

The children will participate in daily phonics sessions (Letters & Sounds Phase 3 and 4).

Communication & Language

They will consider how to look at books care- fully, showing an interest in illustrations and print. Reception children will be encouraged to use the sounds that they have learnt to sound out and blend words when reading and writing. The children will give meaning to mark making such as name writing, lists, labels and short sentences.

Participate in circle time activities, role- play opportunities, speaking and listening tasks, re-tell stories and rhymes. They will work together, learning how to take turns when speaking and listening to others in small groups and whole class situations. They will develop confidence to talk about their individual interests and achievements using vocabulary that reflects their experiences. Reception children will engage in activities around mini-beasts and transport.

The Federation of Abbey Infant and Junior School.

Phone: 0121-429-1689 Fax: 0121-469-1689 E-mail: [email protected]

Throughout Talk 4 Writing, Reception will


1st May

1CP trip - Clent Hills

3rd May

1P trip - Clent Hills

6th May

May Bank Holiday

10th May

Infant class photos

20th May

Year 1 disco

Key Stage 1 Summer 2019 Year 1

22nd May

Last day of Summer 1 term

4th June

Back to school!

W.c 17th June

Art expert in school (dates TBC)

21st June

Infant’s sports day

2nd July

Transition day

12th July

FOA Summer Fayre

16th July

KS1 Parent’s evening drop in (no appointment)

19th July

Last day of Summer 2 term


Our Summer term wellbeing focus will be ‘Managing Relationships’. This term we will be focusing on how we manage our relationships with our peers.

Intended Learning Outcomes:

1. Be responsible for our own behaviour and know that our choices impact on others. 2. Know the impact of kind behaviour towards others in promoting good mental health and well- being. 3. Consider ways to improve our mental health and well-being through positive relationships with others. 4. To understand that arguments, disagreements and squabbles are part of relationships and how we handle them is an important life skill. 5. To understand that when we fall out with others we have a range of negative emotions which may include feelings of anger, sadness and frustration. 6. To know how it feels to be calm. 7. To ensure that all children have a breathing strategy (life skill) that they can practice to calm themselves.

1P Mrs. Piper 1D Mrs. Donnelly & Mrs. McCormack 1CP Mrs. Chance & Mrs. Phillips Mrs. Broadbent, Mr. Knight LSP Mrs. Bond 1:1 LSP

Phone: 0121-429-1689 Fax: 0121-469-1689 E-mail: [email protected]

P.E P.E this term is on the following days. 1P - Tuesday 1D - Thursday 1CP - Alternate Mondays & Wednesdays In P.E this term, our areas of learning are Athletics and Games. The children will be practising their throwing, catching and aiming skills. They will also be developing their partner work and teamwork through small group and whole class games. Please ensure that your child has the correct kit in school including pumps. Remember, named items are much easier to find! R.E The focus of Summer 1 will be Islam. The children will listen to Islamic stories and the messages behind them. They will learn about objects and places that are special to Muslims such as the Qur’an and the Mosque. Summer 2 is a Unit focus- sing on Christian beliefs. The emphasis is largely on the New Testament and the ‘good news’ that Jesus brought. Music During Summer 1, children will listen to and appraise a range of songs that they are now familiar with including songs from Mary Poppins and Aladdin. These songs are chosen to stimulate their imagination. Summer 2 is a reflective Unit, designed to allow

