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TEW Galleries_Charles Keiger_Catalog_2018_

A Leading Atlanta Contemporary Art Gallery since 1987 since 1987

2 0 1 8 C A T A L O G C H A R L E S K E I G E R N E W PA I N T I N G S

E X H I B I T I O N O P E N S F R I D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 2 , 2 0 1 8 6 : 0 0 - 9 : 0 0 p . m . O N V I E W T H R O U G H M A R C H 3 , 2 0 1 8 C H A R L E S K E I G E R N E W PA I N T I N G S

A Leading Atlanta Contemporary Art Gallery since 1987 425 Peachtree Hills Avenue, #24 / Atlanta, GA 30305 / 404 869 0511 / WWW.TEWGALLERIES.COM since 1987

Photo: Phil Bekker,

COVER IMAGE: “Migration,” 2017, oil on canvas, 30” x 34”

Charles Keiger and I met soon after I discovered his art in an exhibition in Atlanta in 1989. At that time, his paintings were abstract: not much more than slashes of nuanced color and inter- estingly arranged patterns and shapes. His art has evolved enormously since then, and instead of using sizable brushes to cover large areas at a time, he now paints with very small brushes and spends countless hours creating precise- ly controlled, immaculate imagery. Another enormous change is his subject matter, which is now highly individual, entertaining and tends to border on the mystical. But a few things have not changed: his love of color, pattern and form, and these underly everything he paints. After Charles and I started working together, he began using watercolors to paint funny figures in circus-like settings surrounded by lots of negative space. I’m sure this reflected how odd he felt going from non-objective abstraction to representational imagery. Then he changed again and, painting in oils, his figures became more lifelike as his colors got more earthy. The narrative soon turned personal and more sober, and by combining surrealistic elements, for instance a tree growing a face on it, and quirky characters, like a man smoking a corncob pipe in a rural setting, Charles began to comment on his southern roots. More changes followed, many or them indicative of greater command of his craft, but also a far more original vision, and there were lots of entertaining things to look at. This latest body of work marks another

shift, and this one is substantial. While the color has become verdant, atmospheric and pleasingly cool; the paintings are sparser. But more im- portantly, they are more masterful, thus more serious, and without losing their otherworldly quality, they are more real. I think Jules Bekker, our gallery director, describes them best when she says this is Magical Realism. It takes a long time for one’s work and dedication to coalesce into success. Having watched Charles make the 30 year climb from abstraction to Magical Realism, I know how each step trans- formed his art. But still, without wands, potions or even a hog wart (though Charles does have a black cat), there has been no amount of magic in getting to this point. But then, what are fortitude, an overarching sense of destiny, belief in one’s vision and the support of a spouse? When I asked Charles to tell me about this body of work, he replied: “I’ve been thinking a lot about something I read which said that an artist creates in order to expand happiness. I really like that because that’s what I’m trying to do. But I’m not interested in defining what happiness is, only encouraging it in other people.” Charles Keiger has been represented by TEW Galleries since 1990. - Timothy Tew

WWW . T E W G A L L E R I E S . C O M

“Storyteller” 2017 oil on canvas 30” x 34”

“Magic Boy” 2017 oil on canvas 30” x 34” SOLD

“Blackberries (Prodigal Son)” 2017 oil on canvas 28” x25” SOLD

“Landscape with Rabbit” 2017 oil on canvas 24” x30”

“Quartet” 2017 oil on canvas 16” x 18”

“Watermelon King” 2017 oil on canvas 28” x 25”

“Vegan” 2017 oil on linen 25” x 28” SOLD

“Tulip (Stargazer)” 2017 oil on linen 28” x 25” SOLD

“Black Dog” 2017 oil on canvas 14” x 15” SOLD


Born 1957, Asheville, North Carolina


BFA University of South Carolina, Columbia


MFA University of Georgia, Athens


Modern Whimsy, Charles Keiger & Richard Downs, TEW Galleries, Atlanta, GA


TEW Galleries Salon Show, Atlanta, GA

2016 The Painted Figure: Paul Fenniak, Charles Keiger, Mario Soria and Dorian Vallejo, TEW Galleries, Atlanta, GA Clouds and Waves: Group Show, Blue Spiral Gallery, Asheville, NC 2015 Pictorial Adventures, Group Show, TEW Galleries, Atlanta, GA

Dualities, Group Show, TEW Galleries, Atlanta, GA Two Person Show, Blue Spiral Gallery, Asheville, NC. Thinking Theatrically, Charles Keiger, Solo: Arts Company, Nashville, TN


TEW Galleries, The Figure Today, Atlanta, GA


Solo Exhibitions: Charles Keiger / Rimi Yang, TEW Galleries, Atlanta, GA Blue Spiral Gallery, Asheville, NC. “New Works”


Gallery Walk at Terminus, “Heaven and Earth,” curated by Ann Tracht & Jill Molino Charles Keiger, “Menagerie,” Red Line Gallery, Chattanooga, TN 2011 The Arts Company, Charles Keiger: Inside Out, September 3 – October 15, Nashville TN TEW TOP 25 – Works that Express the Gallery Aesthetic, TEW Galleries, Atlanta, GA 2010 TEW Galleries, Charles Keiger, Solo, Gallery II, Atlanta, GA 2009