English Throughout the term we will use Talk for Writing to learn, explore, adapt and write a range of fiction and non-fiction texts. Each text will be based on either fins, fur or feathers, linked to our topic, and will include a story and a fact file. Children will also continue to learn and apply SPaG ele- ments to their writing as well as practicing cursive hand- writing. During reading activity sessions, we will continue to develop accuracy and fluency whilst reading a variety of texts to inspire and promote a love for reading. Maths In maths we have so far started to look at multiplication and division. We will be moving on to looking at halving and doubling numbers. Then we will be looking at position and direction. They will learn to describe rotations as quarter, half, three-quarter and whole turns, and will combine turns with lateral movement to give and follow route instruc- tions. The children will also develop their understanding of and ability to manipulate, numbers to 100. They will inves- tigate patterns in 2-digit numbers, specifically 1 more and 1 less, and 10 more and 10 less, before moving on to parti- tion numbers and identify the place value of digits within a number. We will be then be moving on to looking at time and money. Science & Topic Our first Topic this term is called Home and Away. The children will learn about life on land, comparing Bearwood to a coastal town. We will also look at the human and physi- cal features of parts of the UK. Our second Topic is called Fins, Fur & Feathers and links closely with our Science work this term.Year 1 will be learning how to identify and name common animals. We will classify them by whether they are carnivores, herbivores or omnivores. As the title suggests we will include fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals, including pets. We will look at habitats, food and other aspects of animal life. The children will also learn to identify, name and label the basic parts of the human body and say which part of the body is associated with each sense.

Topic/Art and Design

As our Topic suggests, Art this term will include lots

of animals with fins, fur or feathers. We will be

exploring a range of new techniques, as well as having

a go at making our own sculptures! We are

anticipating lots of messy fun and creativity, so will

probably ask children to provide suitable coveralls

from home, to protect their school clothes.


In Geography, we will be naming the four countries in

the UK and their capital cities. We will also locate

the seas surrounding the UK. The children will

consider the geographical similarities and

differences between areas of the U.K, by comparing

children the opportunity to revisit their favourite songs, games and Units of work.

human and physical features. Each class will enjoy a

trip to the Clent Hills.


In computing we will be using iPads and sound

recording equipment. We will initially record our own

sound effects and then add them to an audio book,

The Federation of Abbey Infant and Junior School.

based on a traditional tale.

Phone: 0121-429-1689 Fax: 0121-469-1689 E-mail: [email protected]


Monday 6th May

May Day Bank Holiday

Monday 13th May— Wednesday 22nd May Friday 10th May Tuesday 21st May Thursday 23rd and Friday 24th May Monday 27th May– Friday 31st May Monday 3rd June Friday 7th June Thursday 13th June Friday 21st June Monday 24th June— Wednesday 26th June Tuesday 2nd July


Class photographs Year 2 disco at the Jnrs 5-6.30pm

INSET days—school closed

Half Term

School closed Y2 Bake Sale Abbey Arts Festival KS1 sports day

Frank Chapman Residential

Transition day- Children to meet their new teachers New Junior Parents—meet the teacher meeting (p2 pm) TBC Year 2 Cinema and Bowling Summer Fayre Parents’ Evening Year 2 Prom Year 2 Leavers Assembly School closes for the Summer at 3.15pm

Wednesday 3rd July

Friday 5th July Friday 12th July Tuesday 16th July Thursday 18th July Thursday 18th July Friday 19th July

Throughout the Summer term we will continue to support the chil- dren in managing their emotions through relaxation and coping strat- egies. The children will then be continuing their use of the ‘STOP’ strate- gies to ensure a happy and safe environment. S.T.O.P– Several Times On Purpose. Start Telling Other People. We will also continue to encourage the children to build, maintain and manage their relationships with other children and adults in the school. The children will be using the “Ready, Steady, Go!” strategy to help resolve issues and misunderstandings.

Mrs Johnson Miss Gill, Mr Hayat, Mrs Brighton, Mrs Goldie, Mrs Nichols, Miss Maull, and Miss Hinton.

The Federation of Abbey Infant and Junior School Abbey Infants Maurice Road, Smethwick B67 5LR

Phone: 0121-429-1689 Fax: 0121-469-1689 E-mail: [email protected]

Art/DT Design and Technology will be our focus for the first half term in which the children will be designing, planning and making their very own food box. Following the half term break our art work will include observational drawings and looking at the work of William Morris. The children will be creating their own design in the style of William Morris. History We will be learning about the life of Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole. Through this, we will compare nursing today to nursing from the past. The children will look at these significant individuals and the impact they had. RE & PSHE Our RE will enable the children to explore the concept of God for themselves and to consider what this concept might mean for Christians. The focus is on pupils exploring the concept of God for themselves, through asking questions and using metaphors to help understand characteristics of God. There should also be an element that enables pupils to explore what Christians believe about God and how they respond to God. In PSHE, we will be looking at making and main- taining good relationships, followed by accepting that changes are a big part of growing up.

Geography In Geography the children will be looking at maps of the local area and using a key to locate information. They will apply these skills to draw a map of a real or imaginary place. (e.g. add detail to a sketch map from an aerial photograph) . PE In PE we will be focusing on athletics. We will be prac- tising running, jumping, throwing and catching in isolation and then we will look at combining these skills. Develop- ing their flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance through athletics. Please ensure that your child has the correct kit in school and it is clearly named. We also ask that long hair is tied back and that earrings are removed or covered—thank you. Computing This term we will be developing our collaboration skills through working as part of a group. We will be developing our research skills through careful and effective search- ing for information on the internet. Our presentation skills will be put to the test when we have to create our own presentation based on our topic of Healthy Life- styles. Music We will be consolidating learning that has taken place during the year. The children will continue to listen to and appraise pieces of music and will learn about the dimensions of music through games, singing, playing in- struments, improvising and composing. They will perform and share with others. Taking Care– Healthy Lifestyles & Growing up This term’s topic is all about ’Taking Care’. We shall spend the first half term looking at healthy lifestyles. In the final half term ‘Growing Up’ will be our focus in which we will be comparing humans at different stages of their life.


A folktale entitled ’Baba Yaga’ will kick off our Talk 4 Writing, which will provide the children with a strong foundation for creating their very own folktale. We will also be providing them with an opportunity to create and write their own adventure story . Children will be encouraged to include ambitious word choices, accurate punctuation and consistent application of the many spelling rules they have learned. The children have been introduced to several different sentence types during their time in Year 2 and we shall be encouraging them to show these off within their pieces of writing. In Maths the children will start by learning how to make ¼ , ½ and ¾ rotations and learning how to tell and read the time. They will also look at questions involving capacity and will revisit methods for addition, subtraction, division and multiplication. There will be lots of mathematical reasoning going on, providing the children with opportunities to use and apply their skills to solve problems and to investigate mathematical statements. We will continue to strengthen and develop their fluency of key skills such as doubles, halves, number bonds and times tables. In Science we shall be learning all about healthy lifestyles, finding out about the different food groups and providing the children with an opportunity to plan and create their own food box. We will also look at how exercise and hygiene contribute to a healthy lifestyle. In the final half term, we shall be looking at growing up and changing, considering what babies need to grow and survive and classifying and describing changes that happen as people grow older. Science . Maths

The Federation of Abbey Infant and Junior School.

Phone: 0121-429-1689 Fax: 0121-469-1689 E-mail: [email protected]


Monday 6th May Thursday 9th May Thursday 23rd May Friday 24th May Friday 24th May Monday 3rd June Monday 10th June Wednesday 12th June Friday 14th June Wednesday 19th June Wednesday 26th June Thursday 27th June Friday 28th June Tuesday 2nd July Thursday 4th July Friday 12th July Tuesday 16th July

Bank holiday (school closed) Class photographs Whole school closure Break up for half-term INSET day (Teacher training) Whole school closure Year 3 educational visit (TBC) Year 3 educational visit (TBC) Year 3 educational visit (TBC) KS2 Sports day 3V’s Greek Day 3K’s Greek Day 3B’s Greek Day Transition Day – Meet new class teacher Junior choir concert Abbey Summer Fayre Parent’s drop in following reports Break up for summer holiday INSET day (Teacher training)

Key Stage 2 Summer 2019 Year 3

Friday 19th July Monday 22nd July

Miss Vance Miss Bevan Mrs Kaur Mrs Seymour Mrs Smith

Miss Moss Miss Begum Miss Hinton

Phone: 0121-429-2700 Fax: 0121-434-4643 E-mail: [email protected]


PE is the same as last term, 3V and 3K are on Fri- days and 3B is on Monday and Thursdays. However, from Summer 2 it will be 3V and 3B on Fridays and 3K on Mondays and Thursdays. Could you please ensure that children have appropriate kit in school including well-fitting pumps. Please ensure that long hair is tied back and that earrings are re- moved or covered. All classes will take part in athlet- ics and rounder activities at some point during the term.