The Arts Company, Nashville, TN. Charles Keiger “The Art of the Book.” Charles Keiger, Olena Zvyagintseva, May 2009, TEW Galleries, Atlanta, GA


Gallery Walk at Terminus, Blooming, Curated by Ann Lambert Tracht


TEW Charles Keiger & Kimo Minton, TEW Galleries, Atlanta, GA TEW 20th Anniversary Exhibition, TEW Galleries, Atlanta, GA Keiger, Gorman, Richter, Hahn Ross Gallery, Santa Fe, NM


Charles Keiger, Chuck Bowdish, Stephen Olivier, TEW Galleries, Atlanta GA


Charles Keiger, Jonathan Sobol, Otto Neumann, Galerie Timothy Tew


Solo Exhibition, Cole Pratt Gallery, New Orleans, LA

2003 Charles Keiger, Carol Bruns, Greg Decker and Elizabeth Sheppell, Galerie Timothy Tew Solo Exhibition, Cole Pratt Gallery, New Orleans, LA 2002 “Little Things Mean A Lot”, Swan Coach House, Atlanta, GA “Tell Me A Story”, Charles Keiger and Edith Caywood, Galerie Timothy Tew 2001 Charles Keiger and Gregory Decker, The Arts Company, Nashville, TN Charles Keiger and Tapp Francke, The Zodiac Room, Neiman Marcus, Atlanta Spotlight on Southern Artists, Benefit for the Trinity School, Atlanta Solo Exhibition, Galerie Timothy Tew 2000

“Small Sketches: A Holiday Show”, Swan Coach House, Atlanta, GA Charles Keiger, Auguste Garufi, and Jeni Stallings, Galerie Timothy Tew Lisa Kurts Gallery, Memphis, TN


Solo Exhibition, Galerie Timothy Tew Spotlight on Southern Artists, Benefit for the Trinity School, Atlanta Portraiture as Art, Unique Portraits by Contemporary Southern Artists, Artwalk at Lenox Square, Atlanta 1996 Spotlight on Southern Artists, Benefit for the Trinity School, Atlanta 1995

Angela Verdon, Kimo Minton, Charles Keiger, Galerie Timothy Tew Marco Arce, Charles Keiger, Gerald Lee Zeigler, Galerie Timothy Tew Eleventh Annual Sidewalk Art Show, Swan Coach House Gallery 1994 Charles Keiger and Marco Arce, Galerie Timothy Tew 1993 The November Show, A Juried Exhibition of 30 Atlanta Artists, Atlanta

Solo Exhibition, Galerie Timothy Tew Group Show, Galerie Timothy Tew


Figure Studies, Galerie Timothy Tew


Solo Exhibition, Galerie Timothy Tew Earth Factory Show, Atlanta


On Display - Kaskel and Keiger, Southern Bell Center, Atlanta Suwanee Arts Federation, Visiting Artist, Suwanee, Georgia Dekalb Council for the Arts, Juried Show


Art in the Homes, Juried Show, Atlanta Flesh, Machine and the New Venus, installation, Club Rio, Atlanta Mattress Factory Show, Atlanta Dekalb Council for the Arts, Juried Show A Political Art Show, National Juried Show, The Peasant Building, Atlanta


Mattress Factory, Show, Atlanta


South Carolina Friends of the Arts, Juried Show, Spartanburg, SC


Artists in Georgia, University of Georgia Museum of Art, Athens South Carolina Friends of the Arts, Juried Show, Spartanburg


One-Person Show, World Trade Club, Atlanta


“Keiger Exhibit Invites an Escape from Reality,” Art Review by Felicia Feaster, December 13, 2013, Atlanta Journal Constitution.

Nashville Arts Magazine, September 2011. Cover photo and Spotlight, “The Arts Company Presents Inside Out: New Paintings by Charles Keiger.”

“Charles Keiger, In the Realm of Possibility,” Nashville Arts Magazine, October 2009, pgs.19-21, by Katie Sulkowski. Charles Keiger’s painting “Blackberries” is featured on the front cover of the October, 2009 issue of Nashville Arts Magazine.

“American Gothic: Charles Keiger puts the drama in painting.” Creative Loafing, March 3-March 9, 2005 pg. 46, Felicia Feaster.

“Our Picks: Top Emerging Artists”, Art & Antiques, February 2005, Edward M. Gomez.

“Neat Things on View Around Town”, Atlanta Journal Constitution, 2003, Catherine Fox

New American Paintings, 2002/2003 Southern Competition Winner, Boston, MA

“Places of Their Own”, Atlanta Homes and Lifestyles, September 2002, Suzanne Wright

“Charles Keiger” Women in the Arts, Winter 2000, by Omnese Campbell

“At Timothy Tew, a Trio of Outlooks” Atlanta Journal Constitution, 2000, Jerry Cullum

“Balancing Act, The Art of Charles Keiger” Museums and Galleries, Atlanta, March/April 1997, cover, page 18-19.

“Subtle Touches Render Plants a Powerful Subject for Study” Atlanta Journal Constitution, 1993, Jerry Cullum

A Leading Atlanta Contemporary Art Gallery since 1987 425 Peachtree Hills Avenue, #24 / Atlanta, GA 30305 / 404 869 0511 / WWW.TEWGALLERIES.COM since 1987

“North Star” 2016 oil on wood 18 “ x 17” 24” x 23” framed