English in Year 3 is based around the topics we are studying. We will continue to use the Talk for Writing(T4W) strategy which is based on children’s speaking and listening. They are deliv- ered through 3 week blocks. ‘Ancient Greeks’ is the topic which will inspire this term’s texts. The genres to be covered are: Suspense stories, Myths and Legends, diary entry and narrative poetry.

Greek Study

In this term, Year 3 will be participating in a Greek study. They will have opportunity to research and gain understanding of the impact of Ancient Greeks on us to- day as well as everyday life from Ancient Greece. To in- spire the children at the start of the topic we will use ‘Now Press Play’ . The children will also have a Greek Day at the end of the term as a celebration of their learning in which parents will be invited in to taste the delicious Greek food pre- pared by their children. We will look at the geographical features of Ancient Greece and how this influenced the people; trade, sepa- rate states, foods, and wars. The children will also look at modern Greece and discuss why people travel to Greece today. Geography


This term the children will be learning what makes a good movie and how to edit movies using I Movie. The next Steven Spielbergs!!! They will also use Power- point to create a slideshow using hyperlinks to sort and identify plants.


We will continue to work on developing the recall of x tables. The expectation is that, by the end of Year 3 pupils should be able to recall 2,5,10 x tables as well as 4,8,3 x tables and their division facts quickly. Other topics to be covered will be fractions, shape, mass and capacity, length and perimeter and number which will be consolidating mental strategies and written methods. There will be opportunities during the term to use and apply the children’s learning in a range of different contexts and representations.


This term children will be learning a variety of Greek topic based songs and covering the ‘Bringing Us To- gether’, and ‘Rewind and Replay’ units of the Charanga music programme.

Design and Technology


In RE we will be finding out the Jewish religion and the importance of Moses to the Jewish people and their freedom.

Children will learn about the great mathematicians and architects and see how they have influenced today’s build- ings and ideas. They will create a mask based on Greek theatre and myths. Children will also develop their cooking skills by creating and delivering a Greek feast.



In art we will be focusing on using a range of painting and drawing techniques. The children will also be creating pots from clay in the style of Ancient Greek artists.

The focus for this term will be Working Scientifically and Let Your Garden Grow. Investigations will run throughout the term in order for the children to become more independent in their scientific thinking.

The Federation of Abbey Infant and Junior School.


During the Summer term we will complete wellbeing as- semblies that focus on relationships and coping with change.

Phone: 0121-429-2700 Fax: 0121-434-4643 E-mail: [email protected]


Monday 13th May

4RP to bring a toothbrush and toothpaste in to school (disclosing tablets). 4A to bring a toothbrush and toothpaste in to school (disclosing tablets). 4P to bring a toothbrush and toothpaste in to school (disclosing tablets).

Wednesday 15th May

Thursday 16th May

Monday 20th May

Walk to school week.

Tuesday 21st May Wednesday 22nd May Wednesday 22nd May

4A Roman Assembly (2:15pm start) 4P Roman Assembly (9:00am start) 4RP Roman Assembly (2:15pm start)

Key Stage 2 Summer 2019 Year 4

Thursday 23rd May Friday 24th May

Whole school closure—New build. School closed—INSET Day.

Monday 3rd June Tuesday 4th June

Whole school closure—New build. Children return back to school.

Thursday 6th June

The Queen’s official Birthday celebration.

Wednesday 19th June

KS2 Sports Day.

Tuesday 2nd July

Transition day—Children to meet their new class teacher. Junior choir concert (13:45—14:45)

Thursday 4th July

Friday 12th July

Friends of Abbey Summer Fayre.

Tuesday 16th July

Parent drop in to discuss reports.

Friday 19th July

End of Summer Term—Beginning of Summer holi- days.

Monday 22nd July

Teacher INSET Day

Year 4 Italian Day


Mrs Abercrombie Mr Postin Miss Rockett Mrs Pearshouse

Mrs Melvin Mrs Newey

The Federation of Abbey Infant and Junior School Abbey Juniors Barclay Road, Smethwick B67 5LT

Miss Bennett Ms Blackburn

Phone: 0121-429-2700 Fax: 0121-434-4643 E-mail: [email protected]

PE This half term we will continue to swim on Tuesday mornings. All children are expected to participate in these sessions, since this is a national requirement. After half-term, 4RP will have PE on Thursday morn- ings. Please make sure your child has their kit in school all the time. We also ask that long hair is tied back and that earrings are removed or covered. 4P will also be carrying on with their imaginary worlds dance that they started during the Spring Term. Computing The children will be using a digital media program to create their own melodies. This will develop their ed- iting and composing skills. We will also continue to remind the children about the importance of staying safe online and to use the internet responsibly and respectfully. RE We will continue to explore what we can learn from different religions. Much of the learning will be done through speaking & listening activities and creative thinking. We will also be exploring right and wrong. Keeping your child safe online . The NSPCC and O2 have lots of useful information on their website to help your family enjoy the digital world safely; visit or if you prefer you can call the online safety helpline on 0808 800 5002 free of charge. A good resource is NSPCC Net Aware at, giving parents information about the most commonly used apps by young people.

Our topic for the Summer Term will be Italy



In Year 4, we will be using Talk4Writing to increase the children's knowledge of text and sentence types. The genres that we will be focusing on are newspaper report, formal letter writing and Ken- nings.. In addition, we will continue to develop a cur- sive, handwriting style and explore different spelling strategies. This term we will continue to develop our units of work through a mastery approach. Our units for the term include consolidating our work on fractions and decimals, money, statistics, geometry (2D and 3D shapes) and time. The children will be developing their explanations and reasoning throughout these lessons. The children will continue to use Times Ta- ble Rockstars to develop their fluency, as well as doing a weekly multiplication test (99 club) on Friday afternoons. There are daily opportunities for fluen- cy and catch up sessions for children to consolidate their learning and address any misconceptions that may arise within lessons. We will be looking at healthy eating and how to look after our teeth, before going on to look at the di- gestive system. We will also study the different types of teeth we have and their functions. The children will have the opportunity to test their ideas through experiments before going on to record and represent their results in various ways. We will then move on to look at sound. This will involve looking at how sounds are made and how sounds travel. We will then consolidate this knowledge through visitors who will com- i n g Maths Science

History We will be exploring how and why the Romans invaded Britain., their civilization and the legacy they left be- hind. We will also be looking at Boudicca’s revolt and the tactics used by the Romans during The Battle of Watling Street. Design Technology We will build on woodwork skills to design and create a Roman catapult. The children will be cooking a main course based on their topic and will also be developing their sewing skills. Art We will create Roman shields during Inspire Work- shops. Using our developing painting and drawing skills. Geography We will be mapping countries that the Romans invaded, as well as looking at how volcanoes are formed. This will involve looking at the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. There will also be a creative homework task set around this. Drama / Music The children will be learning parts for a play and songs to perform for their Roman assembly. In addition to this, we will also be composing our own digital music in Computing sessions. PSHE Summer 1— Managing relationships and emotions. Summer 2— Changes.

The Federation of Abbey Infant and Junior School.

Phone: 0121-429-2700 Fax: 0121-434-4643 E-mail: [email protected]

Key Dates

April 2019 29th April - Summer term starts May 2019

6th May- Bank holiday 9th May- Class photos

Please help your child to complete the weekly homework that is set. This includes: a Maths task, an English task, plus spellings, along with a reading book. The English homework will be set on Education City and the Maths homework will require the children to learn their times tables. They can access Education City or Times Table Rockstars to practise their times tables. Topic homework may also be set on Purple Mash and children will be made aware of this. Also, there will be an ongoing creative Science or Topic project to complete. Homework will be set on Friday to be completed by the following Friday. Spellings will be tested on Fridays. Please talk to your child about their homework and check that they have completed it to the best of their ability.

15th May- Chester Zoo 5W 20th May - Chester Zoo 5M 22nd May - Chester Zoo 5H 23rd May- Whole school closure 24th May - INSET day 27th May - 31st May - Half term June 2019 3rd June- Whole school closure 7th June - Rainforest Roadshow 11th June - Parent Workshop 19th June - KS2 Sports day 26th June- Perryfield's Flight day July 2019 2nd July - Transition day 12th July- FOA Summer Fayre

Key Stage 2 Summer 2019 Year 5

Keeping your child safe online

The NSPCC and O2 have lots of useful information on their website to help your family enjoy the digital world safely; visit or if you prefer you can call the online safety helpline on 0808 800 5002 free of charge. A good resource is NSPCC Net Aware at , giving parents information about the most commonly used apps by young people.

Miss. Westwood Mrs. Yale Miss. Humphries Miss. Jones Mrs. Hunter Miss. Rouse Mr. Pogson Mrs. Webb Mrs. Carruthers

Computing We will be starting the term by delving further into e-safety and how our children can keep themselves safe online (on all devises). We will then be moving onto developing a game using coding. R.E & PSHE This term we will be looking at ‘prayer’ throughout all faiths and who non-religious people turn to in a variety of situations. Then, the children will be moving onto exploring places of worship. Every week, during class assembly, we will be focusing on managing relationships, behaviour and choic- es, mental health and wellbeing, arguments / disagreements, emotions and strategies to encourage mindfulness.

The Rainforest

Geography This topic is all about identifying the position and significance of latitude, longitude, Equator, Northern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere, the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, Arctic and Antarctic Circle, and time zones (including day and night). It includes looking at where the rainforests are in the world. We will be exploring the effects of deforestation on the rainforests and the world. History This term we will be looking at everyday life in the Rainforest and the importance of maintaining it. Throughout the term, the children will be learning about tribal life in the past and present. We will also be looking at the Mayan civilization. Art & Design and Design & Technology We will be concentrating on the life and works of a famous artist called Henri Rousseau. The children will get the opportunity to use a range of media and develop their painting skills. The children will be designing, making and evaluating a range of healthy meals. P.E Please ensure that your child has the correct kit in school. This half term we will be doing athletics and rounders. 5W will be doing PE with Miss Hinton. Please see the school website for this terms swimming arrangements. Music During this term , we will be exploring a range of songs, including singing in groups, solos and rounds. We will begin to use various percussion instruments and explore a range of notes. Our topic will be focused around ‘Dancing in the Street’ and Motown.


In Year 5, our Talk 4 Writing genres include: narrative, where we will focus on creating ten- sion. Also, we will be looking at alternative fairy tales, where the children will be making their own book and will get the opportunity to pre- sent this to the infant children. The chil- dren will have the opportunity to explore for- mal letter writing with a purpose. Both of these topics will be developing life skills by being able to present to an audience and write for a purpose. During all of the units we will be look- ing at different sentence types and doing a variety of SPAG activities. This term we will be looking at the properties of shape including comparing and measuring angles, using the properties of shape to deduce related facts and finding missing lengths and angles within rectangles. We will be looking at volume and capacity. The children will be con- verting units of measure. Maths This term in Science the children will be looking at forces including: air resistance, water resistance, friction and gravity. The children will be exploring these forces through a range of practical experiments and investigations. The children will be making their own investigations and focusing on how to work scientifically. Science

The Federation of Abbey Infant and Junior School Abbey Juniors Barclay Road

Phone: 0121-429-2700 Fax: 0121-434-4643 Email: [email protected]


Monday 13th May-16th May


Thursday 16th May

Post SATS party (afternoon)

Friday 17th May

Pizza and DVD (afternoon)

Tuesday 21st May

KS2 Disco (5:00pm-6:30pm)

Thursday 23rd & 24th May


Monday 27th May - Friday 31st May


Key Stage 2 Summer Term 2019 Year 6

Monday 3rd June


Tuesday 4th June


Monday 17th June

6V visit to the sewage treatment centre (Derby) Upper School Sports Day (in school) 6M visit to the sewage treatment centre (Derby) 6J visit to the sewage treatment centre (Derby) Transition Day

Tuesday 18th June

Wednesday 19th June

Friday 21st June

Tuesday 2nd July

Friday 12th July

Summer Fayre

Tuesday 16th July

Parents ‘drop-in’ evening

Wednesday 17th July

Year 6 Production (6.30pm - 8pm) TBC

Thursday 18th July

Year 6 Prom (7.45pm-late!) TBC

Friday 19th July

Year 6 Leaver’s Assembly (9.00 a.m.) SUMMER BREAK


The Federation of Abbey Infant and Junior School Abbey Juniors Barclay Road, Smethwick B67 5LT

Mr. McGowan Mrs. Vickers Mr. Jones Mrs. Sherwood Miss Jones Mrs. Caruthers

Phone: 0121-429-2700 Fax: 0121-434-4643 E-mail: [email protected]

This term 6V and 6M will have P.E on Tuesdays and 6J will have P.E on Thursdays. All classes will take part in athletics during this term. Could you please ensure that children have appropriate kit in school.

We shall be looking at the history and development of ca- nals in the Birmingham area . The work of James Brindley will be studied. We intend to look at the adventures of “sea explorers” eg James Cook and the discovery of new lands.

In English we will be writing in a variety of genre this term, includ- ing story telling, biog- raphy, persuasive bro-

chures and playscripts. Children will be given the op- portunity to write in both formal and informal styles and an emphasis will be put on adding interest, style and complexity to their writing. Additionally, we will continue to work on the spelling, punctuation, grammar and reading comprehension skills.

We will be focusing on Christianity this term ; looking at the notion of Jesus as a leader. The children will also be encouraged to make links with mod- ern day life in both Sandwell and Britain.

Much of this topic will be geographical based around the Water Cycle , river, canals and human settlements.

The children will build upon the knowledge of French taught throughout the school including vocabulary, spo- ken and written French

In readiness for the Year 6 Leaver’s Production, the chil- dren will be heavily involved in prop and set design and con- struction, costume choices and other backstage considera- tions. Rehearsals for the production, involving acting, singing, dancing and backstage commitments will take up an increas- ing amount of time as the Summer Term draws to a close, so watch this space!

Our focus Maths will be on reasoning and problem solving


— tackling questions which may require a number of mathematical skills and the application of a wide range of learning from throughout the year. We will also be working on units designed to ensure a smooth transi- tion into Year 7, focussing on using a variety of dif- ferent mathematical skills when problem solving, iden- tifying number patterns & sequences and using ele- ments of maths to inspire art work.

This term we are looking at notation, rhythmic pattern, playing instruments and singing and performing for our Year6 Leaver's Show.


In our wellbeing assemblies we are looking at how chil- dren can be confident, healthy and lead independent lives. It helps them to develop personally and socially.

In art , we will be focussing on adding detail to sculptures, working with an artist, exploring perspectives and linking it to canals.

The focus for this term will shift to ‘Light’ and ‘Electricity’, where the children will be exploring how electricity is generated and creating circuits practically. Our topic on light will give oppor- tunities for experimenting with how light travels and how obstacles change this, as well as how shadows are formed.

The Federation of Abbey Infant and Junior School.

This term, in computing the children will continue with cod- ing and modelling with spreadsheets.

Phone: 0121-429-2700 Fax: 0121-434-4643